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Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки

Good morning dear readers! To extend your vocabulary we offer this dialogue to you.


Administrative Director: OK, I'm going to be direct about this. We need your offices to use as conference rooms for meeting with customers. I'm sorry to say this, but they're much too nice for an IT department! So we're asking you to relocate to some offices we've rented across the street. Of course this is only temporary, as we're all moving to the new building in a year's time.

IT Manager: And why can't you use the offices across the street as meeting rooms?

AD: Because they're a bit small. And dark. Two of them don't actually have any windows.

IT person: You must be joking. We couldn't agree to that. Why would we go there?

ITM: No, wait a second. We would consider a temporary move on condition that we get much larger offices in the new building.

AD: I'm afraid "much larger" is out of the question. But we'd be happy to discuss the size of your offices in the new building as long as we can have your current offices before the end of the month.

ITM: I'm afraid we can't accept that. Discussing the size will not be enough. I say "much larger" because as you know we are understaffed. We would agree to move temporarily provided that we got the go-ahead to hire the software designer and the systems analyst we need. Who would obviously require offices.

AD: Well, we could offer you two extra offices, so long as no other department objects, but as you know I can't make staffing decisions.

ITM: I'm sorry, but we wouldn't consider moving now unless you can guarantee us both the staff and the space we need.

AD: Well, I'd be willing to take your request to the next Board meeting if you agreed to move out on the 26th. What would you say to that?


IT department отдел информационный технологий

temporary временно

out of the question не подлежит обсуждению

understaffed иметь недостаточное количество сотрудников, испытывать кадровый голод

staffing decision подбор кадров

Have a good business week!

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