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Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Hello! Today we suggest you to read a part from the presentation of a new product (a presenter is speaking to an audience. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I'm going to be talking this morning about a new product which we are planning to launch in two months' time. It's called LIKE-IT. It's a lemon-flavored drink. As you remember we stopped producing lemonade two years ago. Now we are offering a drink with an improved flavor, packaging and design. We have changed the label and the slogan. Besides, the d...

2013-08-27 17:29:21 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Good afternoon dear readers! For your attention today a part of a speech at a conference "Car production rises. Output of cars in the UK continues to rise steadily, with an increase of 5.4 per cent exceeding the first month figures. The latest figures mean that production in the first two months of this year is running more than 9 per cent above the equivalent period of 2011. Output for export continued to climb as a result of higher sales outside Britain by BMW's Rover offshoot and by the three Japanese c...

2013-08-20 18:02:23 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Hello dear readers! Here's an excerpt from dialogue "Negotiations. Mr. Brown: Good morning, Mr. Sanders. I am very happy to be here today and see you at last after so many telephone contacts. Mr. Sanders: I am very happy to see you too. Take a seat, please. Would you like some coffee or tea? Mr. Brown: No, thank you. I don't want to take too much of your time. Let's get down to business. Mr. Sanders: Good. What question would you like to discuss then? Mr. Brown: Well, you see, Mr. Sanders, we are satisfied...

2013-08-13 18:34:56 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Good afternoon! A business talk for your attention today. Alex: Good morning, Mr. Adams. I am very glad to see you here in Moscow. Ben: I am happy to have a chance to see you too, Alex. I just wanted to thank you for the goods we received from your company last month. They are of high quality. Alex: We were sure they would meet your requirements. Ben: I also wanted to thank you for the speedy delivery. We appreciated that very much. Alex: We usually try to satisfy all the requests of our customers if we ca...

2013-08-06 18:24:58 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Good morning dear readers! Some new professional terms that will help you in your everyday business activity. forward contract (deal) форвардный контракт: соглашение о купле-продаже товара, иностранной валюты или финансового инструмента с поставкой и расчетом в будущем. private limited partnership частное товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью (США: инвестиционное товарищество, которое не зарегистрировано в Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржам и имеет не более 35 членов с ограниченной ответственностью...

2013-07-30 07:20:39 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Good afternoon! Today the main point of our attention goes to secretaries. There are two types of secretaries: company secretaries and private secretaries (or personal assistants of executives, or EAs (executive assistants, or AAs (administrative assistants. Every company and corporation is required, under the law, to have a company secretary. In the case of private companies the directors are free to appoint any suitable person for this position. But in the case of public companies the company secretary m...

2013-07-23 07:45:00 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Good afternoon dear readers! Our issue is dedicated to professional terminology. closed economy "закрытая" экономика: самодостаточная экономическая система, при которой все производство и потребление имеет внутренний характер и нет экспорта и импорта. closing points "пункты" при закрытии: сумма, уплачиваемая при окончательном подписании ипотечного кредита для повышения эффективной ставки последнего. mooch 1) обозначение возможного клиента, которому по телефону рекламируют определенную инвестиционную схему,...

2013-07-16 16:28:58 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Good afternoon! Today we talk about corporations in the USA. Corporations are a popular form of business in the United States of America. A corporation is owned by persons, called stockholders. The stockholders usually have certificates showing the number of shares which they own. Each stockholder is liable only for the amount of his investment in the business. The stockholders elect a director or directors to operate the corporation. Most corporations are closed corporations, with only a few stockholders....

2013-07-09 17:12:16 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Hello dear readers! The point of our attention today is various forms of business correspondence. Correspondence is an essential part of business. In spite of telephone, telegraphic, faximile and e-mail communication, the writing of letters continues. In fact most important communications have to be confirmed in writing. Every letter should be laconic, precise, to the point and positive. Letters are written on various occasions and on various subject matters. Many business letters are connected with establ...

2013-07-02 18:49:04 + Комментировать

Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Good morning! Business transactions usually start with enquiries which potential buyers send to potential sellers. As a rule buyers get the name and address of the sellers either at an exhibition or from an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine, or thanks to a television or radio commercial. All these channels of information and advertising are very important for business. Enquiries are sent by mail, by fax or by e-mail. Sometimes enquiries are made orally, by telephone. In the enquiry the potential buy...

2013-06-25 10:13:21 + Комментировать

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