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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Making various language spell check dictionaries available to Notes 8.5.1 users

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 248 от 2009-10-23
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

На закладке <HTML> в Other пишу onchange="java script: Loadclick();"

В JS Header пишу
function Loadclick(){

Элемент Load - это кнопка с @Command([FileSave]).

Так вот при выборе файла, attach прикрепляется, но *перегружается* весь документ (грузится, как при открытии новой странички).
1. Можно как то не сохраняя документ отобразить прикредленные attach файлы?
2. Можно при сохранении документа сделать так, что сам документ не *перегружался*?

переместите пож. тему в раздел Lotus-Программирование
Не работает
Call con.ConnectTo ("Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=front-4;SRVR=Сервер;DB=База;UID=Пользователь; PWD=Пароль")
Если установить клиент front у себя, то все работает

знакомый аналогичное подключение делает с помощью php , *подключая библиотеку* и у него работает без клиента.

1. Как можно драйвера клиента front запихать в лотусовую бд, что бы не ставить клиент front?
1. Можно ли php библиотеку теоретически под Lotus переделать?
Привет. Сабж....
Система Win2003, Lotus 8.5(server+designer).
Создаю приложение на Local сервере, создаю к нему xPage с простым текстом "hello world". Клацаю Design->Preview in browser->Internet Exlorer, выходит ошибка: "To successfully preview this element in a Web browser, please add(or modifi) the ACL entry for Anonymus(or the default ACL) to have at least Author access with the ability to create documents." - исходя из этого я понимаю, что нада зайти кликнуть правой по проекту зайти в Access Control, дать права на создание документов Default'у ? так и делаю, дальше опять иду в Preview, грузится IE....и отвечает мне "The page cannot be found". O_O Как же так?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Смотрю логи сервера они говорят тоже самое!!! "HTTP Web Server: Lots Exception - File does not exist [test.nsf/go.xsp]". Почему все так сложно......где я ошибаюсь? Достаточно ли информации предоставил я(не знаю что добавить еще!!)? Знающие люди подскажите пожалуйста, очень хочу дипломную на Lotus'е делать, но останавливает такая ерунда.
посоветовали на другом форуме
Зайди в ACL, добавь Anonymus с правами Author( или Editor)

но таже самая история, ничего не произошло! Странички нету на сервере!
ps. почему в Lotus'е так....я же захожу в Designer под админом, почему режим отладки работает для anonymous
Добрый день. Есть задача импортировать кучу фоток в справочник. как атач не очень нравится. Да и идея с кнопкой показать фото, и использовать формулу editatach тоже не особо порадовала. Фотки хранятся в папке на сервере, и грузить хочу агентом....
Уважаемые коллеги, хочется наконец выяснить - ЗНАЕТ ли кто-нибудь толком что-то про сабжевую ошибку.
Ситуация простая: есть шаблон, есть база. В какой-то момент списки ролей в ACL рассинхронизируются - при реплейсе/рефреше выдаётся указанная ошибка.
Выравнивание ACL вручную спасает ситуацию.
Гуугл немного помог:
IBM отрапортовало что всё ОК с 6-й версии - |#^#]>http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/nd6forum.nsf/8...amp;To=PrevMain|#^#]>
но это не соответствует реальности (вот на 8.5.1 продолжается...)
небольшой анализ проведен в |#^#]>http://joelitton.net/A559B2/home.nsf/d6plinks/DOMT-5Y8HGM|#^#]> (истина - дизайн обновляется, ACL не трогается просто..)

Я тут с удовольствием читал ваши раскопки всякого кода (вплоть до лотусиной виртуальной машины smile.gif) - никто не копал подобную штуку?
Добрый день. Есть задача импортировать кучу фоток в справочник. как атач не очень нравится. Да и идея с кнопкой показать фото, и использовать формулу editatach тоже не особо порадовала. Фотки хранятся в папке на сервере, и грузить хочу агентом....
Кто-нибудь уже настраивал Травелер на продуктах Apple?

What's new in Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1
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Tips. Советы

Here's another quick tip to help you reduce the size of your mail file. Often, you don't need to save old calendar and to do entries. After a certain period of time has passed, you probably won't ne
nsfRewind, a data backup and restore utility for the IBM Lotus Domino environment, is now ready for IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1 in two editions: the free Server Document Edition - limited to server document backups and restores, and the Enterprise Edition - to backup and restore any document in any database.

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Marc Champoux found that changing the jvm.properties file could speed up his Notes 8 client. When he upgraded to 8.5.1 he rewrote his code and provides an LSS file so you can make the changes on your client.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower8

Kathy Brown offers some LotusScript to help find in which folder your user hid that pesky message. She also provides links to Bob Balaban's and Steve McDonagh's blogs where they use different methods of locating messages.

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IBM created a virtual desktop, with Smart Works as an affordable computing solution in Africa. Jack Dausman says the same Unbuntu-based VDI is now available to everyone else.

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By David Gewirtz

With all the hoopla about Release 8.5.1, sometimes we forget just how far Lotus and Notes has come. In fact, very few people realize that Notes dates all the way back to the PLATO system in the 1970s and early 1980s.

My involvement with Notes started in the early 1990s, while Notes 2 was out. I wrote Lotus Notes 3 Revealed! (shown in Figure A) As I recall, that the second book ever written about Notes and the first to focus on Notes business related issues.


Lotus Notes 3 Revealed! showed some amazing case studies for Notes, even then.

And no, the dude on the cover isn't me.

Of course, since the mid-1990s, Notes has come a very long way. IBM bought Lotus in 1995 (which means IBM has had Notes for almost 15 years -- Holy Cow!) and shortly after, Release 4 came out in 1996. It's also hard to believe, but before Release 4, there was no LotusScript.

Since then, Release 5 came out in 1999, 6.0 in 2002, ND7 in 2005, and, of course, Release 8 in 2007.

If you'd like to read an excellent overview of the history of Notes going all the way from PLATO to Release 8, I recommend this month's Site of the Month, The History of Notes and Domino on IBM's developerWorks.

For newcomers, it's a fascinating read. For those of us old-timers, it's a walk down memory lane.

Product availability and resources
Visit The History of Notes and Domino,

For more than 20 years, David Gewirtz, the author of Where Have All The Emails Gone? and The Flexible Enterprise, has analyzed current, historical, and emerging issues relating to technology, competitiveness, and policy. David is the Editor-in-Chief of the ZATZ magazines, is the Cyberterrorism Advisor for the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals, and is a member of the instructional faculty at the University of California, Berkeley extension. He can be reached at david@zatz.com and you can follow him at http://www.twitter.com/DavidGewirtz.

IBM Lotus is making a move to consider mobility when revising and improving software tools. Support for Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 on the iPhone and partnerships with RIM, Sprint and other carriers, prove IBM's dedication to the mobile market.

Stuart McIntyre answers with a quick "Yes", Quickr 8.2 works with Domino 8.5.1 on AIX, i5/OS, and Windows. He provides a chart listing supported version/platform combinations.

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THE VIEW has made this article on transaction logging available to you through LotusUserGroup.org for $79. There will be an online discussion of transaction logging and how it relates to DAOS the week of November 9.

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Albert Buendia is celebrating the release of Lotus Sametime 8.5, in multiple languages. He provides a list of new and updated features (in English) and screenshots (in Spanish) to show you why he's celebrating.

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Integra generates Notes data to Microsoft Word, Excel, and Lotus Symphony, allowing end users to analyse and present data using Graphs, Pivot Tables, Filters, etc. Supports Mail Merge and Labels. No software required for install, and no maintenance on the end user's workstation.

Through the optional use of Integra's event driven model, it provides a depth of access to data & computational capability, which is unique in the industry.

A FREE Integra for Notes evaluation is available from www.integra4notes.com/download.

Mary Beth Raven says under Notes 8.5.1 you now have a choice as to which application opens Symphony files. She provides a screen shot to help you see what choices you have.

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Keith Brooks uses Traveler. The person who upgraded the Domino Server uses BlackBerry. Maybe it isn't surprising something was missed. He includes some installation "hints" for you.

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Following feedback on my post earlier I made some changes and fixed some logical issues with the Email class. If you were thinking about using the code I posted yesterday, don't. It doesn't even work, really.

The updated class doesn't mind if you set the HTML or the Text part of the email first. Nor does it mind if you only set the text part - in which case it won't use MIME at all.

Also, as per your suggestions, you can now set the CopyTo field on the email and you can also extend the default styles with the CSS property of the Email object.

Example of use:

Dim mail as New Email()
mail.Subject = "A multipart email"
mail.Plain = "This is plain text"
mail.HTML = "<p>This is <i>fancy</i> text</p>"
mail.HTML = mail.HTML + "<p>Woops. Forgot this</p>"
mail.CSS = "p{margin:2em}"

Although the following will work if you just want to send a quick text-only email:

Dim mail as New Email()
mail.Subject = "A quicky"
mail.Plain = "This is plain text"

As with yesterday's code you can over-ride default sender's/from name like so:

mail.Sender = Split("Foo Bar, foo@bar.com, DOMAIN", ", ")

Here's the updated code for the class.

Const ERR_EMAIL_MODIFICATION_NOT_ALLOWED = "You can not make changes to an email once it has been sent." Class Email Private session As NotesSession Private doc As NotesDocument Private body As NotesMIMEEntity Private mh As NotesMIMEHeader Private mc As NotesMIMEEntity Private stream As NotesStream Private isTextSet As Boolean Private isHTMLSet As Boolean Private isStyleSet As Boolean Private isRebuildNeeded As Boolean Private isMailBuilt As Boolean Private rtitem As NotesRichTextItem Private str_TextPart As String Private str_HTMLPart As String Private str_DefaultStyles As String Private str_Styles As String Private FromName(0 To 2) As String  Sub New() Set Me.session = New NotesSession() Set Me.doc = Me.session.Currentdatabase.CreateDocument Me.doc.Form = "Memo" Me.FromName(0) = "Sender's Name" Me.FromName(1) = "foo@bar.net" Me.FromName(2) = "DOMAIN" Me.str_DefaultStyles = "body{margin:10px;font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;}" Me.isTextSet = False Me.isHTMLSet = False Me.isRebuildNeeded = True Me.isMailBuilt = False End Sub %REM Property Set Subject Description: Comments for Property Set %END REM Property Set Subject As String Me.doc.subject = subject End Property %REM Sub setTextPart Description: Comments for Sub %END REM Property Set Plain Me.str_TextPart = Plain Me.isTextSet = True Me.isRebuildNeeded = True End Property Property Get Plain Plain = Me.str_TextPart End Property %REM Sub setHTMLPart Description: Comments for Sub %END REM Property Set HTML Me.str_HTMLPart = HTML Me.isHTMLSet = True Me.isRebuildNeeded = True End Property Property Get HTML HTML = Me.str_HTMLPart End Property %REM Sub Styles Description: Comments for Sub %END REM Property Set Styles As String Me.str_Styles = Styles Me.isStyleSet = True Me.isRebuildNeeded = True End Property %REM Sub CSS Description: Shortcut sub to Styles %END REM Property Set CSS As String Me.Styles = CSS End Property %REM Sub setFromAddress Description: Comments for Sub %END REM Property Set Sender As Variant Me.FromName(0) = Sender(0) Me.FromName(1) = Sender(1) Me.FromName(2) = Sender(2) Me.isRebuildNeeded = True End Property %REM Property Set replyTo Description: Comments for Property Set %END REM Property Set ReplyTo As String Me.Doc.ReplyTo = ReplyTo Me.isRebuildNeeded = True End Property %REM Property Set CopyTo Description: Comments for Property Set %END REM Property Set CopyTo As String Me.Doc.CopyTo = CopyTo Me.isRebuildNeeded = True End Property %REM Property Set BlindCopyTo Description: Comments for Property Set %END REM Property Set BlindCopyTo As String Me.Doc.BlindCopyTo = BlindCopyTo Me.isRebuildNeeded = True End Property %REM Sub Rebuild Description: Comments for Sub %END REM Sub Rebuild If Me.doc.HasItem("Body") Then Call Me.doc.RemoveItem("Body") 'Is this needed to allow rebuilding between sends? 'Set Me.body = Me.Doc.GetMIMEEntity( "Body" ) 'If Me.body Is Nothing Then ' MsgBox "can't find mime entity" 'End If 'Call Me.body.Remove() End If If Me.isHTMLSet Then 'Send mulipart/alternative  'Create the MIME headers Me.session.convertMIME = False  'This is the line that errors if you try and rebuild the message between sends!  'Error = "Object varaible not set" Set Me.body = Me.doc.CreateMIMEEntity("Body")  Set Me.mh = Me.body.CreateHeader({MIME-Version}) Call Me.mh.SetHeaderVal("1.0") Set Me.mh = Me.body.CreateHeader("Content-Type") Call Me.mh.SetHeaderValAndParams( {multipart/alternative;boundary="=NextPart_="}) 'Send the text part first If Me.isTextSet Then  Set Me.mc = Me.body.createChildEntity() Set Me.stream = Me.session.createStream() Call Me.stream.WriteText(Me.str_TextPart) Call Me.mc.setContentFromText(Me.stream, {text/plain}, ENC_NONE) End If  'Now send the HTML part. Order is important! Set Me.mc = Me.body.createChildEntity() Set Me.stream = Me.session.createStream() Set Me.mc = Me.body.createChildEntity() Call stream.WriteText("<html>", EOL_CR) Call stream.WriteText("<head>", EOL_CR) Call stream.WriteText("<style>", EOL_CR) Call stream.WriteText(Me.str_DefaultStyles, EOL_CR) If Me.isStyleSet Then Call stream.WriteText(Me.str_Styles, EOL_CR) End If Call stream.WriteText("</style>", EOL_CR)  Call stream.WriteText("</head>", EOL_CR) Call stream.WriteText("<body>", EOL_CR) Call stream.WriteText(Me.str_HTMLPart) Call stream.WriteText("</body>", EOL_CR) Call stream.WriteText("</html>", EOL_CR) Call Me.mc.setContentFromText(Me.stream, {text/html;charset="iso-8859-1"}, ENC_NONE) Call Me.doc.Closemimeentities(True) Me.session.convertMIME = True ElseIf Me.isTextSet Then 'Just Text will do!  Set Me.rtitem = New NotesRichTextItem(Me.doc, "Body") Me.rtitem.Appendtext(me.Str_TextPart) Else 'No content! Error 1000, ERR_EMAIL_NO_CONTENT End If Me.doc.Principal= Me.FromName(0) +" <"+Me.FromName(1)+"@"+Me.FromName(2)+">" Me.doc.InetFrom = Me.FromName(0) +" <"+Me.FromName(1)+">" Me.isMailBuilt = True  Me.isRebuildNeeded = False End Sub %REM Sub Send Description: Comments for Sub %END REM Sub Send(sendTo As String) If Me.isMailBuilt And Me.isRebuildNeeded Then Error 1000, ERR_EMAIL_MODIFICATION_NOT_ALLOWED ElseIf Not Me.isMailBuilt then Call Me.Rebuild() End If Me.Doc.SendTo = SendTo Call Me.Doc.Send(False) End Sub
End Class

There's still room for improvement. If I get time I'll try and address the following:

  • Work out why it won't let you change/rebuild the content between multiple calls to the Send method.
  • Add support for inline images/attachments
  • Add some basic templating.
  • Documentation/better commenting?
  • Sample database?

Finally I want to thank Peter LaComb for the one-on-one tutoring he gave me!

Click here to post a response

There's a new feature on codestore I'm hoping you'll find useful. You can now get email alerts when there's a reply to your comment.


This works by virtue of the threaded comments system I've implemented recently. Without that there's no way it could work, as it would be unaware of whether a reply was intended for you or not.

Whether you'll use the feature or not remains to be seen. All I know is that I'd use it if it were on other blogs.


I'm not really a big poster on other blogs. Mainly because I find it such an ineffective means of communication. When I do post something it's often in the form of a question to which I'd like an answer. So I have to remember to go back there from time to time and scan all subsequent comments to see if there's an "@jake" from anybody (hopefully the original author).

Oftentimes I find myself giving up on getting a reply and stop going back. Even on this site when I'm replying to a question aimed at me I find myself wondering if the answer will ever be read by the person who asked it. Sometimes, if they've left an email address, I'll email them a link to say "I replied to your question".

Wouldn't it be much easier if you could just wait for the reply to drop in to your inbox! That's what you can do here now.

Notes: Only one email is sent at a time, so there's no CCing of all in the chain. If you chose to hide your email address then it will always remain private from the others in the thread. I take your privacy seriously.


If you're up for it you can help me test it by replying to this blog and choosing the option to be alerted to any subsequent replies. I'll then reply and you then reply to say if you did or didn't get an email or if you have any suggestions for improvements.

Click here to post a response

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: xpages themes styles
If I develop an Xpage using themes the list of styles available for styling any Xpage control does not automatically list the styles defined within the Styles Sheets included in the theme.  It would be a lot easier to style an Xpage if I could see all the styles that are available to me.

Author: Ricky Keim
Tags: folder copy
It would be great if you could copy and paste a folder from one mailfile and paste into another. Currently, when rebuilding a mailfile for example, you have to first create the folder structure manually and then copy and paste all documents into the corresponding folders.  It would be great if you could copy a whole folder at one time.

Author: Phil Warner
Tags: marketing community
I've been inspired at the conferences I've been lucky enough to go to by some great speakers. People like Francie Tanner, Mac Guidera, Gabriella Davis, Julian Robichaux, Mikkel Heisterberg and Chris Blatnick all make me want to do hours of overtime using Notes and Domino to build great solutions.
I think Lotus could inspire new developers and administrators to use the products by putting these guys at the heart of an "I'm a Mac/PC" style advertising campaign. They show that Notes is an exciting platform with career potential. There have been some examples in the Lotus Knows campaign so IBM have a precedent.

Author: Steffen Gräbner
Tags: connector quickr upload download
When downloading large-files from quickr server via connector there is no status bar.
To users it seems, that nothing happens, although the file is beeing downloaded.
A status bar (percentage already loaded) would be very helpful.
The same with upload. When uploading large files there occurs a status bar. But it just jumps up to the middle (50%) and then ........... stnads still until file is uploaded. That is very confusing to users.

Author: Oliver Regelmann
Tags: windows 7 jump lists
Windows 7 introduces the "Jump Lists" feature.
Notes could use this to:
  • create documents: mail, appointment etc. and custom documents (perhaps from the "Create" bookmark folder)
  • Pin databases to the Jump List
  • Pin documents to the Jump List

Author: Keith Brooks
Tags: traveler version
After upgrading to 8.5.1 the download page still does not show what version is on the server for the various clients. Right now I manually edit the page with a version #.
Why doesn't this update appropriately like in Sametime where it shows the version available for downlaod?
Small thing to ask, but it does help so we don't get people calling saying it's not the right version.
Just wondering really why this is not in the html files?

Author: Bruce Lill
Tags: Forums wikis devworks
Currently there is greenhouse.lotus.com, DeveloperWorks, lotuslive, openntf, the notes forums and more. I would like to see the forums, wikis, articles, technotes and blogs all moved into to one site that supported activities, sametime and files.
You should be able to search across all of it and have a portal page that shows whats new in each section.  I shouldn't have to go to forums for questions, then search support for technotes and fixes and then go to to see what the wikis have to say.
Give us one cohesive community using the latest of Lotus products. And while your at it roll the forums up into one database that has sections for the release. You have to look at 2 or 3 forums to see if a problem is released based or not.

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: ssjs editor javascript prototype
At the moment if objects are defined using the prototype statement the Outline for the SSJS & JavaScript editors show a series of blank functions for each object.  I assume because it does not recognize prototype as a way of defining functions.  This makes it very hard to navigate around large object definitions in much the same way as it was for LotusScript classes prior to 8.5.1.  My suggestion is to revamp the SSJS (and JavaScript) editors to provide the same Designer-friendly navigation as provided for Xpages and LotusScript Classes etc.

Author: Tom Van Aken
Tags: richtext hide-when
In the Notes Client, users can modify the hide when settings in a RichText field.
In multiple cases, it is preferred that the complete richttext item inherits the settings as designed in the form.
My idea is to add a flag to the field properties to disable the modification of hide when settings in a richtext field by the enduser.  For compatibility reasons, this flag should be switched off.

Wei CDL Wang from IBM has contributed a reusable XPage control - the multi picture upload control. The control is a reusable XPage control that can be embedded in custom applications. It allows uploading pictures and linking them with a Notes ...
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Статьи и Документация

Dictionary files are installed from their corresponding language pack (Notes installation executable, MUI pack, and or NL install kit) as follows: -- Language dictionaries are automatically installed
You would like to be able to use Lotus Notes Login to authenticate with a third party web server through Single Sign-On so that users would not need to create an account document for each site.
SMTP messages with .pdf attachments sent from SAP to your Lotus Domino server are displaying as .dat attachments.
Sample Alloy product videos include the following: -- Alloy by IBM and SAP for direct access to SAP business processes in the Lotus Notes client -- Alloy by IBM and SAP product tour -- Alloy Screenc
When using the COM object classes with Lotus Notes and Domino, multithreaded applications must ensure safe thread access to any COM objects used in the application.
This white paper describes the various components involved in IBM Lotus Web Content Management 6.x syndication and explains how you can make the tool work for you. Also included are detailed discussions of some of the concepts involved in troubleshooting common syndication issues.
Learn how the IBM® Lotus® Mobile Connect clientless option can be used in conjunction with IBM Lotus iNotes™ to gain secure, remote access to enterprise iNotes servers from devices (handhelds, laptops, workstations) requiring access outside the bounds of their corporate intranet.
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