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Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 536

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CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (2)

Fancy A "Fun" Debugging Challenge? | Blog
How I'm Learning SharePoint | Blog

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (29)

export lotus notes personal address book download ridxi1.typepad.com/blog/2012/05/e...
Надежный документооборот с обновленным Антивирусом Касперского 8.0 для Lotus Domino
Каталог программ IBM Lotus Domino itshop.ru/IBM-Lotus/IBM/...
Заместитель директора, начальник отдела недвижимости
Директор по персоналу (начальник отдела кадров)
после Lotus Notes вы сможете есть всё"
реферат на тему lotus domino.doc
реферат по социологии на тему общество и религии
реферат на тему рождество
реферат по географии германия
реферат по химии на тему берилий магний барий цинк
реферат по теме футбол
реферат по теме экономический рост
реферат по обж синдром офисного работника
Менеджер проектов
castor:/home/cats/Torrent/Lotus Notes 8.5.2 Linux # zypper in libgnome ...
realdoctorsoul с бумагой пришли не все, общая система для всей компании - Lotus Notes
A new release has been created in the OpenNTF project E-POSTBRIEF Addin for IBM Lotus
Connects Lotus Notes Domino server to POP3 and IMAP mailboxes. (read more) http://t.c...
Lotus Notes Migration – Beta Testing Program goo.gl/fb/lKmsY #cloud #featuresservices
Специалист IT HelpDesk
Featured documents for IBM Lotus Notes/Domino: ::
Я добавил новую бесплатную программу - Mobile Master 7.9.10 build 3502
Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 528" от 30 ...
менеджер по персоналу, менеджер по работе с персоналом, специалист по кадрам
Выпуск рассылки "Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 508 от 2012-04-30" от 30 ...
Kernel for Lotus Notes to Novell GroupWise converts emails, calendars, address books,
Re: Server mail rules

Вакансии для специалистов (10)

Sr. Lotus Notes Developer, Programmer Analyst
Sr. Lotus Notes (Developer/Project Leader)
Sr Lotus Notes/Domino Developer
Sr. Lotus Notes Developer/Administrator 4 - TS/SCI with Poly
Lotus Notes System Administrator (Attn BGM)
Lotus Notes Developer/Admin
Lotus Notes Administrator
Lotus Notes System Administrator (Attn BGM)
Lotus Notes Developer/Admin
Lotus Notes Administrator

Закладки о Lotus Notes (3)

IBM Self-paced training options
How To Install Lotus Traveler on an iPhone - Everything Email
OpenNTF.org - Open Source Community for Lotus Notes Domino
Спонсоры рассылки:
Поиск по сайтам о Lotus Notes/Domino
Полнотекстовый поиск по тематическим сайтам о Lotus Notes
Хостинг на Lotus Domino

Блиц опрос
Материалы на английском
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  • Нормально. Могу читать
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  • Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino

    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Fancy A "Fun" Debugging Challenge? | Blog

    Yesterday I debugged a particularly nasty issue. The solution to which I thought I'd share with the world. Before I do I thought it would be fun to reproduce the problem, by way of a challenge for you guys.

    Fancy yourself as a half decent hacker? Take a look at the the following link:


    Pressing the Refresh button on the Action Bar should simply refresh the view. It doesn't. It just empties it. See if you can work out why. Muhaha.

    Your only clue: it has nothing to do with the Domino side of it!

    Click here to post a response

    2. How I'm Learning SharePoint | Blog

    The fact that I'm learning SharePoint development (again) might seem like an about turn, seeing as though I didn't have much good to say about it a couple of years back when I first delved in.

    But back then I was using SharePoint 2007, which by all accounts, was a dog. In comparison SharePoint 2010 is a dream to work with. Dare I say it, it's almost enjoyable.

    My adventures with SharePoint back then were short-lived. Although it was enough to give me a good grounding and understanding of what's involved, but not so much to mean I don't have to re-learn lots of the finer detail of it from scratch again this time round.

    So, I already have an understanding of what SharePoint is and what the key design elements are. But I still want to learn it all over again - from scratch - and here's how I'm doing that.


    I've always been a believer in learning by messing. "Messy play" if you will. Dig in and get your hands dirty. It's how I've learnt most of what I know about the technologies I currently use. I've never been on a formal training course or to any conference lectures or read many books.

    In the past I've been asked by Lotus Notes developers to recommend books to learn web development. I always just said get in there and mess with it and have never recommended any books.

    However, with SharePoint this approach doesn't seem as applicable (I've tried in the past to learn SharePoint by playing with it and it gets you nowhere fast).

    I've gone against my own advice and turned back to books. Albeit a more modern approach, which you can see in the photo below, where I have an iPad next to my keyboard, running the Kindle app and within easy reach for a left-handed flip of the page every now and then.

    2012-04-27 12.30.35

    I'm working my way through the Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer Reference and am about 26% of the way through it. It's a good book and I'd recommend it based on what I've read so far.

    As I work through the book I'm also following along from inside Visual Studio, using the downloadable source code that accompanies the book.

    The book assumes some working knowledge of ASP.NET (in particular "classic" WebForms), which, thankfully, I have and without which the book wouldn't make as much sense as it is doing. If you're going to learn SharePoint and have no experience of ASP.NET and or IIS then you may well struggle a little.

    If you're coming to SharePoint straight from a pure Lotus Notes development angle, with little web development knowledge, then I'm not sure how well you'll do. There are many parallels between the Notes paradigms and those used in SharePoint which make the transition between the two relatively easy, but there's no escaping the fact it's a pure web platform you're moving to.

    At the same time as reading the above book I'm also reading Programming C# 4.0 (even though SharePoint 2010 supports a lesser version of C#, it's still a relevant read). I'm reading this book on my Kindle, while away from the desk.

    I bought a Kindle Touch last week on impulse while in Tesco and I'm so glad I did. I'd always assumed it would be superfluous, seeing as though I have an iPad, but the Kindle is different enough to allow it a worthy place in our house.

    It's entirely feasible that you could have been a Notes/Domino (client/web) developer for 10+ years and have little idea what a class is. Let alone an interface or a delegate or what it means to extend  classes. If this is the case you're in for a rude awakening. Although the above C# book is good in that it takes things easy and assumes little prior coding experience.

    Luckily for me I'm not in that position as I've delved in to other technologies outside of Domino enough times to have needed to learn about the fundamentals of programming. Despite this I'm still reading back through the whole of the Programming C# book merely as a refresher course.

    Taking it Further

    As well as the two books mentioned above, I have bought a handful of other SharePoint books to work through as well as an exam study-guide, using which I plan to become a Microsoft certified SharePoint developer.

    Here are the SharePoint books I've added to my Kindle app so far:

    Yeah, I know. I got a bit carried away. O'Reilly had a 50% off for a day deal going on. All in, when including purchasing Visual Studio 2010 Pro and a Kindle and all the above books it's been a heavy investment so far. You can see I'm not taking the idea lightly.

    Ultimately my challenge is - as with learning anything new - to do something interesting and useful with the new-found knowledge. Reading is one thing; doing is another. I'm going to create an actual working site in SharePoint. That is probably the point at which it will become interesting for you guys to follow along.

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    Lotus Sandbox archived

    The Lotus Sandbox was closed to all new submissions in 2007. Downloads of previous submissions were still available as an archived resource following that closure, but effective September 2010, downloads from the Lotus Sandbox are no longer available.

    If you need to contact us regarding the removal of the Lotus Sandbox, please use our feedback form.

    Resources for samples and templates

    If you are looking for samples and templates for use with Lotus products, please use these resources:

    • IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
      The IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog on Lotus Greenhouse is a rich, Web 2.0 style catalog designed to dynamically deliver widgets, plug-ins, portlets, and sample applications across the entire Lotus and WebSphere Portal software portfolio.
    • OpenNTF.org
      OpenNTF is devoted to enabling groups of individuals all over the world to collaborate on IBM Lotus Notes/Domino applications and release them as open source, providing a framework for the community so that open source applications may be freely distributed, using widely accepted licensing terms, and increasing the quality and quantity of templates, applications and samples that are shared by the community.
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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. export lotus notes personal address book download ridxi1.typepad.com/blog/2012/05/e...

    export lotus notes personal address book download ridxi1.typepad.com/blog/2012/05/e... #humantrafficking #socialgood

    2. Надежный документооборот с обновленным Антивирусом Касперского 8.0 для Lotus Domino

    Надежный документооборот с обновленным Антивирусом Касперского 8.0 для Lotus Domino dlvr.it/1WTWJC #kaspersky

    3. Каталог программ IBM Lotus Domino itshop.ru/IBM-Lotus/IBM/...

    Каталог программ IBM Lotus Domino itshop.ru/IBM-Lotus/IBM/...

    4. Заместитель директора, начальник отдела недвижимости

    Компьютерные навыки и знания:MS Office‚ MS Project‚ Adobe Photoshop‚ Xara‚ Lotus-Notes‚ Oracle EBS…

    5. Директор по персоналу (начальник отдела кадров)

    Word‚ Excel‚ PowerPoint‚ Outlook‚ Lotus Notes.

    6. после Lotus Notes вы сможете есть всё"

    после Lotus Notes вы сможете есть всё"

    7. реферат на тему lotus domino.doc

    8. реферат по социологии на тему общество и религии

    реферат на тему lotus domino.doc

    9. реферат на тему рождество

    реферат на тему lotus domino.doc

    10. реферат по географии германия

    реферат на тему lotus domino.doc

    11. реферат по химии на тему берилий магний барий цинк

    реферат на тему lotus domino.doc

    12. реферат по теме футбол

    реферат на тему lotus domino.doc

    13. реферат по теме экономический рост

    реферат на тему lotus domino.doc

    14. реферат по обж синдром офисного работника

    реферат на тему lotus domino.doc

    15. Менеджер проектов

    уверенное владение программными продуктами MS Project Professional, Lotus Notes;

    16. Инженер-программист

    необходимые знания и навыки: знание Windows, MS Office и основных средств автоматизации офисной деятельности, знание ACP Foris, Lotus Notes, знание SQL\PLSQL, знание основ БД; знание технического английского.

    17. castor:/home/cats/Torrent/Lotus Notes 8.5.2 Linux # zypper in libgnome ...

    castor:/home/cats/Torrent/Lotus Notes 8.5.2 Linux # zypper in libgnome libgnomeui libart_lgpl_2-2 libbonobo libbonoboui libgnomecanvas-2-0 libgnomeprint libgnomeprintui libpng12-0 gnome-desktop2

    18. realdoctorsoul с бумагой пришли не все, общая система для всей компании - Lotus Notes

    realdoctorsoul с бумагой пришли не все, общая система для всей компании - Lotus Notes. Далее каждый для себе выбирает удобный способ.

    19. A new release has been created in the OpenNTF project E-POSTBRIEF Addin for IBM Lotus

    20120502: A new release has been created in the OpenNTF project E-POSTBRIEF Addin for IBM Lotus Notes bit.ly/IVv1NY

    20. Connects Lotus Notes Domino server to POP3 and IMAP mailboxes. (read more) http://t.c...

    POPcon NOTES 3.77 (Trial): Connects Lotus Notes Domino server to POP3 and IMAP mailboxes. (read more) http://t.c... bit.ly/JKpQik

    21. Lotus Notes Migration – Beta Testing Program goo.gl/fb/lKmsY #cloud #featuresservices

    Lotus Notes Migration – Beta Testing Program goo.gl/fb/lKmsY #cloud #featuresservices #programs #news

    22. Специалист IT HelpDesk

    Знание офисных приложений, Lotus Notes (желательно)

    23. Featured documents for IBM Lotus Notes/Domino: ::

    Featured documents for IBM Lotus Notes/Domino: :: Abstract not available :: bit.ly/JEWyld

    24. Я добавил новую бесплатную программу - Mobile Master 7.9.10 build 3502

    С помощью программы можно также создавать резервные копии данных, восстанавливать удаленную из телефона информацию, копировать или перемещать файлы и синхронизировать заметки и контакты с такими программными продуктами, как Outlook, Lotus Notes, The Bat, Eudora, Outlook Express, Google calendar, Palm Desktop, Novell Groupwise, iTunes.

    25. Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 528" от 30 ...

    Upgrading to Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.1 * Главный юрисконсульт * установил Lotus Domino, сейчас увидим,что с этого получиться #Lotus #Domino #LotusServer * Специалист по сопровождению Lotus Notes, Рязань - job-interview.ru/vacancy/545328 * lotus notes скачать * В организации есть Lotus Domino 8... goo.gl/fb/bqgx5 * Администрация Майкопа отказалась от СПО и купила продукты Microsoft * Администратор Lotus Notes: * Прощай Lotus Notes, прощай CRM,

    26. менеджер по персоналу, менеджер по работе с персоналом, специалист по кадрам

    MS Office (Excel‚ Word‚ PowerPoint)‚ Lotus Notes‚ Internet и д.р.

    27. Выпуск рассылки "Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 508 от 2012-04-30" от 30 ...

    Вышел новый выпуск рассылки "Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 508 от 2012-04-30".

    28. Kernel for Lotus Notes to Novell GroupWise converts emails, calendars, address books,

    Kernel for Lotus Notes to Novell GroupWise converts emails, calendars, address books, app nucleustechnologies coupodon.com/d/4369

    29. Re: Server mail rules

    Как вариант, попробуйте логику правил изменить, используйте группы.
    Давай знакомиться. В каких отношениях с Lotus Notes?
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  • Lotus Пользователь
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  • Хочу познакомиться с Lotus Notes/Domino
  • Вакансии для специалистов

    1. Sr. Lotus Notes Developer, Programmer Analyst

    Sr. Lotus Notes Developer, Programmer Analyst Job Type: Full-Time Location: Minneapolis, MN Last Updated: 04/18/2012 Job Description: Seeking Sr. Programmer Analyst with experience in Lotus Not...

    2. Sr. Lotus Notes (Developer/Project Leader)

    Sr. Lotus Notes (Developer/Project Leader) Project Manager Lotus Notes Application Development Description Technical management and mentoring of software developers, contractors and vendors to supp...

    3. Sr Lotus Notes/Domino Developer

    Raytheon Technology Associates is seeking a senior Lotus notes/Domino developer for team transitioning mission critical applications from a Notes-based client to new Web client interface. The ideal ca...

    4. Sr. Lotus Notes Developer/Administrator 4 - TS/SCI with Poly

    Title: Sr. Lotus Notes Developer/Administrator 4 - TS/SCI with Poly Location: United States-Virginia-McLean Other Locations: null This is an exciting opportunity to work on a high performance developm...

    5. Lotus Notes System Administrator (Attn BGM)

    Lotus Notes System Administrator (Attn BGM) Location: Washington, District of Columbia Category: System Administrator Type: Contract Posted: 4/3/2012 Apply Now Back to...

    6. Lotus Notes Developer/Admin

    Lotus Notes Developer/Admin Location: Omaha, Nebraska Category: Database Developer Type: Contract Posted: 4/27/2012 Apply Now Back to Job Listings We are searching fo...

    7. Lotus Notes Administrator

    Lotus Notes Administrator Location: Cleveland, Ohio Category: Network/Telecom Type: Direct Hire Posted: 4/4/2012 Apply Now Back to Job Listings Position: Lotus Notes...

    8. Lotus Notes System Administrator (Attn BGM)

    Lotus Notes System Administrator (Attn BGM) Location: Washington, District of Columbia Category: System Administrator Type: Contract Posted: 4/3/2012 Apply Now Back to...

    9. Lotus Notes Developer/Admin

    Lotus Notes Developer/Admin Location: Omaha, Nebraska Category: Database Developer Type: Contract Posted: 4/27/2012 Apply Now Back to Job Listings We are searching fo...

    10. Lotus Notes Administrator

    Lotus Notes Administrator Location: Cleveland, Ohio Category: Network/Telecom Type: Direct Hire Posted: 4/4/2012 Apply Now Back to Job Listings Position: Lotus Notes...

    Источники знаний. Сайты с книгами

    "Красные книги" IBM

    Книги компании IBM по специализированным тематикам о Lotus Software. Основной язык - английский форматы pdf и html

    Книги компании "Интертраст"

    Для администраторов разработчиков и пользователей. Настройка и администрирование, разработка и программирование, пользование системой Lotus Notes
    Документация. YellowBook
    Оригинальная документация по продуктам Lotus Software. Язык англыйский. Форматы pdf html nsf
    IBM Пресс
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    В избранное о Lotus Notes/Domino В подготовке выпуска использовались материалы и знания
    По вопросам спонсорства, публикации материалов, участия обращайтесь к ведущему рассылку LotusDomiNotes

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