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Тёмная пустота

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Тёмная пустота: Part 2 (Ch. 19-21)

Chapter 19. Neighboring worlds


– If electricity and magnetism are a manifestation of the properties of multidimensional objects in our three–dimensional world, then they may not manifest in the two-dimensional world? Or, at least, the effect of their manifestation there may be different from ours?


– An interesting conclusion, colleague. Indeed, since our three-dimensional world or metagalaxy exists in the Universe, in which projections of objects of higher order worlds are naturally detected, it would be logical to also assume the existence of two- and one-dimensional worlds, on the spaces of which three-dimensional objects could be projected. I admit the possibility of electric field propagation in a two-dimensional plane. Based on this, it can be assumed that the magnetic field induced by a change in the electric field in one of the two-dimensional planes could be projected through parallel two-dimensional planes. Strictly speaking, the superposition of an infinite set of two-dimensional planes is a three-dimensional volume of space. Isn't it? On the basis of which I am inclined to think about the limited manifestation of electricity and the absence of magnetism in a two-dimensional world. And why did you ask about this, colleague? What could be the use of such knowledge? 


–New knowledge about the properties of the world is always invaluable. Since people have already learned how to create and use the properties of some four–dimensional objects, why don't they master the properties of another adjacent world - a two-dimensional one? In modern semiconductor devices, engineers have come close to the minimum size of elements commensurate with atoms. Within the framework of the existing understanding of the structure of atoms, further development of electronics seems unlikely. If, using the anisotropy of protomaterial, it became possible to create two-dimensional elements in a limited three-dimensional space, this would increase the number of layers in microcircuits, reduce the resistive losses of elements, reduce the size of magnetic circuit plates in transformers, improve the quality of their interlayer insulation, and generally make a breakthrough by using previously impossible properties.

The capacitance of electrical capacitors is inversely proportional to the thickness of the dielectric layer. The presence of an ideal dielectric of zero thickness would open up the possibility of creating hypercapacitors of huge capacity for storing and accumulating electricity.

I don't have enough imagination to imagine what can happen to a living three-dimensional organism if it happens to pass through two-dimensional space. But the assumption that the operation of electrical or electronic devices, at least, may fail, seems quite likely. The intersection of the conductors of an electronic device by a two-dimensional space should be equivalent to their intersection by an ideal insulator. If the electronic device does not fail at the same time, then it may take time and effort to restore its operation, which for a flying aircraft or rocket may end in an uncontrolled fall. Or if you cover a city with a dome of two-dimensional space, then it can become opaque to electromagnetic radiation. Well, and so on…


– Would such a film be able to protect against radiation?


–That's you, brother, asked, so asked… Although, why not? It is unclear what effect an electromagnetic wave deprived of one of its orthogonal components will have on living cells. At a minimum, such a wave should lose half of its energy, which, given the zero thickness of the two-dimensional filter, is remarkable in itself. Nothing prevents you from applying another layer, and another... until the radiation intensity decreases to acceptable level. With zero thickness of such filters, they should not be bulky and heavy. True, there will be a question of cooling the filters, since the absorbed energy is transformed into heat, but this is a simpler task. On the other hand, the electric and magnetic components of an electromagnetic wave exist together. If one of the components is given a value of zero in Maxwell's equations, then the value of the product in the matrix will also rush to zero. It turns out that the 2D film should attenuate radiation. With such protection, you can think more boldly about space exploration!

The image of Fyodor smiled and winked mischievously.


–In recent years, there has been a lot of noise in the press about the possible applications of the recently invented graphene material, which is a layer of carbon atoms with a thickness of one atom. It has great mechanical rigidity, conductivity and record high thermal conductivity. As far as I understand, graphene is a close to two–dimensional modification of a well-studied natural material, characterized by truly fantastic properties. By the way, one of the potential applications of graphene is the construction of a space elevator for rocket-free lifting of cargo into space[i].



–That's right, brother. How did I lose sight of that? In field-effect transistors, such a concept as a "two-dimensional electron gas" is used, in which charges can move only in two directions, and in the third they are limited by an energy potential well. This effect has been used for a long time, but external devices and an external electric field are required to ensure it in a very limited area of the gate. Graphene and other so-called elementary two-dimensional crystals have constant properties, and the size of the samples is limited only by the technological capabilities of the manufacturers. It looks like we're thinking in the right direction.


–Colleagues, the elementary two-dimensional crystals you mentioned are formed by three-dimensional atoms and, in fact, are a single layer of atoms of a three-dimensional crystal lattice. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the manifestations of the two-dimensional world surrounded us at every step during our lifetime. Take, for example, the effect of surface tension of liquids. Or, wetting surfaces. The same liquids manifest themselves differently inside the volume and on its surface. The surface of any drop is a two–dimensional object that has neither thickness nor boundary. Maybe the key to understanding this phenomenon has always been on the surface? On the other hand, I can't help but notice that we have all been completely or partially submerged in water many times during our lifetime, thereby crossing a two-dimensional surface without any unexpected effects. Isn't it?


– No, not like that, colleague. By immersing a part of our body or the whole body in water, we do not cross the surface of the water and, similarly, the surface of the water does not cross our body. It is as if we pull the surface of the water onto the surface of our body like an elastic glove with all the surface effects that follow from this circumstance.


– Thank you for your comment, colleague. I completely agree with him. I propose to consider another interesting physical phenomenon from the four–dimensional world - cavitation. The appearance of a bubble in a liquid with its subsequent collapse is similar to the projection of a four - dimensional object in a three - dimensional world[ii].


In the place of the collapse of a tiny bubble, a pressure zone of hundreds of atmospheres with a temperature of thousands of degrees[iii] appears for a short time, followed by a surge of a wide spectrum of radiation, ranging from audible acoustic up to electromagnetic and light.


Interestingly, stable acoustic cavitation in a liquid medium, manifested in the periodic expansion and compression of bubbles, forms medium shear stresses near the bubble surface, causing vortex-like fluid circulation, called micro-flows[iv].


The energy released during the collapse of the bubble is sufficient to excite, ionize and dissociate molecules of water, gases and other substances inside the cavitation cavity. Regardless of the nature of the dissolved substances, the hydrodynamic shock acts on water, which leads to a change in its physico-chemical properties: the pH ion concentration index, the electrical conductivity of water, an increase in the number of free ions and active radicals, structuring and activation of molecules[v]. Such conditions give rise to unusual chemical reactions and physical processes. Water-insoluble micro-objects, including bacteria and microbes, in the zone of collapsed bubbles are destroyed and become centres of crystallization of various salts, mainly of carbonic acid. Crystals growing in the water cavity continue to attach ions from the solution to themselves, growing like a snowball rolling down the mountain. Within a few days, bacteria and microbes are trapped under a layer of crystals[vi].


As the size of the crystals increases, they begin to fall out of the solution bulk in the form of a fine precipitate under the influence of gravity.


– So you can purify water without any chemicals! And even from microplastic particles that are not filtered by anything other than expensive reverse osmosis membranes! Microplastics are now found everywhere: in natural[vii] and tap water, in the air, in the meat of animals and fish, and even in honey and sugar! Particles smaller than 50 microns are able to penetrate through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream and internal organs. Who knows what diseases we owe to this component of the modern environment?



– That's right, colleague. Due to its oxidizing ability, hydrodynamic cavitation is increasingly used to treat wastewater contaminated with organic, toxic and bio-resistant pollutants, while its mechanical and chemical effects allow the destruction of microbial cells in biological applications. Hydrodynamic cavitation can spontaneously occur in some reactors in which a change in the hydraulic parameters of the fluid, such as flow pressure and flow velocity, is induced. For example, at the Venturi outlet, the liquid forms a two-component heterogeneous flow. This effect is used in injectors – a type of jet pumps for pumping liquids, gases and vapours, as well as their mixtures, in containers with high pressure. The process of hydrodynamic cavitation includes the formation, growth, explosive collapse and subsequent destruction of cavities, which occurs in a very short period of time with enormous power[viii].


The process of self-purification of water after cavitation treatment is accompanied by another interesting phenomenon. The temperature of the treated water sample exceeds the temperature of the untreated sample for a long time. Most likely, some kind of exothermic reaction occurs in the sample of the tested water after cavitation treatment, providing heat dissipation to the environment for several hours or days, depending on the volume and degree of contamination of the sample. To explain the observed phenomenon, the assumption of the release of enthalpy energy as a result of the phase transition of salts dissolved in the sample from the liquid state to the crystalline state is suitable. The presence of surfaces of foreign objects inside the solution stimulates crystallization, since the interfacial energy between the crystallization centre and the solid substrate is lower than between the crystal in contact with the solution. This is because the crystal molecules can form stronger bonds with the molecules of the solid substrate than with the ions of the solution. Since the enthalpy contribution to free energy is mainly due to chemical bonds, stronger bonds lead to less interphase free energy[ix].

Chapter 20. Heat from mud


– Some kind of mud. Is the sheepskin worth the dressing?


–The crystallization of substances, during the transition from a liquid to a solid state, is accompanied by the release of heat equivalent in value to the heat of melting, comparable to the heat of combustion of some materials. By analogy with an internal combustion engine, where electrical energy for igniting a combustible mixture is consumed ten times less than the heat released during a chemical reaction, the energy of enthalpy can exceed the cost of cavitation by tens of times. This is one of the unique processes accompanied not by an increase, but by a decrease in the entropy of a part of the system as a result of the transition of chaotically moving ions of the solution into an ordered crystalline state with the release of thermal energy. Instead of dissipating such heat in the environment, it can be collected and usefully used. It's all about the mass and concentration of reagents. The purer the water, the fewer crystals can form in it, the lower the energy potential. No salt crystals can be isolated from distilled water by cavitation. The whole difficulty lies in the slowness of crystal growth accompanied by the release of heat. This process is best suited for room heating and water heating.


– According to you, Nikola, it turns out that the more the water sample contains impurities and suspensions, the more heat can be released from it after cavitation treatment? In this case, the water from the sewer drain should have a high calorific potential. Isn't it?


– I don't see any contradiction in this, colleague. Up to a certain degree of contamination, the drain can be considered a liquid in which ions and particles of substances are surrounded by water molecules in a volume sufficient for the formation of cavitation micro cavities. As the proportions of water and pollutants change, the runoff from the liquid will turn into a slurry, and then into a paste, in which the above processes will proceed differently and, possibly, with a different effect. To ensure the optimal regime of hydrodynamic cavitation, most likely, forced aeration, commonly used in sewage treatment plants, or purging with compressed air or steam through a Venturi jet injector[x] will be required.



The flow at the outlet of such a device is a two-phase liquid filled with cavitation microbubbles. The positive buoyancy of a two-phase liquid and the heat generated in it can be partially converted into mechanical and then into electrical energy in a float electric generator[xi].




–Colleagues, what will happen if the ignoble slime of our noble life activity to purge not with air or steam useful to the environment, but with some unnecessary or, even better, harmful product? For example, with carbon dioxide? Minus by minus gives a plus. If the pressure and temperature of collapsing cavitation microbubbles trigger neutralization reactions of substances harmful to the environment, and even with the release of heat, then this will be doubly great. So you can clean the sewage and generate the heat. Instead of spending on chemicals – it would possible to earn on the conservation of carbon dioxide, and the precipitated insoluble crystals of carbonates to use for the production of building materials. It turns out that every sewage pipeline is a kind of renewable source of heat and wealth!?


– And then! Have you seen in what mansions the lords of water, shit and steam live?


– This is a complete alles kaputt[xii]

Chapter 21. Total recall

Suddenly, a fine ripple passed through the image of Nikola, and he disappeared, and the image of Fyodor began to fade and recede, as if dissolving into darkness. I physically felt suffocated and began to choke. A strong push in the chest freed my throat from the liquid that was there, and I was able to breathe. – Yyyaaaa.... Some kind of foreign body penetrated deep into me through my throat. The gag reflex prompted me to writhe and expel all the excess, but my body did not obey. Finally, the "alien" slipped out of my insides, and it became easier to breathe. Wheezing, I began to expectorate. I opened my eyelids, but a ray of white light hit my eyes. The light disappeared, and I could make out the silhouettes of the heads of two orderlies in medical uniforms and plastic safety glasses bending over me. “Willkommen zurück!”[xiii] – said one of the heads....

A security guard making a tour of the territory found me lying unconscious in a chair on the lawn in front of the house. While I was sleeping, the Sun in the firmament moved to the zenith, and the shadow that had been comfortably hiding me in the morning hid under the canopy. By lunchtime, the air temperature had reached plus thirty-one degrees Celsius. Apparently, I overheated in the sun and lost consciousness. The guard called the ambulance crew. While I was being taken to the hospital, the orderlies washed my stomach with a drainage probe and brought me to my senses.

At the hospital, worried Dasha and Klaus were waiting for me. I was painfully ashamed of my mistake, the concern of people dear to me and the holiday spoiled for the whole family. Within a few hours, I was examined and passed a bunch of tests to determine the cause of my short-term loss of life and the appointment of medical support. Then I was taken back to the house in the middle of the vineyard.

After the excitement about the incident subsided, I was left alone with myself. To say that I felt tired is to say nothing. The comparison with squeezed lemon was just right, although I managed to walk only a couple of hundred steps all day, and I lifted only three glasses of brandy from the weights. I lay down on the sofa, closed my eyes, relaxed and tried to recall the events of today. I remembered the morning and the preparations for the celebration of Fathers' Day. Here I sit in a chair on the lawn in front of the house with a bottle of “Augustus” ... drink a shot for Fathers' Day ... the second – for von Zippe fathers ... the third – for May Day ... and ... fall asleep....

Consciousness is clouded... or plunged into fog... a familiar feeling of floating in a cloud pops up in my memory... here, the fog is thinning and parting… as when landing an airplane through low clouds ... a sunny glade opens to the eye with a group of people dressed in hiking ... a polyethylene tablecloth is spread out in the middle of the glade, an empty barbecue is burning down three steps from it, the remains of skewers with kebabs are clustered in the centre of the tablecloth between containers with vegetables, bread and salads ... men are half-sitting, half-reclining around the tablecloth and women of different ages... they eat something, drink from plastic cups, speak Russian, smiling and laughing ... on the opposite side of the clearing to the barbecue, on the grass next to the backpacks, there are several empty bottles, judging by the labels, from vodka ... everyone is fine ... here, a bottle with a bluish transparent liquid appears on the tablecloth... several picnic participants pour the liquid into their cups... from the depths of consciousness, the feeling that I have already seen this scene ... the view as a photo lens focuses on the face of one of the vacationers and brings it closer.... My God! This is almost my face, only the upper part is framed by a hedgehog of gray-streaked hair, and the lower part is short with stubble, the nose and bridge of the nose are noticeably deformed, tightly compressed lips, strong-willed folds at the mouth, a hard look. I have a feeling that I know this person.... It's... me-Fyodor! A guess, like a code, like a password, instantly opens access to the memory of a meeting in a dark void. I know what's going to happen in the clearing. I'm terrified. I try to shout: "Fedya, don't drink!!!", but the body does not obey....

I wake up from the jerk of the body bouncing on the couch, as if from the discharge of an electric defibrillator. Muscles are convulsively tense. My heart is pounding in my chest. In one fell swoop, I move my body to an upright position. I gasp for air. Gradually, the pulse and breathing return to normal, the connection with reality is restored.... The image of Fyodor comes to mind, bringing a plastic cup to his lips. I'm sitting with my eyes open, but instead of a room I see a continuation of the surreal plot of the last dream, in which a dazzling white light turns into an endless black void ... Fyodor… Nikola....

Before my mind's eye, a fantastic performance unfolds with my own participation in the main role. Unlike the dialogues in the void, this time the "movie" unfolds at normal speed. It is impossible to view events slower or faster, stop or rewind scenes back and forth as on a video player. You can only watch and experience the plot, as in a real cinema.

My generation got to know the world thanks to the works of intellectual giants of the past. We stood on their shoulders to see the way ahead. But somehow it so happened that we did not expand the horizons for our children much. We taught them the basic truths, which we doubted ourselves, without providing new ones in return. Instead of heading to new heights, we set our children a path in a circle. Perhaps this also has its own advantage. At least, stepping into the shit left behind on the previous lap, some of them began to wonder: "Are we going the right course, comrades?" The inertia of thinking is comparable to the inertia of the universe. With all the fantastic information in this manuscript, I do not believe that our children's generation will be able to change their views on the world order and the way of harmonious coexistence in it. We have invested enormous efforts and resources in the formation of an outdated model of the universe in their brains, which is not able to explain the practical achievements of modern physics. Rebuilding anything is always a more expensive and painful process than building it right from scratch. Children can't be helped anymore. All hope for grandchildren. They will inherit the heavy burden of our thoughtless management and delusions. To solve our problems, grandchildren will need other approaches. Suffering always pushes progress, because a decisive step forward is most often the result of a good kick in the ass. The instinct of self-preservation can overcome fear and force a person to climb to a higher level, from which the exit from the enclosed space is visible, indistinguishable when viewed from below. Our generation may live out its life quite comfortably, but the future of the planet still concerns us. It is in my power to leave this knowledge to my grandchildren, where an inquisitive mind will find a clue. Knowledge is power. And the manuscripts don't burn. The noosphere will deliver the text to those who need it. For it is said, "Seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." [xiv] Amen....

I get up from the sofa and go to the bookcase. I take off the shelf a cassette recorder "Elektronika", once given by my colleagues to my dad for his fiftieth birthday. There is a cassette in the machine. Perhaps this is the last tape that Dad listened to. I press the key....


... I am here and not here, I am everywhere and nowhere,

I glide like a shadow on transparent water...

... you don't understand how beautiful that darkness is...

... that world where ephemeral darkness lives,

where shadows glide, maybe here, maybe there,

... where there is no sun, there is no place for dreams…

Is there only one void alive in this world?

Or is it a blind and silent blackness?

It gave birth to darkness for that world

And, apart from that darkness, there is nothing else…[xv]

[i] A space elevator is conceived as a cable fixed to the equator and reaching into space. A counterweight at the upper end keeps the center of mass well above geostationary orbit level. This produces enough upward centrifugal force from Earth's rotation to fully counter the downward gravity, keeping the cable upright and taut. Climbers carry cargo up and down the cable.

By Skyway and User: Booyabazooka - This is an improved diagram of a Space Elevator. It is a modification of en:File:Space_elevator_structural_diagram--corrected_for_scale+CM+etc--regenerated_as_SVG.svg, CC BY-SA 1.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=42947438

[ii]CAVITATION AND BUBBLE DYNAMICS by Christopher Earls Brennen, Oxford University Press 1995. CHAPTER 3. CAVITATION BUBBLE COLLAPSE

Figure 3.6 The collapse of a cavitation bubble close to a solid boundary in a quiescent liquid. The theoretical shapes of Plesset and Chapman (1971) (solid lines) are compared with the experimental observations of Lauterborn and Bolle (1975) (points). Figure adapted from Plesset and Prosperetti (1977).

[iii]Sustainable and energy efficient leaching of tungsten (W) by ultrasound-controlled cavitation - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Figure 1. Principle of ultrasound cavitation [16]. The initiated bubbles grow due to evaporation and finally reach critical size (resonant) when it grows quickly and collapse violently. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Principle-of-ultrasound-cavitation-16-The-initiated-bubbles-grow-due-to-evaporation_fig1_322552455 [accessed 14 Aug, 2021]

[iv] http://newbeautytech.ru/

[v] "Cavitation" Promtov M.A. (promtov@tambov.ru ) Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, head of the department. "Machines and apparatuses of chemical production" of Tambov State Technical University. http://www.tstu.ru/

[vi] Author: author

[vii] Microplastics in sediments from the rivers Elbe (A), Mosel (B), Neckar (C), and Rhine (D). Note the diverse shapes (filaments, fragments, and spheres) and that not all items are microplastics (e.g., aluminum foil (C) and glass spheres and sand (D), white arrowheads). The white bars represent 1 mm. Author: Martin Wagner et al. - Wagner et al.: Microplastics in freshwater ecosystems: what we know and what we need to know. In: Environmental Sciences Europe. 26, 2014, doi:10.1186/s12302-014-0012-7, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=39507778

[viii] Graphic  illustration of growth, implosion and collapse of bubbles in the cavitation process. 1–3: static pressure < vapor pressure vapor bubble grows at low pressure; 4: static pressure = vapor pressure no further growth of bubbles; 5–15: static pressure > vapor pressure implosion and collapse; 9–15: micro-jets. Mancuso, G., Langone, M. &  Andreottola, G. A critical review of the current technologies in wastewater treatment plants by using hydrodynamic cavitation process: principles and applications. J Environ Health Sci Engineer 18, 311–333 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40201-020-00444-5

[ix] Yoreo, James & Vekilov, Peter. (2003). Principles of Crystal Nucleation and Growth. Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry - REV MINERAL GEOCHEM. 54. 57-93. 10.2113/0540057.

[x]By Johannes Rössel - Own work based on: Ejector or Injector.png, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5558906

[xi] Hossein Samadi-Boroujeni, Ali Altaee, Hadi Khabbaz, John Zhou,

Application of buoyancy-power generator for compressed air energy storage using a fluid–air displacement system, Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 26, 2019, 100926, ISSN 2352-152X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2019.100926.


Abstract: This study proposes a gravity power generator based on the fluid–air displacement system using Compressed Air Energy Storage from renewable energy sources to increase the solar and wind power system penetration in the power network.

Keywords: Energy storage system; Renewable energy; Fluid–air displacement system; Compressed air energy storage; Gravity energy system

[xii] Mind blow (German)

[xiii] “Welcome back!” (German)

[xiv]The Gospel of Matthew (ch. 7, v. 7-8)

[xv]Author: Abulkasim Ferdowsi "Shahnameh", 1011. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shahnameh

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