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SHREK. Lesson 16

You may remove your helmet 

Тема.  Разрешение: используем глагол may 

Donkey: Hi, Princess!
Fiona: It talks!
Shrek:Yeah, it's getting him to shut up that's the trick.
Oh! OK, you two, head for the exit! I'll take care of the dragon. Run!
Fiona:You did it! You rescued me! You're amazing. You're... You're wonderful. You're... a little unorthodox I'll admit. But thy deed is great, and thine heart is pure. I am eternally in your debt. And where would a brave knight be without his noble steed?
Donkey: I hope you heard that. She called me a noble steed. She think I'm a steed.
Fiona: The battle is won. You may remove your helmet, good Sir Knight.
Shrek:Uh, no.
Fiona: Why not?
Shrek: I have helmet hair.
Fiona: Please. I wouldst look upon the face of my rescuer.
Shrek: No, no, you wouldn't... dst.
Fiona: But how will you kiss me?
Shrek: What? That wasn't in the job description.
Donkey: Maybe it's a perk.
Fiona: No, it's destiny. Oh, you must know how it goes. A princess locked in a tower and beset by a dragon is rescued by a brave knight, and then they share true love's first kiss.
Donkey: Hmm? With Shrek? You think... Wait. Wait a second. You think that Shrek is your true love?
Fiona:Well, yes.
Donkey:You think Shrek is your true love!
Fiona:What is so funny?
Shrek: Let's just say I'm not your type, OK?
Fiona: Of course, you are. You're my rescuer. Now. Now remove your helmet.
Shrek: Look. I really don't think this is a good idea.
Fiona: Just take off the helmet.
Shrek: I'm not going to.
Fiona: Take it off.
Shrek: No!
Fiona: Now!
Shrek: OK! Easy. As you command, Your Highness.
Fiona: You... You're a... an ogre.
Shrek: Oh, you were expecting Prince Charming.
Fiona:Well, yes, actually. Oh, no. This is all wrong. You're not supposed to be an ogre.
Shrek: Princess, I was sent to rescue you by Lord Farquaad, OK? He is the one who wants to marry you.
Fiona: Then why didn't he come rescue me?
Shrek: Good question. You should ask him that when we get there.

It talks!
Местоимение it говорит о том, что принцесса пока воспринимает Осла не как личность, а как животное, хотя и говорящее.

Yeah, it's getting him to shut up that's the trick.
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[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]

But thy deed is great, and thine heart is pure.
Thy, thine (устар.) => Твой. В современном английском языке встречается в поэзии.

And where would a brave knight be without his noble steed?
[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]

She think I'm a steed.
Если вы занимались по предыдущим урокам, то вас не должно удивлять, что Осел пренебрегает правилом прибавления -s к глаголу think в третьем лице единственном числе.

Helmet hair.
[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]

Устаревшая форма would.

Job description.
Должностная инструкция.

[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]

You think that Shrek is your true love? = Do you think that Shrek is your true love?

I'm not your type.
Я не в твоем вкусе.

Prince Charming.
[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]

Грамматика. Разрешение: используем глагол may

[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]


1) Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

Who will Shrek take care of?
What did Shrek do for Fiona?
How did Fiona call Donkey?
Why doesn't Shrek want to remove his helmet?
Does Fiona think Shrek is her true love?
Is Shrek going to remove his helmet?
Who were Fiona expecting?
Who wants to marry Fiona?
Why didn't Lord Farquaad come to rescue Fiona?

2) Попросите разрешения выполнить перечисленные ниже действия. Желательно использовать разные конструкции для формулировки просьбы.

Move a suitcase out of the passage way
Use their phone
Get more coffee
Explain how to get to downtown
Pay with a credit card

3) Составьте мини-диалоги, которые будут включать просьбу выполнить перечисленные ниже действия и ответы на просьбу. Желательно использовать разные грамматические конструкции.

Turn on air conditioning
Stay for 2 more days
Borrow a disc with a new film
Bring a friend
Leave a message for Jessica
Pray for 5 minutes

A: May I borrow your pen?
B: Absolutely. Here you are.

Присылайте ваши ответы на проверку.

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