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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 102 от 2008-11-14

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 102 от 2008-11-14
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

Public Function GetDocFromDb( db As NotesDatabase, viewName As String, key() As Variant, exact As Boolean ) As NotesDocument
' returns the first doc based on a search key
' posted to http://www.openntf.org/projects/codebin/codebin.nsf/CodeBySubCategory/D8474BE8C4FEEB35862574EF00628013
' written by Mike Mortin
Dim view As NotesView ' get the view
Set view = db.GetView(viewName) ' get the doc from the key
Set GetDocFromDb = view.GetDocumentByKey(key, exact)
End Function
Option Declare ' Declarations
Const msgBoxOptions = 4 + 32 + 256
' yes = IDYES
Const yes = 6 Sub Click(Source As Button)
' posted to http://www.openntf.org/projects/codebin/codebin.nsf/CodeByDate/3307822D17936284862575000058210D
' written by Mike Mortin, 20081015 Dim ui As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uidoc As NotesuiDocument
Dim db() As NotesDatabase
Dim user As String, serverList() As String, msg As String
Dim index As Long, numDbs As Long
Dim deleteDbs As Boolean ' set up
Set uidoc = ui.CurrentDocument
user = uidoc.FieldGetText("firstname") & " " & uidoc.FieldGetText("lastname")
deleteDbs = False ' get the server names
If 0 Then
' hard code the server names
Redim serverList(0 To 2)
serverList(0) = "BES01/SVR/CA"
serverList(1) = "BES02/SVR/CA"
serverList(2) = "BES03/SVR/CA"
' load from a group
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim key(0) As Variant
key(0) = "BlackBerryServers" ' <-- put the group name that contains your BlackBerry servers
Set doc = GetDocFromDb(s.CurrentDatabase, "Groups", key, True)
Redim serverList(Lbound(doc.Members) To Ubound(doc.Members))
For index = Lbound(doc.Members) To Ubound(doc.Members)
serverList(index) = doc.Members(index)
End If ' grab each database
Redim db(Lbound(serverList) To Ubound(serverList))
For index = Lbound(serverList) To Ubound(serverList)
Set db(index) = GetDbByTitle(serverList(index), user)
If Not db(index) Is Nothing Then numDbs = numDbs + 1
Next If numDbs = 0 Then
' tell admin that there are no state dbs found
Messagebox("No State database for " & user & " were found.")
If numDbs = 1 Then
' find the active Db
For index = Lbound(serverList) To Ubound(serverList)
If Not db(index) Is Nothing Then Exit For
Next ' let the admin know which server the db was found on and prompt to delete
msg = "State database for " & user & " only found on " & db(index).Server & ". Do you want to delete this file?"
' prompt to delete all replicas
msg = "Are you sure you want to delete the " & numDbs & " state databases for " & user & "?"
End If If Messagebox(msg, msgBoxOptions) = yes Then deleteDbs = True
End If ' delete the dbs
If deleteDbs Then
For index = Lbound(serverList) To Ubound(serverList)
If Not db(index) Is Nothing Then db(index).Remove
End If
End Sub Function GetDbByTitle(serverName As String,userName As String) As NotesDatabase
On Error Goto ExitSub
Dim server As NotesDbDirectory
Dim db1 As NotesDatabase, db2 As NotesDatabase ' Find db on server
Set server = New NotesDbDirectory(serverName)
Set db1 = server.GetFirstDatabase(DATABASE)
While Not (db1 Is Nothing)
If userName = db1.Title Then
If db2 Is Nothing Then
Set db2 = db1
Msgbox "Duplicate db title found on "& serverName
Exit Function
End If
End If
Set db1 = server.GetNextDatabase
Wend ExitSub: Set GetDbByTitle = db2
Exit Function
End Function
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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Lotus 8.0.
Изначально у всех пользователей при их регистрации были созданы почтовые базы на основе шаблона сервера (т.е английского шаблона).
Решил сделать вручную апдейт всех баз на основе русифицированной версии.

Апдейт делал, открыв Домино Администартор. Там все мейловские базы в одном списке, поэтому удобно выделять по одной базе и делать рефрешь дизайн.
Однако по не внимательности, вместо того, чтобы открыть заклыдку files, далее папку mail. Я выбрал закладку People and Groups......
В результате на основе шаблона мейловской базы я обновил адресную книгу. Когда это понял, то вернул все назад, однако в консоле сервера теперь выводяться следующие сообщения:
Informational, rebuild view needed - collection object was deleted (reading names.nsf view note title: <ServerAccess>).
Доступ к базам у сотрудников, добавленных в acl не напрямую, а через группы, пропал...

Помогите, пожалуйста, решить проблему.

Доброго дня,

Есть веб-сервис, например вот этот: |#^#]>http://ws.cdyne.com/SpellChecker/check.asmx|#^#]>

Вопрос в следующем, как из LotusScript, посредством создания объекта MSSOAP.SoapClient, передать значение BodyText и LicenseKey методу CheckTextBody этого веб-сервиса?

P.S. Про то как это сделать в Msxml2.XMLHTTP знаю, интересует именно MSSOAP.SoapClient

Спасибо ph34r.gif
Добрый день!
У сотрудника после того, как он прочитает письмо, его больше не видно в папке "Входящие", а найти его можно только в папке "Все документы".
Не подскажете, как это исправить?
Добрый день!
Как и где настроить в Lotus ограничение:
1. По размеру отправляемых/получаемых файлов?
2. По маске (расширение) отправляемых\получаемых файлов?
3. Определить (разрешить) определенным группам использовать конкретные типы файлов?
Подскажите пожалуйста как можно решить такую проблемму

есть 3 addin управление и конфигурация которомы осуществляеться через базу лежащую на сервере
каждые 2 минут они открывают базу конфигурации и проверяют были ли изменения в базе конфигурации, если да то считывают новые настройки
проверка были ли изменения осуществляеться в момент открытия баз через NSFDbOpenExtended

на медленном сервере все работает нормально, на быстром сервере открытие базы возвращает ошибку - "база занята другим пользователем"
те они одновременно пытаються открыть базу
ошибка возникает назвисимо были изменения или нет

Скажите пожалуйста есть ли другие способы организации считывания настроек несколькими addin из одной базы
Добрый день!
Добрый день!
У сотрудника после того, как он прочитает письмо, его больше не видно в папке "Входящие", а найти его можно только в папке "Все документы".
Не подскажете, как это исправить?

посматри в меню - тамже есть опция показывть только непрочтенные документы

меню view\show unread


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In this article, Lotus Notes Domino expert Andy Pedisich gives five default settings in your Domino domain that you should change, including the Message Recall setting and the 'use more secure Internet Passwords' setting. Modifying these settings will improve server performance, enhance Domino security and will give you tighter control of your Domino domain.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Jim Soper
Tags: personal address book addressbook
One problem I continue to notice is backing up a users address book.  By default a user's address book is usually set locally.  Why not have a user's default address book set to the "Mail File Copy of Contacts" used for iNotes?  Then if the user wishes to have a local copy of their contacts then they can create a local replica.
I know you could setup roaming profiles or perhaps have their address book sit on a network drive, but I think this is much more simple right from the start when the user is first setup.

Author: Tommy Valand
Tags: ftsearch getcolumnvalues
Idea: This may be a bug.

When you do NotesView.FTSearch, NotesView.getColumnValues() contains all row-values for the column specified, whereas NotesView.AllEntries, for instance, only return the resulting subset of the search.

NotesView.getColumnValues() is not documented, but it is available in code completion in Domino Designer.. Not sure if that means that it is partly supported.. :)

Author: Dibyendu Dutta
Tags: zoom
There should be zoom level change option to read notes documents. It's particularly helpful while working in high resolution screen. I personally feel the need when I read the help documents.

Author: Ondrej Kostruh
Tags: lotusscript progress bar
Today, the only solution is based on functions in Win32 DLLs (nnotesws.dll). 
Can we have it in LotusScript?

Author: Melissa Snell
Tags: NotesView NotesDocumentCollection LotusScript Properties
I would like an 'AllDocuments' property that would return all documents in the NotesView. This would work in a similar way to the "AllEntries" property for the NotesViewEntryCollection.
So you would be able to code:
Set view=db.getView("MyView")
Set col=view.AllDocuments

Author: Melissa Snell
Tags: NotesView NotesDocumentCollection LotusScript Properties
I would like an 'AllDocuments' property that would return all documents in the NotesView. This would work in a similar way to the "AllEntries" property for the NotesViewEntryCollection.
So you would be able to code:
Set view=db.getView("MyView")
Set col=view.AllDocuments

Author: Paul Davies
Tags: ooo out of office delivery options
We currently have the option to 'not receive out of office' notices in the delivery options of an email. It doesn't work very well, but the concept is good.
I would also like to have an option of 'Do not deliver to recipients who are currently out of office'. I frequently have to send out 'all staff' type emails that contain information that is immediately valid or only valid for a short space of time. I always feel its a little unfair that recipients who are out of the office should receive these when they are not relevant to them.
You would also need options as a recipient to over-ride this if you so choose.

Author: Paul Davies
Tags: ooo out of office delivery options
We currently have the option to 'not receive out of office' notices in the delivery options of an email. It doesn't work very well, but the concept is good.
I would also like to have an option of 'Do not deliver to recipients who are currently out of office'. I frequently have to send out 'all staff' type emails that contain information that is immediately valid or only valid for a short space of time. I always feel its a little unfair that recipients who are out of the office should receive these when they are not relevant to them.
You would also need options as a recipient to over-ride this if you so choose.

Author: David Killingsworth
Tags: configurationdocument debugging notes.ini
Currently, if you want to go in and debug a server, you must edit the notes.ini.  Or edit the notes.ini settings in the server configuration document to add the debugging lines.
We should be able to turn on and off debugging options in the server configuration document or server document.
The options, I'm talking about are:
I'm fully aware that these can be set at the server console instantly with the following commands:
set config DEBUG_THREADID=1
Often times, this is turned on via the notes.ini and forgotten about.  To turn it off, you must go to the notes.ini and remove it.

Author: David Killingsworth
Tags: configurationdocument debugging notes.ini
Currently, if you want to go in and debug a server, you must edit the notes.ini.  Or edit the notes.ini settings in the server configuration document to add the debugging lines.
We should be able to turn on and off debugging options in the server configuration document or server document.
The options, I'm talking about are:
I'm fully aware that these can be set at the server console instantly with the following commands:
set config DEBUG_THREADID=1
Often times, this is turned on via the notes.ini and forgotten about.  To turn it off, you must go to the notes.ini and remove it.

Author: Starrow Pan
Tags: text properties color toolbar button richtext
In the current Text Properties toolbar, there is no button to select text color. If you want to change the color, you have to display the Text Properties dialog first or use the Text\Color menu. It's rather inconvenient and I cannot figue out why Lotus doesn't provide that obviously useful button.
I find a TextSetFontColor @Command, but it can only set a few color and not pop out the color pane.

Author: Starrow Pan
Tags: text properties color toolbar button richtext
In the current Text Properties toolbar, there is no button to select text color. If you want to change the color, you have to display the Text Properties dialog first or use the Text\Color menu. It's rather inconvenient and I cannot figue out why Lotus doesn't provide that obviously useful button.
I find a TextSetFontColor @Command, but it can only set a few color and not pop out the color pane.

Author: Melissa Snell
Tags: Eclipse LotusScript LotusScript_Editor wish 8.5.1 8.5
The Eclipse editor for LotusScript is on its way! Hurrah
Here are a few things that are not so hot about the current editor. Please could we have these addressed???
1) Custom classes to understand intellisense (I think this already addresses)
2) Intellisense to work even if in nested script libraries. Currently if I declare a global library and use it in another library, intellisense doesn't work on those variables
3)Much bigger box for comments on properties OR support for JavaDocs? I often use comments on a hidden view for example to say I have created it for use in scriptlibrary x, but in order to see the whole thing you have to scroll to the right or copy it into notepad to view.
4) Alpha sorting of subs and functions  (think it has this) rather than in the order that they were created
5)Ability to have more than one 'window' or view open on the same sub at once. If you have a sub of 1,000 lines+ of code (which I do for creating some really complex spreadsheets in Excel), I have to keep note of the line numbers so I know where to scroll to OR use 'find' to jump to specific words. Would like a split pane view to allow code comparison within the same sub.
6) Ability to have window open on two subs in the same script library at the same time. Currently can do this be copying other code to somewhere else so you can compare code.
I hate to say it , but take a look at Visual studio!!!!

Author: Melissa Snell
Tags: Eclipse LotusScript LotusScript_Editor wish 8.5.1 8.5
The Eclipse editor for LotusScript is on its way! Hurrah
Here are a few things that are not so hot about the current editor. Please could we have these addressed???
1) Custom classes to understand intellisense (I think this already addresses)
2) Intellisense to work even if in nested script libraries. Currently if I declare a global library and use it in another library, intellisense doesn't work on those variables
3)Much bigger box for comments on properties OR support for JavaDocs? I often use comments on a hidden view for example to say I have created it for use in scriptlibrary x, but in order to see the whole thing you have to scroll to the right or copy it into notepad to view.
4) Alpha sorting of subs and functions  (think it has this) rather than in the order that they were created
5)Ability to have more than one 'window' or view open on the same sub at once. If you have a sub of 1,000 lines+ of code (which I do for creating some really complex spreadsheets in Excel), I have to keep note of the line numbers so I know where to scroll to OR use 'find' to jump to specific words. Would like a split pane view to allow code comparison within the same sub.
6) Ability to have window open on two subs in the same script library at the same time. Currently can do this be copying other code to somewhere else so you can compare code.
I hate to say it , but take a look at Visual studio!!!!

Author: David Killingsworth
Tags: administrator design refresh replace
Similar Idea = http://ideajam.net/IdeaJam/P/ij.nsf/0/1E1A08081F555B0A8625739A0063CDC0?OpenDocument
Allow design refresh or replace in the admin client.  Either by allowing us to add to the administrator smart icons so that we can add the @Command([DesignRefresh]) or @Command([DesignReplace])
or allow us to right click and choose Design\Replace and Refresh.
We can see which templates several databases at once are using.  To manipulate them requires us to go back to the Notes client add the icon to the workspace and right cilck or use a pre-defined smart icon as mentioned above.
This sucks!

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Статьи и Документация

both deliver Virtual images make installing and configuring software faster and easier than ever before. IBM products shipped with virtual images, such as the beta versions of WebSphere Application Server V7 and WebSphere Portal V6.1, have seen great success. The work being done on the Open Virtual Format (OVF) standard, for packaging and describing virtual machines and applications for deployment across heterogeneous virtualization platforms, should make it even easier still. (IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal)
Basic Domino Directory Assistance Troubleshooting Guide Verify Directory Assistance is active on your server To verify Directory Assistance has been activated on your server, issue the command "sho
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