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Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 223

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Новости о ПО Lotus Notes (8)

Зав.кассой - dengi59.ru
На рынке появятся компьютеры для бедных - Интернет издание Багнет
IBM, Canonical и Simmtronics создадут ноутбук за $190 - Новости ИТ-рынка
IBM создала нетбук стоимостью $190 - Информационное агентство Клерк.Ру
IBM и Canonical взялись за разработку 190-долларового нетбука c открытым ПО - CNews.ru
IBM и Simmtronics предлагают развивающимся странам 190-долларовый нетбук - Компьюлента
Simmbook - недорогой нетбук для развивающихся стран - DailyComm.ru
IBM и Canonical предложат нетбук для развивающихся стран

CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (2)

Domino Web Development from the Ground Up: Getting Rid of Framesets
Speed Up Your LotusScript Loops with the Custom statusBuffer Class

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (54)

Липовая Елизавета Руслановна
Пестриков Степан Романович
Аграновский Алексей Русланович
Мелихов Тарас Романович
Малышко Эдуард Афанасьевич
Труженикова Валерия Григорьевна
Максименко Вадим Арсениевич
Мушкет Сергей Валерьевич
Раинина Полина Павловна
Авлов Василий Артемович
Ориентированный на развивающиеся страны нетбук Simmbook за 190 долларов
Недопекин Константин Сергеевич
Гришенкова Мария Матвеевна
Ванников Виталий Олегович
Рослый Алексей Юрьевич
Made it lotus notes download - http://ghaserowa.100webspace.net/pictures-free-download/
E eu pensando que Lotus Notes fosse a plataforma de desenvolvimento mais bugada e
IBM и Simmtronics создали нетбук стоимостью $190
На рынке появятся компьютеры для бедных
"Ликбез" для великих вещей
IBM, Canonical и Simmtronics создадут ноутбук за $190
IBM выпустит нетбук для развивающихся стран за $190
Моя формула счастья...
IBM и Canonical предложат нетбук для развивающихся стран
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IBM создала нетбук стоимостью $190
Софт для локальной сети
IBM и Canonical предложат нетбук для развивающихся стран
IBM и Canonical взялись за разработку 190-долларового нетбука c открытым ПО. В ...
IBM и Canonical взялись за разработку 190-долларового нетбука c открытым ПО. В ...
Полигон 2007
Поставить на Domino Lotus Traveler пока нет такой возможности.
Балябина Тамара Геннадьевна
Самойлов Богдан Олегович
Лешкина Карина Сергеевна
Гришанов Матвей Егорович
Дондукова Вера Николаевна
Шнейдер Зоя Сергеевна
Синицкий Егор Анатольевич
Save the date! Join us for the BlackBerry Jam on March 30!
The Lost Art of Forum Etiquette
Чагадаев Роман Геннадьевич
Бахматов Валентин Валентинович
Селихова Виолетта Владимировна
При наличии корпоративного Lotus Notes, фраза "Я сижу в лотосе" утрачивает свое
Стратегии в Sametime
Чилингарова Антонина Алексеевна
Вакульчук Людмила Михайловна
Белевитина Алина Павловна
Новик Рената Петровна
Баратев Александр Викторович
Колтырина София Артуровна
Notes/domino New Release

Вакансии для специалистов (10)

Field Operations/Processing Support - SAP, Lotus Notes
Systems Consultant 2 - Lotus Notes Support
Systems Consultant 2 - Lotus Notes Support
Lotus Notes Domino Engineer
Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes Developer
Sr. Domino/Lotus Notes Tester
Analyst, BlackBerry Premier Support - Lotus Notes / Domino

Закладки о Lotus Notes (1)

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Хостинг на Lotus Domino

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  • Новости о ПО Lotus Notes

    1. Зав.кассой - dengi59.ru

    Уверенный пользователь, знание стандартных программ Microsoft Office, а также Internet, Lotus Notes; Специальных Банковских программ - Ва-банк, Бисквит, Siebel 8, GBA. Знание офисной оргтехники (факс, принтер, сканер). Активная жизненная позиция, аналитический склад ума, пунктуальность, ...

    2. На рынке появятся компьютеры для бедных - Интернет издание Багнет

    Интернет издание Багнет

    На рынке появятся компьютеры для бедных
    Интернет издание Багнет
    Кроме того, вместе с компьютером будут поставляться пакеты Lotus Symphony, Lotus Notes, LotusLive iNotes. Комментарии, содержащие мат, флуд и коммерческую рекламу удаляются без предупреждения. Пожалуйста, уважайте друг друга. А что, давно собирался приобрести вместо альбома с фотографиями для ...

    и другие »

    3. IBM, Canonical и Simmtronics создадут ноутбук за $190 - Новости ИТ-рынка

    IBM, Canonical и Simmtronics создадут ноутбук за $190
    Новости ИТ-рынка
    «Simmbook будет поставляться с предустановленным ПО IBM Client for Smart Work, включающим IBM Lotus Symphony, доступом к облачным сервисам IBM LotusLive и возможностью выбора дополнительных программ IBM Lotus, таких как Lotus Notes и Lotus Sametime», - говориться в официальном заявлении IBM. ...

    и другие »

    4. IBM создала нетбук стоимостью $190 - Информационное агентство Клерк.Ру

    IBM создала нетбук стоимостью $190
    Информационное агентство Клерк.Ру
    Новый Simmbook также оснащен жестким диском объемом 160 ГБ, 1,3-мегапиксельной веб-камерой, кардридером, тремя USB-портами, Ethernet-контроллером и 3-ячеечным аккумулятором. Нетбук работает под управлением Ubuntu Linux. В комплект также входят пакеты Lotus Symphony, Lotus Notes и LotusLive ...

    и другие »

    5. IBM и Canonical взялись за разработку 190-долларового нетбука c открытым ПО - CNews.ru

    IBM и Canonical взялись за разработку 190-долларового нетбука c открытым ПО
    Компьютер будет поставляться с предустановленным программным обеспечением IBM Client for Smart Work, включающим IBM Lotus Symphony и открывающим доступ к веб-службам IBM LotusLive. В зависимости от варианта поставки, пакет может быть дополнен Lotus Notes, Lotus Sametime и другими приложениями, ...

    и другие »

    6. IBM и Simmtronics предлагают развивающимся странам 190-долларовый нетбук - Компьюлента


    IBM и Simmtronics предлагают развивающимся странам 190-долларовый нетбук
    Есть также три порта USB 2.0 и разъем D-Sub. Весит Simmbook около 1,2 кг. На Simmbook предустанавливается операционная система Ubuntu Linux . Кроме того, вместе с компьютером будут поставляться пакеты Lotus Symphony, Lotus Notes, LotusLive iNotes и приложения для взаимодействия с «облачными» ...

    и другие »

    7. Simmbook - недорогой нетбук для развивающихся стран - DailyComm.ru


    Simmbook - недорогой нетбук для развивающихся стран
    Кроме того, в комплект поставки входят программные пакеты Lotus Symphony, Lotus Notes, LotusLive iNotes, а также приложения для взаимодействия с "облачными" сервисами. Стоит отметить, что Simmbook, помимо прводного доступа в сеть, поддерживает также беспроводные технологии Wi-Fi и Bluetooth. ...

    и другие »

    8. IBM и Canonical предложат нетбук для развивающихся стран

    IBM, Canonical (компания, стоящая за дистрибутивом Ubuntu) и Simmtronics в скором времени начнут продажу нетбука с подключением к "облачным вычислениям" всего за $190. Simbook , так называется этот нетбук, будет поставляться с программным обеспечением IBM Client for Smart Work, которое включает в себя Lotus Symphony, Lotus Notes, LotusLive iNotes и другие программы, а также доступом к "облачным вычислениям" платформы LotusLive. В качестве операционной системы на устройстве будет использован Linux-дистрибутив Ubuntu.

    Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino

    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Domino Web Development from the Ground Up: Getting Rid of Framesets

    Convert a Notes application that uses frames to a Domino Web application that doesn't and make your users happier. They'll be able to bookmark any of your views or pages and have the bookmarks return to the correct locations. Learn the best techniques for eliminating framesets while preserving the application functionality you need.

    2. Speed Up Your LotusScript Loops with the Custom statusBuffer Class

    Providing updates to users on the progress of a code process has historically been an expensive operation. The statusBuffer class is a simple and easy way to minimize the number of screen updates and therefore improve the performance of your code. It allows you to achieve a balance between the competing requirements of code execution speed and keeping your end-user informed. Download the class and learn to how to use it from your LotusScript code.

    developerWorks  >  Lotus  >  Forums & community  >  Lotus Sandbox

    Lotus Sandbox


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    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/349636f5bd64583785256c5c00482cd1?OpenDocument>2 Extended Attachment Editio2 Extended Attachment Edition
    Edit and handle Attachments in Notes 4 the same way as in Notes 6
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/71c7bb2310a15bc385256d17005a6d68?OpenDocument>A new Approach - Web-based DA new Approach - Web-based Date Picker
    Web-based date picker that displays company sponsored holidays
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/2e808c6e7f2abc6585256d17005a701f?OpenDocument>A new approach - Web-based NA new approach - Web-based NAB
    A Web-based NAB with simple search function
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/67f76112ed2e136c852571db0054f760?OpenDocument>A self-guided tour of DominoA self-guided tour of Domino Domain Monitoring (DDM)
    The attached presentation (ddm.ppt) is a self-guided tour of Domino Domain Monitoring (DDM).
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/ccb30b2fead6c2288525690a0048c83b?OpenDocument>A simple method to use File A simple method to use File Upload Controls on the Web.
    For identifying/using file upload controls on the Web.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/255e4fcdbd8a951385256c940075e28e?OpenDocument>Access Level</a>][<br>]DisplAccess Level
    Displays User Access Level in DB - no need to know your group membership.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/ae043110f5e4e7338525688d006a5081?OpenDocument>Accidents Reports</a>][<br>]Accidents Reports
    Simple application for reporting and monitoring industrial accidents.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/fe6574162e6c1b6a852567ca006e79f1?OpenDocument>Account Manager</a>][<br>]MaAccount Manager
    Manages accounts, profiles, and contacts.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/11f736c9d472b15885256996006d7458?OpenDocument>ACL Audit Tool</a>][<br>]TooACL Audit Tool
    Tool to perform an ACL audit of databases/templates on a Domino server.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/81deffed8f49e561852568d4006c98e4?OpenDocument>ACL backup and restore functACL backup and restore functions in LotusScript
    LotusScript agents saving ACLs in NotesDocuments and restoring them back to DBs ACL
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/9290c5e7654f34ea85256a1e0050bc55?OpenDocument>ACL Scanner</a>][<br>]CreateACL Scanner
    Creates reports about ACLs on all databases on one server, and recurses groups.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/ac1ba5645421b7e285256c940075ef53?OpenDocument>ACL Setter</a>][<br>]Allows ACL Setter
    Allows you to modify a database ACL without manager access on a server.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/80a0129b9d0b965485256a700048ae65?OpenDocument>ACL &quot;Modificator&quot; ACL "Modificator" 1.0
    Add ACL entries in multiple databases.
    Acme Standard Interface and Acme News databases
    Sample databases from the Iris Today article Building standard interfaces without changing your applications.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/d8bd2253eef9d9918525684a006d1c5a?OpenDocument>Acme.nsf and Zippy.nsf</a>][Acme.nsf and Zippy.nsf
    Sample databases Acme.nsf and Zippy.nsf referenced in the Iris Today article "Exercising XML with Domino Designer."
    Action button to initiate replication on server
    This Action code uses defined Connection documents to start immediate replication through remote console on source server
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/0a41daba7017450685256a3e00524375?OpenDocument>Action Button to set InterneAction Button to set Internet Password
    Action Button to set Internet Password
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/0e3afa9908928a378525699e004e8fc8?OpenDocument>Add business holidays to theAdd business holidays to the user's calendar
    Quick and dirty code to add business holidays to the user's calendar using front end classes.
    Add sound to a Notes form
    Add Sound Recorder to your e-mail template.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/d94d651dcd540b2485256949006e27db?OpenDocument>Add System DBs</a>][<br>]AddAdd System DBs
    Adds MAIL.BOX, SMTP.BOX, LOG.NSF, etc. from every available server to your workspace.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/69008d904a1ca3ab85256c940075f963?OpenDocument>Address Book Servlet v1.0</aAddress Book Servlet v1.0
    Address Book servlet provides an interface similar to address book dialog box in Lotus Notes client
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/95afbd0f93c19c858525688d006a57b5?OpenDocument>Admin-Dev Tools 2.0</a>][<brAdmin-Dev Tools 2.0
    Tools for day to day admin tasks. Updated from the original version.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f51807e42918e33e00256c090044738f?OpenDocument>Admin ACL 2</a>][<br>]AdminAAdmin ACL 2
    AdminACL is an application that allows you to add any ACL entry with any level to any database you want even if you do not have access to it.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/ca69e90dbf829253852567f3007c4b70?OpenDocument>Admin Helper</a>][<br>]Find Admin Helper
    Find Orphan mail files, check the Out of Office agent owner and the Calendar Profile owner of mail file for existing users.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/80beb21669da8d3185256b1400745b63?OpenDocument>AdminACL</a>][<br>]This toolAdminACL
    This tool allows you, the administrator, to add any group, user, and server to any databases in you organization (in one agent).
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7147feda3a9094ed85256b9f00725761?OpenDocument>Advanced Settings sample datAdvanced Settings sample database
    This database includes an advanced version of the Application Settings tool described in the Iris Today article "Application settings tool: an alternative to profiles" by Jonathan Coombs.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/530cf440b8deb01300256bde0031a0ff?OpenDocument>Advanced View Techniques</a>Advanced View Techniques
    Interesting ways to display views using applets & print selected documents from View Applet
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/770532e1a86fbf1385256f0a00637edc?OpenDocument>Advanced XML for Notes</a>][Advanced XML for Notes
    Advanced XML techniques with Domino using data binding and Notes queries
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/b1176bb4b31fada8852567f300753b47?OpenDocument>Advertising server</a>][<br>Advertising server
    Serves advertisements from an internally maintained list.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/0385bf0f95d0c98885256989005a29dc?OpenDocument>Agent to Compare 2 DocumentsAgent to Compare 2 Documents in R5
    Agent to Compare 2 Documents in R5 (works with RTF fields, too).
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f38057887f500e43852567c300660362?OpenDocument>Agentless thread map databasAgentless thread map database sample
    Demonstrates a technique for generating thread maps in an application without the use of a background agent.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7967df8d95f585a485256c940076012b?OpenDocument>agentShowInternetHeaders</a>agentShowInternetHeaders
    LotusScript agent to show Internet "received" headers
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/70f703dd400f97d500256bd000318722?OpenDocument>Alarm/Reminder setting from Alarm/Reminder setting from another application
    Set an alarm or reminders in a user's calendar from another application
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f710dcdf7214e953852569e60054fe7a?OpenDocument>Alex & Dilbert Cartoon RetriAlex & Dilbert Cartoon Retrieval Agent
    Database to retrieve and email Dilbert and Alex Cartoons
    Allow value not in list
    To improve Allow value not in list on the WEB
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7b7eff84bd6eeff600256bd8003960e8?OpenDocument>Allow values not in list comAllow values not in list combo for web
    Combo box with allow values not in list for IE5 and above, Netscape 6 and above
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/98176455ff90e2d500256c38004a5f0c?OpenDocument>Alternate Color Rows View inAlternate Color Rows View in a Web Browser - Version 3
    Alternate Color Rows View Version 3 - More features
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/78ad87650e8e6d8085256818007202c2?OpenDocument>AntiSpamFilter Agent</a>][<bAntiSpamFilter Agent
    Anti-spam agent and design elements to enhance spam mail filtering in the standard Notes mail template.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/b376f26b8cbd9f1b8525694d004e24c3?OpenDocument>API Goodies for Lotus Notes<API Goodies for Lotus Notes
    Control various Win API settings from inside Notes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/e6621c730727e8a3852567f4007eaba1?OpenDocument>AppleScript code examples foAppleScript code examples for Notes
    This database contains additional programming examples for AppleScript in Notes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7d55dec173045350852568a4005d0497?OpenDocument>Application Development DocuApplication Development Documentation Library
    Allows developers of a systems group to store their documentation.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/0af99983727460a000256bd4003996c6?OpenDocument>Archive on CD-ROM</a>][<br>]Archive on CD-ROM
    Agent to archive on CD-ROM.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/9dc708521fd73a43852568a40069cf02?OpenDocument>Archive Options</a>][<br>]ArArchive Options
    Archive your mail db by dates or by sizes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/86cf1eb52622488f85256d51004eeb72?OpenDocument>ArraySort</a>][<br>]An arrayArraySort
    An array sort using a fast shell sort algorthim
    Article "Notes application strategies: Document rating" sample database
    Sample database that accompanies the article, "Notes application strategies: Document rating"
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f5da0954a65348b985256e39004d1583?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: Interactive search" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article, "Notes application strategies: Interactive search."
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/2e00b11f20d7446b85256e47006624c1?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: Mail Processor" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article, "Notes application strategies: Mail Processor."
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/a687d600ae1001e985256e550058c84e?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: User activity tracking" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article "Notes application strategies: User activity tracking"
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/1d9d9dd534b1491288256ae3006a997c?OpenDocument>ASP SendMail for Notes/DominASP SendMail for Notes/Domino
    Very simple program in VBScript that sends mail in ASP / WSH natively through Notes/Domino
    Audio CD Tracking
    Keeps track of 100 CD changer and CD collection

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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. Липовая Елизавета Руслановна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator

    2. Пестриков Степан Романович

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office, WebMoney

    3. Аграновский Алексей Русланович

    IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Банк-Клиент

    4. Мелихов Тарас Романович

    IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Outlook

    5. Малышко Эдуард Афанасьевич

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, WebMoney

    6. Труженикова Валерия Григорьевна

    IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office

    7. Максименко Вадим Арсениевич

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, WebMoney

    8. Мушкет Сергей Валерьевич

    IBM Lotus Notes

    9. Раинина Полина Павловна

    AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, Outlook, QuarkXPress, The Bat, WebMoney

    10. Авлов Василий Артемович

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word

    11. Ориентированный на развивающиеся страны нетбук Simmbook за 190 долларов

    Кроме того, вместе с компьютером будут поставляться пакеты Lotus Symphony, Lotus Notes, LotusLive iNotes и приложения для взаимодействия с «облачными» сервисами.

    12. Недопекин Константин Сергеевич

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Outlook, Банк-Клиент

    13. Гришенкова Мария Матвеевна

    IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Internet Explorer, Outlook, The Bat

    14. Ванников Виталий Олегович

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, Банк-Клиент

    15. Рослый Алексей Юрьевич

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    В комплект также входят пакеты Lotus Symphony, Lotus Notes и LotusLive iNotes. ©

    19. На рынке появятся компьютеры для бедных

    Кроме того, вместе с компьютером будут поставляться пакеты Lotus Symphony, Lotus Notes, LotusLive iNotes.

    20. "Ликбез" для великих вещей

    Из темы Изменить автоматически Location и Connection
    Creating Connection documents using LotusScript


    До інформаційних систем розглянутого типу можна віднести й деякі інші програмні продукти більш прикладного характеру, такі, наприклад, як Lotus Notes – систему автоматизації документообігу установи.

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    25. IBM и Canonical предложат нетбук для развивающихся стран

    Simbook, так называется этот нетбук, будет поставляться с программным обеспечением IBM Client for Smart Work, которое включает в себя Lotus Symphony, Lotus Notes, LotusLive iNotes и другие программы, а также доступом к «облачным вычислениям» платформы LotusLive.

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    27. IBM создала нетбук стоимостью $190

    Кроме того, в комплект поставки входят программные пакеты Lotus Symphony, Lotus Notes, LotusLive iNotes, а также приложения для взаимодействия с "облачными" сервисами.

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    Simbook , так называется этот нетбук, будет поставляться с программным обеспечением IBM Client for Smart Work, которое включает в себя Lotus Symphony, Lotus Notes, LotusLive iNotes и другие программы, а также доступом к “облачным вычислениям” платформы LotusLive.

    30. IBM и Canonical взялись за разработку 190-долларового нетбука c открытым ПО. В ...

    В зависимости от варианта поставки, пакет может быть дополнен Lotus Notes, Lotus Sametime и другими приложениями, сообщает eWeek.>>>

    31. IBM и Canonical взялись за разработку 190-долларового нетбука c открытым ПО. В ...

    В зависимости от варианта поставки, пакет может быть дополнен Lotus Notes, Lotus Sametime и другими приложениями, сообщает eWeek.>>>

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    35. Самойлов Богдан Олегович

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes

    36. Лешкина Карина Сергеевна

    CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Outlook

    37. Гришанов Матвей Егорович

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, The Bat

    38. Дондукова Вера Николаевна

    Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Office, QuarkXPress, The Bat

    39. Шнейдер Зоя Сергеевна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, QuarkXPress

    40. Синицкий Егор Анатольевич

    IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office

    41. Save the date! Join us for the BlackBerry Jam on March 30!

    42. The Lost Art of Forum Etiquette

    As part of the Lotus Community Forum, Kathy and I had the chance to present on a webcast on the topic we titled “The Lost Art of Forum Etiquette.” In it, we covered some of the tips and tricks that will either make your discussion forum visits much more productive, or get you ostracized if you ...

    43. Чагадаев Роман Геннадьевич

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory

    44. Бахматов Валентин Валентинович

    IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Консультант+

    45. Селихова Виолетта Владимировна

    AutoCAD, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Outlook

    46. При наличии корпоративного Lotus Notes, фраза "Я сижу в лотосе" утрачивает свое

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    47. Стратегии в Sametime

    Всем привет! Есть проблема и, надеюсь, местные гуру меня выручат. Поднял для тестов сервис Sametime 8.5 на Lotus Domino 8.5fp1. В качестве осн. каталога - Domino Directory. Есть проблема с применением стратегий к пользователям: после создания новой стратегии пытаюсь присвоить ее пользователям - и не получается: на странице браузера висит окно с надписью загрузка справочника и все. Это окно - java applet. В системы установлена последняя версия java. На всякий случай пробовал более ранние версии и разные браузеры - не помогло. В Java Console мелькает фраза: WARNING: Read data from input stream: false. Люди, хелп ми. Не разобравшись с проблемой не могу пустить сервис в продакшн, а идей нет. Еще раз хелп

    48. Чилингарова Антонина Алексеевна

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, MS Active Directory, Microsoft PowerPoint, Консультант+

    49. Вакульчук Людмила Михайловна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes

    50. Белевитина Алина Павловна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, Outlook, WebMoney

    51. Новик Рената Петровна

    IBM Lotus Notes

    52. Баратев Александр Викторович

    CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Банк-Клиент

    53. Колтырина София Артуровна

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Excel

    54. Notes/domino New Release

    Че-то я не нашел у нас такой темы, где бы обсуждались релизы, фиксы и т.п.
    Надо бы такую зафиксить где-то, если нету...

    Download options for Notes/Domino 8.5.1 Fix Packs

    Notes/Domino Fix List
    Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2 Release Notice (March 25, 2010)

    Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2 Release Notice
    March 25, 2010

    IBM Lotus announces the release of Notes/Domino 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2, a scheduled Fix Pack of a limited number of low-risk, high-impact fixes to help customers safely avoid known issues. IBM strongly recommends that customers running Notes/Domino 8.5.1 upgrade to this latest Fix Pack since it addresses a small percentage of defects that impact the broadest set of customers. Fix Packs are released periodically between Maintenance Releases to provide a greater level of stability for customer environments. They go through the same level of fix, regression and interoperability testing that occurs with Maintenance Releases. Future Fix Packs are always cumulative and contain all of the fixes from previous ones.

    Notes/Domino 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2 addresses defects in both the Client and Server. All Fix Packs are language independent and may be applied on any language version of Notes/Domino 8.5.1. (Note: Multilingual User Interface (MUI) packs for Notes 8.5.1 and above no longer need to be installed before fixes. See technote #1404436 for more details.)

    Performance Note: One defect in the list below, TPON7YUD4X, addressed an 8.5.1 regression with incoming internet mail messages missing content. This fix addresses the issue in 8.5.1 FP2 by processing HTML content on the Domino server that was missed. In our iNotes performance test, we noted an increase from ~36% CPU utilization to ~39% CPU utilization. This increase is expected since the Domino server is processing content it was skipping before.

    Download options
    See Technote #4025721 - "Download options for Notes/Domino 8.5.1 Fix Packs." Fix Packs will not be distributed on CD.

    * If you have Notes 8.5.1 Basic Configuration or Notes/Admin/Designer (Basic edition) 8.5.1 installed, use the Notes 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2 Basic install.
    * If you have Notes 8.5.1 Standard Configuration or Notes/Admin/Designer (Standard edition) 8.5.1 installed, use the Notes 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2 Standard install.

    Decision to upgrade
    Customers unable to upgrade to later Releases will want to install Fix Packs to benefit from later fixes made to the product. By providing a small number of fixes, customers are able to accept fewer code changes with lower risk, allowing them to "patch" an older Maintenance Release until a more extensive upgrade to the current Release is possible.

    However, while Fix Packs provide important fixes and IBM strongly recommends applying the latest Fix Pack available for a Maintenance Release, IBM still recommends that customers upgrade to the latest Release + Fix Pack combination to receive the broadest set of fixes available. You will receive more overall fixes with a later Release + Fix Pack than with a set of Fix Packs on top of an earlier Maintenance Release. For more information, see technote #1368141 - "Differences between Notes/Domino Maintenance Releases, Fix Packs and Cumulative Client Hotfixes."

    Fixes contained in this Fix Pack

    Note: A plus symbol (+) before the SPR number indicates a fix for a regression bug. A regression bug is an issue that was introduced in a Maintenance Release but did not exist in previous releases of that code stream. For example, a bug that appears in R8.5.1 but did not exist in R8.5 is a regression.

    The Fix List database on developerWorks contains the description of each fix in this Fix Pack, and indicates which platform(s) have been fixed.


    * SPR# ADC7WBPYP - Fixed an intermittent Notes crash with error "Unknown Error" when painting windows, Notes core process should not paint foreign java windows.
    * SPR# ADC7WBQSV - Fixed a potential Notes process crash with error "Unknown Error". This could occur with UI actions that involve bitmap painting. The root cause is that when painting bitmaps (such as icons, homepage backgrounds picture), sometimes these color values are out of bounds.
    * SPR# BJGY7XXMTG - Fixed a crash which occurred when using an R6 mail template and clicking on multiple mail messages in the preview pane in the 8.5.1 client. A workaround to this problem is to upgrade the mail template to version 8.x or above (ideally 8.5.1).
    * SPR# BKAN6WLR7M - Busytime lookups will now work if the users Home Server is down but its cluster mates are up.
    * SPR# CSMH7XAGEC - Folder title name corruption causing inconsistent behavior with Notes Client interoperability. Modified the logic to travel one folder up and then start iterating the sitemap. Prior to this fix, the logic skipped all siblings and travelled to the top level folder.
    * SPR# CTOI7W7JD9 - After upgrading, Notes would sometimes crash after entering a password.
    * SPR# CWOT7Y2U6J - Notes will not restart after upgrading plug-in in a CA.
    * SPR# DCOY7XP2NA - Multiple NLNOTES processes were launched at startup and NEMCheckPreviousInstances were causing the client to shutdown. Fix for ntaskldr to exit if still running after nlnotes has crashed/badly exited.
    * SPR# DWHD7ZVS3Y - This fix allows the Notes Content Provider for the Connections Business Card to be disabled.
    * SPR# FPAI7X7KL3 - There is a preference for how week numbering is handled in the Notes calendar. There are 3 choices for the preference: "Use my operating system regional setting", "Always use the ISO standard", and "Custom week numbers". Prior to this fix, the choice of "Use my operating system regional setting" was not working properly for those users who had their OS regional setting set for a country/language that used the ISO standard. It should be noted that this fix does not make an inspection of the registry settings (on windows platforms). Instead, the fix uses the Java JVM's settings for week numbering based on the country/language the user's OS is running in at the time the Notes client is started.
    * +SPR# HKAI7UW6YD - When using a time zone other than GMT and importing data from a 1-2-3 worksheet into a form that contains a date/time field, the time zone was set to GMT. The date format on the worksheet did not contain a time, for example: 2009/08/12 00:00:00 ZE9. This regression was introduced in 8.5.
    * +SPR# JCON6LCKLQ - Prior to this fix, a MailTo HTML action that launched a mail memo would not pass the body contents of a new message. This regression was introduced in 6.5.5.
    * SPR# JDMH822S23 - Fixed a problem after installing 8.5.1 FP1 over another 8.5.1 Hot Fix that contains a com.ibm.rcp.base plugin, where a provisioning rc error would be displayed.
    * SPR# JQUL7YLEPE - XPages applications will not run if an unexpected Java Security Manager is set.
    * +SPR# JSMN7XBRBR - Fixed a problem where a local mail replica created via a desktop policy was not fully populated. With this fix, if a replica entry is newly created, it will be populated by default. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
    * SPR# JSTN7W6TRZ - Fixed an occasional crash in dynconfig, client policy enforcement.
    * +SPR# JSTN829RZ9 - Fixed a problem when addressing email to groups in the directory catalog. After pressing F9, names in the TO, CC or BCC fields are erased. A workaround to this problem is to manually choose the name using the Name Picker, or change the location settings to "Stop at first match". This regression was introduced in 8.5.1 FP1.
    * SPR# JTHN7VSR7R - After searching the inbox, unread docs appear as Bold red rather than unbold/normal red.
    * SPR# KFIH7VPTFB - Plugins from old features were not removed during a feature update initiated by Comp Apps. When installing an upgrade to a feature, the old feature is disabled and added to be uninstalled when the platform is restarted. There is a race condition when trying to uninstall the old and enable the upgrade feature. The new feature must be allowed to be enabled, then uninstall the old. This problem has been fixed.
    * SPR# LBJC7ZNBHP - Incorrect version number (8.5.1) was displayed after right clicking to display the context menu and choosing "Get Info.
    * SPR# MCKD7XPGFQ - Fixed a problem where a data element could not be viewed or edited. A workaround to this problem is to change the container type to: type="com.ibm.rcp.composite.container.browser.BrowserAppContainer" in the plugin.xml.
    * SPR# MCOT7LCR9X - Fixed a problem where ID vault lookup would not work with a scripted client setup. This also fixes a layout problem in the replication setting dialog.
    * SPR# MLAT7TGLYN - This fix allows Notes standard to shut down cleanly when windows is shut down/ logged off. There are some known problems when replication at exit is enabled. Please close Notes before logoff/shutdown in this case.
    * SPR# MLUR7ZVGGB - When a day in the month view that is not part of the currently displayed month is double-clicked, the view is still navigated to the appropriate month. The newly created calendar entry has the correct default start date.
    * SPR# MOBN7W7RRM - Fixed a problem where incorrect documents were getting deleted when using multiple rapid delete keys.
    * SPR# MSTR74CSKX - This fix prevents the error "No HeadlessDBID specified" displayed on the status bar, when switching location id's.
    * SPR# PALT5N5SE7 - If a view setting is changed via View-Customization, the changes will not stay if Shift-F9 is used to rebuild the view. With this fix, view customization will remain after rebuilding a view. If the view design is changed, the view customization will not be saved and must be re-applied by the user.
    * +SPR# PALT7XBNEA - An agent signed by a person with Admin rights, has issues accessing a private view. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
    * SPR# PANN7SVKHU - Prior to this fix, if the results of a find-next operation were out of the current date range, it would not advance to the result's data range and incorrectly remain in the current date range. This fix will correct the problem by advancing to the correct date range.
    * SPR# RAGG7RCNVX - Fixed a Notes client crash on shutdown.
    * SPR# RPAL7VGBUH - Prior to this fix, if "Enable Icon Popup Help in View" was enabled, the Icon Popup Help message would still display in the view. With this fix, the message will display according to this selection.
    * +SPR# RRAL7X7RSN - In 8.5.1, we introduced service side window; if the Enter is pressed quickly when the droplist doesn't appear, the Domino server would not be selected to search. This problem has been fixed by setting the Domino server as the default server. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
    * +SPR# SFBI7Y3LCX - With this fix, double quotes will not be added when a field value is empty or it contains a comma. This regression was introduced in 8.5.
    * SPR# VNTR7UP3CD - Prior to this fix, users could not save a bitmap to disk when replying with history or forwarding a message. When Notes failed to load an image on the web, it deleted the information about the image. The information that was deleted would be used to determine if the image was a web image or an internal image.
    * SPR# VROI7PFH4N - Fixed a random crash which occurred when a user switched previewing between normal mail and MIME mail. It also could occur when opening a MIME message in Notes.
    * +SPR# YHNN7VAN6P - Fixed an intermittent problem where preview would not work after scrolling quickly. This regression was introduced in 8.0.2.
    * SPR# YXRR7ZX8SY - Removed unnecessary? com.ibm.rcp.base.plugin from platform feature patch.


    * +SPR# HYAI7PV9S2 - Fix to ACL class to allow acl.save method to record updates. This regression was introduced in 7.0.3 and 8.0.2.
    * SPR# JJDI7YKJD5 - Server crash on HTTP using a 64 bit AIX or Windows platform. The most common cause is running a web triggered LotusScript agent under heavy load. Exhausting internal LotusScript resources is what leads to a crash. This may also be caused by intense use of the LotusScript "USE" statement in script libraries.
    * +SPR# JWAE7WBRFA - Unexpected messages were displayed on the Java console. The Java console was receiving thread id values larger than what a 32-bit integer can handle, thus displaying the error. The fix for this issue was to store the thread id in a larger data type. This regression was introduced in 8.0.2.
    * SPR# RSCR6MBJ3C - Lotus Notes crash when executing the LotusScript DIR function (or Dir$) when using a large path and file name that is greater than 256 characters. The size allowed has been increased and an error will be displayed when the limit has been reached.
    * +SPR# YCHN7XAL82 - Load failure and "Use Library" error displayed when context is altered or cleared during the loading and compilation process. This fix caches the original compiled context in it's unaltered state so that subsequent calls may use it during the load and compile process. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.

    IBM Lotus iNotes

    * SPR# DDUT7YHPTK - Fixed an intermittent problem where URLs were encoded by the proxy.
    * SPR# IISA7MN9HH - When "Encrypted mail support" was disabled and the "Keep Private" check box was selected on the Delivery Options dialog box, the selection was not reflected in the mail header. A workaround to this problem is to enable "Encrypted mail support" and select the "Keep Private" checkbox in the mail header directly.
    * +SPR# JBEN7XW35C - Fixed a problem where group members weren't displayed correctly on the address details window. For example, the member list was formatted incorrectly and the <br> tag was not translated to a line break when rendered. For example: User One/IBM<br>User Two/IBM<br>User Three/IBM<br>User Four/IBM. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
    * SPR# KYOE7WU8SZ - Fixed an http crash when saving a mail rule with many rule conditions.
    * +SPR# MJON7X8LBQ - Prior to this fix, embedded images were not printing. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
    * SPR# MKIA7V396X - Fixed a problem when iNotes failed to remove it's own cookie values. The LTPA token was regarded as invalid in the browser and it caused a session expiration.
    * SPR# NBJC7WU7WY - Error "The installation of Lotus iNotes 8.5 Control has been blocked or declined by the user" was displayed after choosing to install the ActiveX control and then simple HTML attachment control is used. Currently, ActiveX file attachment utility components are dynamically linked to Microsoft standard C/C++ libraries. This fix statically links with C/C++ standard libraries. This way components no longer have dependencies to the MS runtime libraries and works without them.
    * SPR# SKAI7KGERS - Fixed IE browser problem if running over SSL where dragging a message to the trash folder displays a Security Information dialog (for mixed content).
    * SPR# WRAY7Y7GYZ - Fixed a memory leak in iNotes spell check. The spell check engine uses thread local storage for main system dictionary and this storage was not being cleaned up by the engine. This resulted in an out of memory condition in the JVM.
    * SPR# YHAO7HECAA - Fixed an issue of Firefox 3.0.x/3.5.x on Windows Vista/7: Lotus Domino Off-line Services (DOLS) plugin caused the browser to crash when trying to install an offline subscription on Lotus iNotes.

    IBM Lotus Instant Messaging

    * SPR# BLIE7VANFS - Fixed a problem where the PlatformUtil was using an inefficient Bundle.getHeaders() method.
    * SPR# BMUY7Y3SE4 - Markup is no longer truncated when sent from the web client to the rich client.
    * SPR# BODN7STENM - Prior to this fix, the ringing alert tone was played through the "speaker" device and not through the "ringing" device.
    * SPR# CBRN784T2A - Fixed a problem where the Instant Meeting title shows login name instead of the user name.
    * SPR# CREH7YCSLY - Prior to this fix, when configured to use Domino SSO, the Sametime client would only attempt to automatically reconnect one time in response to a Sametime server disconnect. With this fix, the client now tries to automatically reconnect every 20 seconds after the last failed attempt, instead of just once. The SSO automatic reconnect behavior is the now the same as that which occurs when authenticating by password.
    * +SPR# CSAH7X8JMX - Tray icon disappears after launching Notes, opening a chat window and closing Notes. The error "Event loop exception" is displayed in the server log. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
    * SPR# DSCR7TDNCX - Resizing a video window during a video call generated severe log entries for entry logging.
    * SPR# DWHD7ZVS7B - Fixed a problem where a blank business card was displayed when a user in the Sametime buddy list did not have an LDAP name attribute.
    * SPR# HJWI7XXC8N - Fixed a problem where the video screen was not displayed correctly when the video stream was transferred by the Reflector Server.
    * SPR# HYAG7Y35NM - Fixed a problem where the Primary contacts list was expanded after upgrading.
    * SPR# JBAA7XYMHW - When configured for token authentication the Event Broker required all users to be using tokens. The behavior has not been resolved and all users do not need to be using the same authentication mechanism. Both users who are using tokens and those who are using name/password can connect to the Event Broker at the same time.
    * SPR# JLII7XS2SG - Fixed a problem where if two different pictures were uploaded to Sametime and Connections and the Connections business card was used in Sametime, different pictures will be displayed when tabbed chats are enabled.
    * SPR# JOGA7V4MZ6 - Prior to this fix, the Unified Instant Messaging client automatically added multiple communities for different servers in the same community.
    * SPR# JPAS7ZGVAH - Telephony presence Icons not updated in 'Primary Contacts'.
    * SPR# LJGO7VKB4P - Fixed an error which is displayed an then quickly disappears when logging onto a second community.
    * SPR# RCHG75PDRD - Fixed a problem where there was no "Calendar Service" option in Preferences for the Linux and Vista platforms.
    * SPR# SJSH7VZ5XT - In some cases starting a voice chat with another 8.0.2 does nothing. This problem can occur when the preferred device has not yet been set. The problem has been resolved by checking for an undefined preferred device and handling it appropriately.
    * SPR# TPAE7U8PD5 - In cases where there is no routing rule and a user creates a preferred device to something other than "office", the setting will not be saved on logout. This problem has been fixed.
    * SPR# TWOF7TSLJG - Fixed a problem where an extra number was suffixed after entering numbers on the dialpad and hitting enter.
    * SPR# WCDL7D64Z7 - Fixed a focus issue that may potentially cause misdirected messages.
    * SPR# WHER7YYLYK - Fixed a problem where closing a Voice Call with Tabbed chats closed all open chats.

    IBM Lotus Symphony

    * SPR# MFJA7Y3HQ2 - ODF interoperability fix patch includes the following fixes: 1. Allows support for the feature to load and display the Symphony 3.0 presentation table. 2. Fixed a problem where an exploded 2 D Pie chart created by Symphony 3.0 was changed to a normal chart in Symphony 1.3. 3. Fixed a problem where the crop property of graphics created by Symphony 3.0 were lost in Symphony 1.3. 4. Some types of 3D charts created by Symphony 3.0 are no longer displayed incorrectly in Symphony 1.3. 5. Fixed a problem were many types of Symphony 3.0 custom shapes are no longer bigger or displayed incorrectly in Symphony 1.3. 6. Fixed a problem where all Symphony 3.0 presentation bullets were lost in Symphony 1.3. 7. The Symphony 1.3 bullets in a presentation table are no longer lost after saving.
    * +SPR# MLUO7YU356 - Mac 10.6: Fixed a problem where pie chart labels were missing after exporting to pdf. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.


    * SPR# DROO7XBS9B - An interrupted "Compact -DAOS" causes a full log file. Cleanup of the .TMP file is now performed without transaction logging.
    * SPR# DROO7YANZ6 - Fixed a DAOS problem locating an NLO (Notes Large Object) when hint in the object header is wrong.
    * SPR# DROO7YXTC3 - Fixed DAOS diagnostic code to search the catalog for 'missing' NLO's (Notes Large Object).
    * SPR# DROO7ZNPZ8 - Added a new DAOSMGR resync switch to perform a quick resync. This new switch updates the DIT and DOI but does not run through the databases or updates the NLO refcounts.
    * SPR# JGIR7ZH7J2 - Eliminate unnecessary file info calls to speed up DAOS prune operations, and ensure all NLO files identified as deletion candidates during resync are properly marked as such.
    * SPR# JGIR7ZHW5S - Prune does an OSGetFileInfo before deleting the NLO file. This is unnecessary, and can also be very time consuming on iSeries. Resync may exit without properly marking all 0 refcount entries in DOI as deletion candidates. This can lead to a Needs Resync condition during a subsequent prune operation.
    * SPR# TACN7YTKAE - DAOS subdirectories will now be able to be omitted on a FULL save when using the SAVDOMBRM command.
    * SPR# WSCN7YJHRH - Decreased the time it takes to rebuild the DAOS.cfg file and the time it takes to populate the DAOS Object Index during resync.
    * SPR# WSCN7ZS4HJ - This fix will turn off logging while rebuilding the DAOS Catalog.


    * SPR# AHSU7REHXQ - Removed "Installation type" from Domino Server Install when using console mode.
    * SPR# BDAS5PFHXT - Fixed a Domino server leak on BLK_OPENED_NOTE when doing directory lookups to a condensed directory catalog.
    * SPR# BTRS7XEU4R - After upgrading to 8.5.1, documents that were in the trash appear in the inbox as well as their respective folders. The mail databases affected were using ODS 51 and the 8.5 template.
    * SPR# CJON7XR2EK - Fixed a problem where attachment names were not displayed when viewing via the web.
    * SPR# DANE7SHMGP - Fixed an Server crash on HTTP when opening an attachment if the database had a CD record that contained a corrupt formula.
    * SPR# DOLA7R3N9S - Prior to this fix, NoteUpdateReallocedFormBitmap was passed a pointer to a truncated note this results in an access exception crash. The code tries to access all of the note using the lengths in the structures. If the note was truncated it may cause an exception when addressing the storage after the note.
    * +SPR# EHLE7X898Y - Error code 4000, "Warning: unexpected MIME error" displayed after upgrading from 8.5 to 8.5.1. The error message was displayed on the Domino console after clicking the "Convert MIME test" link. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
    * SPR# GFUR7VKP83 - Fixed a buffer overflow when editing a document via the web server.
    * SPR# GFUR7WLQDL - Two threads can be running the same code to delete expired notes. This can deadlock if one is deleting a note with a response and the other is deleting the response. This fix serialized the code so that only one thread will run the code at one time.
    * SPR# JCHS7XA2UG - Optimized the busytime lookup transaction to prevent re-sorting the detailed item text list unnecessarily. This fix also avoids intermittent random crashes during list sorting.
    * SPR# JKUR7TY97B - Added the Notes.ini variable Pop3_List_Size_Estimate to allow the pop3 LIST command to no longer require a full cd to mime conversion.
    * SPR# JPAS7AVUFJ - This fix decreases the MAXSTACKBUFF to 512 bytes on 32 bit systems since the stack size is 256K.
    * SPR# JPMS7TXJXM - Cleaned up potential buffer overwrite situation.
    * SPR# JSDS7VPGVV - Transaction logging cleanup caused memory corruption and various unlock type crashes. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
    * SPR# KCAR7THKRC - Fixed an infinite loop which occurred when converting UUEncoded Mime attachments to CD. A workaround for this issue is to remove the database quota on the target database.
    * SPR# KHIA7XXPU2 - Prior to this fix SPNEGO was not working for Quickr. In a normal authentication sequence, the QuickPlace application receives the authenticated user name at the PostAuthenticate event. On SPNEGO, QuickPlace never gets the authenticated user name at PostAuthenticate because the iNotes application generates an authenticated user name at the PostAuthenticate event. This change passes the authenticated user name at the ProcessRequest event.
    * SPR# MIAS7T2NV2 - Semaphore deadlock waiting for _RmDBRMDB(db).dbInUseByChkpt to be reset. One database is left with the dbInUseByChkpt flag on. Other code backs up waiting for the flag to be reset. This fix changed the test before the reset of the dbInUseByChkpt flag when the checkpoint ends, to cause it to be reset in this case.
    * SPR# MIAS7V5NPN - After a compact or fixup, a database may be marked corrupt with this message: (DbMarkCorrupt(Dbiid not found in DbDirMan). This problem occurred because there was a race condition between the code putting the database back online for transitional logging and the check point code. Before the DBIID can be restored in DBDIRMAN the checkpoint code finds the database and marks it corrupt. This fix corrects the problem delaying the re-enabling of the check point to after the DBIID is updated.
    * SPR# NBRR7X25WC - Fixed a problem where the DO component of a canonical time zone string was used to match a time zone by name. This should not be used as it causes issues when time zone rules are changed, Existing calendar entries are opened, and time zone controls show the wrong time zone.
    * SPR# PMIA7WUQRH - Failover did not always work in a cluster if any cluster mates did not have a replica of the target application.
    * SPR# RAGG7W5HBF - Error "Document attachment is invalid" displayed when trying to send encrypted mail. This problem happened because the catalog was in a bad state and the database was listed as deleted.
    * +SPR# RBEO7Y4T5Z - Fixed a problem where view state was lost when a view was closed for roaming users. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
    * +SPR# SGOI7RBFG6 - Server crashed with the panic message " PANIC: OSBBlockAddr: Bad BBlock handle (0)". The problem had to do with access to a collation that was not built during collation open. This regression was introduced in 8.0.2.
    * SPR# SWAS7X5675 - Media recovery tracks transactions for databases other than those being recovered. With this fix, only recovered databases will be tracked.
    * +SPR# TOCL7YBGUG - Warning messages fill up in log.nsf after xACL has been enabled. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1 and is a companion fix to SPR# SEGN79EGB5.
    * SPR# TPOK7UZT2Q - Prior to this fix, Fixup would not fix a database with folder operation problems. As Fixup ends it tries to reorganize the folders and finds the same error and marks the database corrupt again. This fix corrects the error path and calls the existing code which handles the problem.
    * +SPR# TPON7YUD4X - With MIMECompressAttachments=1, some inbound messages have the HTML body content removed. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
    * SPR# UTOO7F3B3K - If a database cached by HTTP is attempting to be accessed again by HTTP while offline, the database will return "currently being used by someone else" until server has been restarted.
    * SPR# YDEN7NCNP3 - Fixed a problem where the Notes.ini became corrupt when the server attempted to lock the file.

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