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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 226 от 2009-09-02
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Установлен Домино 8.0.1, клиент - 8.5. По умолчанию архив создается на локальном компе, но после переустановки клиента (айдишник остался старый) при входе в меню Архив-Параметры Лотус ругается что я не авторизован для доступа к этой бд. Проверил права, стоят для этого пользователя права Редактора, дал даже Манагера, но тот же результат. В чем может быть проблема?
Привет всем. Есть у кого на примете какой-нить элегантный способ определения БД почтового ящика текущего пользователя в клиенте при помощи LotusScript?
Я пока нашел только как сделать либо поиском через вид в глобальной names.nsf, либо используя класс NotesRegistration...
Привет всем. Есть у кого на примете какой-нить элегантный способ определения БД почтового ящика текущего пользователя в клиенте при помощи LotusScript?
Я пока нашел только как сделать либо поиском через вид в глобальной names.nsf, либо используя класс NotesRegistration...
Hi all!

Есть Domino Web Access на R 8.5
Почтовые базы пользователей созданы по шаблону из русского клиента "Notes Client 8.5 for Windows XP and Vista Russian (CZ0XNRU)"

В Lotus Notes - интерфейс БД полностью на русском, но при заходе через веб - на русском только фрейм "входящие, черновики, и т.д."
Все кнопки и формы на английском.

Help/About IBM Lotus iNotes... Выдает:

IBM Lotus iNotes 8.5 Build 191.12 November 15, 2008

Database title:
Server build:
Language: English

Documents: 1368
Size: 124 MB
Quota size: none
Warning threshold: none

Подскажите куда копать плиз.
Диск F - логический или сетевой? Права на папку есть? Папка создана?
Можно ли программно вызвать событие в Lotus? Например OnClick и т.п.
И еще как выполнить на LotusScript следующее @Command([ViewShowPageBreaks]).
Нужно именно на скрипте
Добрый день !!! Помогите пожалуйста !!!

Есть общая БД - и два пользователя Сидоров и Иванов
заходят под одним логином например "Отдел снабжения"
а вот идентифицировать никак не могу в виде (View)
хотел вставить колонку и формулу например @Enviroment(ComputerName)
чтобы разделить пользователей при отправке сообщений
но не могу получить строку хотя бы имени компьютера
есть стандартные средства ????

Lotus Notes 6 & 7

e-mail prof2008@mail.ru

Заранее спасибо.
Диск F - логический или сетевой? Права на папку есть? Папка создана?
Подскажите, как из Lotus Notes 8.5 открыть Symphony документ и вставить в него какое-то значение?
Скачал Lotus Symphony Toolkit и просмотрел “IBM Lotus Symphony Developer's Guide.pdf”. Там описывается разработка дополнительной функциональности для Symphony, но нет ни слова о том как интегрировать Symphony и Notes или как просто открыть *.odt или *.ods файл из какого либо JAVA приложения.

Действительно ли мне нужен этот Lotus Symphony Toolkit? Надо ли мне дополнительно скачивать и устанавливать Lotus Expeditor Toolkit? Или мою задачу можно решить используя только OpenOffice API (UNO API???)?
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Tips. Советы

We try to give you a lot of information that will help make your Notes lives easier, but unless you have a great memory, or keep all of our posts in your feed reader, this blog isn't as useful as a re
Declan Sciolla-Lynch has posted a set of articles on configuring Traveler 8.5.1 for the iPhone. In Parts 1 and 2 he discusses some of the setup features useful in a corporate environment.

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Darren Duke says Domino 8.5.1 adds DAOS to the replicator task. He explains how it works and what it means to your servers.

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Kim Greene says if you've implemented DAOS on the IBM i (iSeries, AS/400) platform there's a Technote you need to read and a couple of hotfixes you may want to install.

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Ed Brill reports the "unofficial" news. For customers upgrading to Domino 8.5.1, Tivoli Directory Integrator v7 has been successfully tested with 8.5.1 and the entitlement will be updated.

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Mitch Cohen uses Lotus Connections with DB2. The Technote said he needed DB2 9.5 FP3. So he started downloading files. Then he realized he had the full version, not just an update. He provides links to the files you really need.

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Bjorn Thomassen has four Domino servers. He'd like to set up a reverse proxy for them, without exposing them to the internet, but isn't quite sure how to do it. If you've done this before, he'd like to hear from you.

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Chris Whisonant has posted a quick explanation for people new to the Fix List pages. Chris explains multiple ways of getting at the information and includes links.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower85.

If you use the ID Vault on your Domino servers IBM has issued a fix you need to apply. The problem affects Domino on all platforms.

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Getting back to the accounts demo - the eagle-eyed might have noticed I added a "search" box above the view. As you can see below, as you type in a string the content of the DataGrid/view change to show only the entries matching that string.


It's not really searching, as such. I guess it's more like filtering than searching.

How Does It Do That?

As with lots of things Flex it is relatively simple to filter a data grid. The grid's content comes from its "dataProvider". In this case that's the XML returned from Domino to represent each document in the database. The XML looks like this:

<documents> <document unid="CB609D90B0103EF886257623007EBFC5"> <date>09/01/2009</date> <description>Nuka Cola</description> <direction>incoming</direction> <category>Sponge</category> <amount>1025.00</amount> </document> <document unid="90479C82FDDFB71186257624000A7CBE"> <date>09/01/2009</date> <description>Sexy nightwear</description> <direction>outgoing</direction> <category>Clothes</category> <amount>3333.00</amount> </document> ....

What we need to do is look at the XML and produce a subset of it, which contains the string being filtered on. Not as difficult as you might think. You don't even have to do any looping! It can all be done with E4X.

If you're going to get in to Flex then you really need to get yourself familiar with both how it handles XML and how to use E4X.

To find matching rows from the above XML format we can use the following ActionScript:

var token:String = fldFilter.text.toUpperCase(); var hits:XMLList = xmlDocuments.( child('amount').toUpperCase().indexOf(token) === 0 ||  child('description').toUpperCase().indexOf(token) != -1
); if (hits.length() > 0) { viewExpenses.dataProvider = hits;

What this does is take the string the user entered (in to a TextInput element with id "fldFilter") and looks inside the xmlDocuments object (which represents the XML for the grid) for matches. To find matches it uses the E4X syntax to compare the values of certain child elements. In this case we're look for document with a description that contains the string anywhere in it or where the amount matches the input exactly.

Once we have our slimmed-down XML we can apply it as the dataProvider of the grid, whose ID is "viewExpenses".

Simple, no?

I've missed out the key-down handling logic, which sets a timer to know when you're done typing etc but you get the point? What I'm wanting to show is how easy it is to use E4X to subset the XML in a DataGrid/view.

Tomorrow I'll show how to take it one step further and add a little wow factor at the same time.

Proper Searching?

As noted, this isn't really searching the database and the filter box isn't meant to replace any search box which might end up appearing at the very top right of the page.

In the accounts app the view just happens to show all documents in one go, so the filtering can be expected to behave a little like searching. If you're grid doesn't show all backend documents then you might want to think about how you convey this to the user. Alternatively you might want the filter box to send a request back to the server to do a search/filter there and fetch back a completely new set of XML. Again, not hard to do.

Related Reading

  • The search box itself is based on the "fancy search field" I talked about a few weeks back.
  • The key-press-handling timer code for performing the filtering as you type is borrowed from this org chart demo.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Wesley Guisso
Tags: java script library
When writer Java in Script Library and need referenced into JavaScript (Server Side) this solution is to create a Folder, like WebContent/WEB-INF/source, put the Java files inside that one and point the Java compiler source path to this directory.
Could add automatically Java Library into "Source Java Build Path"?

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: xpages
The exiting Eclipse editors are very limited in their ability to allow me to navigate around large amount of code.  Editing the source for Xpages, Custom Controls, Style Sheets etc would be a lot easir if I could expand/collapse any node.  Suggest adding an expand all/collapse all action plus provide an individual expand/collapse icon next to each XML node.
e.g. If I have a Div with 50 lines of code, I should be able to collapse the div to a single line so I can focus on parts of trhe code above and below the div.

Author: Michele McConomy
Tags: status filtering filter sort sorting
Sorting and Filtering are different things, but in idea jam there is no differentiation. Our suggestion is to create two views bars
Sort Ideas by:  Most Recent | Most Popular | Most Commented | Recent Comments
Filter Ideas by Status:  Open | In Progress | Completed | Rejected | Withdrawn
Additionally, this navigation area should have better UI design.  It is unclear in the current view which one you are actually in.  It would be helpful to keep a background on the sort or filter you are actually in.  That way it is easy to understand where you are just by looking at it visually.

Author: Michele McConomy
Tags: counts ideas
Adding counts to the sides the categories will quickly show people the amount of ideas in a particular category.  This could also be applied to other filters such as statuses or subcategories.    I would not recommend for tags because it would be too much...but for the other filters identified, it would be a good way to show activity and amount.

Author: Christoph Luecke
Tags: Workflow BPMN BPM
With the Lotus Workflow Architect you can model workflows graphically. The notation delivers sufficient means to build various complex flow types. Nowadays standardized, powerful notations are discussed that meet business perspectives as well as developer ways to model flow structures. The Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) Notation allows advanced, standardized modelling techniques like gateways, timers, events, swim lanes and so on. Complex and advanced control structures can be modelled in a more explicite way and when supported by corresponding code components and implementations on Domino site workflow implementations would be more reliable, robust and faster to realise. The model could be used to discuss business aspects immediately with process owners.

Author: Dietmar Dumke
Tags: businesscard sametime
Currently, the optimal photo aspect ratio the Sametime business card requires is 1:1. In most cases, this already results in unused space top and below the photo in the business card.
Moreover, the 1:1 aspect ratio is very uncommon for such (passport-like) photos. 15:10 (=3:2) is more common. To convert an existing 3:2 digital photo to the aspect ratio and max. size Sametime expects one needs to cut an 1:1 frame from the existing photo and add that to the person record in the directory, worst case one photo by one by hand. Considering all the person photos of a usual company, this is a very time consuming job.
Of course, you simply could add 3:2 aspect ratio photos, but this will result in wasting even more space (another third) because Sametime then adds even more unused space left and right of the photo to keep its aspect ratio intact. The final result is a business card with a very small photo which makes it unnecessary difficult to identify the person on it (yes I know one could hover over), along with much unused space left, right top and bottom of it.
If the optimal aspect ratio would be 3:2, one could automatically batch-convert many existing photos to the correct size in a single shot through usual freeware tools which potentially frees much time for less boring work.

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: @function
Add a new @PhoneNumber(number;[defaultcountry];[format]) command (and LS equivalent) that take any phone number strips out the special characters and then reformats it in a standard format.  This would be used a s a way of standardizing the presentation of phone numbers on forms and views and may even be useful for validation of phone numbers.
The optional default country parameter would be used to set the default country codes for numbers without a country code.
Yes,  Phone numbers have many anomolies but not that many that we couldn't make use of a large proportion of international phone numbers. e.g. most international phone numbers have 11 numbers.  National numbers have 8,9, or 10 based upon the country code having 1,2 or 3 digits.

As part of the next generation discussion project Steve Castledine, Peter Presnell and I have started to prototype a couple of ideas for the next version of the discussion template. Over time we obviously want to add new features but at this point we're ...
Author: The Turtle
Tags: notes.ini server nsf
 NOTES.INI should probably be promoted to being an NSF.  Doesn't have to be a complicated one, could be really simple:  each document has one, maybe two or three fields.  The main field would be plain text, another field would be an effective date field, another could be expiration field, and maybe a checkbox for whether the line is active or not.  Basically, one view, and that view represents the variables the server will obey.
This would make admin easier:  you could provide admins access to INI-like variables without having to give them shell or filesystem-level access to the physical machine.  This would also open up the option of keeping configuration on multiple servers identical through simple replication.  It'd also open up the possibility of having agents run to modify the server's behavior based on other triggers or conditions. Debugging params could also be turned on and off easier.

Author: Michele McConomy
Tags: status option views
Make it an option in the control panel to include all ideas regardless of their status within the views of Most recent, most popular, most commented.

Author: Dirk Stelloh
Tags: workflow architect integration domino designer designer
The Lotus Workflow Architect should be integrated into the Domino Designer. This will help to give the user an impression of an well integrated product and could lower the learning curve. As the Lotus Workflow Viewer is essentialy a striped down architect, the viewer could be well integrated into the client and the userexperience.

Author: Dirk Stelloh
Tags: workflow viewer sidebar plugin notes client
Implementing the Lotus Workflow Viewer as a Sidebar-Plugin can really leverage the userexperience when using Lotus Workflow enabled applications in the Notes Client. The Plugin should react to opening a document which uses Lotus Workflow and display the current state of the particular job. Animation of the routing path would also be nice.

Author: Dirk Stelloh
Tags: ideajam link ideas
It is already possible to link two ideas. I wish it would be possible to link more ideas to each other, allowing the user to explore more related ideas.

Author: Dirk Stelloh
Tags: ideajam related ideas discover
When entering a new idea, the user is presented a list of ideas which may be duplicates. Why not use similar techniques to display related ideas as for example Amazon does in a "You might also be interessted in..."-List?

Hanspeter Jochmann contributed a new release of his project "Bookmark Viewer for IBM Lotus Connections Dogear". This release fixes the reported issues with the initial release. Thank you for all your feedback and defect ...
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Статьи и Документация

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An issue has been found with the Lotus Domino 8.5 ID Vault feature which requires customers to apply a patch to the Lotus Domino server. A mandatory fix for this issue was initially released on April 8, 2009. The fix is now also available in Fix Pack 1 for Domino 8.5. This issue is being tracked under SPR# NEKO7NSNFR.
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IBM Lotus Support Engineers and Development hosted a Support Technical Exchange Open Mic call with customers on the topic of Upgrading to Lotus Domino 8.5 on Thursday, August 27, 2009. This document contains the questions and answers from the call and the call replay (at the end of the Q&A).
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