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PhD Scholarships, Studienfoerderwerk Klaus Murmann
2 years (but can be prolonged for one more year)
Organiser: Foundation of German Economy (Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft)

Scholarship of up to 920 EUR per month. Within the framework of its "Studienfoerderwerk Klaus Murmann" the 'Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft' (SDW) promotes foreign doctoral students of all scientific fields whose development points towards a promising career in key positions in business and society. Furthermore, the SDW provides a substantial amount of complementary courses in order to provide training in key qualifications like time and project management, leadership and rhetoric skills.
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Roman Herzog Research Fellowships
6 and 12 months
Organiser: Humboldt-Foundation

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the non-profit Hertie Foundation (GHS) in Frankfurt-on-Main enable to carry out research projects of their own choice in Germany. Applications from the fields of law, economics and social sciences are particularly welcome since fellowships shall contribute to the further development of scientific policy in the home country. 12 research fellowships are available per annum. Assessment and decisions are based primarily on the quality and feasibility of research projects proposed by candidates as well as their (international) publications (including doctoral thesis). Research projects and German hosts are selected by applicants themselves. Details of research projects and schedules must be agreed between applicants and proposed hosts prior to submission of applications.
Young (age limit: 35 years) highly qualified scholars with outstanding leadership qualities in research and teaching from central and south-east Europe (including the Baltic States).
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Зарубежные семинары и конференции

March 16-18, 2006
International Relations in Eastern Europe
Berlin, Germany
The Working Group East European Societies in a comparative perspective of the German Association of Political Sciences

Since the breakdown of the socialist systems in Eastern Europe international relations in the region have undergone constant changes. What has been stimulating these changes? How have actors and structures in the region evolved? The aims of the conference are twofold: First, organisers want to bring together regional experts conducting systematic empirical research about the developments of international relations in Eastern Europe. Secondly, organisers aim at gathering IR specialists with a theoretical background as well as researchers working on other regions in order to discuss the potential of more general theoretical approaches for regional analyses and to conduct interregional comparisons.
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Российская ассоциация международных исследований
119454 Москва пр.Вернадского 76, к.1046
Тел.: +7 095 434-93-31, факс: +7 095 434-91-79
E-mail: risa@mgimo.ru Internet: http://www.rami.ru

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