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A Few Minutes Of English. Несколько Минут Английского

A Few Minutes Of English
Выпуск #19 / 5 январа 2018

Начни думать по-английски,
и тебе больше никогда не нужен будет репетитор.

New Year resolutions

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In the beginning of the year (в начале года) we usually tend to (мы обычно склонны) давать себе некие обещания, которые в английском называются словом – resolutions, а также планировать поездки, встречи и отдых. Today we would like to remind you (сегодня мы хотели бы напомнить вам) how to express that in English (как это выразить на английском).

Если мы намерены что-либо сделать или это находится на стадии плана, нам нужен оборот to be going to do smth.

Im going to work less hours  Я планирую работать меньшее количество часов (т.е. желание такое есть, но пока неизвестно получится ли).

Im going to visit a friend of mine – Я собираюсь поехать в гости к другу/подруге (опять же намерение есть, но ни билетов ни договоренности еще нет).

Если же билеты и договоренность есть, то здесь мы используем Present Continuous:

Im leaving for England in March – Я уезжаю в Англию в марте (это уже точно).

Im seeing my friends tonight – Я встречаюсь с друзьями сегодня вечером (мы обо всем договорились и назначили место встречи).

Для выражения надежды, мы скажем I hope и после поставим Future Simple:

I hope I will get promotion. I have worked a lot – Надеюсь, я получу лучшую должность (повышение), я много на это работал/а.

Или же мы можем сказать Im sure (я уверен/а) – Im sure I will get a promotion (Я уверен/а, я получу повышение).

Для составления списка обещаний мы можем использовать сочетания I will или I promise.

Мы еще раз сердечно поздравляем вас, дорогие подписчики, с наступившим новым годом и желаем, чтобы все вами задуманное и запланированное осуществилось!


Part 1 

JZ: Hello Neil!

ND: Hello Eugenia!

JZ: Thank you for agreeing to answer a couple of questions for me.

ND: It’s alright.

JZ: It’s not a proper interview, don’t worry. It’s just a chat for my students to listen to.

ND: Okay.

JZ: Because you are a native speaker really. Thank you! As we agreed, we’ll talk about your career and the job that you’re doing.

ND: Sure.

JZ: Can you tell me a little bit about where are you now at and how did you get there really.

ND: I work for a financial company, the litigation department. I’ve been working there for three years. I started there when I moved to Bournemouth from Leeds. My job is Paralegal. We take people to court.

JZ: Oh, exciting.

ND: It can be. Obviously people who don’t pay their loans back, we take them to court.

JZ: Okay. Have you ever needed to actually go to court?

ND: I had to go once.

JZ: how did you find it?

ND: It was a little bit scary. But it was okay.

JZ: Did you manage?

ND: I managed.

JZ: That’s good. So it is a job that you’ve always been doing? Cause you said you moved down from Leeds. Is that the job that you did in Leeds as well?

ND: No, in Leeds I worked for an interpreting company.

JZ: Alright. And what did you do there?

ND: I had a few different roles there. Some of them team leader, management roles.

JZ: Why did you decide to change? Cause that’s completely different field really.

ND: Erm, I worked in that field for eight years, so it was time for a change.

JZ: Oh, that sounds nice. So was that the reason for you moving to a different city as well – that you changed the job?

ND: It was, yeah.

JZ: Thank you! Are you enjoying your job?

ND: Yeah, it can be fun sometimes.

JZ: Fun in what way? Tell me more!

ND: Erm, challenging, very busy, lots of deadlines, dealing with courts and some lawyers.

JZ: Do you deal with the actual people as well, who owe the money or…?

ND: Sometimes. I don’t deal with them too much.

JZ: So, if I was to start a job in your team what would I need to learn?

ND: You’d need to learn a lot about the legal system.

JZ: The UK you mean?

ND: The UK, yeah, the UK legal system, and all the different stages of taking somebody to court, and all the different documents and forms you have to provide at certain times.

JZ: So, is there in any way you can progress in that role?

To be continued...

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Ваши Мария и Евгения,

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