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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 425 от 2010-12-10
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Всем хой. Я тут совсем новенький smile.gif
Давным давно немного занимался Lotus. Прошло лет 8 точно - нифига уже не помню. Есть какая-то книга на 1800 страниц, в своё время специально заказывал. Короче дистры и чтиво есть. Есть вопрос о целесообразности такого "шедевра" на Lotus.
Есть БД. Написана очень просто. Стоит Apache расшаренный на локал. Стоит MySQL. База в себе накапливает данные о персонале. На текущий момент это порядка 600 записей. UI выглядит достаточно просто. Реализован на PHP. Умеет фильтровать анкеты по 20 параметрам (рост, вес, размер одежды, опыт, достижения, класс сотрудника, ИНТЕРВАЛ возраста (например отобрать сотрудников от 18 до 23 лет с ростом от** до **) и атк далее...)
Засим вопрос. Такое можно реализовать и нужно ли реализовывать на этой платформе?
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Tips. Советы

This page includes the current lineup of speakers for the upcoming, two-day IdoSphere event. Proposals for additional sessions are still being accepted.

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Keith Brooks says, if you use Comcast, you may need to check your reverse DNS records. It seems Comcast may have changed something.

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Tap here for more information and to try a free demo course!

Jamie Magee says there are times you need to trick the R8 Standard client into doing what you want it to do. Jamie offers a way to use the CTRL key to get what you want.

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Serdar Basegmez says this is something of a trick question. While Traveler may be free, the server it runs on may still need a license.

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Most things I create with Flex are applications and all applications should have a status bar, no? So I've been working on a couple of variations on the theme.

Here's a very simple demo. Press the buttons and a message is shown at the bottom for a set amount of time - highlighted yellow - before the status bar returns to showing its default message.

Ultra simple. But then some of the best things are. The source for the above demo is here.

Taking it one step further I wanted to keep a history of messages displayed and display these in a popup. Lotus Notes users will be used to the idea of this UI element.

In the example below messages have different background colours depending on the message type and display until a newer message comes along. Clicking on the status bar displays older messages. Clicking the popup closes it.

A little more advanced than the first demo, but still simple in concept. The source for the demo is here. In this demo the status bar is a component - the source for which is here.

Taking it Further

As with most things I post here this came about because I wanted to add one to an app I'm working on.

Chances are I'll take it further at some point. Perhaps I'll add timestamps. Maybe a way to customize the colours used. Maybe a way to limit the number of historical messages stored.

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Here's the nursery photo from last year:


And here's the nursery photo from this year:



Spot the difference!

Will there be another addition to the line-up next year? Not a chance. We're in mutual agreement that 3 kids under 4 is about as much as we can handle.

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Mike Wetherbee poses an interesting question: once a Notes application is in place, and develops a life of its own, how do you track usage? If you have ideas, Mike would like to hear from you.

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Niklas Waller was deploying new Salesforce workflows via Eclipse in his test environments when he started getting errors. The workaround is fairly simple, though the cause is still puzzling.

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Let us know how we can assist you with your migration.
  • Do you have Rich Text Fields that need to be exported?
  • Do you wish to combine main documents with their response documents and put them or store them together?
  • Do you wish for metadata to be combined with your documents?
  • Do you have multi-value fields?
  • Do you wish to enhance and clean up the data while exporting?
Email sales@integra4notes.com today. Visit us at Lotusphere on booth #601.

Download our 15 day trial by registering on the Integra for Notes website.

Jonathan Distad says the migration from "Sametime Classic" to Sametime 8.5.1 isn't as hard as it looks. He provides a checklist to help you plan your migration.

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Bruce Elgort has posted this week's Taking Notes episode entitled, "Drain Google, Second Signal, Lotusphere CULT shirt, and more with Bob Balaban and Andrew Pollack". The podcast runs about 40 minutes.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Bas van Gestel
Tags: eml export import
 Now that drag and drop support of .eml messages is in place, it would be great if this function was also (natively) available through @Command([FileExport]) and NotesDocument.Export().

Author: Wim Stevens
Tags: calendar
Since Notes 8.x users may overlay an external calendar to their calendar.  However when somebody tries to invite the user, he thinks the user is free even if there are meetings in the external calendar.
There should be an option on the external calendar specifying "update busytime when meeting is found"

Author: Wim Stevens
Tags: calendar busytime
Users (person A) may mark an entry in their calendar as "pencil in".  They do this when they are not sure about their presence on the event or meeting.
When person B invites person A for a meeting, person B will not be informed about this potential unavailability.  This is because busytime.nsf has no entry for a pencilled-in meeting.
It would be better to have an entry for all pencilled in meetings in busytime.nsf
When sheduling a meeting the meeting could be displayed in another colour (red=busy, green=available, yellow=pencilled in)

Author: Phil Warner
Tags: dxl DXL webservice
Web Service design elements are not available to the DXL transformer utility in Designer. Nor are they available to the NoteCollection class as a method that could pick out Web Services for passing to a DXLExporter.
It's a useful way to check that Web Service Flags have been set correctly before sending the code into production.

Author: Karl-Henry Martinsson
Tags: free web server domino
Provide a free version of Domino to be used as a web application platform as described here.
Create a restricted version, or as someone called it "community version". Let's say unlimited anonymous access and 100 (250?) authenticated web users, but no mail, just applications. Any Notes users or mail users still need a Lotus Notes Collaboration Express client license.
Then promote Domino as the great web application platform it is, a RAD platform with strong security, built in database and much more. This would have the effect that more people would start using it. Together with the already free Domino Designer, IBM would have a powerful web application platform to offer as an alternative to existing free/open software.
Nobody will buy a product they never heard about, or one they heard about but never seen. By getting Domino out there, making the product visible, more companies and corporations would learn about it. In the long run, I think that would lead to more sales to small and medium sized businesses, as they start using mail and possibly the Notes client as well.

In addition to the banner and sidebar on the OpenNTF.Org website OpenNTF now also offers ads on the XPages.info website. A 468 x 60px banner ad that appears at the top of all pages on the XPages.info site is available for $250/month. Contact ...
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Статьи и Документация

(Server) Windows 2003 Server
Let's examine some of the key areas that have been enhanced in the IBM® Lotus® Notes® and Domino® 8.5.2 calendar. Weekend exceptions for repeating calendar entries When creating repeating calendar entries in pre8.5.2 versions of Lotus Notes, the rules for "weekend" exceptions unconditionally ...
Overview There are a number of NSD bnew featuresb and bdefects that have been fixedb in 8.5.2. This article describes those features and fixed defects. New Features In the event of an notes2 abnormal termination, the callstack which calls panic() will no longer be marked fatal ...
Learn to build a charting widget with a very rich customizable presentation where both the charting data and presentation customization are specified in XML. Then learn how to use the data mashup editor from the IBM Mashup Center to generate the XML for such a widget. Finally, build a sample mashup in which the presentation elements vary dynamically with the data.
Frequently Asked Questions We have assembled a list of the most common questions and answers about Traveler Companion below. If you are having problems with Traveler Companion, please look over this information first to see if your question has already been answered. If you are having problems ...
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