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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 390 от 2010-09-20
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

This is a stand alone tool written in flash... I upload both the swf and exe, so you can use either... no installation required. This is the fourth release of ViewIcons (see previous posts) and was made from Notes 8.5.2. If you have any version it still works and though you may have fewer available, the numbers are still the same. I use this all the time, I hope you can find some use too.
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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Хочу в поле RichText внести список всех баз на сервере. все сделал, но использую метод NotesUIDocument.FieldAppendText весь список идет одным скопом. как мне разделить что бы название каждой базы было с новой строки - как добавить символ перевода на...
Необходим специалист Lotus Notes/Domino в компанию занимающуюся разработкой ПО на заказ.
Да, у остальных всё нормально!
Проблема только с одним пользователем!
Готового решения нет. Думаю придумывать что-то самому прийдется. Либо использовать SCCM, к примеру от Microsoft

Поставил себе сервер 8, как только запускаю его у себя это все... комп просто жуть тормозит,
поставил все в станд комплектиции.. ничего не настраивал.. поэтому может что есть лишнее выкинуть.
работаю только с клиентом локально(http Отрубил)

подскажите как можно оптимизировать работу сервера, чтобы он работал полегче...?!

выдержка из файла C:\lotus\Domino\notes.ini

ОЗУ гиг, проц: 2,6
А что в поле ReturnReceipt стоит, после отправки? Т.е. отправить письмо и потом в отправленных посмотреть. И одно ли это поле.
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Tips. Советы

Dave Hay is working with Lotus Mashups 2.0 but is getting some message about space not being created correctly. He's even followed the advice in Technote 1419828. It's still not behaving. He's wondering if anyone else has run into this problem.

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Jake Ochs has posted a link to the full article but, in short, Google has released the Java tools from Instantiations for free. If you do Notes/Symphony plug-in development, Jake recommends you try these tools.

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Keith Brooks has had to face the end-of-life for Domino Document Manager and use the ODMA to link to Microsoft Office. But. Sometimes there are errors saving documents. He provides a link to a helpful Technote on the problem.

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Fredrik Norling has found event parameters retrieval is undocumented. There aren't even many blogs or other articles about it on the web. So he's posted his solution to the problem.

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Xander posed the following challenge:

I've seen websites where the site name is written in big letters across the site in the same colour as the page background but shadows have been added to the inside of each letter to give the illusion of the site name having been stamped into the page background.

I think it looks pretty difficult and something that you would really need a package like photoshop to do.

Can Fireworks do this?

Easy enough. Let's see how I'd do that for codestore.

First thing I'd do is draw a rectangle in "codestore blue" and write codestore on top of it in the "codestore font" (AKA World of Water).


In order to manipulate the text we need to select it and then right click and choose "Convert To Paths". Then right click it again and choose Ungroup. You'll end up with a vector-based shape for each letter, as below:


Now, de-select all the letters and then select just the C along with the rectangle. Then, from the Modify menu choose Combine Paths -> Punch.


That just knocked out a C-shaped hole in the blue rectangle. Now select the O and the rectangle and repeat the last step.


Keep going until all the letters are punched through.


Now from the menus choose Modify->Canvas->Canvas Color. Change it to the same as the rectangle.


All you need to do now is add a Drop Shadow filter to the rectangle and you're done.


It could probably do with a bit of tweaking to make it look just right. To me it only looks like a punch out if you get close enough to the screen. From here it look a bit like raised "bubble" letters.

Is that what you meant Xander?

This was time-consuming more than it was difficult. As with the other examples I've posted, it's just a case of knowing what all the tools do and knowing how to apply them and in what order.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Last week I released the first version of the project Mobile Documents. Karsten Lehmann responded with a request to extend the project to also be able to send links to web pages that you browse on your smartphone back to Notes. While you can send these ...
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Статьи и Документация

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Lotus Notes 8.5 Standard client with integrated Sametime client
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The Lotus Notes client workspace folder can be installed and then used in a user-specific location other than below the Lotus Notes install data directory.
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The following are the electronic software delivery dates for the most recent releases of Lotus Notes and Domino.
The installation of Domino 8.5.0/8.5.1/8.5.2 on IBM i system running V5R4 will stay at 67% for a potentially long time
Out of Office agent gets stuck in enabled when using the Out of Office service
You are using @IsInCompositeApp in a hide when formula on paragraph text on a form. The paragraph does not appear to always hide or become visible under the conditions that it should.
You have an applet as a shared resource which works correctly when embedded in a form. Activating the multi-lingual option of a database causes the applet to no longer render.
How can you modify the OS temp directory used for storing the installation files when performing a silent install of the Notes client from a command line? For example, you are planning to perform a silent install of the Notes client using the webkit. You would like to modify the folder to which the installation files are extracted and then save the files so they are not deleted after the install completes.
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