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Компания TeleTrade продолжает знакомить Вас со специализированным курсом финансово-экономического английского.

Внимание! Учебный материал составляющий рассылку является только небольшой частью полного  учебного курса "Профессионального финансово-экономического английского языка" и предназначен лишь для помощи обучающимся и закрепления знаний, полученных в ходе прохождения курса.

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"Профессионального финансово-экономического английского языка" Вы можете записатся по телефонам в Киеве: 230-86-77, 288-07-21.

Обучение проходит  по методике,  разработанной известной международной финансовой компанией "
TeleTrade Consulting" и используется для подготовки специалистов, работающих на международных финансовых рынках, финансовых специалистов крупных компаний.
Тренинг-холл компании расположен в
центре  г. Киева по адрессу ул.Богдана Хмельницкого, 33/34, оф. 6.

  Хотелось бы обратить Ваше внимание на то, что все свои пожелания, вопросы  и комментарии по поводу курса Вы можете изложить в специальном блоге. Там же Вы сможете получить ответы на все интересующие Вас вопросы по поводу курса и отдельных тем нашей рассылки.

  Итак, разобравшись с официальной частью рассылки, приступим к изучению одной из новых тем курса Advanced- Marketing and Management.

Basically, you might look at marketing as the wide range of activities involved in making sure that you're continuing to meet the needs of your customers and are getting appropriate value in return.

Legal entity

юридическое лицо


рынки сбыта, торговые точки


рациональный по затратам

junk mail

рекламное отправление по почте


лицо брэнда

  Ознакомившись в теории с новыми понятиями пришло время проверить их на деле!  Провести проверку знаний можно с помощью статьи из журнала Fortune.  Прочитав статью,  Вы поймете насколько легко и свободно Вы можете воспринимать полученную информацию.

Top 100 online advertisers                                                                                                                  

Web 2.0 and the continuing rise in consumer broadband uptake fuelled digital's growth in 2006 as it became one of the few media to buck a plateau(хвастаться) in ad spend(advertisement).

While total adspend in the UK remained flat in 2006, up less than 1%, according to Nielsen, digital was one area that prospered (процветать). UK marketers continued to plough money into web campaigns, with more than 80% of the top online advertisers boosting their investment in the medium last year.
As in previous years, the biggest spenders - BSkyB, Virgin Money and Personal Loan Express - used the web primarily as a channel to acquire customers. However, brand-building activity reached a new high last year, with advertisers rushing to take advantage of web 2.0 opportunities.
Data compiled for Marketing by Nielsen Media Research shows that the UK's top 100 online advertisers spent more than £257m on digital display alone last year. The figures exclude the expanding disciplines of search and affiliate marketing as well as production costs for building websites to promote products. However, they offer a rare insight into which brands are leading the digital charge by investing in banners, buttons and skyscrapers. Rich-media formats have also become more popular as the rise in broadband uptake has brought with it further commercial opportunities.
The battle for control of the converging media market has spurred telecoms providers to invest in digital, with Orange, O2 and BT all hiking their spend.
The automotive industry was another early adopter of the internet as a marketing channel. But while the big marques increased their spend on display advertising last year, their budgets remained limited. Instead, many chose to up their investment in search and affiliate marketing to drive traffic to their websites. BMW, Ford, Vauxhall and Toyota all added to their online spend, while Peugeot overhauled (
модернизировать, усовершенствовать) its digital roster ahead of a tranche of activity.
Mercedes-Benz boosted its online budget by 167% and picked up an IAB Creative Showcase award for its recent R-Class online campaign. 'People are going online to empower themselves with information before visiting one of our showrooms,' says the company's communications manager, Richard Payne. 'We're increasing our online ad spend (advertisement) during 2007 to drive as much traffic as possible to our website.'
Last year's growth in online video advertising resulted in new opportunities for entertainment companies looking to reach consumers online. Accordingly, Buena Vista International boosted its spend on digital display advertising by 62%, while 20th Century Fox's home-entertainment division boosted its spend by 126%.
In other sectors, McDonald's began to realise the potential of the web, hiking its digital display spend by 971% to £2.8m. The company is working on a wide-ranging digital strategy that will see it invest in a global web portal to act as a single point of contact for its 30,000 outlets across 118 countries.
Not all advertisers have embraced the web with such gusto (
склонность), however, and a number of big-name brands cut their digital spend. Having reduced its overall media budget by 50%, Hewlett-Packard scaled back its digital outlay by nearly 80% to less than £2m. However, it recently hired Modem Media as its global digital agency to update its online advertising strategy.
The world's biggest PC manufacturer, Dell, also slashed its online spend by 49%, to less than £4m, though it is working with digital consultancy AKQA to shift its online strategy from direct response to brand-building. 'The video ads we created for Dell were responsible for a 20% increase in sales,' claims AKQA chairman Ajaz Ahmed.

Для закрепления полученных знаний перескажите прочитанную Вами статью другу и обсудите вместе с ним изученный материал.

Ознакомившись с основными понятими Marketing and Management перейдем к  теме трудоустройства и мотивации персонала.



To impose decisions

передавать полномочия низшим веткам

front-line managers

менеджеры первой ланки, уровня

to encourage staff to work more effectively

мотивировать персонал работать более эффективно

to run a meeting

Вести встречу

Теперь обратите внимание на данную статью: в ней обсуждается тема соотношения зарплат менеджеров и финансовых результатов  компаний.  Для успешного усвоения темы прочитайте и переведите статью-исследование. 

Performance-related boost to CEO pay

CEO pay in the U.S. has continued to rise on the back of strong corporate results and shareholder returns, with performance-related elements making up a growing proportion of total remuneration.

Total direct compensation (salary, bonus and long-term incentives) rose 8.9 per cent in the past year, according to the Mercer Human Resource Consulting 2006 CEO Compensation Survey, taking the median a median remuneration for a CEO to $8.2 million.
The survey, based on the latest proxy filings of 350 large public companies, found that corporate net income increased by 14.4 per cent over the same period, up from 13 per cent in 2005, and total shareholder return was 15.1 per cent, more than double the 6.8 per cent return in 2005.
Meanwhile, the drive for responsible executive pay and new proxy rules mean that companies have been forced to disclose the value of compensation, benefits and perquisites.
What this has shown is that performance-based incentives now make up some 15 per cent of total compensation, with over half of the CEOs receiving performance shares in 2006 while the numbers receiving stock option that are not linked to performance declined slightly.
CEO base salary increased to a median $995,000 after having been at $975,000 for two years while total cash compensation - salary and annual bonus - rose to $2.6 million, slightly higher than the $2.4 million reported in 2005.
Yet similar restraint was not so evident in the sums awarded to CEOs in their pension plans. Here, the reported median increase was approximately $1.0 million.
As of 2006, the accounting rules that facilitate using performance-based equity were in effect for almost all companies. As a result, we now see a significant increase in performance shares and performance-contingent restricted stock.
Little wonder, then, that the Mercer report argues that U.S. investors continue to be unhappy with what they perceive as slow progress on reining in CEO pay.
Several institutional investors have focused their efforts on having a greater influence on compensation. This year there are more than 60 proposals for a "say on pay" - a proposal to put executive compensation to a non-binding vote by shareholders.  In addition, shareholders have put forward more specific proposals to limit severance and require pay to be more tightly linked to performance.
And many also believe that – just as in the UK – pay disclosures are now so lengthy and confusing that shareholders' objectives have not been achieved, leading Mercer to predict that further refinement of the disclosure rules will take place before next year's proxy season.

После прочтения статьи обсудите  ее с друзьями и проведите мини-игру на английском языке в которой один из участников будет выступать в роле специалиста по набору персонала, а второй в  роли соискателя на вакантную должность. В ходе игры отработайте полученные знания на практике.

Напоминаем, что 26 июня стартовал конкурс на  "Лучшее описание финансового состояния компании   Wal-Mart".
Не ленитесь, принимайте участие в нашем конкурсе. :-) Лень не поможет Вам в изучении английского языка, а участие в наших конкурсах позволит Вам сделать еще один шаг на пути к успеху.

Лучших, как всегда, ждут призы и "Деньги"!!!!!

Конкурсные работы отправляйте по адрессу: finengl@ukr.net

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С уважением, Валерия.

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