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Wedding Idioms

Прочтите предложения 1-10. Что означают выделенные идиомы?

  1. There will be no shotgun wedding for Susan and Roger. They don’t have to marry only because Susan is pregnant.
  2. They hired a reputable wedding planner to organize the wedding ceremony and reception. They wanted their special day to go off without a hitch.
  3. The wedding is off. Tim, the groom-to-be, had a problem to commit to the marriage and got cold feet at the last moment.
  4. The bride was teary-eyed when she danced her first waltz.
  5. It was one-of-a-kind wedding gown custom-made for the bride.
  6. The bride and groom will exchange their rings in a moment. It will seal their fate forever.
  7. Christie and Brian will tie the knot in this medieval castle next month.
  8. We had a low-key celebration on Friday to mark our 25th wedding anniversary.
  9. Giving a speech in front of hundreds of guests at a wedding can be nerve-wracking.
  10. She was his only daughter and he decided to push the boat out when she was getting married. He really spent a lot of money on that wedding!

Новые идиомы:
shotgun wedding - вынужденная свадьба, т.к. невеста беременна
without a hitch - (все прошло) без сучка, без задоринки; без проишествий
(get) cold feet - струсить (отступить от задуманного/запланированного)
teary-eyed - прослезившийся
one-of-a-kind - уникальный, своеобразный
seal their fate - предрешило иx судьбу
tie the knot - жениться/выходить замуж
low-key - неброский, сдержанный, маленького масштаба
nerve-wracking - изматывающий
push the boat out - разойтись на всю катушку, щедро платить в честь важного события

Дополнительные слова и сочетания из предложений переведены в русскоязычном блоге http://www.englishgateway.com/ru

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