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Polish your English

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Polish your English issue 6

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To buy a pig in a poke

Vocabulary? - No problem.

This part of our lesson is dedicated to brushing up our vocabulary. Here you can see groups of words. They all can be connected with the topic “Shopping”. Some of them are easy, some are not. You are to look all the words up in the dictionary & then translate those you don’t know. If you’re lucky to know them all, then you can relax & get pleasure.

Miscellaneous words & Expressions.

a catalogue, on-line shopping, TV shop, to change stock, good value for money, wholesale, to buy in bulk, a middleman, a shopkeeper, a stallholder, a trader, a credit card, a discount card/coupon, a checkout assistant, a receipt, a security arch, a cash desk, "pay here", a cloth/plastic/paper bag, to pay cash/by check, bank card, cheque book, store card, switch card, to change, exchange office/buteau de change, exchange rate(rate of exchange), currency, to refund, sale/season sale/clearance sale, at a reduced price, to cut prices, to get a discount, to get £/$ 10 off, to be on sale, a rip-off, shopping facilities, to be out of fashion/style, to display, a shop window, to go window shopping, trolley/cart, basket, carrier bag, a label/ a designer label, bar code, sell-by date, faulty goods, store hours, to wrap up, to giftwrap smth, to see to smb., to serve a customer/client, to pay a deposit, to refund, to haggle, mass-produce goods, a packet of frozen berries, a tube of margarine/toothpaste, a pack of cornflakes/sugar, a bottle of oil/milk, a carton of milk/juice, a box of matches/chocolate/sweets/eggs, a can of lemonade/Coke/beer, a jar of jam, a loaf of bread, a head of cabbage, a tin of beans/peas/pickles/tomatoes/beats, a bar of soap/chocolate.

Garage sale, boot sale, cent store, dime


On a shoestring , On the cuff, On the rocks, Pass the hat, Pay through the nose, Penny-Wise and Pound-Foolish, Real McCoy, Tighten your belt, Top Drawer, Beggars can't be choosers, Chicken Feed, Cost an Arm and a Leg, Dime a Dozen, Drop in the bucket, Highway robbery

Task 1. At the shoe department.

Complete the following dialogues using the sentences given below.

Customer: Excuse me. ...

Assistant: Certainly, madam. What can I show you?

Customer: I'd like to buy a pair of fancy dress shoes.

Assistant: ...   Leather,   suede,   glace   or   I   can   offer   you   glitter stiletto shoes.

Customer: I like them. Can I try them on? Assistant: Certainly.... Customer: They're   a   bit   tight.   I   have   rather   a   broad   foot and a high instep. ...

Assistant: I'm afraid not in that style. ... Customer: Then, probably, leather shoes are better ...

Assistant: Yes, they'll stretch:

Customer: Very well then. Thank you for your help.

Assistant: You're welcome.

1.   They will give a little after wearing.

2.   Have you got them in a wider fitting?

3.   Can you wait on me?

4.     How do they fit, madam?

5.     Would you like to see another similar style?

6.     What kind of shoes do you want, madam?

Task 2.  Translate.

1. We still have to operate on a shoestring. I've been living on a shoestring since my father stopped sending me, money .

2. Look at the prices!!! It's a real highway robbery!

3. Such cars cost an arm and leg to manufacture.

A joke of the day

Give me free meat

It was many years ago since the embarrassing day when a young woman, with a baby in her arms, entered his butcher shop and confronted him with the news that the baby was his and asked what was he going to do about it? Finally he offered to provide her with free meat until the boy was 16. She agreed.

He had been counting the years off on his calendar, and one day the teenager, who had been collecting the meat each week, came into the shop and said, "I'll be 16 tomorrow."

"I know," said the butcher with a smile, "I've been counting too, tell your mother, when you take this parcel of meat home, that it is the last free meat she'll get, and watch the expression on her face."

When the boy arrived home he told his mother. The woman nodded and said, "Son, go back to the butcher and tell him I have also had free bread, free milk, and free groceries for the last 16 years and watch the expression on his face!"

I should thank all those who mailed me. You really help me to make my subscribe list better.

Besides, I’d like to thank Ludmila for having found the following misprints in issue 5: fur-coat and flea market.

And I’d like to publish a letter from one of the subscribers:

I subscribed to your english language lessons "Polish your English". Now I have a question for you.
Why do you give all english words without translation? To teach us(your students) to work with a vocabulary? I think, it would be much easier for everybody to learn them if you give them with russian eqivalents. (So, it's all only IMHO, and any teacher must teach in the manner he/she prefers, and I hope this question/advice/petition - as you wish :)- will not be rude of me)
Your student.
Best regards,

Of course it’s not rude to express your feelings about the issues I send you. That’s your opinion & I’ll do my best to help you & all my subscribers to polish your English. I ask all the subscribers to answer an easy question: is it really better for you to get the words with translation? If the number of those who will mail me their answers is bigger, then I’ll be publishing them with the transcription. It’s up to you.

If you are shrewd enough to find any misprints or clever enough ;) to ask questions about topics you're interested in, you're welcome at brigitte_@rambler.ru. I'll be glad to hear from your.

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Polish your English

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