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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Potential crash and table issues with bidirectional languages (Hebrew and Arabic) in Notes 7.0.4

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 224 от 2009-08-28
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Есть база, крутится на 8.5FP1/Win32, писалась консалтерами и поддержки по ней сейчас нет. В ней часть функционала, реализована на базе Regular Expressions. На данный момент, тестирую перенос приложения на Solaris, при выполнении кода получаю Error 180: Operation not supported on this platform.
Кто знает, regexp используется чисто по Win32, или например на все платформы. Единственное что нашел - http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21112368

Добрый день,

Офис на 20 компов, почтовик - Домино, пользователи пользуются аутлуками и забирают почту по POP3
в Домино прописан zen.spamhaus.org в блэклистах и работает исправно, но вот проблема:
директор берет свой ноут домой, подключается к инету через местного провайдера, пытается отправить почту и ни фига. Смотрю на консоль Домино и вижу, что spamhaus отсеивает подсеть этого провайдера как спамовскую...

Вопрос: как сделать так, чтобы человек мог отсылать почту используя свой аутлук откуда угодно. Если отключаю spamhaus - все работает, но спам сыпется. Если включаю - то работает только из "чистых" сетей.

Доброго времени суток!

Установил себе в Alt Linux 5.0 Lotus Notes 8.5, пришлось конечно немного помучиться, но встал, работает. Проблема в следующем: шрифты отображаются уж очень мелко и плохо читаемы, может у кого-нить было подобное. Сразу скажу в линуксе не такой уж и большой знаток. Если можно то поподробней.
Добрый день! Скажите есть ли сертифицированные дистанционные курсы в интернете по администрированию лотуса 8.5?
Где же можно скачать русифицированную документацию по лотус 8.5? (справочники и пособие)
Пытаюсь переоткрыть документ процедурой
Public Sub ReloadUIDoc(pUIDoc As NotesUIDocument)
    Dim Doc As NotesDocument
    Dim UNID As String
    Set Doc =pUIDoc.Document
    UNID = Doc.UniversalID
    Doc.SaveOptions = "0"
    pUIDoc.Close True
    Dim UIWorkSpace As New NotesUIWorkspace
    Set Doc = ThisDatabase.GetDocumentByUNID(UNID)
    Call UIWorkSpace.EditDocument(False, Doc, False, , , False)
End Sub

Док благополучно закрывается и не открывается. Пробовал засунуть данный код в кнопку формы - и там не работает. Откуда взято уже не помню, вроде раньше работало...
Всем здравствуйте!
а по п.2 не пойдет?
Обработка фраз RFC822: По возможности использовать дополнительное имя - в противном случае выводимое имя
Учтите только, что round robin dns будет работать с pop3 а вот с смтп сервером нет)
(имеется ввиду почтовый клиент конечно)
Есть ли у кого либо пошаговая инструкция по настройке почтового сервера лотус?
Необходимо ли отдельное доменное имя для этого!

Задача в том что получил дистрибутив лотус нотес 8.5, для себя поставил задачу настроить веб сервер, саймтайм сервер, квикер. Но проблема в том что ни когда не приходилось настраивать почтовые сервера. Помогите с этим вопросом.
Заранее благодарен Вам!
Всем здравствуйте!
а по п.2 не пойдет?
Обработка фраз RFC822: По возможности использовать дополнительное имя - в противном случае выводимое имя
Учтите только, что round robin dns будет работать с pop3 а вот с смтп сервером нет)
(имеется ввиду почтовый клиент конечно)
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Tips. Советы

Mike Kinder has started a new blog covering old lessons in a new light. Lesson 1 explained The Database, that basic entity in Notes. Now, Lesson 2 explains The Form.

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Gregg Eldred's user has resized the sidebar in his client. The problem is, if the client is restarted, the user has to resize the sidebar again. Gregg hasn't been able to find a way to get the sidebar to stay resized and is looking for some help.

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Jake Ochs has sub-titled this one Data tables and views. In it he covers rearranging data in a table and in view items.

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While warning that the final code may be different, Peter Presnell reviews changes to XPages for the Notes client in 8.5.1.

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Learn how to develop XPages with TLCC's new course, Developing XPages using Domino Designer 8.5. Learn XPages at your own pace and at your place. An expert instructor is a click away if you need help. Not just a collection of sample exercises, Developing XPages Using Domino Designer 8.5 is a complete and comprehensive course that will give you a thorough understanding of this exciting new technology in Domino.

Click here for more information and to try a complimentary demo course!

IBM Lotus recently announced end of support for Notes, Domino and Lotus Enterprise Integrator 7.x products. This practical move allows IBM to focus their resources on Notes/Domino 8.x. But what will happen to companies not ready – or willing—to migrate to Notes/Domino 8.x. One expert analyst shares her insight.

The August issue of Sys Admin Tips has been posted to LotusUserGroup.org. Included this month are a sync tool for Lotus Notes Contacts, a quick tip on customizing the Notes install kit, and more.

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Jean-Yves Riverin has been moving mailfiles from 6.x and 7.x to the 8.x mail template. In the process, he's noticed the Out of Office agent starts sending multiple replies.

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Register by December 31, 2009 to save $350.

Peter Presnell writes a lot of LotusScript code and has been waiting, impatiently, for a new editor. Notes 8.5.1 includes a new editor, for both LotusScript and Java, that fulfills a number of Peter's wishes.

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Dave Hay had a requirement to provide access to a user's e-mail without using iNotes, or POP/IMAP. The solution is a little surprising. Dave provides the Notes.ini settings to show how it works.

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ScreenShot003Yesterday I stole a an hour or two away from the usual stuff to spend some time working on the Domino/Flex Accounts database. What I'm trying to do is get it to the point where I'm happy to release the code to you all. It's just a bit too messy at the moment. It was a case of learn-as-you-go, which really shows and I want to retrofit some better practices I've learnt since.

The reason it's been so long since I talked about Flex is that I got the feeling you weren't interested. Then I decided to stop caring so much what I think it is you're interested in and just write about what I want to.

Then I happened to notice while searching the web that Google Suggestions brought up "codestore flex" when I typed in codestore (see image above).

Now, I don't know how many Googles for the same query have to happen before it to becomes a suggested query, but I'll assume it's quite a few and hence that a few of you are interested in Domino and Flex. Seems a safe assumption to me.

So Flex will be something I'll be talking about more and more from now on. Like it or lump it.

An Example of Why I Love Flex

My intention is to squeeze in as many different tips/tricks to the accounts demo as I can - making it somewhere you can turn to in a kind of "How did Jake do that ...?" kind of moment.

At the same time I wanted to "sex it up" a little. To that end I added some effects to make the "update form" slide in and out of view when you double click an entry in the view.

To do this is so, so simple. Here's the simplified MXML code in use (bits missed out for obvious reasons):

<mx:Resize id="slideFormUp" heightTo="210" duration="900" />
<mx:Resize id="slideFormDown" heightTo="0" duration="700" /> <mx:Panel> <mx:AdvancedDataGrid dataProvider="{documents}"> <mx:doubleClick> <![CDATA[ frmUpdate.visible = true; ]]> </mx:doubleClick> </mx:AdvancedDataGrid> <mx:Form id="frmUpdate"  hideEffect="slideFormDown" showEffect="slideFormUp" width="100%" visible="false" height="0"> <!-- Form items here --> </mx:Form>

What's going on here then?

Well, the AdvancedDataGrid ("view") and the Form both live inside a Panel and share it's vertical space. At first the form is hidden (height=0px and visible=false). The view takes up the full height of the parent panel container.

The view has a doubleClick event handler defined. When you double click a row the form's visible property is set to true. This won't show the form by itself though, as it has a height of 0px. This is where the form's showEffect property kicks in. This points to the <mx:Resize> object with the ID specified.

The resize object tells the form to increase its height to 210px over a duration of 900ms. The resize effect kicks in automagically when the object it's tied to has it's visible property changed to true. The opposite is true of the hideEffect and the other resize object you can see.

So, all you need to is say visible = true/false and the effects run on their own! How cool/simple is that?

What I love is how elegant and predictable the code is. Things just work how you'd expect them to. Hence Flex is a very productive environment to work in. I rarely find myself spending any amount of time trying to figure out what's going

You can see the effect in use by clicking the screenshot below:


Ease Off On the Effects

You could be forgiven for thinking the slide in out/effect is merely pointless eye candy. I'd beg to differ though. Used sparingly and in the right places, visual cues like this can help the user see when something has changed on screen. Simply turning the form on/off could mean its existence is over-looked by the user. Just make sure you don't make it take that long to scroll up that you end up annoying the user so much they become less productive.

While it's simple to add effects like this, the hard part is knowing when to ease off ('scuse the pun!) on them. Don't go throwing them in all over the place for the sake of it! Sometimes, less is most definitely more.

Click here to post a response

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: column @dbcolumn programmatic name
in case the @dbcolumn function could use the programmatic name of a column instead of the columnnumber it would be easier to make updates on views.

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: view filtering view filtering filter

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: views navigation
navigating to views in the notes client is using the scrollbar, pressing the PgUp and PgDn keys or using the arrow keys.
i guess in some conditions it would be userfriendly to be able to action buttons with options to add a jump to top/bottom function or way to jump to the next/previous document x-entries away from the current highlighted one.
basically navigating through views hasn't been changed since a long time. pagination like in the view control in xpages shows a more modern way of navigating through documents.

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: database delete
When a Notes database gets deleted it is very difficult to track down who/when the database got deleted.  I would like to see a way of being able to track this information.  One possibility would be to use Catalog.nsf to retain deleted entries in a special deletions area with the Username and Date/Time stamp of the deletion.  We could customize the period of time this information is retained.

Author: Jake Ochs
Tags: actionbar design elements
Allow the actionbar to be displayed even if there's no buttons in it. This will allow for consistent UI's and branding without having to fudge the solution with an empty action just to display the bar

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: forms
Preface: Yes, I expect IBM will probably focus on developing the capabilities of Xpages but.....
I would love to see an effort made to modernize the capabilituies of the Notes Form design element by extending the existing controls and adding a range of additional controls.  It would be even better we had a consistent set of controls for adding to both Forms and XPages (Notes Client).
Edit Masks: The ability to place restrictions (via mask) over the types of characters that can be entered into a text or numeric field (e.g: postal codes, ssn, telephone numbers)
Slider Control: As a weay of selecting a numeric value
Tag Cloud: Transforms a list of text and a list of values (weight) into a tag cloud representation.
Chart control: Displays set of numbers held in document
Grid Control: Extends the concept of embedded view/folder by making it possible to take data from a wide range of data sources such as relation databases etc.
Repeater Control: Dispay contents of list/multivalue fields
Carousel: Animated selection of images that slide across the screen (as per Lotus911 product of same name)
Treeview: Display of hierarchical data in a tree form.  e.g. keyword values that are categorized in some way.
Drag/Drop Zone: Support for a drop zone with event for drag/drop operations
Progress bar: To display progress information for actions without the need to do Windows API calls
Status Zone: Into which error messages and other information could be displayed
Advanced Date/Time picker enter Date & Time together into a single date/time field and includes the option of requesting a start/end time that does not overlap.
Expander: Allow sections of a form to be expanded/collapsed or resized.
Panel: Area on form in which the contents can be defined using a URL, doclink etc.
Gauge Control: Various graphical representations of allowed values (e.g. Lotus 911 BOnes project)
Provide the option of up/down naviagtion arrows to input controls (e.g. numbers, list boxes) to increase/decrease current value
Add support for themes/style sheets to all controls

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: forms
The view and form design elements are the single most used design elements within Notes.  Even with Xpages I expect it will be a long time before it gets even close to have the same level of adoption/use.  For the next major release of Notes (9.0?) I would like to see an effort made to modernize the capabilituies of the Notes Form design element by extending the existing controls and adding a range of additional controls.  It would be even better we had a consistent set of controls for adding to both Forms and XPages (Notes Client).
  1. Edit Masks: The ability to place restrictions (via mask) over the types of characters that can be entered into a text or numeric field (e.g: postal codes, ssn, telephone numbers)
  1. Slider Control: As a weay of selecting a numeric value
  2. Tag Cloud: Transforms a list of text and a list of values (weight) into a tag cloud representation.
  3. Chart control: Displays set of numbers held in document
  4. Grid Control: Extends the concept of embedded view/folder by making it possible to take data from a wide range of data sources such as relation databases etc.
  5. Repeater Control: Dispay contents of list/multivalue fields
  6. Carousel: Animated selection of images that slide across the screen (as per Lotus911 product of same name)
  7. Treeview: Display of hierarchical data in a tree form.  e.g. keyword values that are categorized in some way.
  8. Drag/Drop Zone: Support for a drop zone with event for drag/drop operations
  9. Progress bar: To display progress information for actions without the need to do Windows API calls
  10. Status Zone: Into which error messages and other information could be displayed
  11. Advanced Date/Time picker enter Date & Time together into a single date/time field and includes the option of requesting a start/end time that does not overlap.
  12. Expander: Allow sections of a form to be expanded/collapsed or resized.
  13. Panel: Area on form in which the contents can be defined using a URL, doclink etc.
  14. Gauge Control: Various graphical representations of allowed values (e.g. Lotus 911 BOnes project)
  15. Provide the option of up/down naviagtion arrows to input controls (e.g. numbers, list boxes) to increase/decrease current value
  16. Add support for themes/style sheets to all controls

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: views
The view and form design elements are the single most used design elements within Notes.  Even with Xpages I expect it will be a long time before it gets even close to have the same level of adoption/use.  For the next major release of Notes (9.0?) I would like to see an effort to significantly enhance the view control to make it competitive with what other development platforms provide for similar concepts.  Adding this control to an Xpage for Notes client would help with consistency and ensure the development effort could be shared across Notes Classic and XPage development.  here are some of the ideas I think would help make a view control more powerful:-
  1. Allow a view to display with field values on separate lines (extending what can now be done with Java views but not requiring CA).  Use of a subform to specify the layouty would perhaps be the most flexible.
  2. Allow the current row to be highligted ina different background color (or styled)
  3. Support for Themes/CSS
  4. Add a filter capability for coiumns not unlike the filters that Excel provide.  This would potentially incorporate the ability to select single/multiple categories.
  5. Add a programmable action (@Command, LS, Java) that allows a single category to be displayed withouit the need for am embedded view or the use of @SetViewInfo which both have a number of issues.
  6. Support dynamic categorization.  Similar to dynamic sorts except that I can now have my view categorize (or not) any of the columns that have dynamic sort added.  Existing Categories can be uncategorized and sortable columns can be categorized.  This would also help with issues searching categorized views.
  7. Make a tabbed navigator similar to the one available with Java views so that I cxn display just those view entries starting with a specific character.
  8. Support expand/collapse of views to a specific level of categorization (e.g Collapse view to two levels of categorization).
  9. Allow a catgroy header/footer to be specificed that allow me to add additional data at the category level and not just the category value itself.
  10. Allow greater options to format columns e.g. (###) ###-#### for US phone numbers
  11. Allow the sort order for a column to be other than alphabetical/date by allowing me to define the seuqnce of values without having to define hidden columns.
  12. Provide the option to scroll through the view using either the current scroll bar or a paging structure similar to XPages.
  13. Enhance the view export options to do most of the things most Notes developers have had to write an Export utility for (E.g. Expport to Excele, PDF, XML)
  14. Allow some capability for limited joins of data held in two (or more) views.  If necessary support @DBLookup much like Xpages now does.
  15. Expand the in-line edit capabilities to include the option of having a subform that displays inline whenever a record is edited ina  view.  This will allow me to have multiple lines and place much of the field validation etc.

Tags: sametime backup restore history
Currently in same time, when clicked on "show chat history" the saved transcripts are sorted by users. It would be useful if the transcripts are sorted by date and time.

By implementing this idea, session restoring facility can be given in ST. Many a times I have seen during the chat, if the ST crashes(ideally it should not but it does some time :)) , I would not know who has pinged and what is the content. To know the last chat, I need to browse all the persons or use windows file system to sort the files . Instead if this facility of sorting the transcripts by time were there, then last saved transcripts can be restored.

Tags: sametime backup restore history
Idea: Currently in same time, when clicked on "show chat history" the saved transcripts are sorted by users. It would be useful if the transcripts are sorted by date and time.

By implementing this idea, session restoring facility can be given in ST. Many a times I have seen during the chat, if the ST crashes(ideally it should not but it does some time :)) , I would not know who has pinged and what is the content. To know the last chat, I need to browse all the persons or use windows file system to sort the files . Instead if this facility of sorting the transcripts by time were there, then last saved transcripts can be restored.
Tags: multithread faster
Lotus notes currently is not purely multi thread. Though it allows you to open a particular doc in new window, both the windows have a same process running behind and if one window is trying to access remote database, then both the window hangs.

By having multi threaded notes, productivity would increase. One can try to open a remote database in new window and continue to work with existing open windows or docs.

Author: Gernot Hummer
Tags: formula xpages enhancement
 It would be very convenient to have these two formulas available for quick access to profile field values.

In the Apache catalog there is a view of re-usable controls. Re-usable controls can be XPages controls, LotusScript libraries, JavaScript libraries, forms, views, agents, etc. So re-usable controls are essentially well defined lists of arbitrary design ...
Author: Craig Wiseman
Tags: Sidebar UI communities sametime
 I try and keep my sidebar reasonably narrow (see accompanying image).
If I have more than one community enabled, though, you have to widen the sidebar to see the All drop down.
If you have more than 2 communities, can All be listed first?

Author: Ian Irving
Tags: lotus notes clients rich text read mode
allow for Rich Text field to be "Computed for Display" so they are refreshed in Read mode, espically when getting a rich text field value from a Profile document (@GetProfileField( "ApplicationProfileDocument" ; "HelpDocumentation"))

OpenNTF Alliance Steering Committee Meeting Minutes: August 11, 2009 Conference Call Members: Vince Schuurman (absent), Nathan Freeman (Acting Chairman), Ludwig Nastansky, Justin Hill (absent), John Head, Brent Peters, Scott Johnsen Others ...
OpenNTF Alliance Steering Committee Meeting Minutes: August 27, 2009 Conference Call Members: Vince Schuurman (absent), Nathan Freeman (Acting Chairman), Ludwig Nastansky, Justin Hill (absent), John Head (absent), Brent Peters, Scott ...
Author: Bill Malchisky
Tags: fixup domino admin directory
Add a monthly option for fixup in the directory. Running fixup daily or weekly is not a best practice. But that is all an admin can do to run it programatically within Domino, unless the admin is skilled at OS-level scripting and creates a cron job or equivalent--which is not a best practice.
Also, link to this Idea, which is not in the "Link to another Idea" list, surprisingly.  www.ideajam.net/IdeaJam/P/ij.nsf/0/7E781B609EE59DAF8625739F00741909

Yesterday I described the idea of re-usable controls in the Apache catalog. Today I committed another re-usable XPages control that has been contributed by Shi Jia Zhang, Yong Hua Zhan and Zhi Lei Yang from IBM. This re-usable control displays a ...
Bit of a breather since the last Friday review, a lot of people on vacation in August. New Projects Installation Application - This application can be used to install views, web services and plugins. With a slight modification, other design elements ...
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Статьи и Документация

Two issues have been identified in Notes 7.0.4 that occur only in bidirectional languages (Arabic and Hebrew). These issues do not occur in Notes versions prior to 7.0.4 nor do they impact Domino servers. See below for more details. (Original publish date June 5, 2009. See "Change History" below.)
Demystifying the Domino console commands for DAOS The Show Directory and Show Stat commands reveal subtleties of DAOS operation, here explained by Gary Rheaume. ____________________________________
Users notice that they are getting new mail notification popups and/or sound, but no new message appears in the inbox. They press F9 a few moments later and the message appears.
While attempting to archive a document, users receive an error indicating that the document was already archived.
IBM hosted an Open Mic conference call with Lotus Development and Support Engineers to discuss the impact of Daylight Savings Time (DST) changes in Brazil for 2008/2009. A IBM organizou uma ligação em conferência para uma sessão de perguntas e respostas com os engenheiros de suporte e desenvolvimento da Lotus para discutir o impacto das mudanças no horário de verão 2008/2009 para o Brasil (DST 2008/2009).
You configure ID Vault in Domino and notice that replication no longer proceeds according to your existing replication schedule.
Lotus software announced the availability of IBM Lotus Notes and Domino version 7.0.4 in April 2009. This scheduled maintenance release contains defect fixes. Upgrade Central provides key resources for planning and deploying the next release of your Lotus software. For the latest information about all Lotus software, visit the Upgrade Central Web page at: http://www.ibm.com/software/lotus/support/upgradecentral
There can be unexpected behavior in a local mail file replica under certain scenarios after a design replace (or 'load convert') on the server replica of the mail file and replication to the local replica.
After installing Lotus EasySync Pro to use with Lotus Notes running on Microsoft Windows XP and trying to initialize EasySync Pro for the first time, the product crashes with several errors. Why does this happen?
An enhancement request has been submitted for new mail notifications to display both the subject and sender of new memos as they come into the inbox.
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