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SHREK. Lesson 18 advanced

This is one of those drop-it-and-leave-it-alone things 

Тема.  Compound adjectives (Составные прилагательные) 

Shrek: And, uh, that one, that's Throwback, the only ogre to ever spit over three wheat fields. Right. Yeah.
Donkey: Hey, can you tell my future from these stars?
Shrek: The stars don't tell the future, Donkey. They tell stories. Look, there's Bloodnut, the Flatulent. You can guess what he's famous for.
Donkey: I know you're making this up.
Shrek: No, look. There he is, and there's the group of hunters running away from his stench.
Donkey: That ain't nothin' but a bunch of little dots.
Shrek: You know, Donkey, sometimes things are more than they appear. Hmm? Forget it.
Donkey: Hey, Shrek, what we gonna do when we get our swamp, anyway?
Shrek: Our swamp?
Donkey: You know, when we're through rescuing the princess.
Shrek: We? Donkey, there's no "we". There's no "our". There's just me and my swamp. The first thing I'm gonna do is build a ten-foot wall around my land.
Donkey: You cut me deep, Shrek. You cut me real deep just now. You know what I think? I think this whole wall thing is just a way to keep somebody out.
Shrek: No, do ya think?
Donkey: Are you hidin' something?
Shrek: Never mind, Donkey.
Donkey: Oh, this is another one of those onion things, isn't it?
Shrek: No, this is one of those drop-it-and-leave-it-alone things.
Donkey: Why don't you want to talk about it?
Shrek: Why do you want to talk about it?
Donkey: Why are you blocking?
Shrek: I'm not blocking.
Donkey: Oh, yes, you are.
Shrek: Donkey, I'm warning you.
Donkey: Who you trying to keep out?
Shrek: Everyone! OK?
Donkey: Oh, now we're gettin' somewhere.
Shrek: Oh! For the love of Pete!
Donkey: What's your problem? What you got against the whole world, anyway?
Shrek: Look, I'm not the one with the problem, okay? It's the world that seems to have a problem with me. People take one look at me and go. "Aah! Help! Run! A big, stupid, ugly ogre!" They judge me before they even know me. That's why I'm better off alone.
Donkey: You know what? When we met, I didn't think you was just a big, stupid, ugly ogre.
Shrek: Yeah, I know.
Donkey: So, uh, are there any donkeys up there?
Shrek: Well, there's, um, Gabby, the Small and Annoying.
Donkey: OK, OK, I see it now. The big shiny one, right there. That one there?
Shrek: That's the moon.
Donkey: Oh, OK.

[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]

Bloodnut, the Flatulent

[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]

You're making this up.
[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]

Вонь, зловоние.

That ain't nothin' but a bunch of little dots.
Ain't – универсальный разговорный заменитель глагола to be или вспомогательного глагола. В данном случае заменен is. Nothin' = nothing. В данном предложении союз but имеет не самое распространенное значение "но", а "кроме":
Здесь нет ничего кроме кучи точек.

What we gonna do when we get our swamp, anyway?
Осел неоднократно демонстрировал пренебрежение правилами грамматики. Лучше ему не подражать и не пропускать вспомогательный глагол are после вопросительного слова.
Gonna = going to.
Наречие anyway (в любом случае, во всяком случае) может употребляться и в начале предложения.

When we're through rescuing the princess.
To be through => закончить, завершить. Вся фраза переведется так:
Когда мы закончим спасение принцессы.

This is one of those drop-it-and-leave-it-alone things.
Это что-то вроде выбрось и забудь.
Здесь мы встречаем пример образования составного прилагательного. Прилагательные с большим количеством частей характерны для разговорной речи. Злоупотреблять ими не надо.
Sorry for my I-just-slept-45-minutes-this-morning look.

Why are you blocking?
[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]

Oh! For the love of Pete!
[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]

Болтливый (амер., разг.).

Грамматика. Compound adjectives (Составные прилагательные)

[Рассматривается в продвинутой версии урока]


1) Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

What is Throwback's achievment?
Do the stars tell the future?
What do the stars tell?
What is Bloodnut, the Flatulent famous for?
Are things sometimes more than they appear?
What is the first thing Shrek is going to do?
Who is Shrek trying to keep out?
What do people do before they even know Shrek?
Did Donkey think Shrek was just a big, stupid, ugly ogre?

2) Используя слова в скобках в качестве основы, образуйте составные прилагательные.

The Elite Cafe served us (taste weak) coffee.
What is the (look best) car in your opinion?
ATH is (base in Belgium) travel agency that specialises in travel between Europe and the US.
Feminism expresses (have one side) view of equality.
(Threaten life) (low oxygen) zones spread in oceans.

3) Исправьте, где необходимо, ошибки.

High speed motorcycle chase ends in crash.
It is a 25-storey-hotel in Beijing.
I used to have take care of yourself type of attitude.
The location of the first-aid post is of considerable importance.
Dennis lives in a two-phoned room.

4) Используя предложенный в грамматическом разделе метод, найдите предложения, содержащие составные прилагательные, и соедините их дефисом.

8 week money back guarantee.
She is an intelligent articulate lady.
Patty Jennings is a very talented student.
James is a second rate plumber.
Joanna gave Clive her don't you dare look.

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