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Бесплатные уроки английского языка. Учим слова

Урок № 32

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---  Бесплатные уроки английского языка. Учим слова.  ---  

Содержание выпуска:

1. Урок 32. Английский язык по книге.

2. Наша группа вконтаке.  


 1) Урок 32. Английский язык по книге. (Читаем и переводим)

Отрывок из книги Жюль Верна "20000 лье под водой".

But vain excitement! The Abraham Lincoln checked its speed and made for the animal signalled, a simple whale, or common cachalot, which soon disappeared amidst a storm of abuse. But the weather was good. The voyage was being accomplished under the most favourable auspices. It was then the bad season in Australia, the July of that zone corresponding to our January in Europe, but the sea was beautiful and easily scanned round a vast circumference. The 20th of July, the tropic of Capricorn was cut by 105d of longitude, and the 27th of the same month we crossed the Equator on the 110th meridian. This passed, the frigate took a more decided westerly direction, and scoured the central waters of the Pacific. Commander Farragut thought, and with reason, that it was better to remain in deep water, and keep clear of continents or islands, which the beast itself seemed to shun (perhaps because there was not enough water for him! suggested the greater part of the crew).

 В этом уроке мы выделили 21 новое слово. Посмотреть список слов

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