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Бесплатные уроки английского языка. Учим слова

Урок № 43

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---  Бесплатные уроки английского языка. Учим слова.  ---  

Содержание выпуска:

1. Урок 43. Английский язык по книге.

2. Английские кроссворды.


 1) Урок 43. Английский язык по книге. (Читаем и переводим)

Отрывок из книги Жюль Верна "20000 лье под водой".

I wished the beast would exhaust itself, and not be insensible to fatigue like a steam engine. But it was of no use. Hours passed, without its showing any signs of exhaustion. However, it must be said in praise of the Abraham Lincoln that she struggled on indefatigably. I cannot reckon the distance she made under three hundred miles during this unlucky day, November the 6th. But night came on, and overshadowed the rough ocean. Now I thought our expedition was at an end, and that we should never again see the extraordinary animal. I was mistaken. At ten minutes to eleven in the evening, the electric light reappeared three miles to windward of the frigate, as pure, as intense as during the preceding night. The narwhal seemed motionless; perhaps, tired with its day's work, it slept, letting itself float with the undulation of the waves. Now was a chance of which the captain resolved to take advantage. He gave his orders. The Abraham Lincoln kept up half steam, and advanced cautiously so as not to awake its adversary.

 В этом уроке мы выделили 20 новых слов для запоминания (смотреть список).

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2Английские кроссворды

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