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Читаем про рыцарей и королей без перевода


Добрый день, дорогие друзья.

Сегодня мы на время оставим легенду об Айвенго, и разберем другую легенду о руке короля Освальда.


It was Easter-Tide, and King Oswald of Northumbria sat in the banqueting-hall of Bamburgh Castle. The tables were laid for the feast, but no sooner had the blessing been pronounced than news came of the arrival of a group of starving beggars. The King lifted from his table the large silver dish heaped high with venison and wild boar's flesh, and gave it to the famished me. Bishop Aidan, impressed by this unselfish act, prayed that the arm which performed the deed might never decay. Oswald later met his death in battle at Maserfield, but the arm, placed in a magnificent shrine, remained uncorrupted for nine centuries.


Этап 1. Начинаем читать, обращая внимание на подлежащее и сказуемое:

It was Easter-Tide, and King Oswald of Northumbria sat in the banqueting-hall of Bamburgh Castle. The tables were laid for the feast, but no sooner had the blessing been pronounced than news came of the arrival of a group of starving beggars. The King lifted from his table the large silver dish heaped high with venison and wild boar's flesh, and gave it to the famished me. Bishop Aidan, impressed by this unselfish act, prayed that the arm which performed the deed might never decay. Oswald later met his death in battle at Maserfield, but the arm, placed in a magnificent shrine, remained uncorrupted for nine centuries.



the tables – столы, the table – стол

the blessing – благословление

news – новости

the King – король

bishop – епископ

arm – рука


sat – сидел, от sit – сидеть

were laid – были накрыты

had been pronounced – была произнесена, от pronounce - произносить

came – пришли, от come – приходить

lifted – поднял, от lift – поднимать

prayed – молился, от pray – молиться

performed – осуществил

might – может

decay – разрушаться, разлагаться

met his death – погиб

remained – оставалась, от remain – оставаться


Теперь пытаемся связать подлежащее и сказуемое в осмысленные фразы:


King Oswald




The tables

were laid







The blessing

Had been pronounced




The King





Bishop Aidan






preformed and might never decay









The arm





Этап 2. Читаем, выделяя причастия (выделено красным) и предлоги (выделено синим)


It was Easter-Tide, and King Oswald of Northumbria sat in the banqueting-hall of Bamburgh Castle. The tables were laid for the feast, but no sooner had the blessing been pronounced than news came of the arrival of a group of starving beggars. The King lifted from his table the large silver dish heaped high with venison and wild boar's flesh, and gave it to the famished me. Bishop Aidan, impressed by this unselfish act, prayed that the arm which performed the deed might never decay. Oswald later met his death in battle at Maserfield, but the arm, placed in a magnificent shrine, remained uncorrupted for nine centuries.


Starving – голодающий, starve – голодать

Heaped – сложенный горкой, от heap – складывать в кучу, складывать горкой

Famished – умирающий от голода, от famish – голодать

Impressed – впечатленный, от impress – впечатлять

Placed – помещенный, от place – помещать


In – внутри, в

Of – указывает на принадлежность к чему-то, кому-то

To – указывает на направленность действия на кого-то, что-то

For – для чего-то, кого-то, в течение какого-то времени


Этап 3. Теперь выделяем все местоимения (выделено оранжевым) и существительные (выделено розовым)


It was Easter-Tide, and King Oswald of Northumbria sat in the banqueting-hall of Bamburgh Castle. The tables were laid for the feast, but no sooner had the blessing been pronounced than news came of the arrival of a group of starving beggars. The King lifted from his table the large silver dish heaped high with venison and wild boar's flesh, and gave it to the famished me. Bishop Aidan, impressed by this unselfish act, prayed that the arm which performed the deed might never decay. Oswald later met his death in battle at Maserfield, but the arm, placed in a magnificent shrine, remained uncorrupted for nine centuries.


His – его

This – этот

Me – здесь относится к слову famished, famished me – изголодавшийся


Northumbria – название провинии, Нортамбрия

banqueting-hall – зал для официальных приемов

Bamburgh Castle – замок в Бамбурге

Feast - торжество

Arrival - прибытие

Group - группа

Beggars - попрошайки

table  - стол

dish – блюдо

venison – оленина

boar – кабан

flesh - мясо

the deed - деяние

death – смерть

battle - битва

Maserfield - Мэйзерфилд

Centuries – века

Shrine – гробница, или храм


Этап 4. Теперь разбираемся в прилагательных и наречиях:


It was Easter-Tide, and King Oswald of Northumbria sat in the banqueting-hall of Bamburgh Castle. The tables were laid for the feast, but no sooner had the blessing been pronounced than news came of the arrival of a group of starving beggars. The King lifted from his table the large silver dish heaped high with venison and wild boar's flesh, and gave it to the famished me. Bishop Aidan, impressed by this unselfish act, prayed that the arm which performed the deed might never decay. Oswald later met his death in battle at Maserfield, but the arm, placed in a magnificent shrine, remained uncorrupted for nine centuries.


Large – широкий

Silver – серебряный

High – высокий

Wild – дикий

Unselfish – неэгоистичный

Later – позднее

Magnificent – величественный

Uncorrupted – неповрежденный


Этап 5. Теперь попробуйте прочитать еще раз и понять смысл написанного:

It was Easter-Tide, and King Oswald of Northumbria sat in the banqueting-hall of Bamburgh Castle. The tables were laid for the feast, but no sooner had the blessing been pronounced than news came of the arrival of a group of starving beggars. The King lifted from his table the large silver dish heaped high with venison and wild boar's flesh, and gave it to the famished me. Bishop Aidan, impressed by this unselfish act, prayed that the arm which performed the deed might never decay. Oswald later met his death in battle at Maserfield, but the arm, placed in a magnificent shrine, remained uncorrupted for nine centuries.


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