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Последние новости

2024-04-13 07:00
n.  appeasement, as discussed by James Pinkerton in "The A-Word" (Salon), where he ponders the question, "Is everyone who fails to follow Bush guilty of 'appeasement?'"

2024-04-06 07:00
n.  appliqué.

<Lots of quilters refer to appliqué as "the A word" because somewhere along the line they got the idea that they simply won't ever get good at the technique.  —Addy Harkavy, "The 'A' Word, Simplified">

2024-03-30 07:00
adj.  awesome.

<Everyday, no matter where I am or who I'm with, I hear the word.  The "A" word.  A-W-E-S-O-M-E.  Those who utter it usually do so without irony, with a special vacancy inspired by the "A" word's  absence of meaning or impact.  It is the physical symptom of an imaginative wasting away of the host's verbal skills.  The "A" word is a menace!  It is a verbal scourge that is spreading fast.  Forget about bio terror, it's time you started worrying about your linguistic environment.  —Melanie McBride, "Stop the 'A' Word Now!" Chandrasutra.Typepad.com>

2024-03-23 07:00
adj.  best.

<I haven't exactly been playing my A game lately. —Jim Hill, JimHillMedia.com>