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Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 544

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CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (2)

Using Java to Create Rich GUI Interfaces in the Notes Client | Blog
Extending Titanium-Based Domino Applications -- Rich Text, Document Editing, Security, and More

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (13)

BF, XSS, CSRF та Redirector уразливості в IBM Lotus Notes Traveler
Nokia N73
HTTPRS та XSS уразливості в IBM Lotus Domino і Notes
BSubanov если у тебя почтовик - lotus Notes, админы могут дать доступ из дома, топки
Разработчик/Архитектор Lotus Notes/Domino, Москва - job-interview.ru/vacancy/566043
ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4 for Linux Desktop (2011/ENG)
CSRF, XSS та Redirector уразливості в IBM Lotus Domino
Менеджер отдела закупок
Менеджер по логистике, Начальник отдела логистики
Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 536" от 18 ...
Внедрение СЭД «ДЕЛО» в администрации ГО «Город Калининград»
Торжественный момент—мы наконец-то отказались от гребаного Lotus Notes, и теперь
Директор, заместитель директора, исполнительный директор

Закладки о Lotus Notes (5)

IBM business email solution - Lotus Notes
Lotus Notes 7 Help - Importing and exporting contacts as vCards
Importing and exporting contacts as vCards - IBM Lotus Information
IBM How to import a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet into the Notes Personal Address Book - United States
OpenNTF.org - Lotus Notes and Domino Open Source Community
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    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Using Java to Create Rich GUI Interfaces in the Notes Client | Blog

    This last couple of weeks I've made what I hope to be a brief return to developing for the Notes client. One of the requirements I had was to "add a form" to an existing Notes database, which allowed the user to input a few parameters and do a simple search of a remote SQL database, present the results to the user for their review before letting them import the resulting data in to the Notes database.

    It goes without saying that I'd forgotten how to program in the Notes client. Having had such a long absence from Notes I came at it assuming that I could use Java code in the client (maybe you can and I missed something?).

    For example, I'd assumed that, by now, I'd be able to write Java code in the Click event of a Button. As you can see below, this isn't an option.


    I'm sure there's good reasons why we can't (is there?) but it left me a bit stuck. Was LotusScript my only option? I didn't relish the idea of fudging my way through getting LotusScript to do what I needed to do. It's not that I don't think it could. I'm sure it can, but it was a problem that really needed Java as the solution.

    Not wanting to learn client development all over again or struggle trying to get LotusScript to do it I opted to write a Java Swing-based interface.

    You can see an example below:


    In the above example the user has clicked the Action button on the view and up popped the interface you can see. After entering some data and clicking a button the results table is populated from the SQL data. Then, when the Import button is pressed the data is saved in Notes -- a new document for each row of the table.

    How does it work?

    It's quite simple. The View's Action button looks like this:


    This runs a Java Agent called "Import". Inside this agent the Java code simply creates an instance of a JFrame, adds all the components to it and then displays it. As far as the user's concerned it's just a part of Notes - when in fact it's a "standalone" Java application running inside Notes' JVM.


    The more I got in to this approach the more powerful I realised it was. Not only because the Java code is all self-contained in an Agent; meaning there are no installers or separate executable files to mange or distribute. But also because the app gets updated at the same time as the database design. Even the icons used in the buttons are stored as Resource files in the Agent itself. It's win win.

    And because it's written in pure Java it's uses true OO patterns and a rich GUI. There are endless possibilities and pretty much no limit as to what you can do inside that popup window. I even managed to use a Thread to add and update a progress bar during the import process, which made me feel all geeky going multi-threaded (easier than it may sound!).

    It also used a Data Access Layer (DAL) and data-modelling classes to abstract away from the SQL database. I had to do this as it's schema is subject to change. Also, at some point, the system will be moved off of Notes. At that point it will be easier to migrate this pure OO Java-based solution than it would be a Notes one.

    It's worth noting that it runs inside the Notes JVM as the current user, meaning there's no need to store or ask for their password.


    The one thing I don't like about using these Java windows is there's no way to open them as modal to the Notes client. It's all to easy for them to slip under the Notes client and the user to lose track of where it's gone.

    However, they can be made to run (and stay) on top of all other windows, but that's a bit annoying. To do that would involve editing the java.policy file (found in <Notes Folder>\JVM\lib\security) on the user's machine and adding this permission:

    permission java.awt.AWTPermission "setWindowAlwaysOnTop";

    Then in the code itself you can set the Swing frame to stay on top, like so:

    } catch (SecurityException sex){ }

    Also, I've I've yet to work out how to limit it to only showing one window at a time. If the windows pops below others and the user presses the View Action button again they end up with two of them. I'd rather it brought the first back in to focus.

    The other gotcha I found was that any button click (or other event) handlers in the popup window had no access to the Agent's Session object. That's because the Agent itself has completed running and all the session-based object have been recycled. If you want the Java code to interact with Notes then you need to create a new session.

    To do this I wrote the basis of the Agent like this:

    public class JavaAgent extends AgentBase {
     private static String databaseServer;
     private static String databasePath;
     public void NotesMain() {
      try {
       Session session = getSession();
       //So that later any session/threads can access this database
       databaseServer = session.getCurrentDatabase().getServer();
       databasePath = session.getCurrentDatabase().getFilePath();
       //Launch the dialog/form for user input
     } catch(Exception e) {
     private static void calledFromSwingUIAfterAgentIsDone(){
       Session session = NotesFactory.createSession();
       Database db = session.getDatabase(databaseServer, databasePath);
       Document doc = dc.createDocument();
      } catch (Exception e){
       //report error
      } finally {

    Note that I stored the database's server name and file path in two Strings that we can refer to later when we create our own Session object and re-open the database.


    All in all it's an approach I'm happy with and it's got the job done. Some of you may think it's crazy overkill but, for me, it was the best (if not only) solution.

    If there's any interest I can package up a downloadable example?

    Click here to post a response

    2. Extending Titanium-Based Domino Applications -- Rich Text, Document Editing, Security, and More

    Learn development techniques for creating highly capable, Titanium-based mobile applications that work with Domino data: editing Domino documents that have been downloaded to the device, displaying rich text, implementing authentication, and working with document-level security. This article completes the series about developing mobile applications for Domino using Titanium.

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    If you need to contact us regarding the removal of the Lotus Sandbox, please use our feedback form.

    Resources for samples and templates

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    • IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
      The IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog on Lotus Greenhouse is a rich, Web 2.0 style catalog designed to dynamically deliver widgets, plug-ins, portlets, and sample applications across the entire Lotus and WebSphere Portal software portfolio.
    • OpenNTF.org
      OpenNTF is devoted to enabling groups of individuals all over the world to collaborate on IBM Lotus Notes/Domino applications and release them as open source, providing a framework for the community so that open source applications may be freely distributed, using widely accepted licensing terms, and increasing the quality and quantity of templates, applications and samples that are shared by the community.
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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. BF, XSS, CSRF та Redirector уразливості в IBM Lotus Notes Traveler

    У травні, 12.05.2012, під час пентесту, я виявив багато уразливостей в IBM Lotus Notes Traveler, зокрема Brute Force, Cross-Site Scripting, Cross-Site Request Forgery та Redirector.

    2. Nokia N73

    Программное обеспечение Системное:Microsoft Outlook (2000, 2002, 2003), Outlook Express, Lotus Organizer (5.0, 6.0), Lotus Notes (5.0, 6.0), RealPlayer, Antivirus, Yahoo!

    3. HTTPRS та XSS уразливості в IBM Lotus Domino і Notes

    У травні, 03.05.2012, під час пентесту, я виявив багато уразливостей в IBM Lotus Domino і Notes, зокрема HTTP Response Splitting та Cross-Site Scripting.

    4. BSubanov если у тебя почтовик - lotus Notes, админы могут дать доступ из дома, топки

    BSubanov если у тебя почтовик - lotus Notes, админы могут дать доступ из дома, топки так делают)

    5. Разработчик/Архитектор Lotus Notes/Domino, Москва - job-interview.ru/vacancy/566043

    Разработчик/Архитектор Lotus Notes/Domino, Москва - job-interview.ru/vacancy/566043 #job_interview_ru

    6. ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4 for Linux Desktop (2011/ENG)

    ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4 for Linux Desktop от Eset Software обеспечивает хорошо сбалансированную безупречную, надежную защиту систем, персональных компьютеров и корпоративных систем, работающих на платформах Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP, UNIX/Linux, Novell, MS DOS, и многих других, а также для почтовых серверов Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Domino и других.

    7. CSRF, XSS та Redirector уразливості в IBM Lotus Domino

    У травні, 03.05.2012, під час пентесту, я виявив багато уразливостей в IBM Lotus Domino, зокрема Cross-Site Request Forgery, Cross-Site Scripting та Redirector.

    8. Менеджер отдела закупок

    WORD‚ Excel‚ Outlook‚ Internet‚ Lotus Notes‚ OEBS (ORACLE)‚ 1C‚ NS-2000

    9. Менеджер по логистике, Начальник отдела логистики

    Торговля и склад‚ IBM Lotus Notes‚ начальные знания HTML‚ практические навыки работы с 1С-Битрикс‚ Интернет-банк.

    10. Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 536" от 18 ...

    Version 8.5.x * Nokia N73 * Программное обеспечение Lotus-Notes, реферат, курсовая, диплом. * BF та IA уразливостi в IBM Lotus Domino * 1. Lotus Notes. * Логист * lotus notes???hosts,???????????? * Слесарь-сантехник, сварщик * Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент.

    11. Внедрение СЭД «ДЕЛО» в администрации ГО «Город Калининград»

    Применение СЭД позволило автоматизировать стандартные задачи делопроизводства – регистрацию корреспонденции, доступ к архиву документов и т.п. Первоначально была внедрена система электронного документооборота на базе Lotus Notes, однако по мере её эксплуатации фиксировалось все большее число затруднений в использовании, связанные с быстродействием системы и другими сложностями.

    12. Торжественный момент—мы наконец-то отказались от гребаного Lotus Notes, и теперь

    Торжественный момент—мы наконец-то отказались от гребаного Lotus Notes, и теперь у нас только одна рабочая почта. #этопять

    13. Директор, заместитель директора, исполнительный директор

    Знание ПК на уровне уверенного пользователя‚ MS Office‚ Power Point‚ The BAT‚ Adobe Photoshop (базовые знания)‚ Outlook‚ Lotus Notes‚ Access (база)‚ высокая скорость печати (рус.яз)‚ английский язык (свободный устный и письменный)‚ права категории В.
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