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Английский не для язычников. Fun edition

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Английский не для язычников. Fun edition!

Выпуск 3

Editor's speech.

Здравствуйте, мои дорогие читатели! После отпуска в станице Благовещенское (Анапа area) я вернулся в родной город. Сегодня у нас впервые самый трудный текст - 5 звёзд из 5 по шкале сложности, но я надеюсь, что его перевод доставит вам удовольствие. С нескрываемой радостью сообщю, что моя рассылка переведена в разряд серебрянных, а количество подписчиков перевалило за две тысячи. Огромное спасибо за вашу поддержку в переводе трудных выражений. Потому что мы - банда ;)

Антон Смарт,
28 августа 2004г. 9:00p.m. Екатеринбург

Movie star.

Актриса: Вупи Голдберг (Whoopi Goldberg)
Страна: США
Аудитория: youth, adult
Сложность текста: *****
Сайт: www.imdb.com

Как, вы не знаете, кто такая Вупи Голдберг? Это очаровательная негритянка - комедийная актриса. Но она также и мама, и даже бабушка. Фильм "Джек-попрыгунчик" с Вупи совсем недавно показывали на Первом канале. Эта актриса снималась у Андрея Кончаловского в фильме "Гомер и Эдди", и именно она озвучивала одну из геен - Шензи в "Короле льве".

Whoopi Goldberg was born in New York City in 1955, as Caryn Elaine Johnson. She was born in Chelsea, in New York City. She worked in a funeral parlor, and as a bricklayer, while taking small parts on Broadway. She moved to California and worked with improv groups, including Spontaneous Combustion, and developed her skills as a stand up comedienne. She came to prominence doing an HBO special, and a one woman show as Moms Mabley. She has been known in her prosperous career as a unique and socially conscious talent with articulately liberal views. Among her boyfriends were Ted Danson and Frank Langella. She was married three times, and was once addicted to drugs.

funeral - похоронный
parlor - ателье
bricklayer - каменщик
to take small parts - работать понемногу (неточный перевод)
improv groups - более лучшие (актёрские) составы (неточный перевод)
spontaneous combustion - самовозгорание
to stand up - подниматься
comedienne - комическая актриса
to come to prominence - становиться важным и широко известным
prosperous - успешный
unique - бесподобный, необычный
socially conscious talent - настоящий талант общения (неточный перевод)
articulately - ясно, членораздельно
to addict to drugs - пристраститься к наркотикам

Whoopi Goldberg first came to prominence with her supporting role in Color Purple, The (1985). She received much critical acclaim for her role, and became a major star as a result. Subsequent efforts in the late eighties were at best marginal hits. These movies mostly were off-beat to formulaic comedies like Burglar (1987), Telephone, The (1988), and Jumpin' Jack Flash (1986). Goldberg made her mark as a household name and a mainstay in Hollywood for her Oscar winning role in the box office smash Ghost (1990). Whoopi Goldberg was at her most famous in the early 1990s, as she made regular appearances on "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (1987). She admitted to being a huge fan of the show and jumped at the opportunity to star in the Next Generation.

supporting role - роль второго плана
purple - фиолетовый
acclaim - одобрение
major star - ведущая звезда
subsequent effort - следующее, что было сделано
marginal hit - имеющий решающее значение хит (неточный перевод)
off-beat - необычный
formulaic - содержащий идеи, использованные много раз до этого
make a mark - отметиться (неточный перевод)
household - домашний, семейный
mainstay - тот, кто делает большую часть работы (неточный перевод)
box office smash Ghost - фильм "Привидение" с огромными кассовыми сборами
appearance - появление
to admit - признавать
opportunity - возможность
to star - быть ведущим актёром

Goldberg received another smash hit role in Sister Act (1992). Her fish out of water with some flash seemed to resonate with audiences, and was a box office smash. Whoopi starred in some highly publicized and moderately successful comedies of this time, including Made in America (1993), and Soapdish (1991). Goldberg followed up to her success with Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993), which was well received, but didn't seem to match up to the first.

to act - действовать
flash - всплеск, вспышка
to resonate with - заполнять
audiences - зрители, аудитория
to publicize - рекламировать
moderately - в меру, умеренно
successful - успешный
soapdish - мыльница
to follow up - последовать
back in the habit - снова за старое (неточный перевод)
to match up to the first - быть таким же хорошим как первая часть

As the late 1990s approached Goldberg seemed to alternate between lead roles in straight comedies such as Eddie (1996), and Associate, The (1996), and took supporting parts in more independent minded movies such as Deep End of the Ocean, The (1999), and How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998). Goldberg never forgot where she came from, as she hosted many tributes to other legendary entertainment figures. Her most recent movies include Rat Race (2001), and the quietly received Kingdom Come (2001/I). Goldberg contributes her voice to many cartoons, including The Page Master, and Captain Planet, as Gaia, the voice of the earth. Alternating between big budget movies, independent movies, tributes, documentaries, and even TV movies (including Theodore Rex (1995), a really bad movie).

to approach - обращаться, делать предложение
to alternate - чередовать
lead roles - главная роль
straight - один за другим
independent minded movie - фильм другого жанра (неточный перевод)
groove - роща, земля с посаженными деревьями
to host - обеспечивать, отдавать
tribute - дань
legendary entertainment figure - легендарная личность в шоу-бизнесе
most recent - самый недавний
quietly - тихо
to contribute - содействовать
cartoon - небольшой анимационный фильм, мультфильм

Whoopi Goldberg is accredited as a truly unique and visible talent in Hollywood. Perhaps she will always be remembered as well for Comic Relief, playing an integral Part in almost every one they had. Currently Whoopi Goldberg is the center square in Hollywood Squares, and frequently hosts the Academy Awards. She also is an author, with the book, 'Book.'

accredited - официально признанный
truly - поистине
as well - также, в дополнение к чему-либо
relief - помощь, облегчение, разнообразие
integral - неотъемлимый
square - площадь
to host - являться хозяином

Лично мне по душе философия жизни Вупи - меньше обучения, больше развлечения. Вупи Голдберг следит за своими внуками, чтобы из них выросли не снобы, а весёлые и жизнерадостные люди. На интернет-старнице я нашёл несколько коротких реплик Вупи Голдберг в средствах СМИ. В качестве дополнения - короткий монолог актрисы с сайта www.acmewebpages.com/whoopi/windex.html

When talking about critics while on the Queen Latifah show - "You can say whatever you want about me but talk about my daughter and I'll beat your ass up."

"Babe: Pig in the City. Wasn't that the Linda Tripp Story?" - said while she was hosting the 1999 Academy Awards. (Edit. notes: Linda Tripp is an American woman who was a central figure in the Lewinsky scandal of 1998 and 1999 that led to the impeachment of U.S. President Bill Clinton; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Tripp).

"My family is Jewish, Buddhist, Baptist and Catholic. I don't believe in man-made religions."

"I'm a big old egoistical baby and that's okay. I can accept it."

"I told her I would play a Venetian blind, dirt on the floor, anything." [about Alice Walker, author of "The Color Purple", in which Goldberg eventually played a leading role]

"Actors have no color. That's the art form."

jewish - еврейский
baptist - баптистский
Venetian - венецианский
blind - слепой, (вдребезги) пьяный


"Given the attention I've gotten from the press, SlimFast, the Republican Committee and the DNC and what's happened this week to people like Linda Ronstadt and Margaret Cho, I'm releasing my remarks from the Radio City Music Hall event, rather than have people continue to respond to someone else's interpretation of what they think I said. I challenge the Democrats and the Republicans or anyone else to prove that I said anything different from this. They have made a mountain out of an ant's behind."

statement - заявление
to issue - издавать, исходить
given the attention - уделив внимание
to release from - выпускать на волю
remark - замечание
event - важная встреча (неточные перевод)
to challenge - вызвать (на соревнование) to respond - отвечать

"I know you see that I've got a bottle of wine in my hand. I'll explain about it later."

"The concert organizers had asked to see my material beforehand, but I Xeroxed my behind (Edit. notes: informal a word meaning bottom) and I folded it up in an envelope and I sent it back with a big kiss mark. Because we're Democrats. We don't do that. We're not afraid to laugh. That's the other people."

organizer - организатор
to ask - просить
beforehand - заранее
to fold up - свернуть
envelope - конверт

"It's terrible to be President. Just look at their clothes. When was the last time you saw a President in Armani? Nancy Reagan was the last White House occupant that really looked good. The whole hair situation. Being President is like being in a horror movie, the hair turns white overnight."

terrible - страшный, ужастный
occupant - обитатель
whole hair situation - таже ситуация с волосами
horror movie - фильм ужасов
overnight - накануне вечером

"You have to meet the King and Queen of Kupeepee and you know you're going to look dumb if you don't know where Kupeepee is because everybody else pretends they know where it is. And when you get the menu for the State Dinner, you know that you have bears balls and frog lips as a delicacy and you cannot say, "Hell No!"

to look - выглядеть
dumb - глупый, бессмысленный, бестолковый
to pretend - делать вид
hell no - чёрт побери, нет

"What would impress me is to see John Kerry jump double-dutch — I think many people would find that innovative."

to impress - производить впечатление
to jump - переходить
double-dutch - речь, которую трудно понять
innovative - ново, новым

"I know I told you I'd get to this. (Reading from label on wine bottle) When Bush comes to shove, don't whine. Vote Kerry."

when push come to shove - используется, чтобы сказать, что вы можете сделать, когда вас заставляют принимать решения или совершать действия
to whine - хныкать, скулить

"And that's why I'm here tonight. Because I love bush. But someone's giving bush a bad name. Someone has tarnished name of bush.' Someone has waged war, someone has deliberately misled the country, someone has attempted to amend the constitution, all in the name of bush. The bush I know and cherish would never do such things. My bush is smarter than that. And if my bush is smarter than that, you can understand just how dumb I think that other bush is. And anyone who would wave to Stevie Wonder is not fully there. I will do whatever it takes to restore bush to its rightful place and that ain't in the White House. Vote your heart and mind and keep bush where it belongs."

bush - кустарник, обширные пространства, покрытые кустарником - буш
to tarnish - запятнать, опорочить
to wag war - раскачать войну (неточный перевод)
deliberately - хорошо, если это планировалось
to mislead (past, p.past misled) - вводить в заблуждение
to attempt - пытаться, покушаться
to amend - вносить поправки
to cherish - лелеять, заботливо выращивать
to wave - махнуть кому-либо
fully - вполне
whatever - всё что
rightful - согласно тому, что легально и морально правильно
ain't = am not
to vote - голосовать; vote - голосуй своим сердцем
to belong - происходить

Дальше в программе у нас интерьвью с Вупи Голдберг в журнале Teen Ink, написанном подростками специально для подростков. Для журнала дети сами берут интервью, пишут статьи, присылают фотоснимки. Наверное, приятно чувствовать себя молодой акулой пера, особенно когда перед тобой открывается возможность пообщаться со своим любимым артистом. Материалы в полной версии находятся на сайте www.teenink.com Это очень интересный и информативный ресурс.

In your book you write, "I've learned to take time for myself and to treat myself with a great deal of love and respect, 'cause I like me, I really do, I think I'm kind of cool." So, how do you think kids can acquire that important self?

You know what, there's no formula, it's like making your bed every day, you just have to tell yourself. It's a lot of work because it's easier to wait for someone else to tell you you're okay, it's less responsibility for you.

But if you're responsible for maintaining your self on a daily basis, it comes easier and easier. And, it becomes hard for other people to try to take it away.

I find that people try to take your self away because they don't have any, and people love for others to be miserable with them. But I believe strongly there are certain things I'm in control of, and one of them is me. So, if anybody is going to make me feel like I'm worthwhile, it better start with me.

to take time for - уделять время
to treat - лечить
a great deal of - много, большое количество
I really do - я действительно согласна с этим
cool - крутой
acquire - получать, приобретать
make the bed - сталать постель
responsibility - ответственнось

Who was your childhood hero?

As a kid I don't think I had heroes because you don't know someone is heroic until you pass a certain point in your life. But the person who had the most influence on me was probably my mother. It's as big a relationship as you can have, and as hard a relationship as you can have.

The fundamentals she passed to me turned out to be the mainstays of my life: treat others the way you want to be treated; be yourself, if you're willing to pay the consequences to be an individual. And if you want certain things, you have to come to terms that it may not be easy and you have to be prepared to give up things. If you're prepared for that, you can do anything.

And that's what has stayed with me, because I do have to try to treat people the way I want to be treated. To do what I want requires stamina, and others will try to tell you you can't do that. There's nothing I think I can't do, there are some things I don't want to do or I won't do, but nothing I can't do.

childhood - детство
heroic - героический, геройский
to pass - пройти, проехать
certain - определенный, некоторый, некий
to influence - влиять, воздействовать
probably - вероятно
fundamental - принцип, основное правило, основы
to pass - передавать
to turn out to be - оказаться, оказываться (кем-л.,чем-л.)
mainstay - главная поддержка
to treat others the way you want to be treated - обращаться с другими так, как ты бы хотел чтобы с тобой обращались
to will - хотеть, желать
to pay the consequence - уделять значение
individual - личный, индивидуальный
to come to terms - прийти к соглашению
to give up - отбросить
stamina - жизненная энергия
won't = will not

But that's also a lonesome place to be; you get made fun of a lot, people can be very mean, and it's lonely to be an individual, to be yourself. It's much easier to be part of the pack, but the pack just never interested me much; I always liked individuals who actually thought and had opinions. Whether I agreed with them or not, I always wanted to meet people who thought for themselves.

lonesome - скучный, унылый, одинокий
pack - группа людей

When I was very young, something happened with my friend who was much straighter - I wore torn jeans and tie-dyed shirts and a great big Afro - and this friend was not a hippie, but she was my best buddy and lived upstairs. We were supposed to go to the movies and she came in, saw how I was dressed and said, "I'm not going anywhere with you looking like that."

straight - straight
torn - рваный
tie-dyed - с технологией нанесения узора на кусок материи красящей жидкостью
Afro - причёска популярная у темнокожих людей в 70-е когда волосы подстригались под круглую форму
upstairs - наверху

I thought, Oh, that's really crappy. And I said, "Well, I'm not going to change, I'm comfortable."

crappy - не очень хорошо

We went around and around. And she said, "Well, if you're not going to change, then I'm not going with you."

to go around and around - ходить кругами (неточный перевод)

So I said, "Well, okay, if you're not going to change, I'm not going with you." And so she left, and went to the movies by herself.

And my mom said, "You know what, it's hard to do what you did. It's very difficult to be yourself, and now you're paying the consequences." She asked if it was worth it, and I said it was, because I didn't want to change. I wasn't dirty, I was comfortable, and it wasn't affecting my friend, it wasn't like hurting her kneecap or giving her a headache - actually, maybe it did give her a headache.

worth - стоящий
kneecap - коленная чашечка
headache - головная боль

And my mother said that's what life is - making those kinds of decisions. My mom never said good job, she just said hmm, and that's been my major influence in my life.

So, I guess that makes her my hero.

How would you describe yourself as a teenager?

Lonely, very, very lonely.

Were you born with your sense of humor, or do you think it's something you developed?

I think probably a little bit of both, because I come from a very odd group of people, a very strange group. If you saw us on the street, you would never say "Oh, there's a family right there." We had all kinds of quirks that I found myself inhabiting and only now have they become, in the last 20 years, sort of comfortable for other people, these quirky parts that seem to make people laugh and make them sort of look at me in a different light.

But I think part of it is inherent and just a placebo effect, something hits you and you don't know what it is.

to develop - развиваться, проявляться
odd - странный, необычный
quirk - странная привычка или особенность чьего-то характера
to inhabit - обитать, жить
quirky - странный и необычный, в случае неожиданности
inherent - врожденный
placebo effect - положительный эффект, достигнутый внушением того, чего нет на самом деле (в медицине)

You're involved with a lot of charities. What makes you have so much compassion for the homeless, the abused and those suffering with the HIV virus?

You know, it's like a horror movie. The best horror movies are the ones you think are possible, those are the ones that scare you the most. All of those things are an inch away from me; I could be homeless at any time. I could lose everything overnight.

If I needed to go into a shelter, I'd want it to be the best possible place. My kid is grown up, but when I was younger and she was under my care, I always wanted it to be safe and right for her.

And AIDS is something that doesn't care who you are, anybody can get it in many different ways; I could need a blood transfusion and find myself HIV positive. So, I wanted to make sure that there are better screenings for blood, and places where people have dignity and are respected, and a place for folks to talk.

All these things are in the realm of possibility in my life. "There but for the grace of God go I," the saying goes.

to envolve - вовлекать
charity - благотворительность
compassion - жалость, сострадание
homeless - бездомный
to abuse - ругать
to suffer - страдать
HIV virus - вирус иммунодифицита ВИЧ
shelter - приют
transfusion of blood переливание крови
screenings for blood - удостоверение в отсутствии у донера специфической болезни
dignity - достоинство
folk - народ, люди
grace - милосердие

When you listen to the stories of folks who have lost their jobs and then their houses because they couldn't pay the mortgage and suddenly all they have is their car and their two kids, and the week before everything seemed fine - I realized nobody's immune to these kinds of changes.

So, I figured if I can make it better in any way, shape or form, if I find myself in that position, I can say at least I made things a little more tolerable.

mortgage - закладная
to realize nobody's immune to these kinds of changes - понимать, что никто не застрахован от такого рода изменений
immune - обладающий иммунитетом
to figure - представлять
tolerable - сносный, допустимый

In your book you write, "I don't have pet peeves like other people, I have kennels of irritation." I love how you're able to see the flaws in society, yet at the same time have a positive attitude.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

I'm definitely an optimist, absolutely, the glass is always half full. I think pessimism is just too much work. To be optimistic, anything is possible, and that's how I grew up.

I grew up when anything could happen, so I believe that nothing has changed, anything is still possible.

pet peeve - больное место
kennels of irritation - сток раздражения
flow - порок, изъян
attitude - позиция, отношение
definitely - определённо
glass - стакан

What do you think of the term, African-American?

I think it's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I think it's dumb, because not every person you see is an African-American. Some of them aren't Americans at all, they are Jamaican, so what do you call them, a Jamerican? Then we're going to be hyphenating all these words.

Every time you hyphenate American, you take something away from someone and question their validity as Americans. And I think it's just dumb. What do you call Sidney Poitier? He is not an African-American, he's from the Islands. What do you call Harry Belafonte? He's from the Caribbean. So, they're just, hey, dark people with no name.

So, I just stick with American and then you actually have to get to know me and find out where I'm from.

to hyphenate - писать через дефис
question - подвергнуть сомнению
validity - правильность, пригодность
to stick with - продолжать делать или использовать что-либо, оставаться в чьей-либо памяти
to find out - узнать, открывать

In your opinion, what's the best movie you ever acted in, and why?

"The Lion King." Because it was just fun, and I was trying to get points with my granddaughter who was six when it came out. But she was really mad at me, she said, "You're very mean to Simba." I said, "We'll have some ice cream and talk." "I don't want to talk to you, Granny."

mad - очень сердитый
mean - недобрый, гадкий, мерзкий, отвратильный

It seems like you have fun in all the movies that you're in.

You know what, I'm glad to have a job, I'm glad to be able to work at something I love, because not a lot of people get that opportunity. And I'm really thankful for it, because I'm in a rarefied world, I'm a fluke. As many people as there are like Tom Cruise and Julia Roberts, there are hundreds of thousands of wonderful actors out there who you'll never hear of. Somebody gets lucky and they become Julia Roberts or they become Whoopi Goldberg, or they become Tom Cruise.

But I'm glad every day I don't have to do something I don't want to do, because I'm really crabby when I have to do something I don't want to do.

thankful - благодарный
rarefied world - мир, который понятен или доступен для небольшой группы людей
fluke - что-либо неправдоподобное или что случается благодаря везению
crabby - упрямый, раздражительный

And also, it seems you're acquainted with lots of famous people. Has any one person impressed you?

Everybody, oh, everybody impresses me. I'm always excited to meet famous people; I used to have an autograph book I carried around. I always tried to go places to see folks, because there are people you always want to meet.

I'd say, "Okay, they think I'm famous too," so it would be easier. And then sometimes you go, "Oh, I wish I hadn't met you, because I don't like you." You know who they actually are. But it's exciting; I'm a fan of people. I'm a fan of ice skaters and boxing folks and singers and dancers and presidents and prime ministers. And I figure I may not get this opportunity again, so let's make the most of it and see if there's anything to learn. And as I said sometimes it's just like, Oh, take a chill pill, because sometimes people get, like, they're famous so their brains warp.

acquaint oneself with (smth.) - знакомиться
to excite - взволновать, возбуждать
used to do (smth.) - это случалось регулярно или всё время в прошлом, но не сейчас
to carry around - носить кругом, везде (неточный перевод)
ice skater - фигурист
boxing folks - боксёры
chill pill - охлаждающая пилюля (неточный перевод)
brains - мозги
to warp - деформировать

How did your daughter's pregnancy impact you, and what advice helped you through?

When I got famous we went down a rough path, because she just sort of - she was out and about, if you will, sneaking out of the house and stuff. And I was off making movies, so she was living with my mom and had a really hard time because fame sort of swept us up so quickly. It wasn't like we had a lot of time to prepare for it, it literally happened overnight. So, we weren't speaking for two or three years, but then she called.

to impact - влиять
advice - совет, наставление
to go down - спускаться
rough path - неровная дорожка
out and about - поправившийся после болезни
to sneak - тайно идти, чтобы никто не заметил или услышал
to be off = to leave - покидать, оставлять, уезжать
fame sort of swept us up so quickly - своего рода известность донеслась до нас так быстро (неточный перевод)
literally - без преувеличения


"Yeah? Something's wrong, huh?"


"Are you pregnant?"


"Okay, you want to come see me?" She was in San Francisco, and I was in Los Angeles, shooting a movie.

I said, "What do you want to do?"

She said, "I think I want to keep the baby."

"Okay, we'll all stand behind you, but it's your baby," I told her. I was raised that you support folks if they need your help and don't make life harder for them. If you can afford to help emotionally or financially, then you do that, and you support their choice.

And I'd always been pro-choice, which actually means not only do you have the choice to have an abortion, but you have the choice to keep your child. Getting pregnant was a choice for her, as I discovered. And most kids want to raise children not because they're ready to have children but because they want someone who belongs specifically to them.

pro-choice - человек, считающий что у женщины есть право на аборт
to belong - принадлежать; относиться

What we don't realize is that we are definitely products of our parents and we sometimes carry their worst habits, which is why things go in cycles.

So, she has three kids now, been married forever; her oldest is 12, a very nice young lady, very strange but nice; she has a six-year-old daughter who - we don't know why this happened, but she thinks she's Marilyn Monroe. Nobody understands where she came from, but we welcome her into the family. And I have a three-year-old grandson who looks like Barney Rubble slightly toasted, who is also strange and wonderful.

But I suspect, because I've heard her talk to teens about this, that more than anything, if adults could just understand that kids don't get pregnant to piss you off, they're looking for something rich in their lives.

And funny enough, most kids realize that they do enrich a parent's life, but what children also discover is that we can't save our parents, we can't make them whole, and that's when problems begin; you can't fix them.

to enrich - обогатить, обогащать
to make them whole - делать их целыми, невредимыми (неточный перевод)

And when kids realize that the children they have don't necessarily fix the problem, it gets a little dicey.

dicey - слегка опасный

So, first, if you can possibly avoid getting pregnant, that's what I would suggest. Sex is wonderful with the right person at the right time, and 14 is not the right time. There's still more stuff to do for you to get all bogged down in that. So, if you can avoid it, wait; there's so much to do, so much to do.

to avoid - избегать, избежать
to bog down - стать вовлечённым в обдумывание или иметь дело с особой вещью


Разбор полётов.
Выпуск первый рассылки:
boarding-school это школа пансионат (в отличие от day school).
Во втором выпуске:
smash-hit означает шлягер.

At the end.

На этом я заканчиваю свой третий выпуск. Любые отзывы и критика принимаются по адресу engforfun]@[list.ru , удалите из него символы ] и [. Если у вас есть знание языка, помогите пожалуйста с точным преводом выражений, обозначенных в скобках как неточный перевод. Пока!


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