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Lotus Notes Developer / Administrator Job

Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 619

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Новости о ПО Lotus Notes (2)

IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino - CNews.ru
DeepTip: установка Lotus Notes в системе OS X 10.8 - Deep Apple

CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (1)

Tip: Confirm All Destructive or Irreversible Actions | Blog

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (55)

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Cпециалист по разработке/поддержке баз Lotus Domino
CNews.ru : Главные новости | ИТ-рынок |
IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino
IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino
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IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino:
IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino:
IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino bit.ly/XFS4pc
На линии Twitter @
IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino goo.gl/fb/Q6U3h
IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino goo.gl/fb/4XFbm #информатизация
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Sams Teach Yourself Lotus Notes 4.6 in 24 Hours (Teach Yourself...) Cate ...
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Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 611" от 19 ...
Выпуск рассылки "Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 526 от 2012-11-16" от 16 ...
Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 610" от 17 ...
Выпуск рассылки "Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 527 от 2012-11-19" от 19 ...

Вакансии для специалистов (11)

Lotus Notes Developer / Administrator Job
Sr Lotus Notes Developer With Poly
Sr Lotus Notes Developer with Poly
Sr. Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes Administrator
Lotus Notes Developer - Multiple Positions
Lotus Notes Administrator
Lotus Notes Programmer Analyst
Lotus Notes Programmer
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Lotus Notes Developer - Multiple Positions
Спонсоры рассылки:
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Хостинг на Lotus Domino

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  • Новости о ПО Lotus Notes

    1. IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino - CNews.ru

    IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino
    Так, с декабря 2012 г. в названии группы программных продуктов Lotus Notes/Domino перестанет использоваться торговая марка Lotus, унаследованная в 1995 г. при покупке Lotus Development Corporation. «Подобная инициатива корпорации как нельзя лучше характеризует направления ...

    2. DeepTip: установка Lotus Notes в системе OS X 10.8 - Deep Apple

    Deep Apple

    DeepTip: установка Lotus Notes в системе OS X 10.8
    Deep Apple
    Вы на развилке: перед вами стоит задача взгромоздить клиент Lotus Notes на Мак с «Горным львом» и ещё проблема выбора — каким способом установки воспользоваться. Таких способов существует два: официальный и народный. Способ номер раз (официальный) заключается в ...

    Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino

    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Tip: Confirm All Destructive or Irreversible Actions | Blog

    One of the (many) beauties of Lotus Notes is being able to quickly add an Agent to do almost any task. They get used (and abused!) all over the place.

    Most of the databases I see are almost always littered with Agents written to perform one-off data-cleansing tasks, but are left hanging around waiting to do damage.

    The other thing I always see is badly-named Agents whose purpose is not entirely clear from the name alone and a review of the code itself is needed in order to work out what it does.

    The danger with badly-named Agents is that an unsuspecting user can click on them, merely "to see what it does". Or they may click it accidentally. If the actions performed by the agent are irreversible then this is a bad thing.

    What I always try to do when writing these kind of Agents is having the following code right up at the top:

    If MessageBox("This will delete ALL documents!!!! Are you sure?", _
            52, "Confirm") = 7 Then
                    Exit sub
    End If

    Which gives us:


    It doesn't take long and could save so, so much hassle in the long run.

    The Java equivalent is:

    int option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, 
      "This will delete ALL documents!!!! Are you sure?", 
    if (option == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION ) {

    Which looks like this:


    Always, always warn the user what they're about to do. They might well ignore the dialog message completely, but at least you can say you warned them...

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    Lotus software | IBM collaboration and social software

    Technical resources for IBM collaboration and social software

    App Dev Throwdown at IBM Connect 2013

    IBM will be holding its annual App Dev Throwdown at IBM Connect 2013 to showcase social business innovation from our partner community. Submit your social business application for a chance to compete on the main stage at Connect 2013!  More >

    Tabs showing key topics and featured content for developerWorks Lotus.

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    • Learn about IBM iNotes Social Edition

      IBM iNotes Social Edition software is Web access to e-mail and collaboration. You can equip your employees with capabilities similar to those included in IBM Lotus Notes® client software, but delivered through a Web browser. Try this demo to learn more.

    • Using Reseller and Distributed Software in IBM SmartCloud for Social Business

      This article describes what Reseller is, how it works, and how to create a Distributed Software (DSW) order in IBM SmartCloud for Social Business.

    • Developing OpenSocial gadgets for IBM Connections 4.0

      This white paper explains how to develop gadgets for IBM Connections 4.0, primarily focusing on using the developer bootstrap page for quickly testing gadgets.

    • IBM Connections Mail

      IBM Connections Mail is a new, simple and compelling way to perform essential email and calendar tasks right from IBM Connections, your social software platform.

    • Experience IBM Connections

      Inspired by feedback from customers, Experience IBM Connections shows you the Top 4 ways that IBM Connections makes your job easier. In addition to providing an overview of IBM Connections benefits, the site highlights favorite tips and features from select IBMers and IBM Champions and includes resources to learn more.

    • IBM Connections 4.0 Reviewer’s Guide

      This Reviewer's Guide provides an extensive overview of the latest version of IBM’s social software, IBM Connections 4.0, and its nine applications: Home, Profiles, Activities, Blogs, Bookmarks, Communities, Files, Forums, and Wikis.

    • IBM Connections V4.0: Reinventing how people innovate and work together

      IBM Connections V4.0 provides an exceptional social platform that helps enable you to access the right people and internal and external content in your professional networks and communities.

    • Integrating SPNEGO with IBM Sametime components on a federated deployment

      This paper explains the steps on how to configure Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) on a federated deployment for IBM Sametime Community Server, Meeting Server, Proxy Server, Media Manager, Advanced Server, and the Connect Client

    • Using IBM Rational Performance Tester V8.2 to load test IBM Lotus Notes Standard Client in a Citrix XenApp environment

      Learn how to use IBM's Rational Performance Tester to load test the IBM Lotus Notes Standard Client in a Citrix XenApp Environment.

    • Experience Lotus Notes

      This single-page site is intended to drive user adoption of Lotus Notes and enhance the total client experience. This effort was inspired by feedback from customers requesting materials to help promote Notes to end users.

    • Measuring the distribution and skew of transaction response times for IBM Enterprise application datasets

      This white paper describes our analysis and approach to measuring the distribution of transaction times during a five-day workload run of the IBM Lotus Domino, IBM SmartCloud Engage, and IBM Lotus Quickr for Domino Enterprise applications and provides a qualitative assessment of each dataset.

    • Behind-the-scenes look at ZK Spreadsheet for IBM Lotus Domino Designer XPages

      Learn how ZK and ZK Spreadsheet are integrated into IBM Lotus Domino Designer XPages. This white paper explains the concepts and implementation of ZK, ZK Spreadsheet, and XPages.

    • Using IBM Connections more as a platform than an application

      IBM Connections provides the support for infinite possibilities of extension, integration, and third-party development, which makes it more like a platform than an application.

    • Developing an IBM SmartCloud for Social Business application

      Learn how to develop an application that integrates with IBM SmartCloud for Social Business by authenticating via the Open Authorization protocol, calling the SmartCloud for Social Business service APIs to do a useful task, and extending the UI to show an integrated look.

    • IBM Connections: Managing Communities

      This series of articles explain how to plan, launch, and sustain successful online communities using IBM Connections.

    • Develop next generation social applications

      IBM announces over 100 new, fully-supported XPages controls and objects. Now design and develop mobile, web and social applications faster than ever. And when you're ready to deploy your XPages applications, use IBM XWork Server to bring them to life. The result: connected employees, activated professional networks, and improved knowledge sharing.

    • IBM Redbooks: Customizing IBM Connections 3.0.1

      IBM Lotus and IBM Redbooks have partnered together to show you how to customize your Connections deployment. IBM Connections 3.0.1 is social networking software that consists of several applications. You can customize IBM Connections by changing the user interface, adding features to applications such as the Home page and Profiles, integrating Profiles with external data, and exploiting the IBM Connections API, among other aspects. This Redbooks Wiki provides details about these and other ways of extending and changing IBM Connections.

    • IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.3 server performance: IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.3 performance

      IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.3 and IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.3 have been optimized to reduce the transactions from the client to the server

    • Introducing the IBM XWork Server

      The IBM XWork Server provides an XPages Application Server for your social applications that will help you to extend applications to web and mobile devices, and connect applications to social communities for broader knowledge sharing. XWork Server leverages XPages technology from Lotus Domino and Domino Designer 8.5.3.

    • IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.3 delivers usability and productivity enhancements to help power social business

      IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.3 includes a vast array of end-user feature enhancements to increase personal productivity of Lotus Notes, Lotus iNotes™, and Lotus Notes Traveler for users and developers using Domino Designer. See this announcement for more details.

    • Configuring SSL encryption for IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1

      This article provides the detailed steps on how to configure Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption for IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1.

    • Announcing IBM Web Experience Factory 7.0.1

      IBM Web Experience Factory 7.0.1, formerly IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory, delivers the fastest and easiest way to develop multichannel exceptional web experiences across desktop, mobile, and tablet platforms.

    • IBM Connections 3.0.1 Reviewer's Guide

      This Guide provides an extensive overview of the latest version of IBM’s social software, IBM Connections 3.0, and its nine applications: Home, Profiles, Activities, Blogs, Bookmarks, Communities, Files, Forums, and Wikis. In addition, this guide explains how to extend the features and functions of IBM Connections to your existing applications.

    • IBM Redbooks: Optimizing Lotus Domino Administration

      This IBM Redbooks wiki provides you with information on how to optimize Lotus Domino administration. The focus is to provide Lotus Domino administrators with information on how to get most of their valuable time. Optimization of a Lotus Domino environment is not only a matter of how to set specific configuration parameters on a server or on a client; it is more a conceptual approach on how to address specific needs of the environment.

    • Tips for moving from Microsoft Outlook to IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.2

      Have you just moved away from Microsoft® Outlook® to IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.2? This article discusses some key tips on what preferences to set and ways to configure Lotus Notes to be compatible with the functionalities you were accustomed to in Microsoft Outlook. It addresses tips for mail, calendar, and contacts, along with general tips for across the Notes client.


    Download Get the no-charge download today!

    The premier Eclipse-based open development environment for the Lotus Notes and Domino software platform.

    Utilize your existing development skills to build industry-standard Web and Lotus Notes and Domino applications.

    Download now


    Start here if you are new to XPages and Lotus Domino Designer.

    Explore Domino Designer and XPages with this guide that will help get you up to speed quickly.

    Learn how to use the Lotus Expeditor Toolkit to build and test Java™ applications for Lotus Notes.



    Join Lotus Domino developers around the world who are working on over 10 million Lotus Notes applications.

    · Lotus Notes & Domino Application Development wiki
    · XPages development forum
    · XPages.info: THE home for XPages developers
    · OpenNTF.org
    · Planet Lotus


    Lotus downloads

    XPages & Composite apps

    XPages utilize JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and HTML. Yet, deep programming skills are not required to build powerful, compelling Web and Lotus Notes and Domino applications.

    Composite applications are a key element in a service-oriented architecture (SOA). They enable you to easily integrate different types of components and technologies to create contextual applications.



    Start here to learn about XPages with links to overview content, videos, tutorials, and other content that will get you up to speed quickly.

    Watch this two-part video series demonstrating how you can use XPages components in a Lotus Notes application.

    Discover the power and benefits of composite applications.

    Explore detailed examples, sample projects, and more in the IBM Composite Applications wiki.


    Read the XPages blog to learn from a worldwide group of IBM Domino XPages experts.

    Listen to Pete Janzen, Senior Product manager for Lotus Domino Designer, talk about the decision to offer a no-charge development license for Domino Designer.

    XPages demo app
    Sample composite app


    • The Building Domino Web Applications using Domino 8.5.1 Redbooks Wiki outlines the significant improvements in Lotus Domino 8.5.x as a web development platform. It introduces XPages technology, showing how it dramatically shortens the learning curve for Domino developers and enables you to incorporate Web 2.0 features into your web applications.

    Download Lotus Domino Designer

    Technical content for Lotus products

    IBM Redbooks in Lotus wikis

    • Lotus and IBM Redbooks® are developing high-quality Redbooks content using wiki technology. Below are some of IBM Redbooks developed and published in the Lotus product wikis. A complete list is available here.


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    Lotus wikis

    The Notes Tips Podcast series

    Check out the Notes Tips podcast, where we help you become more productive with Lotus Notes. We'll be talking about everything from getting started with Notes, to decluttering your inbox, to managing meetings better. Join us on the second and fourth Fridays of each month.

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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

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    #ресторан lotus notes traveler android android-apps-iphone-ins.ru/1710-articles....

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    Настроил на айфончике Lotus Notes Traveler.

    3. Cпециалист по разработке/поддержке баз Lotus Domino

    4. CNews.ru : Главные новости | ИТ-рынок |

    IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino

    5. IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino

    Так, с декабря 2012 г. в названии группы программных продуктов Lotus Notes/Domino перестанет использоваться торговая марка Lotus, унаследованная в 1995 г. при покупке Lotus Development Corporation. «

    6. IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino

    Так вселился, с декабря 2012 факторы г. в названии отопления группы программных продуктов отдаст Lotus Notes/Domino надежда перестанет использоваться торговая средств марка Lotus, унаследованная пускового в 1995 г ракетный. при покупке Lotus рабочем Development Corporation. «

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    9. IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino:

    IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino: Корпорация IBM анонсировала новую версию ... bit.ly/10AumZf

    10. IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino:

    IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino: Корпорация IBM анонсировала новую версию Notes/D... bit.ly/XFS4pc

    11. IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino bit.ly/XFS4pc

    IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino bit.ly/XFS4pc

    12. На линии Twitter @

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    13. IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino goo.gl/fb/Q6U3h

    IBM проведет ребрендинг продуктовой линейки Lotus Notes/Domino goo.gl/fb/Q6U3h

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    22. Инженер технической поддержки

    Знание IBM Lotus Notes на уровне продвинутого пользователя.

    23. "Мы готовим облачную версию Lotus Notes", - Арман Дунбаев, генеральный директор

    RT @iD_Host : "Мы готовим облачную версию Lotus Notes", - Арман Дунбаев, генеральный директор KT Cloud Lab. #softday

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    Знание систем на уровне оказания консультаций пользователям Windows 2000/XP, Office 2003/2007, Lotus Notes,

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    32. Аналитик Lotus Notes, Западный банк

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    35. IT аналитик

    Знание ПО Lotus Notes

    36. Максаковский Иван Николаевич

    Урай Семейное положение: женат, один ребенок В свободное время занимаюсь Флористика Рукоделие Экспериментальная археология Туризм Кроссворды Личные качества безрассудность опытность притягательность Знание языков Башкирский на разговорном уровене Умение работать с программами IBM Lotus Notes Банк-Клиент Условия работы Меня [...]

    37. Новости IT и софта на Софт@Mail.Ru

    Handy Backup Standard, для Lotus Notes

    38. molpred android-apps-flys-ins.ru/lotus-notes-an...

    #molpred android-apps-flys-ins.ru/lotus-notes-an...

    39. Специалист технической поддержки в иностранную компанию

    Knowledge of other Microsoft applications and Lotus Notes is a plus

    40. герой android-apps-flys-ins.ru/lotus-notes-an...

    #герой android-apps-flys-ins.ru/lotus-notes-an...

    41. AD & Domino Directory

    Hello, All!


    43. TrendMicro ScanMail

    44. Hello, All ! <br>

    45. Sametime

    Hello, All !

    46. Hello All! <br>

    47. SameTime 6.5.1


    49. NSFNoteCopy


    51. руководитель проекта, директор продаж

    Свободно владею справочно-правовыми программами «Консультант плюс»‚ «Гарант»‚ а также уверенный пользователь MS Word‚ Excel‚ Outlook‚ Power Point‚ Remote Desktop‚ Adobe Reader‚ IBM Lotus Notes‚ 1 С Предприятие‚ Internet и т.д.

    52. Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 611" от 19 ...

    Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes Administrator * Systems Administrator with Lotus Notes expertise - TEMPORARY POSITION * видео android-app-sony-in.ru/lotus-notes-an... * фильм androids-app-fly-ins.ru/lotus-notes-tr... * так надо "инсталяшку"(пакет Lotus Notes Installer-nl2b2.mpkg) скопировать из dmg * Новая версия #Notes/#Domino -- #IBM отказывается от марки #Lotus: osp.ru/news/2012/1115... * MikkeyAlias @EpihinS у нас Lotus

    53. Выпуск рассылки "Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 526 от 2012-11-16" от 16 ...

    Вышел новый выпуск рассылки "Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 526 от 2012-11-16".

    54. Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 610" от 17 ...

    А что будет, в том числе, с Notes/Domino? * Новая версия ESET NOD32 Mail Security для IBM Lotus Domino: * Выпуск Notes/Domino будет продолжен, но уже без Lotus Каковы перспективы развития * Выпуск Notes/Domino будет продолжен, но уже без Lotus * Новая версия ESET NOD32 Mail Security для IBM Lotus Domino * Spider project - методология и пакет управления проектами * ap-Codkelden: *? * Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/

    55. Выпуск рассылки "Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 527 от 2012-11-19" от 19 ...

    Бэкап адресных книг пользователей * Outlook --&gt; notes - адресная книга * Восстановить удаленные записи * Динамическое обновление subform * Архивация БД * Запись всей транзитной почты в отдельную базу * Language Pack * Импорт из XML * DA и видимость AB * Fax * Lotus для юзера на любом компе в домене * Lotus для юзера на любом компе в домене * AD & Domino Directory * Клиент для Windows Mobile 5 * NSFNoteCopy * За$ирание логов и
    Давай знакомиться. В каких отношениях с Lotus Notes?
    (голосование возможно только из письма рассылки)
  • Lotus Администратор
  • Lotus Программист
  • Lotus Пользователь
  • С Lotus Note не знаком
  • Хочу познакомиться с Lotus Notes/Domino
  • Вакансии для специалистов

    1. Lotus Notes Developer / Administrator Job

    Job Description Job Title:Lotus Notes Developer / Administrator Job ID:259476 Location: US-Virginia-Reston Full/Part Time: Full-Time Regular/Temporary:Regular Org Marketing Statement Unisys is a wo...

    2. Sr Lotus Notes Developer With Poly

    Job Description: Analyze functional business applications and design specifications. Develop block diagrams and logic flow charts. Translates detailed design into Lotus Notes based solutions. Tests, d...

    3. Sr Lotus Notes Developer with Poly

    Job Description: Analyze functional business applications and design specifications. Develop block diagrams and logic flow charts. Translates detailed design into Lotus Notes based solutions. Tests, d...

    4. Sr. Lotus Notes Developer

    Sr. Lotus Notes Developer Location: Omaha, Nebraska Category: Database Developer Type: Contract Posted: 11/16/2012 Apply Now Back to Job Listings Companies across Nebras...

    5. Lotus Notes Administrator

    Position: Lotus Notes Administrator Category: Database Design and Administration Location(s): Peoria IL Department: LRS Consulting Services Job Number: 7280 Job Description: Time to get to work! Our c...

    6. Lotus Notes Developer - Multiple Positions

    Title: Lotus Notes Developer - Multiple Positions Location: USA-Washington D.C. Other Locations: If you are working or aspiring to work in today's United States Intelligence Community, NOW is the ...

    7. Lotus Notes Administrator

    Kforce has a client in Milwaukee that is looking for a Lotus Notes Administrator. This individual under general supervision is responsible for the technical design, configuration, implementation, and ...

    8. Lotus Notes Programmer Analyst

    Lotus Notes Developer Role: Production Support Job Description: A· The Senior Applications Developers are individual contributors to the development or modification to system applications. A...

    9. Lotus Notes Programmer

    Title: Lotus Notes Developer Hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm Location: Brea, CA 92821 Job Description: A· The Senior Applications Developers are individual contributors to the development or modif...

    10. lotus notes developer

    lotus notes developer * Save Job * Rate Job * Report Job Apply Now Tweet * Share Job With Others Location:malvern, PA Area Code:610 Telecommute:no Travel Required:none Skills:lotus notes ...

    11. Lotus Notes Developer - Multiple Positions

    Title: Lotus Notes Developer - Multiple Positions Location: USA-Washington D.C. Other Locations: If you are working or aspiring to work in today's United States Intelligence Community, NOW is the ...

    Источники знаний. Сайты с книгами

    "Красные книги" IBM

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    Для администраторов разработчиков и пользователей. Настройка и администрирование, разработка и программирование, пользование системой Lotus Notes
    Документация. YellowBook
    Оригинальная документация по продуктам Lotus Software. Язык англыйский. Форматы pdf html nsf
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    В избранное о Lotus Notes/Domino В подготовке выпуска использовались материалы и знания
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