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Бесплатные описания вязаных изделий: пуловер от Lana Grossa

Laseta 100 sweater

Linea Rossa No. 3, Model 5
Laseta 100 sweater

Size 36/38 (40/42) - S/M (M/L)

Figures for size 40/42 (M/L) are given in brackets. If only one figure is given, it applies to all sizes.

alt = alternately, ch = chain, col = colour, cont = continue, dc = double crochet, dec = decrease, dtr = double treble, foll = following, gst = garter stitch, htr = half treble, inc = increase, K = knit, mt = meterage, P = purl, patt = pattern, patt g (MS) = pattern group, psso = pass slipped st(s) over, rem = remaining, rep = repeat, rev stst = reversed stocking stitch, P 1 row, K 1 row, Rs = right side, slst = slip stitch, st(s) = stitch(es), stst = stocking stitch, K 1 row, P 1 row, tbl = through back of loop, tog = together, tr = treble, Ws = wrong side, Wwm = when work measures, yo = yarn over needle

 Materials: Lana Grossa "Laseta 100" (30% merino extrafine, 30% microfiber [rayon], 20% silk, 20% polyamide; 95 m [104 yds]/ 50 g): 550 (650) g anthracite (color 105). Knitting needles, size 7 mm (US 10 1/2 / UK 2); circular needles, one each in size 7 mm (US 10 1/2 / UK 2) and size 6 mm (US 10 / UK 4).

Stocking stitch: K Rs rows, p Ws rows.

Rib pattern: K2, p2 alt.

Brioche stitch yoke: Work foll knitting chart.

Gauge: Stst: 14 sts and 19 rows = 10 x 10 cm (4 x 4).

Front: Cast on 65 (71) sts and work 1 Ws row with k1, p1 alt. In the foll Rs row, work sts as they appear. In the next Ws row, p all sts. Now cont with Stst, inc 1 st in 1st row (= 66 [72] sts). When work measures 24 cm (9 1/2) from beg, beg brioche stitch yoke over the center 8 sts (= the center 4 sts in Stst and 2 sts brioche stitch on each side). Now, in every other row, expand the brioche stitch sections by 2 sts on each side, until edge is reached. In other words, add to pattern area as shown in knitting chart until all sts are worked in brioche stitch. When work measures 35 cm (13 3/4) from beg, beg raglan shaping as foll: On right edge, work edge st, k1 then k2tog with slip dec (= slip 1, k1, pass slipped st over) and on left edge, k tog the 3rd and 2nd sts before edge st, k1, edge st. Rep these decs in every other row 7(10)x and in every 4th row 4x, then, when work measures approx. 52 (55) cm (20 1/2 [21 3/]) from beg, bind off rem 42 sts.

Back: Work as for front.

Sleeve: Cast on 33 sts and work 1 Ws row with k1, p1 alt. In the foll Rs row, work sts as they appear. In the next Ws row, p all sts. Now cont with Stst, inc 1 st in 1st row (= 34 sts) and working sleeve shaping as foll: inc 1 st on each side of every 10th row 5x (inc 1 st on each side of alt every 6th and 8th row 8x) (= 44 [50] sts). When work measures 32 cm (12 3/4) from beg, work raglan shaping on both sides as for front, then bind off rem 20 sts.

Finishing: Sew raglan, side, and sleeve seams. With 7 mm circular needle, pick up approx. 120 sts from neck edge and work in rib pattern. When neck band measures 3 cm (1 1/4) from beg, change to 6 mm circular needle. When neck band measures 5 cm (2) from beg, bind off all sts.




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Источник: http://www.lanagrossa.com


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