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"Вопросы библеистики". Ресурс для самообразования

“Вопросы библеистики”

ресурс для самообразования

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Новый диск от наших коллег:

Julio Trebolle Barrera "The Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible: An Introduction to the History of the Bible", Brill Academic Publishers, 574 pages, pdf.


This wide-ranging handbook presents an overview of our current knowledge on the history of the Bible. Divided into three parts, it shows how the collections of canonical and apocryphal books were formed, explains the transmission and translation of the Biblical texts and describes biblical interpretation in Judaism and Christianity. Incorporating the immense amount of information that has become available since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the author sets out to bridge the gaps between widely different areas and trends in the field of Biblical Studies: canonical and apocryphal literature, written and oral traditions, rabbinic and Christian exegesis and modern critical exegesis, and literal and allegorical interpretation, among others. Uniquely, Trebolle Barrera also looks at the Wirkungsgeschichte of the Bible in relation to the Greek and Roman world, the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. Scholars, students and interested lay persons alike will benefit from the wealth of general information found here as well as detailed discussion on many topics currently under debate, from the significance of Qumran to the influence of the Semitic and Greek world on Christianity.

Table of Contents:

Note to the Revised English edition
Translator's Note
Topical Questions and Approaches

Chapter I: Bible and Book in the Ancient World
1 The Languages of the Bible
2 Writing in the Ancient World and in the Bible
3 Written and Oral Transmission
4 Schools and Scribes
5 Translation in the Ancient World and the Translation of the Bible
6 The Sacred Book
7 The School of Alexandria and its Philology

Chapter II: Collections of Biblical Books. Canonical and Non-Canonical Books
1 The Literary History of the Canon of Biblical Books
2 The Social History of the Biblical Canon
3 Early Christian Literature: Collections of Canonical and Apocryphal Books

Chapter III: History of the Text and Versions of the Old and New Testament
1 Introduction
2 The Hebrew Text of the Old Testament
3 The Greek Septuagint Version
4 Aramaic Versions of the Old Testament. The Targumim
5 The Greek Text of the New Testament
6 Ancient Versions of the Bible: Old and New Testaments

Chapter IV: Textual Criticism of the Old and New Testament
1 Textual Criticism of the Old Testament
2 Textual Criticism of the New Testament
3 Canonical Criticism. The Text and the Canon

Chapter V: Hermeneutics. Text and Interpretation
1 Introduction
2 The Old Testament Interprets Itself
3 The Interpretation of the Old Testament in the Greek Septuagint Version
4 The Interpretation of the Old Testament in the Aramaic Versions or Targumim
5 The Interpretation of the Old Testament in Apocryphical Literature. The Exegetical Character of Apocalyptic Literature
6 The Interpretation of the Old Testament in the Qumran Writings
7 The Interpretation of the Old Testament in Hellenistic Jewish Literature. Philo of Alexandria and Flavius Josephus
8 Rabbinic Hermeneutics
9 Christian Hermeneutics
10 Modern Hermeneutics

Subject Index

Стоимость диска - 20 гр. или 150 руб. Подписчикам рассылки, как обычно, 20%-ная скидка.

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