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Pedra do Elefante - Alto Mourão - Niteroi - Rio 2016 Praia de Itacoatiara - Rio de Janeiro
2016-05-20 17:00 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Pedra do Elefante - Alto Mourão - Niteroi - Rio 2016 Praia de Itacoatiara - Rio de Janeiro

When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot
Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with soul

In this photo we can see below, Costão of Itacoatiara and the Itacoatira Beach.

Places of my last published photos, we see that this place is much higher than the place of the previous photo.

In the last two photos of the sequence we can see the angle seen it from the beach, showing the two places.

Foto tirada do topo da Pedra do Elefante, tambem conhecida como Alto Mourão, se repararem nas fotos anteriores e nas duas ultimas fotos da sequencia, verão onde foi tirada esta foto.

Essa e uma das trilhas com mais dificuldade aqui do Rio, para subir ha necessidade muito mais que uma boa dose de boa vontade, precisa não ter medo de altura, e muita disposição, pois ha no trecho final uma semi escalada, maior e ate um pouco mais dificil para subir que a famosa Carrasqueira da Pedra da Gavea, se bem que achei a descida desta mais facil que a Carrasqueira.

There are 77 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 77 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Alto Mourão - Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro

Video: ♪ It is Well in My Soul ♪ - Sandi Patty

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According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Costão de Itacoatiara - Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro Itacoatiara Beach - Rio 2016
2016-05-16 14:36 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Costão de Itacoatiara - Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro  Itacoatiara Beach - Rio 2016

It stands to reason that a name is just a word.
It can be easily forgotten just as soon as it is heard.
But one name was spoken before the world's first day
And it will be here when everything that is has passed away.

Mais uma foto tirada do Alto do Costao de Itacoatiara, para chegar la é necessario um pouco de disposição e preparo, mas conforme é possivel ver numa das fotos da sequencia, ate crianças conseguem subir tranquilamente, mas eu aconselho a evitar dias os dias de sol quente.

Another photo taken at the top of Costão Itacoatiara.
To reach this place needs a minimum of physical preparation, but even children can climb this rock, as we can see in the pictures of the sequence

There are 85 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 85 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Costão de Itacoatiara - Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro

Video: ♪ The Names Lives on ♪ - David Phelps

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Olhando pelo lado Oposto - Praia de Itacoatiara Looking From the Opposite Side - Itacoatiara Beach Costão de Itacoatiara - Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro
2016-04-29 20:44 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Olhando pelo lado Oposto - Praia de Itacoatiara  Looking From the Opposite Side - Itacoatiara Beach Costão de Itacoatiara - Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro

You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.

This picture was taken from the top of Costão Itacoatiara and we see the opposite angle of the previous photo.

Esta foto foi tirada do alto do Costão de Itacoatiara e vemos o angulo oposto da foto anteiror.

*In the sequence photos we can see pictures of Itacoatiara Beach from various angles

*Na sequencia vemos outros angulos da Praia de Itacoatiara


There are 98 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 98 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Costão de Itacoatiara - Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro

Video: ♪ You raise me up ♪ - Westlife

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

A Pequena Praia de Itacoatiaria e Eu - Niteroi - Rio The Small Itacoatiara Beach and me - Rio de Janeiro #Rio2016 #Niteroi #Itacoatiara #RiodeJaneiro
2016-04-25 14:49 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

A Pequena Praia de Itacoatiaria e Eu - Niteroi - Rio  The Small Itacoatiara Beach and me - Rio de Janeiro #Rio2016 #Niteroi #Itacoatiara #RiodeJaneiro

The Beach Itacoatiara view of the Top of the Morro das Andorinhas (Hill of Swallows), on the other side of the beach, we can see Costão Itacoatiara, and then we can see the big elephant stone
In the sequence photos, we can see photos taken in Itacoatiara Beach.

Vista da Praia de Itacoatiara do topo do Morro das Andorinhas, onde é possivel chegar atraves de uma pequena trilha relativamente facil, ao fundo vemos o Costão de Itacoatiara e atras o Alto Mourão ou Pedra do Elefante.
Na sequencia fotos da Praia de Itacoatiara tirada em diversas ocasiões.

There are 105 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 105 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Praia de Itacoatiara - Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Pedra da Tartaruga e Eu - Rio de Janeiro - Rio 2016 Turtle Stone and Me - Praia do Perigoso - Brasil
2016-04-09 18:23 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Pedra da Tartaruga e Eu - Rio de Janeiro - Rio 2016 Turtle Stone and Me - Praia do Perigoso - Brasil

Ola meus amigos, depois de um mes aproveitando as ferias e longe do Flickr, estou de volta e continuando a serie sobre a Pedra da Tartaruga.

Na foto, eu estou em cima da Pedra Rachada ou tambem conhecida como Pedra da Gruta do Eremita, atras podemos ver a Pedra da Tartaruga com algumas pessoas que estavam la para fazer Rapel

A Pedra da Tartaruga tem esse nome graças ao seu formato que de um determinado angulo, lembra uma Tartaruga, como pode ser visto em uma das fotos da sequencia.


Hello my friends, after a month of vacation and away from flickr, I'm back and continuing the series Turtle Stone photos

In the picture we can see the Turtle Stone behind me where a group of people this it to Rapel

The Turtle Stone is so named because a certain angle (see photo sequence) it resembles a turtle

There are 119 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 119 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Pedra da Tartaruga & Praia do Perigoso - Rio de Janeiro

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Pedra da Tartaruga e Praia do Perigoso - Rio 2016 Praias do Meio e do Inferno - Rio de Janeiro #PedradaTartaruga - #PraiadoPerigoso - #Rio2016
2016-03-10 17:11 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Pedra da Tartaruga e Praia do Perigoso - Rio 2016 Praias do Meio e do Inferno - Rio de Janeiro #PedradaTartaruga - #PraiadoPerigoso - #Rio2016

Por tanto amor
Por tanta emoção
A vida me fez assim
Doce ou atroz
Manso ou feroz
Eu, caçador de mim

Believe me, this place is within the City of Rio de Janeiro.
This photo was taken from of Pedra da Tartaruga (Turtle Rock), the first beach is called the Praia do Perigoso, after we have the Praia do Meio, Praia Funda (it is not possible to see from this angle) and the Praia do Inferno.

Second and Third Beach, we see in this photo, are the same as we see in the previous picture, below the Pedra do Telegrafo

Mountains, forest, lagoon, beautiful beaches, a beautiful bay and the metropolis in the middle of all this, make Rio is a unique city in the world.

The Landscape of Rio de Janeiro is reveals the exceptional way in which man and nature should relate in a Big City.

There are 148 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 148 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Pedra da Tartaruga & Praia do Perigoso - Rio de Janeiro
Video: ♪ Caçador de Mim ♪ - Bianca Toledo

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According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Rio de Janeiro - Cheio de Encantos Mil - 451 Years Rio 2016 - Pedra do Telegrafo - Pedra do Cavalo Feliz Aniversario - Happy Birthday Rio de Janeiro
2016-03-05 00:00 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Rio de Janeiro - Cheio de Encantos Mil - 451 Years Rio 2016 - Pedra do Telegrafo - Pedra do Cavalo Feliz Aniversario - Happy Birthday  Rio de Janeiro

Cidade Maravilhosa, Cheia de encantos mil
Cidade Maravilhosa, Coração do meu Brasil
City of Samba and beautiful songs
That live within our soul
we love you all life long our happy hearts sing and say
Marvelous City, Filled with thousands of enchantments
Marvelous City, Heart of my Brazil
Jardim florido de amor e saudade, Terra que a todos seduz,
Que Deus te cubra de felicidade, Ninho de sonho e de luz.

This week the city of Rio de Janeiro has completed 451 years and is a very great privilege to live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, a city full of cultural and natural beauty charms
Believe it. This place is inside the city of Rio de Janeiro

Mountains, forest, lagoon, beautiful beaches, a beautiful bay and the metropolis in the middle of all this, make Rio is a unique city in the world.

The Landscape of Rio de Janeiro is reveals the exceptional way in which man and nature should relate in a Big City.

There are 154 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 154 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Pedra do Telegrafo e Pedra do Cavalo - Rio de Janeiro
Video: ♪ Cidade Maravilhosa ♪ - Rio 2016

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Pedra do Telegrafo - Rio de Janeiro - Rio 2016
2016-03-01 23:02 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Pedra do Telegrafo - Rio de Janeiro - Rio 2016

Holy Lord, You are the life in me
Your love is all I need, forever
Holy Lord, You are the life in me
Your love is all I need
You are my God and King
You are forever holy

Believe me, this place is within the city of Rio de Janeiro

The Landscape of Rio de Janeiro is reveals the exceptional way in which man and nature should relate in a Big City.

Mountains, forest, lagoon, beautiful beaches, a beautiful bay and the metropolis in the middle of all this, make Rio is a unique city in the world.

There are 155 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 155 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Pedra do Telegrafo - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Video: ♪ Holy Lord ♪ - Sandi Patty

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Morro do Rangel - Pontal - Recreio dos Bandeirantes Rio de Janeiro - Olympic Games Rio 2016
2016-02-24 03:24 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Morro do Rangel - Pontal - Recreio dos Bandeirantes  Rio de Janeiro - Olympic Games Rio 2016

The world is a circle without a beginning
And nobody knows where it really ends
Everything depends on where you
Are in the circle that never begins
Nobody knows where the circle ends
And just because you think you're small
That doesn't mean that you're small at all
And just the way a tiny branch is like a tree to a twig
To someone else you are big

Na foto podemos ver ao Fundo a Pedra da Gávea parcialmente encoberta e toda faixa litorânea das Praias da Barra da Tijuca e do Recreio e o Pontal Tim Maia que se não fosse essa pequena faixa de areia seria uma ilha.

In the picture we can see in the background the Pedra da Gávea partly covered by clouds, and the entire coastal strip from the beaches of Barra da Tijuca and Recreio, and the Pontal Tim Maia, though look like an island, it is connected to the mainland by a small strip of sand

Mountains, forest, lagoon, beautiful beaches, a beautiful bay and the metropolis in the middle of all this, make Rio is a unique city in the world.

The Landscape of Rio de Janeiro is reveals the exceptional way in which man and nature should relate in a Big City.

There are 164 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 164 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Trilha do Rangel - Recreio - Rio de Janeiro
Video: ♪ The World is a Circle ♪ - Diana Lee ( Lost Horizont)

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According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Mirante do Caeté - Rio de Janeiro - Rio 2016 #Prainha #Caeté #PraiadaMacumba #Pontal
2016-02-21 00:53 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Mirante do Caeté - Rio de Janeiro - Rio 2016  #Prainha #Caeté #PraiadaMacumba #Pontal

I've been to Rio de Janeiro
I love the fun in the sun and the people
In Rio de Janeiro, it's so exciting to see,
No matter where you go
Any time, day or night, everything is so alive
Music there is really hot
You should see 'em do the Rio rock
Nothing like it nowhere else
It's a feeling that I've never felt
Never stops, never ends
It blows your mind just being there

Na foto tirada do alto do Mirante do Caeté podemos ver a Praia do Secreto junto as pedras, depois a Praia da Macumba, o Pontal e a Praia do Recreio, ao fundo podemos ver a Pedra da Gavea.

In the picture we can see the Secret Beach published in the previous picture, after the Macumba Beach and Recreio Beach, in the background we can see the Pedra da Gavea.
This place is near where will the Olympic Park.

Mountains, forest, lagoon, beautiful beaches, a beautiful bay and the metropolis in the middle of all this, make Rio is a unique city in the world.

The Landscape of Rio de Janeiro is reveals the exceptional way in which man and nature should relate in a Big City.

There are 167 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 167 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Mirante do Caeté - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Video: ♪ Rio de Janeiro ♪ - Barry White

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Praia do Secreto - Secret Beach - Rio de Janeiro
2016-02-18 23:55 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Praia do Secreto - Secret Beach - Rio de Janeiro

Vou te contar
Os olhos já não podem ver
Coisas que só o coração pode entender
Fundamental é mesmo o amor
É impossível ser feliz sozinho
O resto é mar
É tudo que não sei contar

Desconhecida pela maioria dos Cariocas, a praia do Secreto é influenciada diretamente pela Maré, sua piscina natural é um paraiso escondindo entre as pedras.

The Secret Beach despite being within the city of Rio de Janeiro, is unknown by most Cariocas (How are called the people born in Rio). This small strip of sand and this pool formed by the rocks, appears only at low tide days

See this beautiful hidden place within the city of Rio video
Mountains, forest, lagoon, beautiful beaches, a beautiful bay and the metropolis in the middle of all this, make Rio is a unique city in the world.

The Landscape of Rio de Janeiro is reveals the exceptional way in which man and nature should relate in a Big City.

There are 169 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 169 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Praia do Secreto - Recreio - Rio de Janeiro
Video: ♪ Wave ♪ - Gal Costa

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Praia Vermelha & Pão de Açucar - Rio de Janeiro Vermelha (Red) Beach & Sugar Loaf - Rio 2016 #MorrodaBabilonia #PraiaVermelha #PãodeAçucar
2016-02-17 04:21 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Praia Vermelha & Pão de Açucar - Rio de Janeiro Vermelha (Red) Beach & Sugar Loaf - Rio 2016 #MorrodaBabilonia #PraiaVermelha #PãodeAçucar

O Rio de Janeiro continua lindo
O Rio de Janeiro continua sendo
O Rio de Janeiro, fevereiro e março

Mountains, forest, lagoon, beautiful beaches, a beautiful bay and the metropolis in the middle of all this, make Rio is a unique city in the world.

The Landscape of Rio de Janeiro is reveals the exceptional way in which man and nature should relate in a Big City.

There are 170 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 170 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Pão de Açucar visto do Morro da Babilonia - Rio de Janeiro
Video: ♪ Aquele Abraço - Gilberto Gil

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According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Pão de Açucar - Rio de Janeiro - Rio 2016
2016-02-15 03:56 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Pão de Açucar - Rio de Janeiro - Rio 2016

Vento do mar no meu rosto
E o sol a brilhar, brilhar
Calçada cheia de gente
A passar e a me ver passar
Rio de janeiro, gosto de você
Gosto de quem gosta
Deste céu, desse mar,
Dessa gente feliz
Bem que eu quis escrever
Um poema de amor e o amor
Estava em tudo que eu quis
Em tudo quanto eu amei
E no poema que eu fiz
Tinha alguém mais feliz que eu
O meu amor
Que não me quis
Em tudo quanto eu amei
E no poema que eu fiz
Tinha alguém mais feliz que eu
O meu amor

Mountains, forest, lagoon, beautiful beaches, a beautiful bay and the metropolis in the middle of all this, make Rio is a unique city in the world.

There are 174 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 174 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Pão de Açucar & Enseada de Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro
Video: ♪ Valsa de uma Cidade ♪ - Rita Lee

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Aterro do Flamengo & Pão de Açucar - Rio 2016 Flamengo Park & Sugar Loaf - Rio de Janeiro
2016-02-12 02:07 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Aterro do Flamengo & Pão de Açucar -  Rio 2016 Flamengo Park & Sugar Loaf - Rio de Janeiro

Flamengo Park, also known as Aterro do Flamengo, Eduardo Gomes Park, and Aterro do Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes, is the largest public park and recreation area within the city of Rio de Janeiro, in eastern Brazil.

The park is located along Guanabara Bay, in the Flamengo district of the city, between Downtown Rio and Copacabana.

Flamengo Park was conceived and designed by Lota de Macedo Soares, with Modernist park gardens and civic landscapes designed by world-renowned landscape designer and artist Roberto Burle Marx. The 296 acres (120 ha) park was completed in 1965.

Flamengo Park is the location of the Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art, the Carmen Miranda Museum, and the "Monument to the Dead of World War II" with Modernist memorial sculptures.

Flamengo Park has a strong sports tradition, with many different outdoor recreational facilities available.

The park is the start off and return location of various marathons in the city. It provides a main segment for Rio's Cycling Race, a Latin American event that allots the largest amount of points on the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) world ranking.

During the upcoming 2016 Summer Olympics, Flamengo Park will serve as host to athletics and road cycling Olympic events.

During the subsequent 2016 Summer Paralympics, the park will serve as host to track and field, marathon, and road cycling events.(wikipedia)

* This photo was taken from the top of the same building that was taken the previous photo, logically at another angle

There are 176 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 176 dias para a Rio 2016
Foto: Aterro do Flamengo e Pão de Açucar - Rio de Janeiro

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Centro do Rio de Janeiro - Rio Downtown - Rio 2016
2016-02-06 04:09 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Centro do Rio de Janeiro - Rio Downtown - Rio 2016

Rio 40º, Cidade Maravilha
Purgatório da Beleza e do Caos

Na foto vemos a Cinelândia local onde os cariocas normalmente fazem suas manifestações políticas ou trabalhistas, vemos tambem a Camera dos Vereadores do Rio de Janeiro, o Teatro Municipal, o Predio da Biblioteca Nacional e o Museu de Belas Artes

There are 182 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 182 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Cinelândia - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Video: ♪ Rio 40º ♪ - Fernanda Abreu

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro - Rio 2016
2016-02-01 15:24 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro - Rio 2016

Think of all the things
We've shared and seen
Don't think about the way things
Might have been

o Theatro Municipal é a principal casa de espetáculos do Brasil e uma das mais importantes da América do Sul. Desde a sua inauguração, em 14 de julho de 1909, o Theatro tem recebido os maiores artistas internacionais, assim como os principais nomes brasileiros, da dança, música e da ópera.

Inicialmente, o Theatro foi apenas uma casa de espetáculos, que recebia principalmente companhias estrangeiras, na maioria trazidas da Itália e da França. A partir da década de 30, o Municipal passou a ter seus próprios corpos artísticos: orquestra, coro e ballet. Os três continuam em plena atividade e realizam várias produções próprias a cada ano. Hoje, o Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro é a única instituição cultural brasileira a manter simultaneamente um coro, uma orquestra sinfônica e uma companhia de ballet.

Prefeito do Distrito Federal, entre os anos de 1902 e 1906, o engenheiro Pereira Passos o planejou como o toque final da reforma que realizou na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, sendo o Theatro construído com base na fusão do projeto arquitetônico de Francisco de Oliveira Passos (filho do Prefeito), com o de Albert Guilbert, que haviam empatado no concurso organizado para o projeto do novo teatro. O desenho do prédio foi inspirado no da Ópera de Paris, construída por Charles Garnier. (Wiki)

Foto: Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Video: ♪ Think of Me ♪ - The Phantom Of The Opera

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According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro - Rio 2016
2016-01-27 23:40 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro - Rio 2016

Wenn nicht durch dich!
Sarastro wird erblassen!
Hört,hört, Rachegötter
Hört der Mutter Schwur

The Theatro Municipal (Municipal Theatre) of Rio de Janeiro is located in Cinelândia (Praça Marechal Floriano) in the city center of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Built in the beginning of the twentieth century, it is considered to be one of the most beautiful and important theatres in in Latin America and the World

The building is designed in an eclectic style, inspired by the Paris Opéra of Charles Garnier. The outside walls are inscribed with the names of classic Eurocentric & Brazilian artists. It is located near the National Library and the National Fine Arts Museum, overlooking the spacious Cinelândia Square.

In the second half of nineteenth century, theatrical activity was very intense in Rio de Janeiro, then capital of the country. Still, its two theaters, the Lyric and St. Peter, were criticized for their facilities, either by the public or by the companies that worked in them.

After the Proclamation of the Republic (1889), in 1894 playwright Arthur Azevedo launched a campaign for the building of a new theater to host a local company, to be created along the lines of the Comédie Française. However, in those hectic days, the campaign resulted in only one Municipal Law, which ordered the construction of the Municipal Theater. This law was not enforced, despite the existence of a levy to finance the work. Thus, that the new tax revenue was never used for the construction of the theater.

It was not built until the beginning of the 20th century and it came to represent the new republican regime and a new era to the elegant capital of Brazil. At the time, then-Mayor Pereira Passos launched a major upgrade of the city center by opening in 1903 the Central Avenue (Now Avenida Rio Branco), shaped after the boulevards of Paris and flanked by magnificent examples of eclectic architecture. Hence arose the opera venue, brainchild of Francisco de Oliveira Passos (Son of then mayor Francisco Pereira Passos) with the cooperation of Albert Guilbert and design inspired by the Paris Opera. Building began in 1905 on a foundation of 1,180 wood poles rooted in groundwater. To decorate the building, the most important Brazilian painters and sculptors of the time were summoned, such as Eliseu Visconti, Rodolfo Amoedo and the Bernardelli brothers. European artisans were also recruited to work on stained glasses and mosaic tiles.

Finally, four and a half years later — a record time for the work that took the relay from 280 workers in two shifts — on July 14, 1909, President Nilo Peçanha inaugurated the Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, which had the capacity for 1,739 viewers. Serzedelo Correa was then the mayor of the city. In 1934, upon the observation that the theater was small for the new size of the population of the city, auditory capacity was increased to 2,205 seats. The work, despite its complexity, was held in three months, record time for the season. Later, with some modifications, it acquired the current number of 2,361 places.

The theater was closed on October 19, 1975, for restoration works and modernization of its facilities and reopened on March 15, 1978. That same year the Central Technical Production, responsible for all of the shows running in the house, was created. In 1996, the construction of an annex building began to relieve the building due to the intense practicing and other activities throughout the year. With the inauguration of the annex, choir, orchestra and ballet crews gained new rehearsal rooms and greater space for artistic practices and rehearsal.

Today, the Theatro Municipal mostly shows productions of ballet and classical music. In its early heyday, it featured only foreign opera and symphonic orchestra shows, especially from Italian and French companies. In 1931, the Municipal Symphonic Orchestra of Rio de Janeiro was created and celebrities such as Arturo Toscanini, Sarah Bernhardt, Bidu Sayao, Cheryl Studer, Eliane Coelho, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Igor Stravinsky, Paul Hindemith and Alexander Brailowsky highlighted the programs of the Theatro. Today, it houses the Petrobras and the Brazilian Symphonic Orchestras.

The interior of the theater is as luxurious as the facade, with sculptures by Henrique Bernardelli and paintings by Rodolfo Amoedo and Eliseu Visconti, the latter responsible for the majestic drop curtain, the frieze on the proscenium, the nave ceiling and the decorations of the foyer ceiling. The restaurant Assírius in the basement is peculiar in its impressive Assyrian decor. (Wiki)

Foto: Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Video: ♪ Aria da Rainha da Noite ♪ - Diana Damrau

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According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Puffed Star II - Museu do Amanhã - Rio de Janeiro Museum of Tomorrow - Santiago Calatrava - Rio2016
2016-01-26 15:04 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Puffed Star II - Museu do Amanhã - Rio de Janeiro Museum of Tomorrow - Santiago Calatrava - Rio2016

Em 2015, pouco antes da inauguração, o Museu do Amanhã recebeu como doação a Puffed Star II, do renomado artista norte-americano Frank Stella.
A escultura é uma estrela de vinte pontas e foi instalada no espelho d'agua do museu em frente a Baia de Guanabara e agora faz parte do acervo permanente do Museu, antes de vir para o Museu a Puffed Star II esteve exposta na cidade de New York.

Ao fundo podemos ver a Ponte Rio - Niteroi que faz a ligação com a cidade de Niteroi que fica do outro lado da Baia de Guanabara

the museum received in 2015 as a donation before opening, the Puffed Star II sculpture, the renowned American artist Frank Stella.
The work consists of a star twenty points, and six meters in diameter, which was installed in the reflecting pool of water museum, across the Guanabara Bay.
The metal sculpture before the donation to the permanent collection of the museum to open sky, was on display in New York City

In the background we can see the Rio - Niteroi Bridge, which connects with the city of Niteroi which is across the Guanabara Bay

Watch a video of Tomorrow Museum by clicking HERE

There are 191 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 191 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Estrela do Museu do Amanhã - Rio de Janeiro

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Museu do Amanhã - Santiago Calatrava - Rio 2016 Museum of Tomorrow - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil #SantiagoCalatrava #MuseudoAmanhã #PraçaMaua
2016-01-25 01:50 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Museu do Amanhã - Santiago Calatrava - Rio 2016 Museum of Tomorrow - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil #SantiagoCalatrava #MuseudoAmanhã #PraçaMaua

The Museum of Tomorrow (Portuguese: Museu do Amanhã) is a science museum in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was designed by Spanish neofuturistic architect Santiago Calatrava, and built next to the waterfront at Pier Maua. Its construction was supported by the Roberto Marinho Foundation
The building attempts to set new standards of sustainability in the municipality. Compared with conventional buildings, designers say it uses 40% less energy (including the 9% of its power it derives from the sun), and the cooling system taps deep water from nearby Guanabara Bay. The structure looks set to be one of Rio’s most famous tourist sights. Its solar spines and fan-like skylight have been designed so that the building can adapt to changing environmental conditions.

The museum has partnerships with Brazil’s leading universities, global science institutions and collects real-time data on climate and population from space agencies and the United Nations. It has also hired consultants from a range of related fields, including astronauts, social scientists and climate experts. It sits waterside in a port area that was left abandoned for decades, and is now being renovated with new office blocks, apartments and restaurants. The museum is part of the city's port area renewal for the 2016 Summer Olympics. (wikipedia)

Watch a video of Tomorrow Museum by clicking HERE

There are 193 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 193 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Museu do Amanhã - Praça Mauá - Rio de Janeiro

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.

Museu do Amanhã - Santiago Calatrava - Rio 2016 Museum of Tomorrow - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil #SantiagoCalatrava #MuseudoAmanhã #PraçaMaua
2016-01-14 03:14 .**rickipanema**.

.**rickipanema**. posted a photo:

Museu do Amanhã - Santiago Calatrava - Rio 2016 Museum of Tomorrow - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil #SantiagoCalatrava #MuseudoAmanhã #PraçaMaua

The Museum of Tomorrow (Portuguese: Museu do Amanhã) is a science museum in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was designed by Spanish neofuturistic architect Santiago Calatrava, and built next to the waterfront at Pier Maua. Its construction was supported by the Roberto Marinho Foundation
The building attempts to set new standards of sustainability in the municipality. Compared with conventional buildings, designers say it uses 40% less energy (including the 9% of its power it derives from the sun), and the cooling system taps deep water from nearby Guanabara Bay. The structure looks set to be one of Rio’s most famous tourist sights. Its solar spines and fan-like skylight have been designed so that the building can adapt to changing environmental conditions.

The museum has partnerships with Brazil’s leading universities, global science institutions and collects real-time data on climate and population from space agencies and the United Nations. It has also hired consultants from a range of related fields, including astronauts, social scientists and climate experts. It sits waterside in a port area that was left abandoned for decades, and is now being renovated with new office blocks, apartments and restaurants. The museum is part of the city's port area renewal for the 2016 Summer Olympics. (wikipedia)

Watch a video of Tomorrow Museum by clicking HERE

There are 205 days until the Olympics Rio 2016
Faltam 205 dias para a Rio 2016

Foto: Museu do Amanhã - Praça Mauá - Rio de Janeiro

Conforme a Lei 9.610/98, é proibida a reprodução total ou parcial ou divulgação comercial ou não sem a autorização prévia e expressa do autor (artigo 29). :registered: Todos os direitos reservados.

According to Law 9.610/98, it is prohibited the partial or total commercial reproduction without the previous written authorization of the author (article 29). :registered: All rights are reserved.