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nsftools - Lotus Notes and Domino Tips

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Looking For a Lotus COM APIs Guru | Blog
Report as Spam (forward MIME, like View | Source)
Report as Spam (forward MIME, like View | Source)

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    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Looking For a Lotus COM APIs Guru | Blog

    It's probably a long-shot but I said I'd try and help out a customer of mine by trying to find a guru. Over to them:

    We're looking for a Domino 'internals' expert/guru who can help us diagnose a fault occurring in our application which interfaces with Domino using the COM object APIs.

    Our application runs a VBScript module using WScript.exe which essentially runs some Domino agents and reports the results of those agents back to our application. We regard each run of the VBScript module as a 'request', and it works fine whilst the loading is low. Unfortunately our application can generate hundreds of these 'requests' per minute during peak times, and after a period of peak runtime the Domino server often crashes.

    Typically we end up with a "WScript.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows" error prompt. Our application tends to fail after this point with further "requests" failing. Quitting the Domino server typically results in a hang, followed by an automatic fault-shutdown-recovery and NSD output.

    We have asked Lotus support for help with this, but after they examined the NSDs, they concluded that the fault was within WScript.exe (which we already knew) and said that they could not help any further. We suspect some kind of leak within the Domino COM side of things, but lack the technical knowledge to prove this.

    So, we're looking for someone with extensive knowledge of Domino internals, ability to understand NSD logs, understand COM object access, being able to investigate threads, handles, pools etc.

    If you know of anybody who can help (paid consultancy of course) then please comment here or let me know and I'll put you both in touch. Ta.

    Click here to post a response

    2. Report as Spam (forward MIME, like View | Source)

    This LotusScript agent can be used in a view action button that reports spam to an email address similarly to how you would do it manually (View | Source... and Forward... ) You may use this code however you want but please share your changes (see Apache License below). Some improvements can be made (see todo in comment header), but it works well enough with 3rd party spam filters I've used. While this code was originally under GPL, I have changed it to Apache. There were no third party contributions to the code while it was under GPL. --- Copyright 2005 Ryan Benech
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License Thank you IBM for helping me clarify the licensing ;-) --- ======= BEGIN CODE ======= (select text below this line) Sub Initialize
    'Notes Agent: name=ReportAsSpam, trigger=onEvent, Action menu selection, target=All selected docs
    'forwards the selected message(s) with full header to a spam reporting email address
    'moves message from inbox to junk mail and appends "[Spam]" to the subject line
    'requires: Function walkmime (mime As notesmimeentity) As String
    'to-do: prevent reporting of whitelisted messages, prevent report of local domain addresses
    'created 12/10/2005 by Ryan Benech Const SPAMREPORTADDRESS = "spam@domain.com" 'the email address used to report spam, uncomment to go live
    'Const SPAMREPORTADDRESS = "YourFullyQualified/NotesNameGoesHere" 'uncomment this line to debug messages Dim sess As New NotesSession
    Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace Dim db As NotesDatabase
    Dim memo As NotesDocument, doc As NotesDocument
    Dim col As NotesDocumentCollection
    Dim mime As NotesMIMEEntity
    Dim rtitem As NotesItem
    Dim temp As Variant 'to get info from non-ASCII data
    Dim i As Integer 'to count messages Dim uiview As NotesUIView 'to update the inbox after messages have been moved
    Dim mail As NotesRichTextItem 'the sent message
    Dim item As NotesItem 'to process fields with multiple items (i.e. recieved) sess.ConvertMime = False 'init mime conversion
    Set db = sess.CurrentDatabase
    Set col = db.UnprocessedDocuments
    Set doc = col.GetFirstDocument()
    If doc Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'sanity check to abort early Print "Reporting " + Cstr( col.Count ) + " selected documents as Spam to " + SPAMREPORTADDRESS + ". Please wait..."
    i = 1 While Not(doc Is Nothing)
    Set memo = db.CreateDocument
    Set mail = New NotesRichTextItem( memo, "Body" ) Set mime = doc.GetMIMEEntity
    If Not(mime Is Nothing) Then
    Forall header In mime.HeaderObjects
    Call mail.AppendText( walkmime ( mime ) ) 'calls required function walkmime
    End Forall
    Call doc.CloseMIMEEntities 'allow clean switch to using items memo.subject = doc.subject(0)
    Call memo.Send( False, SPAMREPORTADDRESS) 'forward spam report message Print "Successfully reported message " Cstr(i) + " of " + Cstr( col.Count ) +" ("+ doc.Subject(0) + ")"
    Print "No MIME content found in message, not sending spam report. (the internet message may have been converted to Notes Format) " End If If Instr( doc.Subject(0), "[SPAM]" ) = 0 Then
    Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("Subject", "[SPAM] " + doc.Subject(0) ) 'remove [spam]
    End If Call doc.Save(True,True)
    Call doc.PutInFolder( "($JunkMail)" ) 'swap ($JunkMail) for ($Inbox) to perform a "not spam" action
    Call doc.RemoveFromFolder( "($Inbox)" ) 'vice versa for this line... :-) Call sess.UpdateProcessedDoc( doc )
    Set doc = col.GetNextDocument(doc)
    i = i +1 'increment counter
    Wend Set uiview = ws.CurrentView
    Call uiview.DeselectAll 'to prevent UI bugs
    sess.ConvertMime = True 'revert mime conversion
    Print "Done reporting " + Cstr( col.Count ) + " document(s) as Spam."
    End Sub Function walkmime (mime As notesmimeentity) As String
    'returns string of complete mime message
    'created: 12/10/05 by Ryan Benech
    'closely based on code contributed by Kim Dowds from Lotus Sanbox: "SpamAssassin for Notes" Dim mime2 As notesmimeentity 'for walking mime tree
    walkmime = "" 'init string While Not (mime Is Nothing)
    walkmime = walkmime & Chr(10) _
    & mime.Headers & Chr(10) _
    & mime.ContentAsText Set mime2 = mime.GetFirstChildEntity 'get first child: If mime2 Is Nothing Then 'none? then get next sibling
    Set mime2 = mime.GetNextSibling
    End If If mime2 Is Nothing Then 'none? then get aunt/uncle : Set mime2 = mime.GetParentEntity
    If Not (mime2 Is Nothing) Then
    Set mime2 = mime2.GetNextSibling
    End If
    End If Set mime = mime2
    End Function ======= END CODE ======= (select text above this line)

    3. Report as Spam (forward MIME, like View | Source)

    I've created a LotusScript agent and view action button that reports spam to an email address similarly to how you would do it manually (View | Source... and Forward... ) You may use this however you want (GPL and/or Apache v2, see below) but please share your changes. Some improvements can be made (see todo in comment header), but it works well enough with 3rd party spam filters I've used. --- Copyright 2005 Ryan Benech
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License --- ======= BEGIN CODE ======= (select text below this line) Sub Initialize
    'Notes Agent: name=ReportAsSpam, trigger=onEvent, Action menu selection, target=All selected docs
    'forwards the selected message(s) with full header to a spam reporting email address
    'moves message from inbox to junk mail and appends "[Spam]" to the subject line
    'requires: Function walkmime (mime As notesmimeentity) As String
    'to-do: prevent reporting of whitelisted messages, prevent report of local domain addresses
    'created 12/10/2005 by Ryan Benech Const SPAMREPORTADDRESS = "spam@domain.com" 'the email address used to report spam, uncomment to go live
    'Const SPAMREPORTADDRESS = "YourFullyQualified/NotesNameGoesHere" 'uncomment this line to debug messages Dim sess As New NotesSession
    Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace Dim db As NotesDatabase
    Dim memo As NotesDocument, doc As NotesDocument
    Dim col As NotesDocumentCollection
    Dim mime As NotesMIMEEntity
    Dim rtitem As NotesItem
    Dim temp As Variant 'to get info from non-ASCII data
    Dim i As Integer 'to count messages Dim uiview As NotesUIView 'to update the inbox after messages have been moved
    Dim mail As NotesRichTextItem 'the sent message
    Dim item As NotesItem 'to process fields with multiple items (i.e. recieved) sess.ConvertMime = False 'init mime conversion
    Set db = sess.CurrentDatabase
    Set col = db.UnprocessedDocuments
    Set doc = col.GetFirstDocument()
    If doc Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'sanity check to abort early Print "Reporting " + Cstr( col.Count ) + " selected documents as Spam to " + SPAMREPORTADDRESS + ". Please wait..."
    i = 1 While Not(doc Is Nothing)
    Set memo = db.CreateDocument
    Set mail = New NotesRichTextItem( memo, "Body" ) Set mime = doc.GetMIMEEntity
    If Not(mime Is Nothing) Then
    Forall header In mime.HeaderObjects
    Call mail.AppendText( walkmime ( mime ) ) 'calls required function walkmime
    End Forall
    Call doc.CloseMIMEEntities 'allow clean switch to using items memo.subject = doc.subject(0)
    Call memo.Send( False, SPAMREPORTADDRESS) 'forward spam report message Print "Successfully reported message " Cstr(i) + " of " + Cstr( col.Count ) +" ("+ doc.Subject(0) + ")"
    Print "No MIME content found in message, not sending spam report. (the internet message may have been converted to Notes Format) " End If If Instr( doc.Subject(0), "[SPAM]" ) = 0 Then
    Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("Subject", "[SPAM] " + doc.Subject(0) ) 'remove [spam]
    End If Call doc.Save(True,True)
    Call doc.PutInFolder( "($JunkMail)" ) 'swap ($JunkMail) for ($Inbox) to perform a "not spam" action
    Call doc.RemoveFromFolder( "($Inbox)" ) 'vice versa for this line... :-) Call sess.UpdateProcessedDoc( doc )
    Set doc = col.GetNextDocument(doc)
    i = i +1 'increment counter
    Wend Set uiview = ws.CurrentView
    Call uiview.DeselectAll 'to prevent UI bugs
    sess.ConvertMime = True 'revert mime conversion
    Print "Done reporting " + Cstr( col.Count ) + " document(s) as Spam."
    End Sub Function walkmime (mime As notesmimeentity) As String
    'returns string of complete mime message
    'created: 12/10/05 by Ryan Benech
    'closely based on code contributed by Kim Dowds from Lotus Sanbox: "SpamAssassin for Notes" Dim mime2 As notesmimeentity 'for walking mime tree
    walkmime = "" 'init string While Not (mime Is Nothing)
    walkmime = walkmime & Chr(10) _
    & mime.Headers & Chr(10) _
    & mime.ContentAsText Set mime2 = mime.GetFirstChildEntity 'get first child: If mime2 Is Nothing Then 'none? then get next sibling
    Set mime2 = mime.GetNextSibling
    End If If mime2 Is Nothing Then 'none? then get aunt/uncle : Set mime2 = mime.GetParentEntity
    If Not (mime2 Is Nothing) Then
    Set mime2 = mime2.GetNextSibling
    End If
    End If Set mime = mime2
    End Function ======= END CODE ======= (select text above this line)

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    To improve Allow value not in list on the WEB
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7b7eff84bd6eeff600256bd8003960e8?OpenDocument>Allow values not in list comAllow values not in list combo for web
    Combo box with allow values not in list for IE5 and above, Netscape 6 and above
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/98176455ff90e2d500256c38004a5f0c?OpenDocument>Alternate Color Rows View inAlternate Color Rows View in a Web Browser - Version 3
    Alternate Color Rows View Version 3 - More features
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/78ad87650e8e6d8085256818007202c2?OpenDocument>AntiSpamFilter Agent</a>][<bAntiSpamFilter Agent
    Anti-spam agent and design elements to enhance spam mail filtering in the standard Notes mail template.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/b376f26b8cbd9f1b8525694d004e24c3?OpenDocument>API Goodies for Lotus Notes<API Goodies for Lotus Notes
    Control various Win API settings from inside Notes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/e6621c730727e8a3852567f4007eaba1?OpenDocument>AppleScript code examples foAppleScript code examples for Notes
    This database contains additional programming examples for AppleScript in Notes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7d55dec173045350852568a4005d0497?OpenDocument>Application Development DocuApplication Development Documentation Library
    Allows developers of a systems group to store their documentation.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/0af99983727460a000256bd4003996c6?OpenDocument>Archive on CD-ROM</a>][<br>]Archive on CD-ROM
    Agent to archive on CD-ROM.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/9dc708521fd73a43852568a40069cf02?OpenDocument>Archive Options</a>][<br>]ArArchive Options
    Archive your mail db by dates or by sizes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/86cf1eb52622488f85256d51004eeb72?OpenDocument>ArraySort</a>][<br>]An arrayArraySort
    An array sort using a fast shell sort algorthim
    Article "Notes application strategies: Document rating" sample database
    Sample database that accompanies the article, "Notes application strategies: Document rating"
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f5da0954a65348b985256e39004d1583?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: Interactive search" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article, "Notes application strategies: Interactive search."
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/2e00b11f20d7446b85256e47006624c1?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: Mail Processor" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article, "Notes application strategies: Mail Processor."
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/a687d600ae1001e985256e550058c84e?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: User activity tracking" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article "Notes application strategies: User activity tracking"
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/1d9d9dd534b1491288256ae3006a997c?OpenDocument>ASP SendMail for Notes/DominASP SendMail for Notes/Domino
    Very simple program in VBScript that sends mail in ASP / WSH natively through Notes/Domino
    Audio CD Tracking
    Keeps track of 100 CD changer and CD collection
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7eb5471fde97de608525688d006a54a2?OpenDocument>Auto-Add Email Addresses to Auto-Add Email Addresses to Groups from Mail
    Allows mail users to copy senders' address into their personal or public directory.

    Go back

    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. IT Manager

    systems; Scala support; Lotus Notes development and support Assist in developing project budget estimates.

    2. Из-за Lotus Notes кодриую почти месяц на виртуальной машине с WinXP.

    Из-за Lotus Notes кодриую почти месяц на виртуальной машине с WinXP.

    3. нужен инженер service desk

    Знание Lotus Notes еще лучше.

    4. Кустодиев Владислав Матвеевич

    CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, InDesign, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Access, Банк-Клиент, Консультант+

    5. Телков Артем Семенович

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, QuarkXPress, WebMoney, Банк-Клиент

    6. Пальчиков Валерий Ростиславович

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office

    7. Порфирьюшкин Павел Витальевич

    IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Internet Explorer, Outlook

    8. Чекрыжова Анжелика Артемовна

    CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Консультант+

    9. Семичастнова Алиса Юрьевна

    CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, The Bat

    10. Поганова Ольга Геннадьевна

    Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes

    11. Яворова Марина Владиславовна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes

    12. Демидкова Ева Игоревна

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, InDesign, Microsoft Office, Банк-Клиент

    13. Прусаков Артем Борисович

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes

    14. Галамов Георгий Богданович

    Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, MS Active Directory

    15. Master: Що нового у версії IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.2 яка виходить 24.08.2010? http ...

    Що нового у версії IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.2 яка виходить 24.08.2010? http://ow.ly/2q3jV (англ.)

    16. Рощин Алексей Антонович

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Word

    17. Годовалов Лев Максимович

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, The Bat, WebMoney

    18. Грицан Вера Даниловна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Outlook

    19. Лапшова Ярослава Вячеславовна

    IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, The Bat, Банк-Клиент

    20. Хаджинова Ангелина Олеговна

    IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, QuarkXPress

    21. Крестинский Николай Захарович

    AutoCAD, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes

    22. Халтурина Анна Федоровна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Access, The Bat, WebMoney, Консультант+

    23. Гапонова Анна Андреевна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office, WebMoney

    24. Ольгов Артур Альбертович

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, QuarkXPress

    25. Ярмолович Дарья Васильевна

    AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Outlook, The Bat

    26. Lotus Web, Ajax и авторизация:)

    Ну собственно прежде чем пытаться изобрести велосипед, решил узнать вдруг его уже изобрели.

    Проблема думаю встречается нередко, поэтому наверняка уже реализовывалась.

    опишу на примере:
    Есть web форма, с которой идут запросы к серверу через Ajax. Допустим у пользователя рвется сессия и Ajax запрос возвращает не нужный нам результат а HTML код страницы авторизации. вот хотелось бы определять этот момент, и дать возможность авторизации во всплывающем окне (ну допустим рисованное на JS) без перегрузки формы.

    заранее спасибо.

    27. Построение графиков на основе данных из Lotus

    Всем доброго времени суток!
    Мне поставили задачу визуализировать данные из Лотуса в виде графика. Причем построение графика (не важно в какой программе) должно проходить либо при выполнении одного действия, либо вообще постоянно отображать актуальное состояние данных. Т.е. реализация в виде: выгрузить в excel, а потом в нем построить график не подходит.
    Может у вас есть вариант как все это можно осуществить?

    28. Mashups, beyond reporting

    Developers of all kinds may occasionally find a need to build an application that makes simple updates to a database table. This article describes how to build an IBM Mashup Center widget that can display an HTML form that lets users update relational database tables. Optionally, you can quickly create your own mashup page by simply using the downloadable sample widget as is and supplying your own HTML form.

    29. Садовщикова Камилла Георгиевна

    Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft PowerPoint, Outlook, WebMoney, Консультант+

    30. Портнякова София Федоровна

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access

    31. Федоровских Даниил Львович

    IBM Lotus Notes, Банк-Клиент

    32. Остроушко Денис Михайлович

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, WebMoney, Банк-Клиент

    33. Никонова Валентина Кирилловна

    CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Word, Outlook, QuarkXPress, WebMoney

    34. Юрманов Захар Арсениевич

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, InDesign, MS Active Directory, Консультант+

    35. Доломанов Борис Витальевич

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, MS Active Directory, WebMoney

    36. Чучкова Майя Владимировна

    IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Outlook, WebMoney, Консультант+

    37. Данилишина Лилия Степановна

    IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Access, Консультант+

    38. Грудинская Станислава Филипповна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Банк-Клиент

    39. Болдыревская Дарья Максимовна

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, The Bat, WebMoney

    40. Нургалиева Оксана Егоровна

    AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, InDesign, Microsoft PowerPoint

    41. Конькова Майя Васильевна

    Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word

    42. Радзинский Павел Леонидович

    Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, MS Active Directory, Microsoft PowerPoint

    43. Павлинина Анастасия Валентиновна

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access

    44. Юривцев Ярослав Ростиславович

    IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Банк-Клиент

    45. Тиньков Даниил Яковлевич

    IBM Lotus Notes

    46. Маринченко Алексей Тарасович

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Internet Explorer, The Bat, Консультант+

    47. Колмогорцева Ульяна Вадимовна

    Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Internet Explorer, MS Active Directory, QuarkXPress, WebMoney

    48. Крайнев Станислав Александрович

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Excel

    49. Розов Юрий Григорьевич

    IBM Lotus Notes

    50. Лебедкин Григорий Анатольевич

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, WebMoney

    51. Шишигина Александра Захаровна 

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Outlook, Консультант+

    52. Бессмертнов Богдан Тарасович 

    AutoCAD, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator

    53. Потехин Борис Иванович 

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office

    54. Яблочкина Ева Захаровна 

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes

    55. Волжанина Анжелика Вячеславовна 

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes

    56. Паршуков Георгий Федорович 

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office

    57. Ольховская Олеся Матвеевна 

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, The Bat, WebMoney

    58. Харин Ярослав Захарович 

    IBM Lotus Notes

    59. Русков Иван Владиславович 

    IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Access, Консультант+

    60. Lotus Notes 6.5.1 Rus - дайте линк плиз

    Всем привет! Я конечно понимаю, что для моей проблемы есть соответсвующий раздел, там я уже отписал, никто не ответил. Половина ссылок из темы Lotus Software уже нерабочие, в других местах, а также в поиске клиента Lotus Notes 6.5.1 Rus не нашел...Если кто знает ссылку - поделитесь, пожалуйста!

    61. дайте линк плиз

    Всем привет! Я конечно понимаю, что для моей проблемы есть соответсвующий раздел, там я уже отписал, никто не ответил. Половина ссылок из темы Lotus Software уже нерабочие, в других местах, а также в поиске клиента Lotus Notes 6.5.1 Rus не нашел...Если кто знает ссылку - поделитесь, пожалуйста!

    62. Lotus Domino на проект (Москва):

    Lotus Domino на проект (Москва):

    63. Symantec Backup Exec 2010 - R2 v.13.0.4164 (2010/Multi)

    Lotus Domino 8.5.

    64. Хоменков Арсений Богданович

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Access, The Bat, Консультант+

    65. Шило Богдан Альбертович

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign

    66. Браслетова Зоя Эдуардовна

    IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, QuarkXPress

    67. Песенникова Ирина Геннадьевна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word

    68. Федяков Артем Геннадьевич

    IBM Lotus Notes

    69. Шушпанникова Ева Валерьевна

    IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft PowerPoint, WebMoney

    70. Тихоненко Олеся Степановна

    CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint

    71. Горбенко Валерия Ефимовна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, QuarkXPress

    72. Григорьевский Валерий Игоревич

    CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, The Bat

    73. Бархатова Олеся Витальевна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Access, Outlook, The Bat

    74. LotusDomiNotes | ЛотусДомиНотес: Выпуск рассылки «Lotus Notes/Domino — продукт и ...

    Вышел новый выпуск рассылки «Lotus Notes/Domino — продукт и инструмент.

    75. Якшевич Ева Тарасовна

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Access

    76. Вышла бета-версия Lotus Notes Traveler от IBM для платформы Android

    Бета-версия Lotus Notes Traveler для платформы Android — это бесплатное программное приложение, доступное для загрузки пользователями Lotus Notes, которое обеспечивает двухстороннюю беспроводную синхронизацию информации между серверами Lotus Domino и [...]

    77. Парфиненкова Ксения Витальевна 

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory

    78. Ястреб Руслана Андреевна 

    IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft PowerPoint, The Bat

    79. Коробейников Степан Андреевич 

    IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Word, Outlook, QuarkXPress, The Bat

    80. Боровков Сергей Георгиевич 

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Office, Outlook

    81. Симонович Ярослав Петрович 

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes

    82. Медовникова Зинаида Игоревна 

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, Консультант+

    83. Узкая София Тарасовна 

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Outlook, The Bat, WebMoney

    84. Курбский Егор Викторович 

    IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, The Bat

    85. Неплюева Майя Вячеславовна 

    IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office

    86. Вход без авторизаций, можно ?

    привет всем, задача такая: что бы все пользователи могли через веб интерфейс могли зайти и проверять документы
    веб интерфейс хочу реализовать на ASP.NET. использую лотусовые СОМ объекты
    но что бы до database добраться, надо lotussession иниалицизировать.
    А ID-шка ни у всех )))
    а можно ли как нить без инициализаций достучаться до БД ???
    Давай знакомиться. В каких отношениях с Lotus Notes?
    (голосование возможно только из письма рассылки)
  • Lotus Администратор
  • Lotus Программист
  • Lotus Пользователь
  • С Lotus Note не знаком
  • Хочу познакомиться с Lotus Notes/Domino
  • Закладки о Lotus Notes

    1. nsftools - Lotus Notes and Domino Tips

    2. Lotus Notes/Domino - Tools and utilities for Administrators and Users.

    3. Lauching Lotus Notes with mailto: - Stack Overflow

    4. Lauching Lotus Notes with mailto: - Stack Overflow

    5. Captain Oblivious

    6. Captain Oblivious

    7. Applicable Publish TCO White Papers for FREE Download.

    Applicable have completed a project to publish 3 white papers focusing on the total cost of ownership for deploying IBM and Microsoft strategies.

    8. Applicable Publish TCO White Papers for FREE Download.

    Applicable have completed a project to publish 3 white papers focusing on the total cost of ownership for deploying IBM and Microsoft strategies.

    9. Lotus Notes CRM: 3 things to consider

    10. Lotus Notes CRM: 3 things to consider

    11. Notes on Productivity - Getting Things Done with a BlackBerry, Lotus Notes and other tools

    12. Notes on Productivity - Getting Things Done with a BlackBerry, Lotus Notes and other tools

    13. Lost on #IBM #Lotus Island ? Move your apps to the cloud with Force.com’s Cloud Computing Platform

    14. Lost on #IBM #Lotus Island ? Move your apps to the cloud with Force.com’s Cloud Computing Platform

    15. Extending the IBM Lotus Notes V8 mail with Eclipse

    16. Extending the IBM Lotus Notes V8 mail with Eclipse

    17. Lotus Notes, Domino Deletion Stubs

    With a period of one third of the purge inteval the updall task (for server based databases) checks the database for deletion stubs which are older than the purge interval and removes them. So if the purge interval is set to 90 days, deletion stubs will be purged after 90 to 120 days.

    18. Lotus Notes, Domino Deletion Stubs

    With a period of one third of the purge inteval the updall task (for server based databases) checks the database for deletion stubs which are older than the purge interval and removes them. So if the purge interval is set to 90 days, deletion stubs will be purged after 90 to 120 days.

    19. Lotus Traveler for iPhone setup instructions

    20. IBM EMEA Announcement Letter

    IBM® Lotus Notes® and Domino® 8.5.2 provides enhancements for both the end user (Lotus Notes, Lotus® iNotes™ and Lotus Notes Traveler) and developers (Domino Designer). Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.2: * Allows Lotus Notes to take advantage of improved instant messaging and unified telephony services provided by Lotus Sametime® * Contains usability and productivity enhancements to the Lotus iNotes mail and calendaring experience * Supports the Apple iPad and new features of the Apple iPhone with Lotus Notes Traveler * Has new XPage features and extensibility APIs, as well as Lotus Domino Designer enhancements that provide developers with additional capabilities

    Источники знаний. Сайты с книгами

    "Красные книги" IBM

    Книги компании IBM по специализированным тематикам о Lotus Software. Основной язык - английский форматы pdf и html

    Книги компании "Интертраст"

    Для администраторов разработчиков и пользователей. Настройка и администрирование, разработка и программирование, пользование системой Lotus Notes
    Документация. YellowBook
    Оригинальная документация по продуктам Lotus Software. Язык англыйский. Форматы pdf html nsf
    IBM Пресс
    Книги от компании IBM. Книги и брошуры на заказ и на бесплатную скачку в формате pdf
    Просмотр и заказ книг. Некоторые книги возможно скачать в формате pdf для свободно чтения и просмотра.
    Книги о Lotus Notes в Интернете
    Ссылки на книги и методички находящиеся в свободном пользовании. Ветки форумов обсуждения книг и материалов. Поисковый сервер по хелпам Lotus Notes книги от Google для свободного просмотра

    В избранное о Lotus Notes/Domino В подготовке выпуска использовались материалы и знания
    По вопросам спонсорства, публикации материалов, участия обращайтесь к ведущему рассылку LotusDomiNotes

    В избранное