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English: The woman in white

Выпуск 151 от 16.04.2013

English: The Woman in White

by Wilkie Collins

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Добро пожаловать в Vip-клуб "The Woman in White"!

Сегодня мы продолжаем читать восьмую главу романа. Напоминаю, что повествование ведет Уолтер Хартрайт, учитель рисования. «Ваш словарик» - «Your vocabulary» познакомит Вас со словами, которые могут вызвать затруднения в понимании сегодняшнего фрагмента текста. Перевод всех слов находится ЗДЕСЬ.  Профессиональный перевод Т.Л.Лещенко-Сухомлиной Вы можете прочитать в разделе  «The translation». Сам текст в оригинале представлен в рубрике «Thе woman in white». «The pronunciation» снимет возможные трудности в произношении. «What we have read about»- краткое содержание прочитанного.

 What we have read about

«The woman in white»

We had been out nearly three hours, when the carriage again passed through the gates of Limmeridge House.

On our way back I had let the ladies settle for themselves the first point of view which they were to sketch, under my instructions, on the afternoon of the next day. When they withdrew to dress for dinner, and when I was alone again in my little sitting-room, my spirits seemed to leave me on a sudden. I felt ill at ease and dissatisfied with myself, I hardly knew why. Perhaps I was now conscious for the first time of having enjoyed our drive too much in the character of a guest, and too little in the character of a drawing-master. Perhaps that strange sense of something wanting, either in Miss Fairlie or in myself, which had perplexed me when I was first introduced to her, haunted me still. Anyhow, it was a relief to my spirits when the dinner-hour called me out of my solitude, and took me back to the society of the ladies of the house.


Your vocabulary

The pronunciation

The translation

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