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Open Mic Q&A: "IBM Lotus Notes Traveler" - December 8th, 2010

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 344 от 2010-06-04
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


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Здравствуйте уважаемые настоящие профессионалы!

Помогите пожалуйста советом. Для работы я использую данные, которые хранятся в SQL Server, а попадают туда из Lotus при помощи LEI. Проблема заключается в том, что в текстовых полях после выгрузки из Lotus вместо кириллицы отображаются вопросы. Подскажите пожалуйста кто может, почему так происходит и можно ли с этим справиться.
Просветите, знающие люди!
При переустановке всего на компе пользователя настраиваю клиент Lotus Notes. ID-пользователя скопировала с сервера, его и подставляю, далее получаю ошибку: "В каталоге домино не найден Ваш активный ключ". На админской машине пробую зайти под этим ID - пишет, что истек срок сертификата. Ресертифицирую. Не помогает. Возможно, что данные сертификата не обновились?
Может, конечно, я плохо искала, но по ошибке "В каталоге домино не найден Ваш активный ключ", полезной для себя информации на форуме пока не нашла, а вопрос срочны! Подскажите, кто что знает, пожалуйста. Заранее благодарна.
Добрый день, уважаемые лотусисты.
Прошу помочь новичку.
Опишу ситуацию.
Есть домино-сервер. Половина пользователей пользуется Lotus Notes.
Вторая половина пользуется Outlook. В консоли сервера постоянно происходит CD-to-MIME conversion.
В документе Персона пользователей параметр Format preference for incoming mail установлен в Keep in senders' format
Если я правильно понимаю, осуществляется постоянное преобразование почтовой базы из одного формата в другой процессом
POP3 Server.
Вопрос: правильно ли я мыслю, что лучше установить Prefers MIME ?
Тогда при получении письма из Notes преобразованием в CD будет заниматься Router.
Если так, то как грамотно преобразовать? Можно ли это сделать сразу для всех пользователей?
Делать в нерабочее время?
Можно ли как-то провести оптимизацию POP3? Процесс постоянно ест 50-100% процессорного времени и 1,5 гигабайта оперативки и
виртуальной памяти.
Буду очень признателен за советы!
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Tips. Советы

Chris Miller has posted short notes about his favorite widgets and links so you can download your own copy. The widgets include some for Admins, people scheduling meetings, or just wanting to know about using Notes.

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Peter Presnell provides some code snippets to illustrate using object oriented programming techniques with XPages in Notes.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower8

Edward Lee has run into problems when users type in file paths during upload operations. He figured out a way to prevent the problem with a little JavaScript.

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Technote 7010592, this gives the breakdown of fixpacks and other fixes for versions 6.5.6 through 8.5.1.

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New approaches are needed to help stop the spill from expanding. www.whatshouldBPdo.com hopes crowdsourcing will find solution to BP spill.

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The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd. has three new Sametime 8.5 courses, including a new course on using the new Meeting Rooms in Sametime 8.5. TLCC's Sametime courses can be taken using either a web browser or the Notes client. The lessons are easily customized for a customer's unique requirements using the Notes client. TLCC offers low-cost site licensing plans to make it affordable to properly train all your Sametime users on Sametime 8.5.

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Way back in the 1960s, Jim Henson created a number of videos for IBM. These include training films and ads. This article includes four of the videos which range from under a minute to almost ten minutes in length. I'm rather fond of the Cookie Monster with the computerized coffee machine.

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This new article on the Notes and Domino Application Development wiki discusses the best practices for upgrading LEI. It does not include instructions for version 3.x or earlier.

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Integra generates Notes data to Microsoft Word, Excel, and Lotus Symphony, allowing end users to analyse and present data using Graphs, Pivot Tables, Filters, etc. Supports Mail Merge and Labels. No installation required, on the end user's workstation.

Through the optional use of Integra's event driven model, it provides a depth of access to data & computational capability, which is unique in the industry.

Tap here for more information.

Mikkel Heisterberg has posted a detailed list of steps to take in configuring Eclipse to work with Notes.

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A couple of years back now I was tasked with some fairly heavy duty reporting on data held in Domino. It soon became apparent that only a SQL-based system could produce the data in the required format and so I set about writing some PHP to grab all the Domino data via repeated XML web requests and dump it in to MySQL.

Two years on and there's a chance I'll be picking up where it left off. So, partly as a learning exercise and partly to plan ahead I went about converting the LAMP side of things to ASP.NET. Turns out it wasn't half as hard as I thought it might be and didn't take all that long either.

The app I'm migrating is Flex-based and it makes calls to PHP files to fetch the reporting data in XML format. It's not really a LAMP website as such. After I'd changed all URLs in the Flex code ending in ".php" to end in ".ashx" I then created files with the same names in Visual Studio, but with the .ashx extension (Generic Web Handler file). Then I pasted the body of the PHP code in to the ProcessRequest method.

Syntax Similarities

Once the PHP code was inside Visual Studio it went all red and wiggly as all the errors highlighted themselves. It didn't take too long to get rid of the bulk of these errors due to the similarities between the PHP and C# languages, which use a similar syntax and operators etc.

For example. This PHP code:

$start = 1;
$total = 0;
$count = 100;
$loaded = 0; while ( $total > $loaded || $start==1) { //Load XML from "xmlView?OpenView&start=".$start."&count=".$count $start+=$count; $loaded+=$count;

Quickly turns in to this C# code:

int start = 1;
int total = 0;
int count = 100;
int loaded = 0; while ( total > loaded || start==1) { //Load XML from "xmlView?OpenView&start="+start.ToString()+"&count="+count.ToString() start+=count; loaded+=count;

A lot of the work is simply removing the dollar signs. A lot of the rest of what you need to do can be achieved using the Quick Replace feature in Visual Studio.

Here's a list of the find/replace alls I did to take the grunt work out of it.

Search For Replace With
". "+
." +"
echo " context.Response.Write("
$_POST[" context.Request["
$_GET[" context.Request.QueryString["
isset( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(
htmlspecialchars( HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(
$someVariable someVariable
in_array("aString", $myArray) myArray.Contains("aString")

With all of those replacement done I'd say that about 75% of the wiggly lines gone.

From MySQL to SQL Server

With all the syntax updated I then set about changing all the calls to MySQL to call SQL Server instead. Before I could do this I needed to recreate the database and tables. It's not a massive database so I did this by hand in the SQL Server Management Studio.

Once I'd re-created all the tables I added a Database Diagram in SQL Studio and defined the relationships between all the tables based on their primary key columns. Then in Visual Studio I added a new Data Set (.xsd) file and dragged all the tables on to there. Because I'd already defined their relationship in the Database Diagram, Visual Studio copied these relationships over for me.

With all the tables in the Data Set I then saved it and this then added a new TableAdapter class for each of my tables. Let's see how helpful these adapters are:

Here's the PHP code I was using to loop all the Products

$query="SELECT * FROM Products;";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$data = db_fetch_rowset($result);
mysql_free_result($result); foreach ($data as $key => $row) { echo $row["id"];

And the same thing in C#:

ProjectsTableAdapter pta = new ProjectsTableAdapter(); DataTable products = pta.GetData(); foreach (DataRow row in products.Rows) { context.Response.Write(row["id"]); }

Notice I've not had to use any SQL in the C# code. We'll see later on how much easier it makes adding data to the tables too.

Getting Data Via XML

The SQL data held in both versions came from Domino-based XML views. In PHP and C# it's actually quite easy to load and loop XML. Let's imagine we're loading XML in this format:

<products> <product> <id>1</id> <name>Product 1</name> </product> <product> <id>2</id> <name>Product 2</name> </product>

In PHP you fetch, process and store the XML data like this (requires PHP5 to use "Simple XML"):

$products = simplexml_load_file($BasePath+"ProductsAsXML?OpenView&start="+$start+"&count="+$count); foreach ($products->products->product as $product) { $query = "INSERT INTO Products VALUES ("+$product->id+", '"+$product->name+"');"; $result = mysql_query($query);

In C# you achieve the same thing like this:

XElement xml = XElement.Load(BasePath + "ProductsAsXML?OpenView&start=" + start.ToString() + "&count=" + count.ToString()); foreach (XElement product in xml.Element("products").Elements("product"))
{ pta.Insert(Convert.ToInt32(product.Element("id").Value), product.Element("name").Value);

Not that "pta" is the same ProjectsTableAdapter we mentioned earlier. Notice how it added an Insert method when we created the Data Set and it takes the right number and types of arguments. Again, no need for any SQL code. It's much, much simple to deal with SQL in C# than PHP!

The XML processing code in PHP might read a little easier than in C# but they're both equally (and surprisingly) easy to achieve.


So, there you go. Porting PHP code to C# doesn't require you to re-write the code. Just tweak it a little. It's no 10 minute job but then nor does it take weeks. More likely to be days, but will always depend on size of app etc. The starting point has to be a find/replace though.

What did I get out of the exercise? Well, I learnt a bit more C# and all practice and exposure is good at this point. In the long run though I now have something that is much easier to maintain and development doesn't involve text editors and FTP clients. Instead I have a local web server to test on and full type-ahead predictive coding.

I'm not saying PHP is better than ASP.NET or vice versa. It's just that, given the choice of which I'd rather develop in, ASP.NET wins hands down. Give me a GUI any day!

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On receiving the gift of some Minnie Mouse ears.


On learning we named her after a Disney character *


One day Minnie will hate anything to do with said mouse or the novelty ears. For now she loves them.

* We didn't.

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In the interest of equality here are some recent pictures of Felix and Evelyn to accompany the earlier ones of Minnie.


Evelyn has in the last couple of weeks started to smile and interact. The point at which dads start to pay proper attention to their kids, is it not?


Felix is a real boy. Full of energy and great fun.


When he want to be that is.


And a loving brother. To Evelyn at least. It's a love/hate relationship with Minnie at the moment.


There. That should keep Karen at bay for a while. "When are you going to put pictures of the kids on your website?!".

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: mail archiving delegation folder
We do not use activities, so a feature as written above could be in that service.
When you hand-over projects it would be great to send/forward/delegate a folder with content to a collegue.
Most simple would be the option to select the folder and choose 'forward folder'. this would initiate the move of the complete folder from one mailbox to another.
The receiver should ofcourse accept the delegation.

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: images
Images should be resizable by clicking and dragging the border, similar to the behavior of various windows resizing functions.

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: images
Images should have a property to scale to fit the window similar to that in browsers.

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: rss
Make it possible to push RSS feed settings to clients to prepopulate them, similar to how widgets are pushed or via user policies.  Examples of feeds that would be useful this way are Lotus Notes tips (http ://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/notestipsblog.nsf/content.rss) or a company news website/database.

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Статьи и Документация

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