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В я ж е м д л я с е м ь и 2 0 1 3 No 5 . П о д а р к и с в о и м и р у к а м и

Магия рукоделия - секреты вышивки, вязания, шитья и не только.
Выпуск No614

Всего изданий: 2

1. В я ж е м д л я с е м ь и 2 0 1 3 № 5 . П о д а р к и с в о и м и р у к а м и
2013-05-30 08:00

Журнал по рукоделию. В номере – вязание, вышивка, бисероплетение, бумаготворчество, шитье и другие креативные идеи по рукоделию.
Формат: JPG
Размер: 44,18 Мб

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2. Bead Jewelry 101. Master Basic Skills and Techniques Easily through Step-by-Step Instruction
2013-05-30 08:10

In the updated style of Calligraphy 101 and Polymer Clay 101, Bead Jewelry 101, 2nd Edition teaches all the popular craft techniques used to make jewelry. Techniques are learned by doing projects, and the projects are organized beginning with the easier techniques and progressing to more difficult. It is written for the absolute beginner and includes thorough instructions and step-by-step photographs. Authors Ann and Karen Mitchell are a dynamic team of jewelry designers that provide instruction for all the tools and materials and how to use them. The project chapters are organized by different jewelry parts, called findings, so that the reader learns new techniques and builds new skills with every piece of jewelry. Variations of the projects provide great ideas and inspiration for future projects. The book contains 30 easy projects that teach techniques for making endless jewelry designs. The spiral binding helps to keep the pages open flat while following the directions.
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 55,33 Мб

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