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Optional Dojo update for IBM Lotus Notes Standard 8.5.1 Fix Pack 5 (Windows only)

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 404 от 2010-10-22
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

есть C API программа которая работает с файлами в каталоге daos
domino 8.5.2 x86, win 2008r2 x64
каталог открываеться станадртной NSFDbOpen, путь формируеться OSPathNetConstruct server + path

если каталог внутри lotus\data все нормально
если снаружи например c:\daos то каталог недоступен
доавляю в lotus\data файл dir с редиректом на c:\daos

программа установленная из дистрибутива загружаеться через консоль domino - load xxx
error = 559
remote pathnames must be relative to the Data directory

копирую код который открывает folder создаю тестовую программу все работает нормально
имя сервера и имя dir файла одинаковые
тестовая программа тоже загружаеться через load

если есть хоть какие нибудь идеи напишите пожалуйста

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Tips. Советы

Infuzer.com, LLC announced the release of a new client software version (v1.15.0) that will allow you to disable the auto-start function. Infuzer is compatible with Microsoft Outlook, Palm Desktop and Lotus Notes calendar applications.

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Fix Pack 5 is now available for download. This is the official list of fixes included in the Fix Pack.

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Try IntelliPRINT, The world's leading Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis solution for Notes & Domino

  • Don't spend unproductive time maintaining different versions of the same spreadsheet
  • Preserve data integrity and security in multi-user environments
  • Create reports in minutes INSIDE Notes
  • Get freedom from iterative report requests, deliver self-serve capabilities

Experience Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis INSIDE Notes!

Try IntelliPRINT NOW!

On November 17, 2010 Jennifer Meade and Nathan Freeman will present a demo of their product to port legacy Domino applications to XPages. The presentation is free, but you must be a member of LotusUserGroup.org to attend.

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By Joe Dolittle

As you may know, Lotus Notes innovator Ray Ozzie has announced plans to leave Microsoft.

We'd like to say something about his departure, but felt that Steve Ballmer says it oh, so much better in this little bundle of YouTube joy:

Heh. It cracks me up. Oh, one last safety tip. Don't type "ballmer scream" into YouTube. Just, you know, for your mental health.

Joe is a ZATZ associate editor. Prior to this job, he was customer support manager for the FileFlex database engine.

By Vladimir Tankhimovich

When I register new Domino users, I never know if they'll be using Notes, iNotes or IMAP client.

That's why I always create them as Notes users, with Notes IDs, so they can choose any option. This approach has its downside, because of the way Domino user rename is implemented.

When an administrator initiates a rename for a user that has an ID file, the Administration Process renames Person document and waits until the user logs in to the server with his ID file, which triggers the rest of the rename process -- ACL, mail db title/owner etc.

That means to rename a Web user (one that has an ID file but never uses it) I have to switch my Notes client to his backup ID file and hit the server to finish rename process.

I have been doing this for years until IBM created ID Vault and gave me hope. Below are quotes from IBM documentation stating that renames are done on IDs in the vault and happen without user involvement.

Here's what the ID vault interoperability FAQ says:

Renames are done on IDs in the vault and resynchronized to the user's local ID file. An administrator specifies a new name for a user and this user's Person Document is updated by the Administration Process with the new name information. The next time the user's ID file is resynchronized with the server, the new user name is transparently and automatically transferred to the user's local ID file.

And here's what Domino Administrator 8.5 Help says:

No user involvement during ID renames

Sounds very good, right? Now user renames become fully automated as long as their IDs are vaulted. Great!

Not so fast. The above statements are not true, according to my experience and IBM support investigation.

Nothing still happens until user hits the server with his ID file. For me it means yet an extra step: now I have to extract the ID from the vault first (I don't keep backup IDs anymore because I have the vault), then switch and log in.

I opened a PMR with IBM hoping they would change functionality to match documentation, but according to their engineer, they are, instead, going to fix documentation. Too bad.

Vladimir Tankhimovich is Postmaster at Columbia Law School. Born in Siberia, he came to US in 1995 and has been a Notes/Domino administrator since 1997. Learn more about him at http://www.linkedin.com/in/tankhimovich.

Dennis Ruddigkeit says a bug in Lotus Notes 8.5.2 Basic version will prevent the creation, or editing, of profile documents. The bug is not present in the Standard version.

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Richard Moy set up a few users with Traveler on their new iPhones only to discover it doesn't handle mail deletions like their old BlackBerries. He's wondering if anyone has found a "fix" for the difference.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower85.

Mary Beth Raven would like your opinion. Her team is planning what they need to take to Lotusphere and would like your input.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Paul Davies
Tags: status bar
You can now highlight an entry in the status bar history, but this is pointless unless you can copy it to the clipboard.
Please allow copying!

Declan Lynch has released V1.1 of his XPages based xTalk discussion forum app. V1.1 requires that the OpenNTF XPages Extension Library to be installed on your server. xTalk was named as a Finalist in the 2010 Lotus Awards. From the project release ...
Author: Jürgen Zirke
Tags: symphony wcm widget plugin
There exists a plugin in Greenhouse that is supposed to publish data from Lotus Symphony 1.3 to WCM 6.1 which eases the work of publishers considerably. This should be migrated to the current versions, i. e. Symphony 3 and WCM 7.

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: notes client status bar log logging preferences
Currently, a log on the Client is useless, because it does not save the information from the "Client console" (status bar) in log.nsf.
In the setting of the Client ("File -> Preferences...") there Log Settings, which has a tick "Enable Logging". Set it, but it does not affect on the recording in the log. Moreover, if you close Notes Client, and then open, then this ticked in the settings is disabled! That is, when you restart the client it spontaneously reset.
Also, nothing can help "Monitoring Configuration" on local (events4.nsf), because the settings can be done only for servers. General purpose of this database "on local" is unclear...  
Total, in a local log are heaps of documents with similar content:
21.10.2010 11:53:59 Dynamic Client Configuration started
21.10.2010 11:53:59 Initializing Dynamic Client Configuration
21.10.2010 11:53:59 Dynamic Client Configuration updating policy information
21.10.2010 11:53:59 Dynamic Client Configuration updating location information
21.10.2010 11:53:59 Dynamic Client Configuration shutdown  
which is not very informative, and certainly not something that would like to.
Please, make the ability to save information from the status bar in the log, this is especially useful during the development and debugging applications. 

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: notes client status bar log logging preferences
Currently, a log on the Client is useless, because it does not save the information from the "Client console" (status bar) in log.nsf.
In the setting of the Client ("File -> Preferences...") there Log Settings, which has a tick "Enable Logging". Set it, but it does not affect on the recording in the log. Moreover, if you close Notes Client, and then open, then this ticked in the settings is disabled! That is, when you restart the client it spontaneously reset.
Also, nothing can help "Monitoring Configuration" on local (events4.nsf), because the settings can be done only for servers. Generaly purpose of this database "on local" is unclear...  
Total, in a local log are heaps of documents with similar content:
21.10.2010 11:53:59 Dynamic Client Configuration started
21.10.2010 11:53:59 Initializing Dynamic Client Configuration
21.10.2010 11:53:59 Dynamic Client Configuration updating policy information
21.10.2010 11:53:59 Dynamic Client Configuration updating location information
21.10.2010 11:53:59 Dynamic Client Configuration shutdown  
which is not very informative, and certainly not something that would like to.
Please, make the ability to save information from the status bar in the log, this is especially useful during the development and debugging applications. 

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: notes client xpages Mouse gestures
Please add subj.
Operation the behavior of applications using the mouse gestures - is the operation of the future, since it is very convenient.. This already exists in the extensions to the browsers Opera ("Mouse trail" exstention) and Chrome (ChromePlus). It is desirable that the gestures:
  1. were inherited from the above browsers (by default), but also that they are customizable.
  2. worked in the Notes Client, including those from XPages.

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: notes client xpages rightclick double-click fast close window
When introducing the Eclipse to Lotus certain elements of lost property is close to double right click the mouse (design elements in Domino Designer: libraries and so on..., XPages in Notes Client), although the option "Right double-click closes window" in the basic configuration is set. It is a pity, because it was branded peculiarity Lotus, it was very comfortable, and now it is sorely missed.
I ask to return to quickly close the windows.

P.S. I understand that the right double-click - a controversial feature, because it increases the time the context menu on right single-click... alternative would be to use for this symbol "L" mouse gestures (see linked idea).

Patrick Kwinten has released V2.13 of his Bildr photo sharing app built with XPages. This release was mainly focused on applying oneUI principles and improved presentation. Fixes related to scope variables, navigation and so on are fixed. Collapsible ...
Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: view column header
just as in Notes make it possible to open another view (XPage) when clicking on the column header.

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Статьи и Документация

This is an optional companion to 8.5.1 FP5 and will provide a Dojo update for customers that rely on XPages applications in the Notes Standard client on Windows. Notes Standard 8.5.1 Fix Pack 4 included a Dojo update that made installing on the client slow on the Windows platform. The solution in 8.5.1 Fix Pack 5 (only for the Standard client on Windows) was to remove the Dojo update and instead provide a stand-alone .zip to take care of updating Dojo for those that need it. Additionally, any client hotf
Here is a list of the top common problems as seen by customers: 1. Problem: After installing Traveler 8.5.2, new Apple devices added to the server are not able to sync Version: 8.5.2 Resolution: Updating the External Server URL: ...
Tivoli Directory Integrator is licensed as a free utility when utilized in conjunction with Lotus Notes and Domino. The following webcasts and presentation slides provide information on the developer and administrator perspective on utilizing TDI in your environment. Developer Webcast ...
The Notes ID vault works wherever you are! Beginning in Lotus Domino 8.5.1, you can enable IBM Lotus Notes API programs, such as Lotus iNotes, Lotus Notes Traveler, and RIM Blackberry, to use an ID vault and take advantage of its ID management features. This feature can be enabled in the ID Vault ...
User ID files not being uploaded to the ID vault If you are an administrator and have assigned a new vault policy to existing users, but do not see certain user IDs being uploaded to the vault, check the following: 1. Look through the client and server log.nsf for error messages and potential ...
What should I do if I forget my password? If you attempt to log in but cannot remember your password, click on the "Forgot your password?" twistie on the log in prompt, and follow the instructions provided by your organization to reset your password. What should I do when my password does not work ...
This article reports IBM® Lotus® Notes® Traveler 8.5.2 performance results for Microsoft Windows 64-bit and Red Hat Linux 64-bit operating systems. In addition it compares Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.2 (64-bit) server and Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 (64-bit) server on Windows 64-bit operating systems.
Popup, Interactive service, NSD
This posting captures known omissions and inaccuracies in the Alloy documentation available at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/domhelp/v8r0/index.jsp.
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