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RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

Hugo, kind grind at military hospital
2008-10-06 11:38 nobody@flickr.com (blaineinthexsjados)

blaineinthexsjados posted a photo:

Hugo, kind grind at military hospital

Hugo Fishy on I beam
2008-10-06 11:40 nobody@flickr.com (blaineinthexsjados)

blaineinthexsjados posted a photo:

Hugo Fishy on I beam

Guyader & LeBihan win Les Herbiers, Gaudesaboos second
2008-10-06 12:36 CadoMotus News <noreply@blogger.com>
Winner of the Vendee Roller Marathon and of the French Inline Cup Yann Guyader (FRA) has made it two victories in a row, with a win in Les Herbiers this weekend.Few would dispute his claim to being the best skater of 2008, winner of the World Inline Cup, of the Swiss Inline Cup, and with a World Championship title in Gijon as well, Guyader has also taken victory in the tough Les Herbiers event. A

2008-10-06 13:57 nobody@flickr.com (Coffee On Ice)

Coffee On Ice posted a photo:


While Rollerblading

Jenna Downing: Nationwide Bank Ad
2008-10-06 15:27 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
quoting a mail from Jenna Downing: I did some filming for the website of Nationwide Bank. I was dressed to look like a business woman and I just had to jump over the rope with my skates on. See the ads here and here.

Blading Brands Wallpaper
2008-10-06 15:35 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Slayer696 created a wallpaper using a bunch of blading brand logos. Download the wallpaper: 1024×768 / 1680×1260. More sizes here.

Ottawa by Montreal Crew
2008-10-06 15:47 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Featuring Mark André Pellan, Jason Segeleski, PP Loiselle, Fred Beauchamp & Gyom Latrompette. Legacy Skatepark - Montage by GyomRL ; Camera: Fred, Gyom, PP, MA & Jason OTTAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!

Esprit Ride 2008 (France): Edit & Results
2008-10-06 15:59 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Results: 1 - Thomas BOULEAU (Valo, StreetTours) 2 - Taylor LATOUCHE (HawaiiSurf) 3 - Gaétan D’HERVE 4 - Alexandre LELIEVRE (fishbrain) 5 - Maxime KIND (StreetTours) 6 - Jonathan SARAGO (Pizza Sarago) 7 - Damien LEBAS 8 - Alexandre COCHENNEC 9 - Greg BREGER (TamTam Shop, Taryf) 10 - José GARNIER Check some photos on Diove Konnection. Thanks Hugo.

The Conference Repping at Slamm Jamm
2008-10-06 16:03
Come to The Slamm Jamm to see Dominic Sagona, Ben Schwab, Demetrios George, Stephane Alfano, Nick Lomax, Adrian Wallace, Steve Swain, Al Hooi and more Conference crew tearing it up. Ill also be there, dropping some phat Dubstep, Breakbeat and DnB beats with a Stygma Tee on and rockin the Minton's.

Keep up to date here:


Win the Samples contest!! Results!!
2008-10-06 16:18
We at The Conference have spent all weekend going over the litterally hundreds of entries for the contest, I never imagined how hard it would be to chose winners!!

Anyway, we have a few that we really loved, and we will be anouncing the first 2 winners today, in a few hours.

Check back, and THANKS to everyone that entered.

Nicole Begg&#8217;s Wheels In Berlin WIC
2008-10-06 19:01 peterdoucet

Read about the wheels Nicole Begg was using and why she used them in last weekend’s Berlin World Inline Cup- go to Berlin WIC Final-

Quite simple Nicole was on MPC 100 mm as we only had the Bont in 110mm prior to the Worlds, the 100mm arrived a few days before, but were our road wheels. Our track wheels to handle the coated floors had not been refined at that stage, this was unfortunate as the road was the same sort of coating, but Nicole did run 7th in the 20,000 on the hard Pink Wheels on the road, in her first try out on them.

Posted in Equipment, International, Marathon, Race Series, Roller, World Championships, World Cup       Andrew&#8217;s Speed Skating Blog- They Did It Again!
2008-10-06 19:02 peterdoucet

Andrew’s Speed Skating Blog’s latest entry is They Did It Again!.

There’s a feeling I get when I have to read through the crap that goes through the inline scene. I personally have no problem with disagreements or rivalries, but I do have a problem if people take these things too far.

Posted in Blogs, Events, MISC, Race Series, Roller       Video- World Masters Marathon Championships
2008-10-06 19:02 peterdoucet

Click here for a video from the World Masters Marathon Championships.

Posted in Marathon, Videos, World Championships       Competition Preparation With Group Picture
2008-10-06 19:03 peterdoucet

Check out DESG’s article & pictures Competition Preparation With Group Picture- you can view all of the pictures here.

The special highlight of this very small series of photos, are the group photos of the German men team. Should one of you be a bit surprised about what he/she is seeing on the pictures, it should briefly explained that our men are wearing all the different available suits (training and competition outfits).

Bart Schouten, Bob de Jong, Eric Rauschenbach, Frank Steiner, Jörg Dallmann, Klaus Ebert, Marco Weber, Nico Ihle, Robert Lehmann, Samuel Schwarz, Stefan Heythausen, Tobias Schneider- photo from DESG Photo

Posted in Long Track, Pictures       Vancouver 2010 Olympic Tickets- On Sale
2008-10-06 19:03 peterdoucet

I found this thanks to Patinage De Vitesse Courte Piste: According to the article Vancouver 2010: les billets en vente vendredi, tickets for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics went on sale this past Friday- you can find ticketing information here-

Photo from here

À 500 jours de la cérémonie d’ouverture des prochains Jeux d’hiver, vendredi, le comité organisateur (COVAN) entreprend la phase 1 de la vente des billets.

Posted in Events, Long Track, Olympics, Short Track       Athens To Atlanta- Eastern Region Skaters
2008-10-06 19:04 peterdoucet

Check out what Patty Leazier has to say about Athens to Atlanta in the tread shot out to eastern region skaters at A2A-

On a personal note. Let me just say the this was the hardest race I have ever skated. I personally skated the 52 mile race and never knew that there was hill that was 52 miles long! The hills never went away. Even though I had to sit for a while at the last check point…but I finished! This race is BRUTAL! Congratulations to all even those who could not finish.

Posted in A Bit Of Sunshine, Reports, Roller, Ultra Distance       Pinnacle Customs- Works Of Art!
2008-10-06 19:04 peterdoucet

The thread A work of art! shares Mike Wotring ’s joy of his new Pinnacle custom skates-

They have arrived. My new and first pair of Pinnacle customs. I had no idea how nice customs could be but they sure are a chore to get on and off the feet. Once I’m in though it’s like nothing I ever wore before.

Posted in A Bit Of Sunshine, Equipment, Roller       Results- Long Track- October 1st- 5th
2008-10-06 19:05 peterdoucet

SpeedskatingResults.com has a number of long track speed skating results from the past few days-

Posted in Long Track, Marathon, Results       Report, Pictures, &#38; Results- French Inline Cup Les Herbiers
2008-10-06 19:25 peterdoucet

The following is a report sent to me by Francois & Marie- I made a few changes through translation-

Yann Guyader won the most recent stage of the French Inline Cup at the Herbiers near Nantes. The race took placa under nasty weather conditions including plenty of wind and rain.

Yann Guyader broke away early in the first 10km’s of the race along with Kevin Gauclin, Ewen Fernandez, and Julien Levrard. The group maintened its lead the entire race. The win was contested in a sprint, with Guyader finishing in front of Gauclin and Levrard.

In taking the win, Yann Guyader clinched the French Inline Cup title- tying Matthieu Boher in points but taking the series win because the tie breaker going in favour of the skater with the final victory.

PICTURES- Click here for pictures from Francois & Marie

RESULTS- You can find complete results on Sport-up

Men’s French Inline Cup Final Standings
1- Yann Guyader
2- Mattieu Boher
3- Kevin Gauclin

Photo from Francois & Marie

Photo from Francois & Marie

Posted in Marathon, Pictures, Race Series, Reports, Results, Roller       Gear Talk – Part Two- By Ursula Hendel
2008-10-06 19:27 peterdoucet

Gear Talk – Part Two- By Ursula Hendel

Il Peloton’s Ursula Hendel was in Gijon, Spain, at the 2008 World Roller Speed Skating Championships scouting gear and watching the excitement. You can read the first article she shared with SpeedSkateWorld.com- Gear Talk – Part One- By Ursula Hendel

Ok, the World Championships is over, but I’ve had a lot of catch-up work to do, so I just got around to the tallying. As I mentioned before, I went to the Worlds to check out the gear. It’s very important as an equipment distributor to see what the top skaters are skating on, and the Worlds is also a chance to see what’s new.

My research may not be 100% accurate, since I’m human after all, but it is rudimentarily scientific – I had a notebook and a pen and everytime a skater hit the track I wrote down what they were wearing.

Boots were neat. Last year there seemed to be only really the big three (Bont, Luigino, Powerslide), but this year it was open season on boots. There were quite a few boots that I did not recognize and had to inquire about including the shiny gold boots with no name made by the Korean coach who didn’t want anyone talking about them.

I’d say well over half of the skaters were wearing full customs, but there were quite a few stock boots as well, most notably on the feet of Joey Mantia who had stock Luiginos. Although the Big Three topped out the charts in about even numbers, I spotted boots by Mariani, CadoMotus, Simmons, Tru-Rev, Cityrun, Canariam, Shenkel, and our homegrowns made-in-Canada boots handcrafted by Apex, SEB and EGC skates.

Frames were also really interesting. Of course the 110mm dominated on men’s feet this year, as expected, as they were allowed for the first time. But I was surprised to see that about 80% of the women have also moved onto 110mm setups. A lot of men opted for a 3×110-1×100 setup in the sprint races and then changed to 4×110s for the marathon.

Many of the women were on a high-low 110mm frame for all of the events, including quite a few on a really neat 2×110-2×100 frame from Cado Motus that is 12.4” long. Those Cado Motus frames impressed me enough that we brought back quite a few pairs for our inventory. I think a shorter frame base will make is easier for skaters of both genders to move into 110s.

I also noticed not one, but two, highly decorated skaters who had traded in their sponsor’s frames for Cado Motus frames after sanding off the logos. My tally ultimately revealed that Luigino had more frames on the track and road than any other companies.

Wheels were kinda boring. Matter continued its crushing dominance, especially if you consider the Atom wheel part of the family. And I had to, since sometimes they were hard to tell apart. There was some mixing of yellow and white Matters, and black hub and orange hub Atoms, but not a whole heck of a lot else going on.

Despite my best searching, I could not find a single wheel out there from lesser-known manufacturers like Tru-Rev, Gyro, Labeda, Sk8Force, StarGrip, AmWing, or even the once-deified Hyper. It seems that almost no one was taking chances.

The notable exception was MPC. They made a selective appearance, with quite a few women on the track on Street Fight Golds (but not men) and with everyone rushing the Cado Motus booth to get the Storm Surges for the rain. Oh yeah, and those crazy Koreans on mysterious MPC prototypes.

The one area where I continue to be disappointed is in the skinsuit department, especially considering that these are national teams. Many of them range from horribly boring to just plain horrible and the competition for the ugliest suit is far tougher than the competition for the best.

The best suit was Canada’s by a mile, with only distant challengers like Chile and maybe China Taipei. Ok, so I am totally biased and self-interested in my assessment but I’m pretty sure my claim would withstand the most objective assessment: Canada definitely was looking cool.

Goodness knows what next year’s World will bring in the world of gear, but I’m well prepared for 2009.

Posted in Equipment, International, Roller, Track, World Championships       One: BLADE LIFE: Dallas Kurtz
2008-10-06 19:39 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Photo: Chris Wedman. Dallas Kurtz is one of few people that truly lives the Blade Life. Every day, Dallas gets paid to skate as one of the head blade instructors of Alien Inline, a company that travels around Alberta, Canada, educating school children on the basics of rollerblading. As well as showing them the basics, Dallas [...]

Sport+ TV Features the French Inline Cup
2008-10-06 19:47
Roller sports are gliding through the media this week. The French Inline Cup, held last weekend in Lyon, is the subject of a 15-minute video segment produced by Sport+ TV...

Win the Samples Contest! 1st winner: Nick D'Amico (Canada)
2008-10-06 21:19
Ok, they won't all be announced one by one, we are sorting out products, sizes and replies, but one email that stood out for us was from Nick D'Amico from Canada and www.canadianroll.ca

So we are pleased to announce Nick D'Amico as our FIRST Sample winner.

Nick will be sent a pair of the prototype, Classic Throne, Richie Eisler skate.

Where better to send the first Eisler skate then Canada?

Keep a look out for the other winners, announced on this site during the rest of this week!

Links for 2008-10-06 [del.icio.us]
2008-10-07 09:00

Hugo, kind grind at military hospital
2008-10-06 11:38 nobody@flickr.com (blaineinthexsjados)

blaineinthexsjados posted a photo:

Hugo, kind grind at military hospital

Hugo Fishy on I beam
2008-10-06 11:40 nobody@flickr.com (blaineinthexsjados)

blaineinthexsjados posted a photo:

Hugo Fishy on I beam

Guyader & LeBihan win Les Herbiers, Gaudesaboos second
2008-10-06 12:36 CadoMotus News <noreply@blogger.com>
Winner of the Vendee Roller Marathon and of the French Inline Cup Yann Guyader (FRA) has made it two victories in a row, with a win in Les Herbiers this weekend.Few would dispute his claim to being the best skater of 2008, winner of the World Inline Cup, of the Swiss Inline Cup, and with a World Championship title in Gijon as well, Guyader has also taken victory in the tough Les Herbiers event. A

2008-10-06 13:57 nobody@flickr.com (Coffee On Ice)

Coffee On Ice posted a photo:


While Rollerblading

Jenna Downing: Nationwide Bank Ad
2008-10-06 15:27 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
quoting a mail from Jenna Downing: I did some filming for the website of Nationwide Bank. I was dressed to look like a business woman and I just had to jump over the rope with my skates on. See the ads here and here.

Blading Brands Wallpaper
2008-10-06 15:35 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Slayer696 created a wallpaper using a bunch of blading brand logos. Download the wallpaper: 1024×768 / 1680×1260. More sizes here.

Ottawa by Montreal Crew
2008-10-06 15:47 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Featuring Mark André Pellan, Jason Segeleski, PP Loiselle, Fred Beauchamp & Gyom Latrompette. Legacy Skatepark - Montage by GyomRL ; Camera: Fred, Gyom, PP, MA & Jason OTTAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!

Esprit Ride 2008 (France): Edit & Results
2008-10-06 15:59 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Results: 1 - Thomas BOULEAU (Valo, StreetTours) 2 - Taylor LATOUCHE (HawaiiSurf) 3 - Gaétan D’HERVE 4 - Alexandre LELIEVRE (fishbrain) 5 - Maxime KIND (StreetTours) 6 - Jonathan SARAGO (Pizza Sarago) 7 - Damien LEBAS 8 - Alexandre COCHENNEC 9 - Greg BREGER (TamTam Shop, Taryf) 10 - José GARNIER Check some photos on Diove Konnection. Thanks Hugo.

The Conference Repping at Slamm Jamm
2008-10-06 16:03
Come to The Slamm Jamm to see Dominic Sagona, Ben Schwab, Demetrios George, Stephane Alfano, Nick Lomax, Adrian Wallace, Steve Swain, Al Hooi and more Conference crew tearing it up. Ill also be there, dropping some phat Dubstep, Breakbeat and DnB beats with a Stygma Tee on and rockin the Minton's.

Keep up to date here:


Win the Samples contest!! Results!!
2008-10-06 16:18
We at The Conference have spent all weekend going over the litterally hundreds of entries for the contest, I never imagined how hard it would be to chose winners!!

Anyway, we have a few that we really loved, and we will be anouncing the first 2 winners today, in a few hours.

Check back, and THANKS to everyone that entered.

Nicole Begg&#8217;s Wheels In Berlin WIC
2008-10-06 19:01 peterdoucet

Read about the wheels Nicole Begg was using and why she used them in last weekend’s Berlin World Inline Cup- go to Berlin WIC Final-

Quite simple Nicole was on MPC 100 mm as we only had the Bont in 110mm prior to the Worlds, the 100mm arrived a few days before, but were our road wheels. Our track wheels to handle the coated floors had not been refined at that stage, this was unfortunate as the road was the same sort of coating, but Nicole did run 7th in the 20,000 on the hard Pink Wheels on the road, in her first try out on them.

Posted in Equipment, International, Marathon, Race Series, Roller, World Championships, World Cup       Andrew&#8217;s Speed Skating Blog- They Did It Again!
2008-10-06 19:02 peterdoucet

Andrew’s Speed Skating Blog’s latest entry is They Did It Again!.

There’s a feeling I get when I have to read through the crap that goes through the inline scene. I personally have no problem with disagreements or rivalries, but I do have a problem if people take these things too far.

Posted in Blogs, Events, MISC, Race Series, Roller       Video- World Masters Marathon Championships
2008-10-06 19:02 peterdoucet

Click here for a video from the World Masters Marathon Championships.

Posted in Marathon, Videos, World Championships       Competition Preparation With Group Picture
2008-10-06 19:03 peterdoucet

Check out DESG’s article & pictures Competition Preparation With Group Picture- you can view all of the pictures here.

The special highlight of this very small series of photos, are the group photos of the German men team. Should one of you be a bit surprised about what he/she is seeing on the pictures, it should briefly explained that our men are wearing all the different available suits (training and competition outfits).

Bart Schouten, Bob de Jong, Eric Rauschenbach, Frank Steiner, Jörg Dallmann, Klaus Ebert, Marco Weber, Nico Ihle, Robert Lehmann, Samuel Schwarz, Stefan Heythausen, Tobias Schneider- photo from DESG Photo

Posted in Long Track, Pictures       Vancouver 2010 Olympic Tickets- On Sale
2008-10-06 19:03 peterdoucet

I found this thanks to Patinage De Vitesse Courte Piste: According to the article Vancouver 2010: les billets en vente vendredi, tickets for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics went on sale this past Friday- you can find ticketing information here-

Photo from here

À 500 jours de la cérémonie d’ouverture des prochains Jeux d’hiver, vendredi, le comité organisateur (COVAN) entreprend la phase 1 de la vente des billets.

Posted in Events, Long Track, Olympics, Short Track       Athens To Atlanta- Eastern Region Skaters
2008-10-06 19:04 peterdoucet

Check out what Patty Leazier has to say about Athens to Atlanta in the tread shot out to eastern region skaters at A2A-

On a personal note. Let me just say the this was the hardest race I have ever skated. I personally skated the 52 mile race and never knew that there was hill that was 52 miles long! The hills never went away. Even though I had to sit for a while at the last check point…but I finished! This race is BRUTAL! Congratulations to all even those who could not finish.

Posted in A Bit Of Sunshine, Reports, Roller, Ultra Distance       Pinnacle Customs- Works Of Art!
2008-10-06 19:04 peterdoucet

The thread A work of art! shares Mike Wotring ’s joy of his new Pinnacle custom skates-

They have arrived. My new and first pair of Pinnacle customs. I had no idea how nice customs could be but they sure are a chore to get on and off the feet. Once I’m in though it’s like nothing I ever wore before.

Posted in A Bit Of Sunshine, Equipment, Roller       Results- Long Track- October 1st- 5th
2008-10-06 19:05 peterdoucet

SpeedskatingResults.com has a number of long track speed skating results from the past few days-

Posted in Long Track, Marathon, Results       Report, Pictures, &#38; Results- French Inline Cup Les Herbiers
2008-10-06 19:25 peterdoucet

The following is a report sent to me by Francois & Marie- I made a few changes through translation-

Yann Guyader won the most recent stage of the French Inline Cup at the Herbiers near Nantes. The race took placa under nasty weather conditions including plenty of wind and rain.

Yann Guyader broke away early in the first 10km’s of the race along with Kevin Gauclin, Ewen Fernandez, and Julien Levrard. The group maintened its lead the entire race. The win was contested in a sprint, with Guyader finishing in front of Gauclin and Levrard.

In taking the win, Yann Guyader clinched the French Inline Cup title- tying Matthieu Boher in points but taking the series win because the tie breaker going in favour of the skater with the final victory.

PICTURES- Click here for pictures from Francois & Marie

RESULTS- You can find complete results on Sport-up

Men’s French Inline Cup Final Standings
1- Yann Guyader
2- Mattieu Boher
3- Kevin Gauclin

Photo from Francois & Marie

Photo from Francois & Marie

Posted in Marathon, Pictures, Race Series, Reports, Results, Roller       Gear Talk – Part Two- By Ursula Hendel
2008-10-06 19:27 peterdoucet

Gear Talk – Part Two- By Ursula Hendel

Il Peloton’s Ursula Hendel was in Gijon, Spain, at the 2008 World Roller Speed Skating Championships scouting gear and watching the excitement. You can read the first article she shared with SpeedSkateWorld.com- Gear Talk – Part One- By Ursula Hendel

Ok, the World Championships is over, but I’ve had a lot of catch-up work to do, so I just got around to the tallying. As I mentioned before, I went to the Worlds to check out the gear. It’s very important as an equipment distributor to see what the top skaters are skating on, and the Worlds is also a chance to see what’s new.

My research may not be 100% accurate, since I’m human after all, but it is rudimentarily scientific – I had a notebook and a pen and everytime a skater hit the track I wrote down what they were wearing.

Boots were neat. Last year there seemed to be only really the big three (Bont, Luigino, Powerslide), but this year it was open season on boots. There were quite a few boots that I did not recognize and had to inquire about including the shiny gold boots with no name made by the Korean coach who didn’t want anyone talking about them.

I’d say well over half of the skaters were wearing full customs, but there were quite a few stock boots as well, most notably on the feet of Joey Mantia who had stock Luiginos. Although the Big Three topped out the charts in about even numbers, I spotted boots by Mariani, CadoMotus, Simmons, Tru-Rev, Cityrun, Canariam, Shenkel, and our homegrowns made-in-Canada boots handcrafted by Apex, SEB and EGC skates.

Frames were also really interesting. Of course the 110mm dominated on men’s feet this year, as expected, as they were allowed for the first time. But I was surprised to see that about 80% of the women have also moved onto 110mm setups. A lot of men opted for a 3×110-1×100 setup in the sprint races and then changed to 4×110s for the marathon.

Many of the women were on a high-low 110mm frame for all of the events, including quite a few on a really neat 2×110-2×100 frame from Cado Motus that is 12.4” long. Those Cado Motus frames impressed me enough that we brought back quite a few pairs for our inventory. I think a shorter frame base will make is easier for skaters of both genders to move into 110s.

I also noticed not one, but two, highly decorated skaters who had traded in their sponsor’s frames for Cado Motus frames after sanding off the logos. My tally ultimately revealed that Luigino had more frames on the track and road than any other companies.

Wheels were kinda boring. Matter continued its crushing dominance, especially if you consider the Atom wheel part of the family. And I had to, since sometimes they were hard to tell apart. There was some mixing of yellow and white Matters, and black hub and orange hub Atoms, but not a whole heck of a lot else going on.

Despite my best searching, I could not find a single wheel out there from lesser-known manufacturers like Tru-Rev, Gyro, Labeda, Sk8Force, StarGrip, AmWing, or even the once-deified Hyper. It seems that almost no one was taking chances.

The notable exception was MPC. They made a selective appearance, with quite a few women on the track on Street Fight Golds (but not men) and with everyone rushing the Cado Motus booth to get the Storm Surges for the rain. Oh yeah, and those crazy Koreans on mysterious MPC prototypes.

The one area where I continue to be disappointed is in the skinsuit department, especially considering that these are national teams. Many of them range from horribly boring to just plain horrible and the competition for the ugliest suit is far tougher than the competition for the best.

The best suit was Canada’s by a mile, with only distant challengers like Chile and maybe China Taipei. Ok, so I am totally biased and self-interested in my assessment but I’m pretty sure my claim would withstand the most objective assessment: Canada definitely was looking cool.

Goodness knows what next year’s World will bring in the world of gear, but I’m well prepared for 2009.

Posted in Equipment, International, Roller, Track, World Championships       One: BLADE LIFE: Dallas Kurtz
2008-10-06 19:39 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Photo: Chris Wedman. Dallas Kurtz is one of few people that truly lives the Blade Life. Every day, Dallas gets paid to skate as one of the head blade instructors of Alien Inline, a company that travels around Alberta, Canada, educating school children on the basics of rollerblading. As well as showing them the basics, Dallas [...]

Sport+ TV Features the French Inline Cup
2008-10-06 19:47
Roller sports are gliding through the media this week. The French Inline Cup, held last weekend in Lyon, is the subject of a 15-minute video segment produced by Sport+ TV...

Win the Samples Contest! 1st winner: Nick D'Amico (Canada)
2008-10-06 21:19
Ok, they won't all be announced one by one, we are sorting out products, sizes and replies, but one email that stood out for us was from Nick D'Amico from Canada and www.canadianroll.ca

So we are pleased to announce Nick D'Amico as our FIRST Sample winner.

Nick will be sent a pair of the prototype, Classic Throne, Richie Eisler skate.

Where better to send the first Eisler skate then Canada?

Keep a look out for the other winners, announced on this site during the rest of this week!

Links for 2008-10-06 [del.icio.us]
2008-10-07 09:00

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