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Язык программирования (и ОС) ФОРТ (FORTH) ForthOS is a complete, standlone operating system for the PC

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ForthOS is a complete, standlone operating system for the PC. It includes command
line, compiler, debugger, editor, and filesystem. You can give it a test drive
by booting the standalone CD (image provided so you can burn your own). If you
like it, you can install it onto a disk partition and boot directly from your
hard disk. 
ForthOS is the basis for the author's own experimental software work; unlike
many other Forth systems, this one is a real tool in day-to-day use as a part
of a larger development. It is a fully standalone system, with a metacompiler
used to generate new versions of ForthOS while running under ForthOS. Please
read about its legal status; the short version is that ForthOS is in the public

ForthOS supports: 

System features: 
32-bit addressing 
Command line history and editing 
Pentium-based real time clock 
Auto-pause for console output 
Block-oriented file I/O 
A filesystem which organizes ForthOS blocks 
Multiboot/GRUB compliant bootloading 
Multiple virtual screens with screen flipping using function keys 
RS-232 (COM) ports 
Forth language features: 
The original eForth vocabulary 
Many additional vocabulary words, mostly standards based 
VOCAB.WORD extension to find WORD in VOCAB regardless of current search order.

Structures and enumerations 
A full object oriented extension with classes and inheritance 
A variant on local variables (more closely related to a lambda binding) with
optional input and output stack format enforcement. 
vi-like full screen editing with shadows 
Heap memory allocator 
x86 assembler 
The current version is ForthOS 1.0. Please read about the installation here.

Comments may be sent to vandys@forthos.org. Due to spam, this mail address connects
with an auto-responder which will tell you how to establish contact with the

A private newsgroup server has been set up to permit communication among interested
ForthOS users; a read-only view of it is here. You require an account to access
the news server to read or post to the ForthOS newsgroup(s), please contact the
author if you're interested in becoming an active user or developer. 


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