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Бесплатные уроки английского языка. Учим слова

Урок № 45

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---  Бесплатные уроки английского языка. Учим слова.  ---  

Содержание выпуска:

1. Урок 45. Английский язык по книге

2. Английские карточки 

3. Английские кроссворды.


 1) Урок 45. Английский язык по книге. (Читаем и переводим)

Отрывок из книги Жюль Верна "20000 лье под водой".

Nevertheless, our situation was no less terrible. Perhaps our disappearance had not been noticed; and, if it had been, the frigate could not tack, being without its helm. Conseil argued on this supposition, and laid his plans accordingly. This quiet boy was perfectly self-possessed. We then decided that, as our only chance of safety was being picked up by the Abraham Lincoln's boats, we ought to manage so as to wait for them as long as possible. I resolved then to husband our strength, so that both should not be exhausted at the same time; and this is how we managed: while one of us lay on our back, quite still, with arms crossed, and legs stretched out, the other would swim and push the other on in front. This towing business did not last more than ten minutes each; and relieving each other thus, we could swim on for some hours, perhaps till day-break. Poor chance! but hope is so firmly rooted in the heart of man! Moreover, there were two of us. Indeed I declare (though it may seem improbable) if I sought to destroy all hope--if I wished to despair, I could not. The collision of the frigate with the cetacean had occurred about eleven o'clock in the evening before. I reckoned then we should have eight hours to swim before sunrise, an operation quite practicable if we relieved each other. The sea, very calm, was in our favour. Sometimes I tried to pierce the intense darkness that was only dispelled by the phosphorescence caused by our movements. I watched the luminous waves that broke over my hand, whose mirror-like surface was spotted with silvery rings.

 В этом уроке мы выделили 21 новое слово для запоминания (смотреть список).

Послушать речь диктора и проверить перевод можно на сайте weekenglish.ru в разделе уроки - урок сорок пятый


2Английские карточки

 Новые карточки с озвученными словами в разделе "Английские карточки".

 Новые английские карточки: "Гостиная комната" и "Столовая комната". 


3Английские кроссворды

Вы хорошо выучили английскую карточку "Дом"? Проверьте свои знания по теме "Дом" в английском кроссворде. 

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