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Yokes 2014

Книга по вязанию спицами. Автор издания и дизайнер Kate Davies предлагает 11 проектов для вязания свитера. В этой книге она раскрывает историю одного из самых характерных стилей свитеров двадцатого века — круглой кокетки. Каждый проект сопровождается инструкцией и схемой вязания.

11 patterns for sweater knits. Originally published 2014, some files updated with pattern corrections after this date (included). In this exciting new book, writer and designer Kate Davies unravels the tale of one of the Twentieth Century’s most distinctive sweater styles - the circular yoke. From Shetland and Iceland to Canada and Sweden, Kate’s essays and conversations take you on a journey around the North Atlantic, exploring the yoke’s intriguing and often surprising regional narratives. The essays and conversations are accompanied by a collection of eleven signature yoke patterns. Featuring a wide range of design elements from colourwork and cables to beads and texture, Kate has created a yoke for every knitter. So take up your needles, open up this book, and discover the story of the sweater that changed the shape of modern knitting.

Название: Yokes: Eleven signature designs, with stories of the sweater that changed the shape of modern knitting
Автор: K. Davies
Издательство: Kate Davies Designs, Ltd.
Год: 2014
Размер: 27 mb
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 116
Язык: Английский


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