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"Вопросы библеистики". Ресурс для самообразования

“Вопросы библеистики”

ресурс для самообразования

Славянские новости

Новый диск от наших коллег:

J. W. Rogerson and Judith M. Lieu "The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies", 920 pages, pdf.


The Oxford Handbooks series is a major new initiative in academic publishing. Each volume offers an authoritative and up-to-date survey of original research in a particular subject area. Specially commissioned essays from leading figures in the discipline give critical examinations of the progress and direction of debates.

Biblical studies is a highly technical and diverse field. Study of the Bible demands expertise in fields ranging from Archaeology, Egyptology, Assyriology, and Linguistics through textual, historical, and sociological studies to Literary Theory, Feminism, Philosophy, and Theology, to name only some. This authoritative and compelling guide to the discipline will, therefore, be an invaluable reference work for all students and academics who want to explore more fully essential topics in Biblical studies.


List of Contributors
List of Abbreviations

Part I On the Discipline

Section 1. History of the Discipline in the last seventy years
1. Old Testament (J. W. Rogerson)
2. New Testament (Robert Morgan)

Section 2. The impact of other disciplines upon biblical scholarship
3. Archaeology (John R. Bartlett)
4. Ancient Near Eastern Studies: Mesopotamia (W. G. Lambert)
5. Ancient Near Eastern Studies: Egypt (Kenneth Kitchen)
6. Qumran Studies (Philip Davies)
7. Study of the Graeco-Roman World (Peter Richardson)
8. Diaspora and Rabbinic Judaism (Catherine Hezser)

Part II Languages, Translation, and Textual Transmission of the Bible
9. Language and Translation of the Old Testament (John Elwolde)
10. Language, Translation, Versions, and Text of the Apocrypha (Michael A. Knibb)
11. Language and Translation of the New Testament (Stanley E. Porter)
12. Ancient Versions and Textual Transmission of the Old Testament (Gerard J. Norton)
13. Textual Transmission and Versions of the New Testament (J. N. Birdsall)

Part III Historical and Social Study of the Bible

Section 1. Background and context
14. Introduction: General Problems of Studying the Text of the Bible in order to Reconstruct History and Social Background (Keith W. Whitelam)
15. Israel to the End of the Persian Period: History, Social, Political, and Economic Background (J. W. Rogerson)
16. Israel from the Rise of Hellenism to 70 CE (Lester L. Grabbe)
17. The Life and Teaching of Jesus and the Rise of Christianity (Craig A. Evans)

Section 2. Institutions of the Old and New Testaments
18. Priesthood, Temple(s), and Sacrifice (Robert Hayward)
19. Law in the Old Testament (Gordon Wenham)
20. Scribes and Synagogues (Lester L. Grabbe)
21. Movements (Judith M. Lieu)

Section 3. Genres of the Old and New Testaments
22. Prophecy (Deborah W. Rooke)
23. Apocalyptic (Philip Davies)
24. Wisdom (Katharine J. Dell)
25. Novella (Erich S. Gruen)
26. Gospels (Richard A. Burridge)
27. Letters (Judith M. Lieu)

Part IV The Composition of the Bible

28. The Growth of the Old Testament (Reinhard G. Kratz)
29. The Growth of the Apocrypha (Alison Salvesen)
30. The Growth of the New Testament (John M. Court)
31. Authors, Books, and Readers in the Ancient World (Alan Millard)

Part V Methods in Biblical Scholarship

32. Archaeology (John R. Bartlett)
33. Textual Criticism (Arie Van der Kooij)
34. Form, Source, and Redaction Criticism (Johannes P. Floss)
35. Rhetorical and New Literary Criticism (Margaret M. Mitchell)
36. Feminist Criticism and Related Aspects (Marie-Theres Wacker)
37. Social, Political, and Ideological Criticism (Christopher Rowland)

Part VI The Interpretation of the Bible

38. Old Testament Theology (Walter Brueggemann)
39. New Testament Theology (James D. G. Dunn)
40. Biblical Theology (Bernd Janowski)
41. The Bible in Ethics (Eryl W. Davies)
42. Jewish Interpretation of the Bible (Jonathan Magonet)

Part VII The Authority of the Bible

43. Canon (Lee Martin McDonald)
44. Fundamentalism(s) (Harriet A. Harris)
45. Historical Criticism and the Authority of the Bible (J. W. Rogerson)

Index of Subjects and Names
Index of References

Стоимость диска - 15 гр. или 120 руб. Подписчикам рассылки, как обычно, 20%-ная скидка.

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