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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 29

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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 29
Время везде - UTC. Чтобы получить летнее московское время, нужно прибавить 4
часа, а зимнее - 3 часа. Архив предыдущих номеров можно найти здесь: www.worlddx.narod.ru.


13685 kHz,22mb,CVC music and talk in English,1207 UTC
(Henry Umadhay, Philippines - CumbreDX 1207)

5025, 21:57,ABC-Northern Territory, Entrevista telef., Ingles,23222
(Antonio Madrid, Espana - NoticiasDX 996)

9780 Khz, 31mb KNLS was heard loud and clear 1200 UTC with interference from
chinese station.
(Henry Umadhay, Philippines, Bacolod City - CumbreDX 1207)

15476 LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Antartica Esperanza,
2022-2042,  August 03, Spanish.
Local songs selection(national rock). Complete ID by male at 2042 as:
"Transmite LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, en la frecuencia de 15476
desde la Base Esperanza". 25442(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 32, 5)

11965 Star Radio via AScensi?n relay station, 2100-2110, August 03, English,
s/on with tribal song, announcement by male and bulletin news.
Local and regional news by female. Two ID's as:
"This is Star Radio" & "You are listening to bulletin news of Star Radio-Liberia",
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 32, 5)

11965, ASCENSION ISLAND, Star Radio, 2105-2130, August
1, English, Int'l news headlines. Full ID at 2110
followed by Liberian futbol news until 2130 then
"Messages" prg. Fair/good listening in USB.
(Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

7105 R.Belarus,escuchada el 2 de Agosto,20:46-20:50,
en bielorruso, locutora con ID "Radio Belarusia",locutor
con boletin de noticias, referencias a "Belarusia",
SINPO 44433.(Jose Miguel Romero, Espana - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

4985 - радио "Бразил Централ". Впервые в этом сезоне удалось принять эту
станцию, которая проходит традиционно чаще и лучше других латиноамериканских
станций. Приём был крайне слабый, но сигнал однозначно присутствовал, и можно
было распознать эмоциональную бразильскую речь.
(Владимир Коваленко, Томск - open_dx 833)

5030 - Радио Буркина на французском принимается значительно хуже, чем
Экваториальная Гвинея на 5005. Вещание заканчивается в 24.00.
(Владимир Коваленко, Томск - open_dx 833)

Soul Vaccination" by Tower of Power caught my
attention as it's part of that funk jazz you hardly
listen in any regular station, wether F.M. (unless be
a crazy guy like me in my show in Costa Rica's Super
Radio 102.3) or short wave. Well, Africa #1 was
playing it at 0730 Aug. 4 while I happened to pass
around 9580 with weak but audible signal, half an hour
before Radio Australia takes its place on that
channel.No opening by that time on the 16m. for Gabon, altho
19 m. was awakening and Nigeria was there with French
and very weak signal. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 505) 

3975 R Budapest at 0314 w/IDs, IS. Haven't heard this freq for awhile. 7 August.
(Liz Cameron, Michigan - CumbreDX 1213)

4915 - Радио-1 из Ганы. Принимается удовлетворительно. 7 июля вещание
закончилось в 23.58.(Владимир Коваленко, Томск - open_dx 833)

6190, GERMANY, Deutschlandfunk, 0153-0211, August 2,
German, Very nice mix of classical music, YL b/w
selections. ID at 0200 then news until music resumed
at 0205. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-Intervale, NH - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

6220, Mystery Radio, 0403 31 July.
Continuous pop mx, but t-storm static way too much
and overwhelmed fair signal (Jerry Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1207).

6165, ZAMBIA, ZBC, *0249+, August 2, Vernacular, "Fish
Eagle" IS into choral music. Not // w/ 4910 which was
noted as early as 0240 with same format. Poor.
4910-booming. (Scott Barbour Jr-Intervale, NH - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

3223 - ВИР. Прохождение на анзиких частотах неважное, приём обычно
удовлетворительный. 19 июня окончание вещания отмечено в 17.40, после
новостей из Дели на английском и хинди и небольшого объявления. За время
наблюдения постоянно присутствовал постоянный тональный сигнал частотой 1,8
кГц и переменный от 2,3 кГц в 17.05 до 3,8 кГц в 17.40. Не совсем понятно,
чем эти сигналы вызваны. После отключения передатчика оба пропали, но
появился другой переменный - начавшийся на 1,9 кГц. Возможно, это
особенности приёмника. (Владимир Коваленко, Томск, Россия - open_dx 833)

3365 - ВИР. 18 июня окончание вещания отмечено в 18.35 после новостей на
английском в 18.30 и короткого объвления на хинди.
(Владимир Коваленко, Томск - open_dx 833)

4760 - ВИР из Порт-Блэра. 3 июля вещание закончилось в 17.30 после
идентификации "Акашвани Порт-Блэр" в 17.29.
(Владимир Коваленко, Томск - open_dx 833)

4850 - ВИР из Кохимы. 18 июля в 13.30 отмечена идентификация "Акашвани
Кохима" (с ударением на последнем слоге), а передача закончилась в 14.03.
(Владимир Коваленко, Томск - open_dx 833)

4950 - Радио Кашмира. Одна из немногих индийских станций, начало утреннего
вещания которой можно уверенно принимать. 24 июля позывного не было, в 00.25
просто пропели "Ванде маатарам" и начали передачу.
(Владимир Коваленко, Томск - open_dx 833)

11530 Dengue Mesopotamia,escuchada el 31 de Julio,
12:00-12:10,en kurdo, locutor con comentarios,ID y 
direccion web,m?sica pop local y folklorica,
SINPO 34322.

11530 Dengue Mesopotamia,escuchada el 4 de Agosto,
14:02-14:10,en Kurdo locutor con comentarios y referencias
a la democracia,cu?a de identificaci?n "Dengue Mesopotamia"
con m?sica,programa de m?sica pop local,SINPO 44433.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Espana - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

7480 R.BAYEM-E Doost,escuchada el 3 de Agosto, 18:07-
18:20,en farsi, locutora con ID y Email,locutor con
comentarios,m?sica folklorica local,SINPO 43443.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Espana - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

7590 USB AFRTS,escuchada el 3 de Agosto,21:32-21:36,
locutor y locutora en ingles con comentarios,SINPO 55433.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Espana - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

11910 kHz,REE Radio Exterior  de Espana was heard with news in Spanish,1204 UTC
(Henry Umdhay, Philippines - CumbreDX 1207)

6110 RAI,escuchada el 31 de Julio,21:11-21:20,en
espa?ol,sintonia e ID "RAI Internacional,programa
en espa?ol para Europa",locutor con boletin de
noticias,musica pop,SINPO 44433.(Jose Miguel Romero, Espana - hard-core-dx 32,

5102 - "Голос свободного Кашмира". 24 июня передача закончилась в 14.33.
(Владимир Коваленко, Томск - open_dx 833)

9170 China National Radio 6,21:45-21:50, en chino
locutor con comentarios en programa con musica coral,
SINPO 34332(Jose Miguel Romero, Espana - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

Вчера (01/08) в 2100+ UTC было принято Star Radio из Либерии, Монровия.
В эфире были всемирные и локальные новости, новости спорта и беседа об окружающей
среде. Приём был отличным. (Иван Лебедевский)

I wasn't looking for it but scanning on 31 m. at 0735,
suddenly I heard on 9525 that characteristic
"English-like-patois" and as it couldn?t be coming
from Puerto Limon, I said to myself this got to be
Africa. O.K. it was Star Radio with an interview to an
almost crying woman, complaining about milk and food.
Later some sports issues were mention. SINPO 25442.
(Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 505)

I heard this loud and clear here at 0800+ but with a tentative ID.
SINPO 43544-some unid local interference. Thanks for your log.
(Liz Cameron, Michigan, USA - dxldyg 505)

Como ya lo hemos anunciado en la radiodifusion en Onda Corta se van 
produciendo cambios importantes. Desaparecio el programa “La Gran Yamahiria”

y solo se ha quedado la emisora “La Voz del Africa”. Es bastante probable 
que ya no se utilicen transmisores en Francia sino unicamente tales 
emplazados en Libia. Algunas de las frecuencias libias tradicionales son: 
11635, 15615, 15660,17695, 21675, 21695 kilohercios entre otras. Las 
emisiones mas estables son dos: una desde las 13.00 hasta las 14.00 horas en

idioma ingles, frecuencias de 31675 y 21695 kilohercios, y la otra, desde 
las 16:00 hasta las 17:00 horas, en frances, frecuencia de 15660 y 17695 
kilohercios.(Dino Bloise - playdx2003 710)

4845, 21:59, ORTV Mauritania, Alcoran, Arabe,43333
(Antonio Madrid, Espana - NoticiasDX 996)

12060 Radio Nile at 0429 w/Auld Lane Syne. News, mentions of SPLA. Political
commentary at 0440. All English tonight. At 0444 lovely sub Saharan chant. Excellent
signal, slighlty weaker //15320.
(Liz Cameron, USA - CumbreDX 1208)

5964.92 RTVM 1224-1240. Song by Chicago, then a few
Indian-flavored pop songs; M ancr spoke briefy in BM at 1234. Fair
signal. (John Wilkins 8/4, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1211)

6044.93 R. Universidad 1256-1307. Semi-classical mx with a flute
solo; ads or anmts from 1258-1301, with possibly an ID couched in there
somewhere; a piano concerto followed. Signal was almost fair today but
still tough copy. (John Wilkins 8/4, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1211)

5005 - Радио Непала. Вещание начинается в 23.15. 11 июля замечено, что
непальский передатчик включился для прогрева буквально через пару секунд
после того, как пропал отключился сигнал из Экваториальной Гвинеи. Частота
не пустует, но передачи не перекрываются
(Владимир Коваленко, Томск - open_dx 833)

5054.6V Faro del Caribe??

Today 4th August,I received Un-id stn on 5054.6VkHz around 1000-1200UTC.
With a misfortune, receiving state was not so good because of some QRM
and very slight modulation. So I was able to check some Spanish words
only. Is it Faro del Caribe? Aren't someone known? (Kenji Takasaki, Mie, Japan
- hard-core-dx 32, 6)

6160, NEWFOUNDLAND, CKZN, 0215-0228, August 2,
English, Relay of CBC Radio 1 prg. "Northern Lights"
with classical music featuring the Oboe. YL b/w
selections and full ID at 0227. Fair/good.
(Scott Barbour Jr-NH, Intervale - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

11570 R.Pakistan,escuchada el 4 de Agosto,13:51-
14:01, escuchada con se?al muy debil,cantos folkloricos
pakistanies,tonos horarios,locutora con boletin de
noticias,escuchada en idioma vernacular,SINPO 34322.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Espana - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
Wantok Radio Light. 7120khz at 0900utc. 
This one always audible here at varying levels but quite strong on many occasions.
(Ian Cattermole, New Zealand - CumbreDX 1211)

9737 R.Nac.del Paraguay(SP) 19/7/2005 0830-0858b/out 33333
Talk and musics. ID'Radio Nacional del Paraguay' at 0857
(Hitoshi Sugio, Japan - CumbreDX 1208)

6020.25 Radio Victoria at 0805 in Spanish w/the usual preacher.
(Liz Cameron, Michgan - CumbreDX 1211)

12.00    15,345 MHz    BSKSA    SINPO: 45544    позывные, начало программы
на урду
12.02    15,585 MHz    Radio Exterior de Espana    SINPO: 45554    на
испанском языке
12.20-12.24    17,575 MHz    China Radio International    SINPO: 35543
программа на русском языке
12.30    15,225 MHz    Radio Veritas Asia    SINPO: 45544    филипинская
16.45    9,515 MHz    Всемирное радио KBS    SINPO: 35533    программа на
русском языке
16.48    10,330 MHz    AIR New Delhi    SINPO: 35533    индийские песни и
объявления на хинди
16.51    11,545 MHz    Voice of Korea    SINPO: 45544    песни о Ким Чен
Ире, программа на английском языке :-)
16.58-17.01    15,100 MHz    Radio Pakistan    SINPO: 45544    позывные и
началась программа на урду
(Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск, Тюменская обл. - open_dx 837)

Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean. 12065khz at 0835utc.
Weak but clear in Russian. Off at 0900utc. First time I have managed to hear
this one.
(Ian Cattermole, New Zealand - CumbreDX 1211)

9450 R.Rossii,escuchada el 3 de Agosto,19:04-19:10,
locutor en ruso con boletin de noticias, corresponal,
ID "Radio Rossii",m?sica de sintonia,SINPO 43432.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Espana - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

3240 at 0305 in Shona, as per sked. Music. Good signal.
7 August.(TWR)
--4774.98 TWR at 0405 in German. German hymns. Good signal. Usually not off freq,
or maybe I haven't paid attention before. 7 August.(Liz Cameron, Michigan - CumbreDX

11600 R.Slovaquia Int.,escuchada el 4 Agosto,14:30-14:56,
emisi?n en espa?ol con boletin de noticias y programa de
lectura de cartas de los oyentes,segmentos de musica
pop local,ID, locutoras,SINPO 54454(Jose Miguel Romero, Espana - hard-core-dx
32, 7)

Соломоновы о-ва
SIBC 5019.88. Honiara presumed with a BBC program on
sports technology; report on a high-energy juice product. Fair signal.
(John Wilkins 8/4, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1211)

9505 R.Fard?,escuchada el 3 de Agosto,19:16-19:25,
locutor en fars? con ID "A Radio Fard?",programa de
m?sica pop local, cu?as de la emisora,SINPO 54444.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Espana - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

9455 R.Free Asia,escuchada el 3 de Agosto,19:10-19:15,
emisi?n en mandarin, locutora con entrevista a una
invitada, sufre fuerte Jammer de China,SINPO 33432.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Espana - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

Радио Мир (Radio Peace)

4750 (old) is 1kw focused on Southern Sudan.
5895 (NEW) is 2.5kw focused on Nuba and the North.
(George Maroti - DXPlorer via Владимир Титарев, Кременчуг, Украина - open_dx

Goverment station in Omdurman:
работает похоже ОДИН передатчик (100 квт):
0300-0830 7200
1500-2100 9505
(обе можно принимать ежедневно в Украине)

Стоит наблюдать за зарезервированными на А05 Суданом
0830-1500 11835 / 15170 кгц
(Тарек Зейдан, Каир, Египет через Владимира Титарева, Кременчуг - open_dx 838)

6765U Bangkok Meteological R.(Thailand,TH/EG) 15/7/2005 1257-1310
33232 Weather forecasts. ID 'This is Bangkok Meteological Radio.' at 1307
(Hitoshi Sugio, Japan - CumbreDX 1208)

15225 V.O.Turkey(TK) 7/10 0358-0500 33333
News, and then musics. ID'T.R.T.Radyosu' at 0430
(Hitohi Sugio, Japan - CumbreDX 1208)

5060, 21:45, R.Tashkent-Tashkent,com.de pakistan, Ingles,34333 >OIDA HASTA AYER
EN 5025khz ??
(Antonio Madrid, Espana - NoticiasDX 996)

3279.53 LV del Napo at 0753 in Spanish. Henry Mancini type music.
Moderate signal. 4 August.(Liz Cameron, Michigan, USA - CumbreDX 1211)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005 - Радио Бата из Экваториальной Гвинеи на испанском языке принимается в
июле очень хорошо, особенно ближе к концу вещания в 23.00.
(Владимир Коваленко, Томск - open_dx 833)

5005 Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, Bata, 2050-2058, August 03, Vernacular,
afro-pops and short announcements by male in vernacular, 24442
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 32, 5)

Южная Африка
3345 - "Канал Африка" на английском принята 25 июня в 21.30 с оценкой 353.
Очень хороший приём 17 июля, передача закончилась в 21.59.
(Владимир Коваленко, Томск - open_dx 833)

Channel Africa. 
15440khz at 0630utc. Quite good in English with programme of reports of economic
etc events in South Africa.
(Ian Cattermole, New Zealand - CumbreDX 1211) 

1590 Aug 4 0355-0402 Peru: OAZ4Z Radio Agricultura, Lima. Light music
and "Radio Agricultura Lima" ID. Weak signal.(Barry Davies, UK - hard-core-dx
32, 5)

17.01    1026 kHz    Голос России-Содружество    SINPO: 35553    новости
17.09    1107 kHz    UNID    SINPO: 35543    OM и YL читали новости на языке
похожем на татарский
17.11    1188 kHz    IRIB или Radio Payam    SINPO: 25542    на фарси
17.16    1521 kHz    China Radio International    SINPO: 35543    программа
на русском языке
17.17    1548 kHz    Deutsche Welle    SINPO: 35553    на немецком языке
17.19    1575 kHz    Radio Farda    SINPO: 25542    арабская поп-музыка
(Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск, Тюменская обл - open_dx 837)

>17.09    1107 kHz    UNID    SINPO: 35543    OM и YL читали новости на языке
>похожем на татарский

Народное Радио из Самары  (зимой слышал здесь очень громко, на многих
языках, если память не изменяет, на украинском тоже - Владимир Титарев, Украина
- open_dx 838)

Украинское радио возобновило вещание через передатчик в

4 августа 2005 г.
(Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь, Украина, Крым - open_dx 837)

Logs from 30.7.05 09.58-10.00 and 12.40-13.27
90,30 CZE Express Radio
87,50 ??? FM1,
88,00 D R.Eurohertz
90,30 SVN R.Val
88,00 I R.Birikina
87,50 I R.Subasio
(Roger Granholm, Maxmo, Finland - FM 11, 3)

And the story continues, even getting a bit boring. Another OIRT band opening
today on Tuesday 2 August 2005. Time of reception was 08.00 - 09.15 UTC. Local
time is UTC plus 2 hours.

August 2, 2005
Sporadic E Logs:
66.05 RUS Radio Rossii                 Pskov (ps)
66.20 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica            Homyel'
66.32 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1         Pinsk
66.35 RUS Radio Shanson                Smolensk (sm)
66.74 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura         Ushachy
66.86 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica            Myadzyel/Telyaki
66.98 BLR BR Radyjo Ekspres            Homyel'
67.10 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura         Pinsk
67.13 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak         Yartsevo-Smogiri (sm)
67.25 RUS Radio Pilot                  Velikiye Luki (ps)
67.37 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1         Brahin
67.64 BLR BR Radyjo Vitsyebsk          Myadzyel/Telyaki
67.85 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1         Obukhovo
67.88 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica            Pinsk
68.30 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura         Brahin
68.30 BLR BR Radyjo Vitsyebsk          Ushachy
68.39 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura         Geranony
68.45 BLR BR Radyjo Ekspres            Zhlobin
68.54 RUS Radio Rossii                 Smolensk (sm)
68.57 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak         Pskov (ps)
68.69 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1         Myadzyel/Telyaki
68.84 BLR Radyjo BA                    Minsk/Kalodziscy
68.96 RUS Radio Rossii                 Yartsevo-Smogiri (sm)
69.08 BLR BR Radyjo Brest              Pinsk
69.11 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica            Brahin
69.14 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak         Velikiye Luki (ps)
69.23 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak         ??, not Kudymkar, Dimitrovgrad is unlikely,
          at the same time only Velikiye Luki was audible
69.26 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica            Geranony
69.68 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1         Zhlobin
69.92 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1         Brahin
70.04 RUS Radio Rossii                 Shvedchiki (br)
70.10 BLR BR Radyjo Mahilio?           Mahilio?/Polykovichi
70.31 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura         Myadzyel/Telyaki
70.43 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura         Minsk
70.55 RUS Radio Rossii                 Unecha (br)
70.61 RUS Avtoradio - Narodnaya Marka  Velikiy Novgorod (no)
70.91 RUS Radio Rossii                 Roslavl' (sm)
70.94 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica            Ushachy
71.03 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura         Zhlobin
71.09 RUS Radio Vesna                  Smolensk (sm)
71.18 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica            Mahilio?/Polykovichi
71.33 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1         Minsk
71.54 BR Radyjo Hrodna                 Geranony
71.69 RUS BR 2 - Kanal Kultura         Asipovichy
71.81 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica            Zhlobin
71.90 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak         Shvedchiki (br)
71.96 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura         Mahilio?/Polykovichi
72.17 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak         Unecha (br)
72.32 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1         Geranony
72.65 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1         Ushachy
72.74 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1         Mahilio?/Polykovichi
72.89 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica            Minsk
72.95 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak         Velikiy Novgorod (no)
(Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - FM 11, 3)

My logs for Sunday 31 July 05. Quite a good opening, at one time Spain and
Italy battling it out together on some frequencies.

08:09 87.70 F226 RIRE&_ Nice F
15:29 87.90 537B ARCOBALE Monte Cammarata I
15:33 87.70 E2EC KISSFM__ Jerez de la Frontera E
15:42 87.70 5264 *RDS*_ Punta Badde Urbara I
15:50 94.90 5201 RAdIo1__ Monte Pellegrino I
15:59 94.90 Bou-Kournine TUN
16:01 87.50 5220 R_ITALIA Monte Vesuvio I
16:03 92.00 7202 RTCI____ Zaghouhan TUN
16:03 90.10 5215 CENTOUNO Monte Cavo I
16:04 92.40 5317 __HIT___ Roccasecca dei Volsci I
16:05 87.90 E504 SI_RADIO Unknown E
16:06 87.50 51CC R.MARIA_ Sant'Antioco I
16:06 87.75 522A MARGHRTA Monte Serra I
16:07 87.60 7205 RG-Tatao Zarzis TUN
16:07 107.10 5E84 ANTENNA1 Monte Cavo I
16:08 87.60 E2CF ROCK&GOL Zaragoza E
16:08 107.90 5245 RADIO_24 Monte Cavo I
16:09 87.80 E039 __SER__ Villena E
16:11 87.90 E0A7 CAD-CIEN Pamplona E
16:12 87.60 E2EE ONDACERO Calamocha E
16:13 94.90 E310 R.N-COPE Pamplona E
16:14 91.30 E213 RNE_3___ Monte Canraso E
16:15 91.80 E2EC KISS_FM_ Calatayud E
16:17 87.60 E211 RNE_1___ Castilla-La Mancha E
16:18 91.80 FFFF *RDS*_ Unknown I
16:21 87.80 E310 R.N-COPE Alsasua E
16:25 90.90 E304 EiTB____ Irratia E
16:26 97.50 E1CC R.MARIA_ San Sebastian E
16:28 94.80 D2DE DONOSTIA San Sebastian E
16:31 92.40 E303 E.GAZTEA Bergara-Elosua E
16:32 92.50 E211 RNE__1__ Santa Pola E
16:33 91.30 E212 RNE-CLAS Alcaraz E
16:34 95.00 E301 EUSKADI1 Zaldiaran E
16:35 87.90 E302 EUSKADI2 Monte Herrera E
16:38 87.60 E711 RNE1-CLM Castilla la Mancha E
16:39 90.10 A000 Vasca E
16:40 90.10 E302 EUSKADI2 Yoar E
16:44 88.10 E1E2 __BCN___ Unknown E
16:49 92.00 E08A LP_RADIO Valencia E
16:50 91.80 E211 RNE_1___ Chinchilla E
16:51 93.10 Monte Picayo E
16:55 93.60 E212 RNE-CLAS Chinchilla E
16:56 94.20 E235 CUARENTA Valencia-Alfafar E
16:57 94.50 2035 ACM____ Valencia I
17:02 90.20 51CC R.MARIA_ Serramazzoni I
17:11 97.50 0610 MERID-12 Frascati - Villa Tuscolana I
17:14 87.60 5264 *RDS*_ Piombino I
17:17 88.00 E239 TARANCON Tarancon E
17:19 90.10 5201 RAdIo1__ Toscana I
17:22 92.40 E212 RNE-CLAS Inoges E
17:23 87.60 545F __CAPRI_ Camposauro (BN) I
17:24 90.00 51CC R.MARIA_ Cortona I
17:29 87.70 E2EC KISSFM__ Jerez de la Frontera E
17:31 87.70 8201 ANTENA_1 Serra do Mendro POR
17:38 88.00 E039 __SER__ Unknown E
17:43 87.70 E5ED EUROPAFM Alcala de Henares E
17:49 92.00 E2EE ONDACERO Granada E
17:51 87.50 E0E1 LUTION__ Valdemoro E
17:53 90.00 E2CE CAD-CINC Unknown E
17:58 94.90 E21E M80RADIO Sevilla E
17:59 94.90 E333 R.A.I. Mijas E
18:01 87.60 E396 RCMRADIO Almaden E
18:04 87.60 E2CA __COPE__ Leon E
18:07 87.50 A03C *HR* Huelva E
18:09 88.00 E615 RNE_5___ Punto Humbria E
18:11 91.90 E2CE HUELVA Huelva E
18:12 93.10 E239 __SER___ Costa de la Luz E
18:14 90.20 E0EB ????90.2 Unknown E
18:23 91.30 E2EC KISS_FM_ Badajoz E
18:24 106.70 8332 R_CLUB_P Portalegre POR
18:28 95.20 E211 RNE__1__ Punta Umbria E
18:30 93.50 E274 CAD-DIAL Badajoz E
18:31 92.90 8202 ANTENA_2 Portalegre POR
18:32 92.20 8033 RIBATEJO Azambuja POR
18:33 92.00 8203 COMRCIAL Serra do Mendro POR
18:34 91.80 805F Penafiel POR
18:36 91.80 E035 ??P-??GO Lugo E
18:39 89.70 807F A.Livre_ Abrantes POR
18:42 87.90 8201 ANTENA_1 Lousa POR
18:43 87.70 8201 ANTENA_1 Serra do Mendro POR
18:49 94.90 8201 ANTENA_1 Minheu POR
18:50 96.70 80DB RTAGIDE Abrantes POR
18:53 99.70 840B CIDADE Penacova POR
19:01 87.60 8042 SEIXALFM Seixal POR
19:14 87.60 8094 CARDAL Pombal POR
(William F. Kitching, Telford, UK - skywaves 1613)

Hi William,

> 07:41 87.60 5001 Pescara I
is Radio Speranza,

Here are my tropospheric enhancement logs from the balkans received on
July 28-30 in Vienna.

Loggings 2005 07 28 (0442-0709 UTC)
Freq  PI     PS     ITU  Station
 88.3               HRV Narodni Radio
 88.8 B692          HNG Radio Jam Ajka, (156 km)
 88.9               SCG Radio Beograd 1, (347 km)
 88.9               BIH UNID (tent Radio Ljubic), serbian pop-folk,
(384 km)
 89.7 16BC          HRV Slavonski Radio
 93.3               HRV HRT-HR 1
 93.7               HRV Radio Virovitica, (296 km)
 94.5               HNG Fehervar Radio, (197 km)
 94.9 6341 HRT–HR_1 HRV HRT-HR 1
 95.5               SCG UNID, serbian pop-folk
 96.1 6342 HRT–HR_2 HRV HRT-HR 2, (390 km)
 97.7 6343 HRT–HR_3 HRV HRT-HR 3
 98.3               SCG UNID (tent. Radio Kikinda)
 98.4               SCG Radio Maraton, (429 km)
103.1               BIH BH Radio 1, (362 km)
103.1               SCG Radio B92, (559 km)

Loggings 2005 07 29 (0424-0714 UTC)
Freq  PI     PS     ITU  Station
 88.3               HRV Narodni Radio
 88.8               HNG Radio Jam Ajka, (156 km)
 88.9               SCG Radio Beograd 1, (347 km)
 89.7               HRV Slavonski Radio
 90.5               SCG Radio Novi Sad 2, (436 km)
 91.8               BIH Radio Televizija Tuzlanskog Kantona, (444 km)
 93.3               HRV HRT HR 1, (324 km)
 95.1               SCG Radio Backa Palanka, (405 km)
 95.5               SCG UNID, serbian pop-folk
 95.8               HNG InfoRadio, (218 km)
 97.6               HNG UNID (tent Radio 7), (430 km)
 97.6               SCG Radio Beograd 2, (507 km)
 98.1               HRV HRT HR 2, (324 km)
 98.4               SCG Radio Maraton, (429 km)
 98.6               HNG radiocafe 98.6, (218 km)
 99.7 6342 HRT–HR_2 HRV HRT HR 2, (322 km)
106.2 16BC SL.RADIO HRV Slavonski Radio, (324 km)

Loggings 2005 07 30 (0417-0906 UTC)
Freq  PI     PS     ITU  Station
 88.3               HRV Narodni Radio
 88.9               SCG Radio Beograd 1, (347 km)
 90.4               HRV Narodni Radio, (296 km)
 90.5               SCG Radio Novi Sad 2, (436 km)
 91.7               HRV Radio Koprivnica
 91.8               BIH Radio Televizija Tuzlanskog Kantona, (444 km)
 91.8               HNG MKR, (305 km)
 92.5               SCG Radio Novi Sad 2, (347 km)
 92.6               HNG Juventus Plusz Balaton, (199 km)
 93.3               HRV HRT HR 1, (324 km)
 93.6               HNG Masik Radio, (240 km)
 93.7               HRV Radio Virovitica, (296 km)
 94.5               SCG Radio Beograd 1, (431 km)
 97.6               HNG Radio 7, (430 km), identified
 97.6               SCG Radio Beograd 2, (507 km)
 98.1               HRV HRT HR 2, (324 km)
 98.4               SCG Radio Maraton, (429 km)
 98.6               HNG radiocafe 98.6, (218 km) 
(Gregor, Vienna, Austria - skywaves 1613)

As I mailed earlier that on 28.7.2005 was a strong TrE from the
balkans. From 06.23-06.34 UTC I received a station in serbo-croation
language on 95.5 with S=2-3. There was some QRM from Radio Wien (95.3).
I suppose that this UNID was coming from SCG or BIH.

I posted 2 clips on my web site:

First clip is an advertising (or annoucement?), the second one a
jingle. At the end of advertsing the word "o glas" was several times
spoken. And the jingle sounds like "Slush shumadi srza srbija Radio

I know there are some stations on 95.5 in SCG (Radio As Jedinstvo,
Radio Vidovdan, Radio Vrbas or Trend Radio). But which one of them I
received? (Gregor, Vienna, Austria - skywaves 1613)

07:41 87.60 5001 Pescara I
08:15 87.70 D3C3 MDR_FIGA Chemnitz D
08:40 88.00 E615 RNE_5___ Punto Humbria E
08:41 87.70 8201 ANTENA_1 Serra do Mendro POR
(William F. Kitching, Telford - skywaves 1613)

August 1, 2005
Sporadic E Logs:
67.79 RUS Radio Peterburg              Vyborg (sp)
69.77 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak         Vyborg (sp)
69.80 RUS Yevropa Plyus                Moskva/Ostankino (mo)
70.55 RUS Radio Rossii                 Unecha (br)
70.88 RUS Radio Rossii                 Luga (sp)
72.14 RUS Radio Orfey                  Moskva/Ostankino (mo)
72.17 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak         Unecha (br)
72.44 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak         Luga (sp)
(Janpeter Dijk, Netherlands - skywaves 1613)

R101 began to connect the frequency of Lattemiele in Tuscany and Lazio (25 transmitters).
 Caution that some maintain still the PS of Lattemiele and naturally the PI Tails,
how happens in Rome, on 92.0 MHz: the PS is "LATTEMIELE"...
(Fabrizio Carnevalini, Lazio, Italy - skywaves 1613)

My first Backscatter log!
62.214 Lopik, HOL Via E's with occasional audio on 67.714  1915utc good
peaks! (Tim Bucknall (01/08/05) - skywaves 1613)

I constructed a new loop with plumbers copper pipe and soldered 
corner joints.  This is a little 
heavy so I may go back to the coax construction, however, it is also 
quite solid.

Firstly I tried this at Middleton Top during the early hours of this 
morning.  There was no aparent 
lift, just "normal" conditions.  All the usual French stations were 
there, 88.7, 89.0, 89.2, 89.4, 
89.9, 90.2, 91.5, 94.7 (Bleu Nord), 94.0, 95.4, 98.0, 98.3, 99.6, 
99.9, London stuff and a few 
Belgian and Holland stations.

What was particularly impressive was the additional gain since adding 
an extra 4 inches to each side 
of the loop, making the more resonant across the band.  Excellent 
resilts from stations from the 
south of England.  Even the rarer stuff like Henley-on-Thames and 
Windsor were there, not to mention 
strong signals from Horizon, Fox, LBC, etc.  There was so much extra 
gain that the 6040 was 
suffering overload and there was a strong BBC R2 on 87.5.  I can't 
work out which stations were 
causing this, unless it was just the additional signal from other 
nearby masts up there.  No 
amplifier was used.

The directivity was far better too.

Next - to try the loop at home on the garden, comparing with the FM5.

Firstly, I only had the loop less than half the height of the FM5 and 
the loop was only ten feet 
from the wall of the house, so hardly a fair test, but the results 
were still very impressive.

I received ...

 88.7 Lille
 89.6 Ireland
 92.4 Dover
 92.6 Holland and Pendle Forest
 93.5 Wales
 94.0 Extra Gold, Egem
 95.2 Oxford
 96.7 BCR, Bradford
 99.8 2BR
101.8 - Dover, plus continental, too weak to hear properly
102.6 Fox
103.4 Devon

Again this demonstrates what a superb antenna this is.  A two or 
three element on a DX trip would 
surely work wonders.  I'm trying not to get carried away with my 
views on this aerial but, 
personally, I think it has produced some quite stunning results.
(John Faulkner, UK - skywaves 1613)
World Utility News

13528.0Khz cw  -H- Russian Navy Beacon on 2005-07-02 @ 03:40:10 UTC by Vambo
in Colorado, USA on ZIRC:#wunclub
12981.0Khz dig  inIDed SITOR B with excessive carrier shift >1Khz between start
and stop of burst.  funny on 2005-07-02 @ 03:56:51 UTC by Vambo in Colorado,
USA on ZIRC:#monitor
12220.0Khz usb  unIDed simplex RR QSO on 2005-07-02 @ 06:19:04 UTC by Vambo in
Colorado, USA on ZIRC:#monitor
8176.0Khz usb  Australian marine weather broadcast  weak but readable on 2005-07-02
  06:44:11 UTC 
(Vambo in Colorado, USA - wun 16, 4)

14487.0Khz usb  E5 The Counting Station on 2005-07-31 @ 14:24:33 UTC by crowd-36
in Germany on ZIRC:#wunclub
9200.0Khz usb  ALE Unid Call:111 on 2005-07-31 @ 18:53:06 UTC by crowd-36 in
Germany on ZIRC:#wunclub
7785.0Khz usb  ALE Unid Call:Q7 on 2005-07-31 @ 19:59:14 UTC by crowd-36 in Germany
on ZIRC:#wunclub
11039.0Khz usb  Baudot 50/400 5 letter weather messages on 2005-07-31 @ 20:12:58
UTC by crowd-36 in Germany on ZIRC:#wunclub
11226.0Khz usb  ALE Calls: HAW,CRO,PLA,ICZ,ADW,JDG,IKF,JNR on 2005-07-31 @ 23:15:55
(Crowd-36 in Germany - wun 16, 4)

5.643  at  05.56 Z QF534 contacted re Block from 340 to 380.
6.676  at  06.30 Z  Far East Volmet  
6.624  at  06.32 Z  UnId Aircraft  Male voice to
FeMale controller..re weather and position......
(I have this listed as Air France/Air India, airline
opps, or Iran WW Domestiv Hf...)  Pitty I couldnt get ID 
(Dallas Furrything, South Island, New Zealand - wun 16, 3) 

At 1220 today I was tuning around and the amatuer radio relay
of the Discovery  Shuttle Craft and Mission control was
heard at 30+S9 at my location on 3860 khz. LSB.  They were discussing the 
replacement of the gyroscope on the internaional space station.
Usually here in Maryland the copy is not this good in my location
Very interesting hearing a space walk on SW even though it was a relay.
(Charlie Essex, Maryland - wun 16, 2)

09025 JNR: HF-GCS Salinas 0110 ALE/USB sounding 04/AUG/2005 (IDS)
09025 ICZ: HF-GCS Sigonella 0134 ALE/USB sounding 04/AUG/2005 (IDS)
09025 OFF: HF-GCS Offutt AFB 0137 ALE/USB sounding 04/AUG/2005 (IDS)
09025 PLA: HF-GCS Lajes 0149 ALE/USB sounding 04/AUG/2005 (IDS)
09025 CRO: HF-GCS Croughton 0208 ALE/USB sounding 04/AUG/2005 (IDS)
09025 MCC: USAF McClellan AFB 0213 ALE/USB sounding 04/AUG/2005 (IDS)
09025 ADW: HF-GCS Andrews AFB 0224 ALE/USB sounding 04/AUG/2005 (IDS)
09025 HIK: USAF Hickam AFB 0248 ALE/USB sounding 04/AUG/2005 (IDS)
09025 AED: USAF Elmendorf AFB 0431 ALE/USB sounding 04/AUG/2005 (IDS)
(Ivan Dias, Sorocaba, Brazil - wun 16, 6)

4274.0 Unid: GW Capetowm 1618 GW/Pac  Transmitting (02/Aug/05) (RH2)
6507.0 VTP13.14: IN Vishakhapatnam 1705 rtty 48/983 4LG
(30/Jul/05) (RH2)
7508.0 ZSJ: SAN/Afmet Silvermine 0950 rtty 75/170 Navarea Wx (02/Aug/05)
8191.0 9MR: Malay Navrad 1609 rtty 50/850 5LG - V. Squeaky tones!
(02/Aug/05) (RH2)
8429.5 NMO: USCG Honolulu 0830 cw/arq  Marker (04/Aug/05) (RH2)
8462.0 Unid: Unid 1625 rtty? 100/700 Crypto (02/Aug/05) (RH2)
13444.2 RFQP: FF Jibouti 1632 Arq-E3 100/300 Betas (02/Aug/05) (RH2)
16351.5 Unid: Unid 1605 rtty 50/850 KG84? (02/Aug/05) (RH2)
16833.5 UIW: Kaliningrad R 1621 cw/arq  Marker (02/Aug/05) (RH2)
17147.0 URL: Sevastopol R 1700 rtty 50/170 Tfc with Ships
(30/Jul/05) (RH2)
17441.0 5YE: Nairobi Meteo 1614 rtty 100/850 Wx codes (02/Aug/05) (RH2)
23337.0 ADW: Andrews AFB 1540 Ale/USB  SND (02/Aug/05) (RH2)
23337.0 unid: "170" 1555 Ale/USB  SND (02/Aug/05) (RH2)
(Robert C.C. Hall, Zambia - wun 16, 6)

4125.0 KQX70: Sand Point,AK; 1644utc 4Aug05 SSB
remarks: Contacted vessel WSL8560 Costal Merchant
discussed cargo & arrival times.(Attu Bosch, Alaska - wun 16, 6)

4900 USB 2 Agosto Pescadores espa?oles en un rastrero,20:13,SIO 544.
6290 USB 2 Agosto Pescadores gallegos, cuatro millas de la ria,
esperando que baje la marea para entrar,20:22,SIO 444.
4461 USB 3 Agosto Emisi?n c?digo alfa,21:22,SIO 544.
5091 USB 2 Agosto Emisi?n c?digo alfa,locutora en ingles,20:18,SIO 433.
6370 USB 3 Agosto Indicativo VLB 2,18:51,SIO 433.
6959 USB 3 Agosto Emisi?n de n?meros,series de cinco,18:41,SIO 544.
9130 USB 3 Agosto Emisi?n c?digo alfa,21:43,SIO 444.
9251 USB 2 Agosto Emisi?n de n?meros,21:05,SIO 544.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Casttel?n, Espana - hard-core-dx 32, 7)

1230 WODI Brookneal, VA (for reception of May 1, 2005 DX test)
Verie letter and coverage map on one page, bumper sticker, and fridge 
magnet, in 92 days for mint stamp (used).
V/S David L. Marthouse, President; Anthony R. DeNicola, Vice President.

Slogan on sticker: "Cool oldies - hot talk"

Report sent to Brookneal address, but return address on verie is D&M 
Communications Inc., 24 Belmont Ave., Edison, NJ 08817
(Mike Brooker, Toronto, Canada - hard-core-dx 32, 3)

5910, Marfil Estereo, preciosa tarjeta 
QSL, con datos completos, v/s Martin Stendal e 
inscripci?n en el anverso que dice "Marfil 
Stereo, Ondas de Paz, v?a Lomalinda, Puerto 
Lleras, 5910 SW". Tamb?n enviaron dos pegatinas, 
"stickers", una de Marfil Estereo y otra de La 
Voz de tu Conciencia, bander?n, "pennant" y carta 
de saludo y agradecimiento, firmada por Rafael 
Rodr?guez R. Editor DX. Tard? en llegar 5 meses y 
junto al informe de recepci?n se adjunt? 1 US $.

Direcci?n, address.

Marfil Stereo
Calle 44 No. 13-67 Bogot? D.C.
e-mail: contacto@fuerzadepaz.com  libreria@fuerzadepaz.com

COLOMBIA, 6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, bonita 
tarjeta QSL, con datos completos, v/s Martin 
Stendal e inscripci?n en el anverso que dice: "En 
la Onda Corta, 6010 kHz, HJDH, La Voz de tu 
Conciencia". Esta QSL lleg? en la misma carta que 
la de Marfil Stereo, y corresponde a un informe 
de recepci?n enviado por e-mail al Sr. Martin 
Stendal, en relaci?n con la interferencia a Radio 
Mil. Tard? en llegar 25 d?as.

Direcci?n, address.

La Voz de tu Conciencia
Calle 44 No. 13-67 Bogot? D.C.
e-mail: contacto@fuerzadepaz.com  libreria@fuerzadepaz.com
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 32, 5)

11555 Radio Hoa-Mai (Voice of Hoa-Mai Foundation), P.O. Box 4175, Garden =
Grove, CA 92842, USA,
Very nice e-QSL Card full data. Not V/S
Delay: five days
I sent my reception report to Radio Hoa-Mai
web pages: www.nvnp.org & www.hoamai.org
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1207)

Тёркс и Кайкос
530 kHz AM. Radio Vision 
Cristiana Internacional. Recibida carta QSL con 
datos completos V/S Wendell Seymour, 
Manager/Technician de la emisora, ademas 
incluyeron una tarjeta postal. Tardo en llegar 62 
dias y junto al informe de recepcion se incluyo 1 IRC.

En la carta QSL informan de algunos datos tecnicos de la emisora:
"Radio Vision Cristiana Internacional broadcast 
at a Power ouput of 40 kW into a single 485 foot 
antenna using a Nautel Brand Ampfet50, 50 kW AM 
Broadcast transmitter. This transmitter facility 
is located at the Northern end of South Caicos in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Our main offices and studios are located in 
Paterson, New Jersey and our porgram audio is 
distributed via Galaxy 6 satellite."

Direccion de la emisora, address:

Radio Vision Cristiana International, 530 AM
South Caicos
Turks and Caicos Islandas
British West Indies
Zona del Caribe
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 994)

R. Six Int. Riga-Ulbroka 9290 kHz, QSL card and schedule in 26 days. RP: 1$.
QTH: P.O. Box 600 - Glasgow G41 5SH - Scotland (United Kingdom). V/s: Tony
Currie. A report sent by e-mail got no reply.

R. Tatras Int. Riga-Ulbroka 9290 kHz, E-QSL in 1 day. E-rpt sent to:
tesug@parks.lv tesug@parks.lv> V/s: Raimonds Kreicbergs, KREBS TV Director.
The report sent
by e-mail to R. Tatras Int. got no reply. Tnx info Jari Savolainen.
(Luca Botto Fiora, Italy - hard-core-dx 32, 7)
Солнце палит до невозможности - в тени под 40...

И все же интересно прикинуть прохождение. Практически на всех диапазонах
заметное ухудшение. Болеее того, мне кажется я слышу "дробный шум" от частиц
вторичной радиации - практически на всех диапазонах "шкварчит" как на
сковороде...(Вячеслав Олейник, Кишинев - open_dx 833)
http://de.geocities.com/vdxp/ - домашняя страничка Грегора из Вены, Австрия
http://www.beaconworld.org.uk/ - домашняя страничка Алана (G4TMV, Ланкашир, Англия)
http://and-burlaka.narod.ru/ - ТВ и Радио в Симферополе (Андрей Бурлака)
http://www.geocities.com/ko6bb/ - the schematics of an RF preamp from 10
kHz to 54 MHz


LAT:-  -41.36 South,.....LONG:- -171.52 East...Buller,South Island,N.Z. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Icom Pcr1000,.(with HRD).....FRG 7700..(with FRT-7700)...
Uniden UBCT-8......Yupiteru MVT-7100....Sony SW7600G,.....
Sangen ATS818acs...National RF-B300,....................

120ft, "L shaped" wire,(NE/SW 75 yards from Beach, 20ft asl)..
6 element discone..... Mobile One "Sea Wasp" Base,..
Cobera 26/27mHz,......6'Whip. DXing since 1950.

Hitoshi Sugio

ANT : Fishing rod ANT 

William Kitching.
Located in Telford, Shropshire. U.K.
52 deg North, 2 deg West.

Triax 8 Element Horizontal
Antiference 5 Element Vertical
Pioneer F737, Kenwood KTF-3010 tuners
with matching Conrads.

Essex, Maryland
Drake R8B with Soundsweet Speaker
RF Systems EMF Antenna mounted indoors

John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Drake R-8, 100-foot RW.

Antonio Madrid

in Mie,JAPAN
with NRD-545/535D/525/515

Jose Miguel Romero
Saca?et (Castell?n)

Antena hilo de siete metros.

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