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Американский английский Американский английский (issue 12)

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Американский английский (issue 12)


Hi всем тем, кто хочет выучить язык, на котором говорит весь мир!
Не будем напрягать Вас заумными правилами.
Проверено на личном опыте. Если чем-то сможем помочь - будем рады.

В нашей рассылке:
comparative word usage - сравнительное словоупотребление ( american / english )
tendency - использование грамматических конструкций
american idioms - рассматриваем устойчивые словосочетания
question - вы спрашиваете - мы отвечаем
slang - слэнг-диалоги
neologism - письменные сокращения как порождение всемирной урбанизации
article - читам американскую периодику
Время от времени будут высылаться тесты. Не стесняйтесь задавать вопросы!


american british russian
Thermos bottle Flask Термос
Truck Lorry Грузовик
Vacation Holiday Отпуск, каникулы
Baggage Luggage Багаж
Department Faculty Факультет


Различия в орфографии:

– our в британском английском передается сочетанием– or в американском варианте:
honour - honor, colour - color, labour - labor, humour – humor и т.д.

– s в БА соответствует – z в АА:
organize - organize, analyse - analyze и т.д.

– re используется в БА в отличие от – er в АА:
theatre - theater, center - center, metre -meter и т.д.

ll в БА соответствует – l в АА:
travelled - traveled, traveller - traveler, woollen - woolen и т.д.

– ce в БА передается сочетанием – se в АА:
defence - defense, pretence - pretense, offence - offense и т.д.

– y используется в БА в отличие от – i в АА:
tyre - tire , syphon - siphon и т.д.


safe and sound - целый и невредимый
I'm so happy to see you safe and sound.
Я так счастлив видеть Вас целым и невредимым.


У «Electric Light Orchestra» есть фраза out of blue. Что это значит? У меня получается как конец не то печали, не то какой-то голубизны..

Max, г. Новороссийск

AE : оut of blue – устойчивый фразеологический оборот, не имеющий ничего общего ни с грустью, ни с печалью, ни с голубизной вообще. Он переводится как «гром среди ясного неба» или же как «снег на голову». Короче ,как что-то неожиданное, без предупреждения и без спросу нагрянувшее.

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Поступили письма-пожелания обозревать американский слэнг. Рассматриваем на примере диалогов.

At the Movies (continued)
Chris and Lisa are seated in the movie theater waiting for Steve to arrive.

Dialogue in slang

Translation of dialogue in standard English

You said it. That's the last straw. The guy lies like a rug. I dunno why we've put up with him for this long. I'm telling you, if I run into him tomorrow, I'm reading him the riot act. This time, he blew it big time. Man, I'm gonna have a field day with him.

I agree. That's all I can tolerate. The man always lies. I don't know why we've tolerated him for this long. I'm telling you, if I inadvertently encounter him tomorrow, I'm reprimanding him. This time, he made a big mistake. Man, I'm going to have a great time yelling at him.

Try not to lose your cool too much. One thing's for sure. It'll be a cold day in hell before we invite him to the movies again. By the way, do you even know what this movie's about?

Try not to lose your temper too much. One thing is certain. We'll never invite him to the movies again. Incidentally, do you even know what this movie's about?

All I know is that the critics panned it. They all said the star kept blowing his lines. But you can always count on one thing...if a critic thinks a movie's a bomb, it'll be a smash hit.

All I know is that the critics criticized it harshly. They all said the star kept making mistakes saying his lines. But you can always depend on one thing... if a critic thinks a movie is a bad production, it'll be a huge success.


Конечно. Дальше уже некуда. Парень совсем заврался. Не знаю, чего мы с ним цацкались так долго. Говорю тебе, если я выйду на него завтра, я разберусь с ним по полной программе. На этот раз он поймет, что сделал ошибку. Ну, дорогой мой, я задам ему перцу.

Ты особенно-то не расходись. Одно знаю точно. Скорее рак на горе свистнет, чем я опять пойду с ним в кино. Кстати, ты хоть знаешь о чем этот фильм?

Все что я знаю, это то, что его раскритиковали в пух и прах . Писали, что главный актер даже путает слова своей роли . Ну, ты же знаешь, что всегда следует полагаться только на одну вещь: если критики говорят, что фильм хреновый , публика наверняка попрет валом на него.

Все возникающие вопросы не стесняйтесь направлять прямо по Email: admin@corpsmedia.com



thru - through
Videorazzi - video + paparazzi


The New York Times
Its 'Operation Web Snare' brings in or charges 150 people

WASHINGTON The Justice Department has announced that more than 150 people have been arrested, charged or convicted in the past three months in a crackdown on criminal activity on the Internet. The cases, involving credit card fraud, corporate espionage and other offenses, are part of what the department called Operation Web Snare.

The sweep was conducted by 37 offices of the FBI, 13 divisions of the Postal Inspection Service and other federal and local agencies. Investigators have identified more than 150,000 victims of Internet crime with losses totaling more than $215 million.

"This is a series of cases that is designed to signal that we do not believe the Internet to be off base for law enforcement," Attorney General John Ashcroft said at a news conference on Thursday.

Some cases involved the sending of junk e-mail, known as spam, and a form of online identity theft known as phishing. But many of them involved use of the Internet by companies seeking an advantage over competitors.

In one unusual case, the chief executive of a company that resold satellite television systems was indicted on charges of hiring hackers to set up online attacks that interfered with rivals' Web sites. The executive, Jay Echouafni of Orbit Communication, is said to have left the country and is being pursued in what the department called "an international manhunt led by the FBI."

In another case cited by the Justice Department, Robert McKimmey, who was identified as the chief technology officer of Business Engine, pleaded guilty in federal court in San Francisco in July to charges of stealing trade secrets from a rival software company, Niku, by breaking into its computers.

EBay, the online auction site, continued to be a fertile ground for fraud, the department said. In one case it described, a California man named Jie Dong built a record of satisfied customers, reflected in the widely used "feedback" ratings on the site, by selling $150,000 of merchandise at low prices, according to a criminal complaint filed in Los Angeles last week. But last autumn, he allegedly sold $800,000 of goods, like DVD players and digital cameras, to 5,000 people and never delivered the products. He, too, is said to have fled the country, but the government says it has located and frozen $280,000 that it says are stolen funds.

Packaging a variety of disparate cases as a "sweep" has a number of beneficial effects for a law enforcement agency, said Paul Luehr, a former official of the Federal Trade Commission and now a vice president of Stroz Friedberg, a consulting firm. Luehr said it was notable that so many of the cases that the Justice Department had highlighted involved the cooperation of law enforcement agencies overseas. Many Internet crimes involve webs of people and machines around the globe, and it has often been difficult for American authorities to get their overseas counterparts to cooperate.

At the news conference, Ashcroft mentioned cooperation with Nigeria , which has been the source of a number of e-mail-based scams. The best-known of these are e-mail messages that claim to be from deposed African leaders or their family members, offering large sums of money as a lure to get bank account information from the victim.


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