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Стажировки и гранты

Scholarship-Programme "Support the Next Generation of Historians in Russia, the Ukraine, Moldova and Belarussia"
1 to 24 months
Organiser: Gerda Henkel Foundation
Research-scholarships for young historians to cover living expenses in their home countries (max. 24 months); Short-term-scholarships for young historians to finance research at German Eastern Europe Institutions, including travelling expenses (max. six months); Financing of invitations to historians from the above-mentioned countries to visit German universities or research institutes, including travelling expenses; Covering the costs of a lectureship for young German historians at a university in the above-mentioned countries, including travelling expenses.
History - research projects which deal with the young historian's own country, make use of historical archive material and stimulate related or comparative subjects. Подробнее >>

CERGE-EI Announces Regional Research Competition
Organiser: CERGE-EI; Government of Austria; Global Development Network
Maximum funding will be US $20,000 although it is expected that the vast majority of grants awarded will be for substantially smaller amounts. The median grant awarded to start in January 2005 was approximately US $10,000.
Proposals are invited from economists, demographers, political scientists, sociologists, and other social scientists. Projects with a significant commercial aspect or that propose funding the distribution of previous results (such as book preparation) rather than original research are explicitly excluded. Подробнее >>

Зарубежные семинары и конференции

29th September-2nd October 2005
New Governance of Immigration, Refugee Protection and Minority Politics in a New Europe: the EU enlargement as a challenge to the European Union migration regime
Valetta, Malta
Organiser: European Migration Centre/EU PHARE Programme

On the European level, new multilateral agreements are being sought in order to establish international migration, refugee and minority politics which can fully cover the aspirations of the old, new EU member states and candidates countries. The goal of the Seminars is to create a platform of discussion for these processes and for networking in the field of migration management. A further aim is the improvement of a deeper knowledge of international politics in order to develop a new strategy for a common European policy revision of national laws and policies on immigration and refugee protection. The ConEst Seminars will be composed of a workshop-based programme in which specific topics on Migration and Minority politics faced by the new EU member states will be discussed between the participants. There are 20 PHARE grants available for each seminar, which cover travel expenses and living allowances. Подробнее >>


Российская ассоциация международных исследований
119454 Москва пр.Вернадского 76, к.1046
Тел.: +7 095 434-93-31, факс: +7 095 434-91-79
E-mail: risa@mgimo.ru Internet: http://www.rami.ru

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