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Polish your English

Polish your English - Продолжаем полировать английский с новыми друзьями!

Дорогие подписчики! Рассылка "Polish your English" прекращает своё существование и объединяется с родственной ей рассылкой "Английский язык: говорить легко. Рекомендуем вам подписаться на эту рассылку. Надеемся, что вы останетесь удовлетворены такими переменами и наши выпуски помогут вам достичь желаемой цели. С уважением, ваша новая ведущая Хэлли ...

2007-08-31 10:49:35 + Комментировать

Polish your English issue 6

Информационный Канал Subscribe.Ru SHOPPING To buy a pig in a poke Vocabulary? - No problem. This part of our lesson is dedicated to brushing up our vocabulary. Here you can see groups of words. They all can be connected with the topic `Shopping. Some of them are easy, some are not. You are to look all the words up in the dictionary & then translate those you don't know. If you're lucky to know them all, then you can relax & get pleasure. Miscellaneous words & Expressions. a catalogue, on-line s...

2005-12-05 00:53:34 + Комментировать

Polish your English issue 5

Информационный Канал Subscribe.Ru ISSUE 5 I congratulate myself (not very shy of me) on the promotion of my subscribe-list to the category of `silver! I should tell all who subscribed not long ago that 4 first issues were dedicated to the topic `FOOD. And today we begin a new topic. SHOPPING Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves Vocabulary? - No problem. This part of our lesson is dedicated to brushing up our vocabulary. Here you can see groups of words. They all can be connect...

2005-11-23 11:05:48 + Комментировать

Polish your English additional issue

Информационный Канал Subscribe.Ru приглашайте ваших друзей в новую рассылку! Рассылка для тех, кто хочет углубить знания в английском или закрепить уже имеющиеся навыки! http:// subscribe .ru/catalog/job.lang.7130153 Subscribe.Ru Поддержка подписчиков Другие рассылки этой тематики Другие рассылки этого автора Подписан адрес: Код этой рассылки: job.lang.polishenglish Архив рассылки Отписаться Вспомнить пароль ...

2005-11-05 14:59:30 + Комментировать

Polish your English

Информационный Канал Subscribe.Ru ISSUE 4. PRACTISE YOUR VOCABULARY. These are tasks for testing your vocabulary. The exercises are taken from EXAMINATION WORKBOOK FOR STUDENTS who want to pass IELTS. If these exercises are easy for you, youre an expert in English. Have a bit of patience & you'll conquer them! Task 1: Find words which suit the sentences best. A sample sentence with the word removed has been given to you. 1. Units of measurement of energy in food. (Example: She's counting_ to try and lo...

2005-11-03 00:11:29 + Комментировать

Polish your English issue 3

Информационный Канал Subscribe.Ru ISSUE 3. Today is the final day of studying things concerning food. Vocabulary? - No problem. NAMES OF KINDS OF MEAT : beef, lamb, mutton, pork, veal. NAMES OF MEAT PRODUCTS: beefsteak, roast beef, chops, cutlets, rissoles, ham, bacon, sausage, hamburger. NAMES OF FISH: herring salmon, trout, cod, hake, tuna, sturgeon. NAMES OF SEAFOOD: prawns, shrimps, crab, lobster, oysters, caviar. POULTRY: chicken, goose, turkey. DISHES: clear soup, pea soup, cabbage soup, porridge, ce...

2005-10-31 01:34:12 + Комментировать

Polish your English issue 2

Информационный Канал Subscribe.Ru ISSUE 2 Today we continue our food-theme. Food for imagination. I'm going to give you some food for your imagination. In the box below you can see so called word-groups. They are not related to each other in any way, but sound alike. Your task is to remember them & who knows, maybe my subscribers are of great talent, & some of you'll write a poem or a nursery rhyme. eat ate beat eat feat heat meat neat seat wheat ate crate date fate grate mate plate state Word of t...

2005-10-27 20:35:03 + Комментировать

Polish your English issue 1

Информационный Канал Subscribe.Ru If you look at this &, more precisely saying, read this text, youre sure to be one of my subscribers. That makes me happy. This 1 st lesson is a kind of introduction. Ill show you how to use all the information I give you. If you follow my advice, thatd be great, otherwise, youll only staff your e-mail box without any benefit. But why are we still talking? No wasting time on looking for a philosophers stone. Just begin polishing your English. Vocabulary? - No problem. ...

2005-10-04 05:08:11 + Комментировать

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