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English: The Best

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English: The Best

Выпуск 173 от 02.09.2013

English: The Best

Дорогие друзья! Примите поздравления с Днем Знаний! К этому дню на сайте english-thebest.ru создан новый раздел "Скороговорки".

Как известно, Некоторые звуки английского языка очень специфичны и требуют особого внимания. Если Вы хотите отшлифовать свое произношение, используйте английские скороговорки.
Скороговорки помогут научиться говорить "чисто", увеличится скорость и четкость речи.

Далее в выпуске:

1. «The woman in White" Lesson 189

She gave me the letter. It began abruptly, without any preliminary form of address, as follows--

"Do you believe in dreams? I hope, for your own sake, that you do. See what Scripture says about dreams and their fulfilment (Genesis xl. 8, xli. 25; Daniel iv. 18-25), and take the warning I send you before it is too late.

"Last night I dreamed about you, Miss Fairlie. I dreamed that I was standing inside the communion rails of a church--I on one side of the altar-table, and the clergyman, with his surplice and his prayer-book, on the other.

"After a time there walked towards us, down the aisle of the church, a man and a woman, coming to be married. You were the woman. You looked so pretty and innocent in your beautiful white silk dress, and your long white lace veil, that my heart felt for you, and the tears came into my eyes.

"They were tears of pity, young lady, that heaven blesses and instead of falling from my eyes like the everyday tears that we all of us shed, they turned into two rays of light which slanted nearer and nearer to the man standing at the altar with you, till they touched his breast. The two rays sprang ill arches like two rainbows between me and him. I looked along them, and I saw down into his inmost heart.


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2. Expressions

I made a break with him.

Я порвала с ним.

На сегодня все!

Другие материалы по изучению английского языка

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