Отправляет email-рассылки с помощью сервиса Sendsay

Xammep's Links: найдено в сети

Привет, All!

The Bat! is now available from

Here is a short list of changes:
[-] (#0003912) Filter in virtual folders, based on Comment field,
doesn't work
[-] (#0003966) Filtering on color does not appear to work
[-] (#0002601) Incoming message filters are not processed
[-] (#0003928) NFS does not distinguish between To and CC header fields
[-] (#0003922) Filters update problem when changing folder names
[-] (#0003766) The chosen VF does not show new messages in the list
after receive of mail
[*] VF: start up
[*] Windows Editor has been significantly reworked

Ответить   NetVamp Wed, 27 Oct 2004 20:14:11 +0300 (#251969)