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Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols The information is updated as events go and pass

The information is updated as events go and pass, but the Records can also provide various versions of the future, as well as information on supertemporal eternal truths. On the basis of personal experience mystics have come to the conclusion that the most common way to contact Records for all people is astral projection, the very state each of us gets into when he or she is dreaming. Recently esoteric terms and beliefs are more and more replaced by the hypothesis about global energoinformational field whe...

2016-01-06 19:11:29 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Those who received such information

Those who received such information, who due to their abilities to use changed states of mind got access to such knowledge, suppose that the Records contain joint collective experience of the Humankind which can be compared to Jung's theory of the collective unconscious and to the history of the Universe creation. Most supporters of the Records see or perceive them as libraries. For instance, Edgar Cayce said that after leaving his physical body he moved in a pillar of light and arrived to a high hill with...

2016-01-06 19:07:38 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols The ways of getting information in changed states

The ways of getting information in changed states of mind are as old as the sublunar realm of ours. It is an access to subconsciousness and superconsciousness - to a so-called universal mind. The term `Akashi Records' was coined by theosophists, esotery scientists and mystics who describe them as knowledge coded in non-physical field of existence. Though there is no scientific proof of the existence of such records, there is a lot of evidence of them providing information which was further confirmed in thi...

2016-01-06 19:03:35 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Gift of personal knowledge, second to none on the Earth…

Our own consciousness is a real treasury of knowledge and experience opening virtually full access to informational field of the planet and gene memory, and all this is available for us when we dream. What most dreamers want is to get some information. Whatever the question is: a desire to see the future, to learn real feelings of loved ones, to find solution to situation, to see possible and best choice, get a hint when making a decision, the name for all this is one - acquiring information. Magickum. Pro...

2016-01-06 18:58:14 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Dreams have real influence on our body and internal processe

Dreams have real influence on our body and internal processes, as well as on our brain, however skeptical we are about them. Assuming how people treat the very process of dreaming, it is an unconscious state, although it is quite possible for a person in a dream to manage him(her)self and the events around, if the person wants to. Magickum. Prophetic dreams and lucid dreaming. Theory and practice. E-books: Amazon | XinXii | Smashwords Paperback: Amazon | ...

2016-01-06 18:52:42 + Комментировать