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В музее современной истории выставили вещи лейтенанта Александра Печерского

В музее современной истории выставили вещи лейтенанта Александра Печерского
2018-10-14 06:07
Личные вещи и архивные документы советского лейтенанта, лидера восстания в нацистском лагере смерти Собибор Александра Печерского теперь можно увидеть в Государственном центральном музее современной истории России. Там открылась выставка к 75-летию тех событий. Также вниманию посетителей предлагают больше сотни картин Аксельрода и Моносзона.

USA: Illegal immigrants 'grab children and use them' to enter country — Trump
2018-10-14 07:12
Journalist: «Why aren't they ready?» Donald Trump, US President: «I just don't think they're ready yet, they've made too much money for too long , what they've done to our country is take out anywhere from $300 billion to $500 billion a year. We built China, I have great respect for China and for President Xi in particular. We'll probably make a deal but I don't think they're ready, they want to make a deal, they're not doing well, you look at their economy, the Chinese economy is not doing well and we're doing very well. We're doing better than we've ever done, but I told them, a week ago, they want to come in they want to make a deal, I said you're not ready to make a deal.» US President Donald Trump claimed that illegal immigrants were grabbing children and using them to enter the United States, during a statement he made while leaving the White House on Saturday. Trump was responding to a question about family separations when he claimed that it often wasn't actually families being separated as in «many cases you have really bad people coming in and using children, they're not their children, they don't even know the children.» He also defended the policy claiming it had a deterrent effect, saying that «if they [illegal immigrants] feel there will be separation, they don't come.» After images and stories of children as young as three years old being kept in cages resulted in a wave of condemnation both within the United States and overseas, the Trump administration ended its policy of separating immigrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border in June. Trump mentioned that the United States is also in constant communication with Turkey and is actively investigating the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the Saudi journalist Jamal Kashoggi, who was last seen entering his country's consulate in Istanbul on October 2. Although Turkish officials suspect that the journalist may have been murdered, Trump ruled out the cancellation of planned weapons sales to Saudi Arabia on the grounds that such a move would only hurt American workers and companies. He also touched on his administration's ongoing trade war with China, saying that «China wants to make a deal. China would love to make a deal, I don't think they're ready yet.»

Russia: Opposition activist Alexei Navalny released from prison
2018-10-14 07:29
Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny was released from a Moscow prison on Sunday, after being sentenced to 20 days of administrative arrest for an unsanctioned rally on September 9. The 42-year-old activist was seen leaving the Moscow detention centre and climbing into a car.

Вести-Рязань. События недели. Эфир от 14.10.2018
2018-10-14 08:35

Вести-Москва. Эфир от 14.10.2018
2018-10-14 08:40

«Оно вам надо!»: Эфир от 14.10.2018
2018-10-14 08:58
Если насилие неизбежно. Почему ураган «Майкл» принес такие масштабные разрушения на юг США. Зато мы в области балета. Как российская ракета не долетела до орбиты МКС. В двух шагах от независимости. Что стоит за угрозой Кремля защищать в Украине православных также, как и русскоязычных.

«Макаревич. Цветков. Кофе»: О сексуальных домогательствах в США и России
2018-10-14 09:01
Макаревич. Цветков. Кофе. — О сексуальных домогательствах в США и России

Жители Солсбери приобщились к русской классической музыке
2018-10-14 09:11
«Из России с любовью». Концерт русской классической музыки с таким названием прошел в британском Солсбери. Организаторы подчеркивают: ничего общего с политикой искусство не имеет. Сыграть Рахманинова с Чайковским для жителей города планировали еще год назад. Но местная пресса все же увидела двойное дно. Солидарны ли сами британцы?

USA: Mass brawl between Patriot Prayer and Antifa breaks out during Portland rally
2018-10-14 09:25
A mass brawl broke out on the streets of Portland, Oregon on Saturday, between members of the far-right Patriot Prayer and left-wing Antifa, during a Patriot Prayer rally against Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler. Patriot Prayer members called on the Portland Mayor to either resign or cease ordering the police to stand down as masked Antifa members take over the streets. Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson attempted to take flowers across the street where Antifa members were counter-protesting at the site of a memorial for Patrick Kimmons, a 27-year-old black man shot and killed by police last week. The Patriot Prayer members were blocked from reaching the vigil by members of the far-left Antifa group. A mass brawl then broke out on the streets of Portland with members of both groups fighting and spraying pepper spray at each other, before riot police moved in to quell the brawl

Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 14.10.2018
2018-10-14 09:52
Новый взгляд на старые проблемы. Что же построят на месте бывшего центрального рынка Калуги и когда наведут порядок в районе «Синих мостов»? Скрип железа вместо детских голосов. Калужане недовольны ремонтом площадки для детей и готовы доказать свою правоту наглядно. Сносить нельзя оставить. Кто поставит запятую в вердикте о судьбе концертного зала музыкального колледжа им. Танеева? Рожать стали больше. Беби-бум вывел Калужскую область в топ всероссийского рейтинга. От командира взвода, до главного военкома области. Сергей Кузьменков о себе и новобранцах. Почему не все годны к строевой? С внутренней отделкой закончили и выбрали цвет фасада. Реставрация дома Малининых в областном центре близится к завершению.

USA: ''He was terrific' — Trump thanks Erdogan, wants 'terrific relationship with Turkey'
2018-10-14 10:04
United States President Donald Trump promised to create an American fighting force in space, speaking at a 'Make America Great Again' rally in Richmond, Kentucky, on Saturday. Trump announced that around $700 billion (€605 billion) of military budgets would «fully rebuild the American military.» «China already started, Russia already started. They've got a start, but we have the greatest people in the world,» Trump claimed, adding that «We make the greatest equipment in the world.» The president also thanked Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for the release of American pastor Andrew Brunson, saying «we'll probably now really establish a terrific relationship with Turkey, we appreciate it.»

Portugal: Hurricane Leslie hits Lisbon leaving 15,000 homes without power
2018-10-14 10:51
More than 15,000 homes were left without power, after Hurricane Leslie swept Lisbon overnight on Saturday. Winds with speed of up to 176km/h (109mph) brought down hundreds of trees, traffic lamps and road signs. There have been no reports of casualties, but officials advised local residents to avoid the streets as much as possible. The hurricane, the worst since 1842 in Portugal, is heading over northern Spain.

Вести. Эфир от 14.10.2018 (11:00)
2018-10-14 11:00
Сокрушительный удар: Федор Емельяненко в полуфинале Гран-при турнира по смешанным единоборствам не оставил ни шанса американскому бойцу. Сельхозпроизводство растет рекордными темпами – теперь это высокотехнологичная отрасль. Президент поздравил работников сельского хозяйства с профессиональным праздником. Власти Киева автобусами свозят массовку на Софийскую площадь, чтобы бороться за автокефалию.

Germany: Voting begins for Bavarian state parliament in Munich
2018-10-14 11:40
Polling stations for the Bavarian state election opened in Munich at 8:00 local time (06:00 GMT) on Sunday. Around 9.5 million citizens are called upon to elect a new state parliament for the next five years, including 600,000 first-time voters. Previous polls showed that the state’s ruling party Christian Social Union (CSU) could lose its absolute majority, so it might have to seek a coalition partner.

Бывший саратовский министр ежегодно получала матпомощь от государства
2018-10-14 11:46
Наталья Соколова, экс-министр труда, занятости и миграции, получала ежегодную материальную помощь от государства.

USA: Death toll reaches 18 as Hurricane Michael recovery efforts continue
2018-10-14 12:04
The death toll from Hurricane Michael climbed to 18 on Sunday, as recovery efforts continue in Panama City, Florida. Hundreds of thousands of residents have been left without electricity or running water after the hurricane destroyed water mains and power lines, and left buildings in ruins. Footage filmed early on Sunday, shows residents forming long lines to collect bottled water and food supplies. The Category 4 hurricane hit Florida on Wednesday, with a wind speed of up to 155mph (250km/h), making it the strongest storm to hit mainland US since 1992.

Алексей Навальный вышел на свободу
2018-10-14 12:29
Основатель Фонда борьбы с коррупцией Алексей Навальный вышел на свободу из спецприемника после 50 дней ареста – он отбыл два административных наказания 30 и 20 суток подряд.

БКЛ — не фантазия, а реальность: Собянин рассказал о новой аббревиатуре
2018-10-14 12:40
Совсем скоро в Нагатине заработает парк развлечений мирового уровня. А вот мечты первых новоселов в этом районе уже сбылись: в рамках реновации они получили квартиры в том же дворе, где жили до переезда. Вообще у Москвы — много грандиозных планов. Скоро, например, нам придется привыкать к новой аббревиатуре — БКЛ. О том, что это значит, рассказал Сергей Собянин.

Подмосковье приводит в порядок дороги
2018-10-14 12:47
В Подмосковье изобрели «лекарство от пробок», а где его применить, решают сами жители. Свои пожелания они оставляют на портале «Добродел». Кстати, ремонтировать дороги теперь будут за счет нарушителей. Все средства от штрафов отныне направляются напрямую в дорожный фонд области.

В центре Киева проходит молебен за автокефалию УПЦ
2018-10-14 13:21
Киев будет уважать выбор тех верующих, которые останутся с Русской православной церковью. Об этом на молебне за автокефалию православной церкви на Украине заявил президент Петр Порошенко. Ранее он лично призывал жителей страны прийти на Софийскую площадь. На мероприятие пришли десятки тысяч человек.

«Песня с историей»: «Прощай»
2018-10-14 13:41
Сегодня мы вспомним легендарный советский хит, который появился в 1975 году, — песню «Прощай». В это же время в СССР запустили первый искусственный спутник Венеры, София Ротару исполнила «Смуглянку». В свое первое плавание отправился самый крупный в Советском Союзе танкер Кубань, а ВИА «Самоцветы» попытался заглянуть за облака. Состоялась стыковка космических кораблей «Союз» и «Аполлон», а Лев Лещенко начал «провожать поезда в дальние края».Подробнее — в выпуске «Песня с историей».

Japan: Self Defence Forces display military might in Tokyo parade
2018-10-14 14:01
Japanese Self-Defence Forces held a military parade in Tokyo on Sunday, with presence of the country's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Troops marched with the symbolic rising-sun flag. An exposition area was also opened to public to get a close look at the latest anti-missile system. «Japan is an island, so it is connected with other counties by the sea. By throwing this event, I felt the Defence Forces is eager to defend our country,» one visitor said.

Germany: Green Party's Schulze casts vote in Bavarian elections
2018-10-14 14:08
Top candidate for the Alliance '90/ Green Party in the Bavarian election Katharina Schulze, cast her vote at a polling station in Munich, Germany on Sunday. Schulze said she was curious about the result and whether female representation in Bavaria's state parliament, which currently only consists of 28 percent women, will increase after the election. The Alliance '90/ Green Party is predicted to become the second strongest party after the Christian Social Union (CSU) and may become part of the ruling coalition in the Bavarian government for the first time. According to recent polls, the Christian Social Union (CSU) could lose their position as the absolute majority in what is predicted to be their worst state election result in over 60 years.

Под обстрелами украинских силовиков погибли мать и дочь из Марьевки
2018-10-14 14:11
Две жительницы самопровозглашенной Луганской народной республики, мать и дочь, погибли в результате обстрела украинских силовиков. Под обстрел в субботу во второй половине дня попал район железнодорожной станции Марьевка.

День защитника Украины: военных поздравили роликом с их врагами
2018-10-14 14:11
К скандалу с поздравлением ветеранов боевых действий в Донбассе в Сумской области подключились полиция и Служба безопасности Украины.

ЕС готовит новые санкции против России
2018-10-14 14:25
России грозят новые санкции Евросоюза в связи с применением нервно-паралитического вещества в английском городе Солсбери, сообщает газета The Telegraph. Соответствующий документ в понедельник планируют подписать министры иностранных дел ЕС. Ограничительные меры будут направлены против чиновников российской разведки и их соратников.

Turkey: 19 migrants killed after fatal truck crash in Izmir
2018-10-14 15:14
At least 19 people were killed after a truck carrying migrants crashed through a barrier and plunged 20 metres (65 ft) into a canal in the Menderes district of Izmir, western Turkey on Sunday. Footage filmed on Sunday shows police attending the scene of the crash. The truck was reportedly on route to Izmir from Turkey's Aydin province. The truck driver, who survived without major injuries, said he had swerved to avoid an oncoming vehicle. An investigation into the accident has been opened by prosecutors.

Атака яйцами: у памятника Ватутину в Киеве радикалы подрались с полицией
2018-10-14 15:18
Потасовка между полицией и радикалами, которые попытались снести памятник генералу Ватутину в Мариинском парке, произошла в Киеве.

Germany: Minister President Soeder casts vote in Bavarian elections
2018-10-14 15:26
Top candidate for the Christian Social Union (CSU) as well as the current Bavarian Minister President Markus Soeder, cast his vote at a polling station in Nuremberg's Moegeldorf district, on Sunday. Soeder encouraged the citizens to vote for the Bavarian state parliament, saying «it is an important right what you can always have for a stable Bavaria where all are involved.» «We did everything, we fought, we had a great party, the party did a great job, now we see what comes out. This is decided by the voters, my part is now finished,» Soeder added. According to recent polls, the Christian Social Union (CSU) could lose their position as the absolute majority in what is predicted to be their worst state election result in over 60 years.

Порошенко пообещал не создавать государственную церковь на Украине
2018-10-14 15:39
Президент Украины выступил на молебне в центре Киева. Петр Порошенко заявил, что после предоставления киевскому патриархату автокефалии в стране сохранится свобода вероисповедания.

Iran: US seeks to change regime by undermining legitimacy — Rouhani
2018-10-14 16:32
Washington is seeking to diminish the legitimacy of Iran’s political system to make way for regime change in the country, according to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani as he spoke at the University of Tehran on Sunday. «When they say getting rid of, 'regime change' in their own words, how does regime change happen? Through reducing legitimacy,» said Rouhani, addressing officials and academic figures in a ceremony marking the start of the new academic year in Iran. Rouhani added that there has not been a US administration with such a 'grudge' against Iran for the last forty years. Tensions have been building up between Iran and the US over the latter’s unilateral withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal [JCPOA] in May, with Washington re-imposing sanctions on Iran. The next round of sanctions are expected in November when US is planning introduce provisional measures on Iran’s oil industry. RESTRICTIONS: NO Access Israel Media/Persian Language TV Stations Outside Iran/Strictly No Access BBC Persian/VOA Persian/Manoto-1 TV

Донбасс не поддерживает Филарета
2018-10-14 16:39

Israel: Orthodox enlistment law must pass for 'good of Israel' — Netanyahu
2018-10-14 16:49
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his support for an enlistment law formalising military service targets for ultra-Orthodox students at the cabinet meeting in Jerusalem on Sunday. «This law needs to pass. This is my position. This also needs to be the position of the government, for the good of the country, of the ultra-Orthodox public, and for relations between the ultra-Orthodox and the secular,» Netanyahu stated. The Prime Minister called on the Council of Torah Sages «to make the right decision,» saying «this law is good for Israel.» The new ruling would set conscription targets for Haredi Jews, starting at 4,000 in 2018 and imposing incremental rises year-on-year. If the targets are not met, financial sanctions would be imposed on ultra-Orthodox study centres. Netanyahu also sent out a warning to Hamas during the meeting. «If they do not stop the violent attacks against us, they will be stopped in a different way and it will be painful — very painful,» he added. Video courtesy: Israeli GPO

Московские врачи провели акцию протеста против «оптимизации» здравоохранения
2018-10-14 16:51
Московские врачи провели акцию протеста «Против лжи и коррупции в здравоохранении». Митинг организовали три профессиональных объединения медработников профсоюз «Действие», Альянс врачей и Лига защиты врачей.

Ukraine: Scuffles as nationalists try to tear down Soviet statues in Kiev
2018-10-14 16:59
Scuffles broke out as members of a Ukrainian nationalist group tried to destroy Soviet-era monuments during a protest in Kiev on Sunday. During the rally, activists and representatives from the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) attempted to bring down a monument to the workers of the Arsenal plant in Kiev. Activists also threw eggs at a monument of Soviet military commander Nikolai Vatutin.

Саудовская Аравия пригрозила США ответными санкциями
2018-10-14 18:00
Саудовская Аравия не потерпит в свой адрес ни экономических, ни политических угроз. Об этом источник в правительстве страны заявил государственному агентству Saudi Press. Ранее президент США Дональд Трамп пообещал сурово наказать Эр-Рияд, если выяснится, что за вероятным убийством журналиста Джамаля Хашогги стоят власти Саудовского Аравии.

ISS/Russia: ‘Thank God everyone's alive’ — Cosmonaut Prokopyev on Soyuz failure
2018-10-14 18:06
Russian cosmonaut Sergei Prokopyev said the 'special rescue system' ensured NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Roscosmos cosmonaut Aleksey Ovchinin safely returned to the Earth after their Soyuz MS-10 spacecraft was forced into an emergency landing, during a communication session with Moscow State University on Sunday. Speaking from the ISS, he went on to say that the rescue system 'has proven its reliability,' adding 'this is one of the factors confirming the reliability of our technology.' «Too bad the guys didn't make it to the ISS and scientific equipment as well as various cargoes were not delivered,» Prokopyev said. «But the important thing is that the guys are alive.» Initially heading for the ISS, one of the Soyuz-FG booster rockets failed minutes after launch, forcing the crew to perform emergency landing on Oct 11.

Карточный дом: как устроены мировые финансы. Андрей Фурсов
2018-10-14 18:09
Известный историк Андрей Фурсов представляет книгу Олега Храброго и Андрея Денисова «Карточный дом». Авторы прослеживают механизмы скрытых монетарных интервенций на финансовых рынках, начиная с XVII в. и заканчивая валютными спекулятивными атаками XXI в., от практик эмиссии ценных бумаг и долговых расписок золотарями и ювелирами к созданию банковских картелей и централизованного эмиссионного центра под управлением Федеральной Резервной Системы США. В работе приводятся факты и аргументы, указывающие на направляемый и контролируемый характер острых финансовых кризисов как в Европе и США, так и на развивающихся рынках мира. В работе также дается глубокий анализ стратегии крупнейших инвестиционных фондов, включая Вэнгард Групп (Vanguard Group), на фондовых рынках мира.

В Киеве начался марш националистов
2018-10-14 18:11
Около 5 тысяч человек собрались у парка Шевченко в столице Украины. Оттуда колонны направятся по центральным улицам Киева к Европейской площади.

Украинцы готовы защищать свою Церковь и святыни
2018-10-14 18:15
Заявление Константинополя для украинского православия ничего не меняет. Раскольник Михаил Денисенко по-прежнему никакой не Патриарх, и он по-прежнему отлучен от Церкви.

Поздравительный клип привел в бешенство украинских военных
2018-10-14 18:15
Украинских военных, которые участвовали в боевых действиях в Донбассе, поздравили видеоклипом, прославляющем ополченцев ДНР. Произошло это в Конотопе, на празднике в честь Дня защитника Украины. Собравшиеся «защитники» были в бешенстве, а организаторы оправдывались, что это якобы техническая неисправность.

Вселенский раскольник Варфоломей бегает от журналистов
2018-10-14 18:19
Раскол мирового православия через Украину, похоже, усиливается неумолимо. Синод так называемого Вселенского Патриархата в Турции подтвердил решение о предоставлении автокефалии, то есть признания самостоятельности украинским раскольникам.

Гончаренко в перчатках химзащиты побоялся жать руку Скабеевой
2018-10-14 18:21
Украинские телеканалы распирает гордость за якобы победу депутатов Верховной Рады над русской журналистской на площадке ПАСЕ. И действительно, в Страсбурге было все: вопли, кривляние, нацистский клич «Слава Украине!» и даже зиги.

Московские медики выступили против коррупции
2018-10-14 18:36
Московские врачи провели акцию протеста в центре Москвы. Участники пикета скандировали «Врачам зарплаты депутатов» и «Вернуть льготы медикам». Среди плакатов была фотография премьер-министра Дмитрия Медведева с подписью «Это позор России».

Жертвы на закрытой территории
2018-10-14 18:38
13 октября состоялся ежегодный мемориальный выезд в урочище Койранкангас, где в 1920-е — 1930-е годы происходили массовые расстрелы и захоронения.

El Salvador: Celebrations as murdered Archbishop canonised by Pope
2018-10-14 19:00
Hundreds of supporters of the murdered Archbishop Oscar Romero gathered in San Salvador to celebrate his canonisation as a saint by Pope Francis in the early hours of Sunday. Supporters applauded and cried after watching their compatriot's canonisation ceremony on a screen in Gerardo Barrios square. Archbishop Romero was murdered in 1980 while giving mass and is remembered for his work to help the poor and disenfranchised, along with his commitment to social justice. He is among one of seven new saints declared by Pope Francis at a canonisation ceremony at the Vatican.

Ukraine: Thousands march on Kiev for far-right rally to 'return Ukraine'
2018-10-14 20:30
Thousands of protesters from far-right groups marched through the Ukrainian of capital Kiev on Sunday under the banner 'return Ukraine to Ukrainians.' Earlier in the day, activists and representatives from the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) attempted to bring down a monument to the workers of the Arsenal plant in Kiev. Activists also threw eggs at a monument of Soviet military commander Nikolai Vatutin.

Greece: 10 migrants, smuggler killed in car and truck collision near Kavala
2018-10-14 21:59
At least 11 people were killed in a collision between a truck and a car near Kavala in northern Greece on Saturday. Of the 11 killed, ten are suspected migrants while the remaining person was a potential smuggler, according to local police. The flaming wreckage can be seen lying on the road in the aftermath of the accident. The truck driver escaped with minor injuries and has since been discharged from hospital.

Именины сердца: Какое будущее ждет кардиологию
2018-10-14 22:00
Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания по-прежнему являются основной причиной смерти в мире. Как меняется кардиология? Можно ли теперь напечатать сердце на 3D принтере? И что такое кардиология 2.0, в которой пациенты, соединенные в сеть, играют не меньшую роль, чем врач? Игорь Гончаров, кардиолог и Алексей Утин, кардиолог.

Germany: 'Catastrophic' — CSU suffers worst election result in 68 years
2018-10-14 22:19
A crowd of Christian Social Union (CSU) members and supporters listened in for the results of Sunday's state election at the Bavarian Parliament in Munich. As predicted, the CSU lost support from the Bavarian people compared to their 2013 result, losing around 12 percent of their share and now sitting on 35.5 percent. It marks the worst election result for the CSU since 1950. Minister President Markus Soeder walked on stage shortly after the announcement. «Of course, today is no easy day for the CSU. We didn't get a good result, partly we got a painful result, even if we have to wait for the election evening. We accept the result, we do so with humbleness,» he said. One activist from Dachau described the result as 'catastrophic.' Many of those present felt time was ripe for change within the party and pointed fingers at those sitting in Berlin rather than Bavaria.

«Новости США за 60 секунд»: 14.10.2018
2018-10-14 22:33
Президент Трамп не исключил возможности отставки Мэттиса. Белый дом: Мнучин по-прежнему намерен участвовать в конференции в Саудовской Аравии. Кадлоу: снижение индексов на фондовых рынках — обычная коррекция.

Nicaragua: At least 23 forcibly arrested at anti-Ortega rally in Managua
2018-10-14 22:49
At least 23 people were arrested while trying to protest against the government of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega in Managua on Sunday. The march was called by national opposition parties against Ortega, but was declared illegal by Nicaraguan authorities, which led to the arrest of several protesters. People tried to escape the arrest by hiding in a supermarket but the police arrested many of those who went inside. Hundreds of police officers with sound bombs disrupted the protest which took place on the Camino de Oriente in the Nicaraguan capital.

Chile: 2,000-strong Mapuche march in Santiago marred by violence
2018-10-14 22:58
Clashes erupted in Santiago on Sunday when around 2,000 protesters took to the streets in support of Chile's Mapuche people. The police deployed water cannons and used tear gas to disperse the crowd, while some retaliated by throwing objects back at officers. Hooded men accompanied the march, clashing with protesters at points. Around 650,000 of Chile's 17 million people are Mapuches. Their struggle for greater autonomy has seen several violent outbursts in the past year. Participants of the Mapuche Resistance March have been campaigning for the recovery of their ancestral lands and traditional institutions.

«Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым»: Молебен за автокефалию УПЦ
2018-10-14 23:00
Украинская государственность бьется в конвульсиях: президент страны, формально, не имеющий отношения к Церкви, собирает тысячи граждан на молебен за автокефалию, то есть, за большую религиозную войну. В День защитника Украины, который отмечают одновременно с днем образования Украинской повстанческой армии (УПА), националисты и неонацисты проводят в Киеве факельное шествие.

Germany: CDU laments CSU’s 'bitter but predictable' election results in Bavaria
2018-10-15 00:10
The results of the state elections in Bavaria, despite being bitter, have come as no surprise to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party, according to the party’s Secretary General Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, speaking at a presser in the CDU headquarters in Berlin on Sunday. «It is a warning for us, for CDU Germany. That's why in the upcoming weeks our priority will be devoted to the state elections in Hessen,» she said. The Union (CDU/CSU alliance) received its worst results in Bavaria since 1950, reaching 37.4 percent of the voters, which also means they lost the majority and will have to forge a coalition with another party. SPD, coalition partner of the federal government, also faced a difficult loss with only 9.6 percent of the votes, receiving less support than the far-right AfD party, which brought in a total of 10.6 percent of the ballots, while the Greens came in at 17.9 percent.

Spain: Coach Luis Enrique declares admiration for England's Southgate ahead of clash
2018-10-15 00:42
Spain head coach Luis Enrique praised his English counterpart Gareth Southgate's for his understanding of football, during a press conference in Seville on Sunday. «Southgate is a coach that I have followed for curiosity and to have a free English teacher so I have follow his pressers and I like him, I like the way he talks and the way he understands football», he said. Spanish captain Sergio Ramos commented on the decision to become Spain's penalty kicker, saying that, «it has been rare to find a defender that kicks the penalties regularly but it’s never too late to start and in my case I think it fits me well. I'm fine with taking responsibilities when some calm is necessary and when the team needs you so if I've got to do it I will be happy to.» After the press conference, Spain held an open training session at the Benito Villamarin Stadium, home of Betis Seville FC. On Monday, they will play against England in the same stadium. Spain, England and Croatia are together in League A Group 4 of the UEFA Nations League. After two matches, Spain leads the group with six points, with England and Croatia trailing behind with one point each.

Украинские националисты от души порезвились в центре Киева
2018-10-15 01:21
Тысячи радикалов всех мастей на марше. Речевки во славу идеологов украинского национализма — Бандеры и Шухевича. Попытка снести памятник советскому генералу Ватутину, освобождавшему Киев от фашистов. Так в Киеве отметили очередную годовщину создания УПА. С недавних пор этот день на Украине называют Днем защитника отечества.

Germany: Green Party celebrates its best ever results in Bavarian elections
2018-10-15 01:42
The Alliance '90/Green Party celebrated its historic success in the Bavarian elections in Munich on Sunday. The party is now the second largest force in the Bavarian parliament, having surged into second place with 17.9 percent of the vote, up from 8.6 percent at the last elections. Former Green Party leader Cem Oezdemir claimed that it was the moderation of the party that had allowed it to achieve this result, saying «we ran an election campaign that didn't pile on and didn't try to outdo the competition on who is even more radical, who is even more fanatical and that was exactly the right approach.» Bavaria's ruling Christian Social Union (CSU) party, received its worst results in Bavaria since 1950, winning only 37.4 percent of the vote, and will be forced to look for a coalition partner.

France: Driver arrested after trying to hit pedestrians in Paris suburbs — reports
2018-10-15 03:26
French police arrested a driver after he reportedly attempted to mount a sidewalk to try and hit pedestrians in the suburb of Paris on Sunday night. A car chased ensued, with police firing a number of shots after the rogue driver. Reports say the man was finally apprehended in Saint-Denis with a wound to his arm, while a police officer received minor injuries. The pedestrians were not injured in the incident.

Israel: 93-y.o. crowned 'Miss Holocaust Survivor'
2018-10-15 03:32
Polish-born Tova Ringer, a 93-year-old great-grandmother, won the title of 'Miss Holocaust Survivor', in the northern Israeli city of Haifa on Sunday. The 'Miss Holocaust Survivor' pageant is an annual event that aims to help Holocaust survivors to feel beautiful, important and appreciated, and invites around 2,000 contestants each year. Tova Ringer lost a grandmother, both parents and four sisters at the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz. After the war ended, she went on to build a life for herself and a family in Israel.

Germany: Three dead, eight injured after small plane crashes on landing
2018-10-15 04:02
A plane crash near the central German city of Fulda on Sunday, leaving three people dead and five injured. The Cessna 172N plane crashed into a crowd of people at a small airfield near the Wasserkuppe mountain, while trying to regain altitude after a failed attempt at landing. Two adults and one child died at the scene and the four occupants of the plane, including the pilot, were hospitalised with light injuries. Firefighters worked through the night and into the early hours of the morning at the scene of the crash. The Wasserkuppe is a mountain in the east of the central German state of Hesse, and the area has long been popular with glider and light aircraft enthusiasts in Germany.

«Оперативная смекалка» в делах о совращении малолетних: история осужденного барнаульца
2018-10-15 04:05
Ежегодно за действия сексуального характера в отношении детей в России осуждают более тысячи человек. Это одно из самых тяжких преступлений.

Italy: Toxic smoke fills sky as plastic waste fire rages on
2018-10-15 04:12
A fire broke out at a site used for the storage of plastic waste in the Italian city of Milan on Sunday, sending a plume of toxic smoke over the city. Firefighters are at the scene in the Bovisasca district in the north of the city, and authorities have expressed concern that the blaze could cause carcinogenic dioxin levels to soar in the largely residential area. Since the Chinese government banned the importation of plastic waste at the end of 2017, European countries including Italy have had to store increasing amounts of the material while exploring other disposal options. So far this year there have been 17 fires at waste storage and management facilities throughout the Lombardy region, of which Milan is the capital.

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