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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 307 от 2010-03-10
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

See the updated version of this database, here: http://openntf.org/Projects/codebin/codebin.nsf/CodeByDate/AAB7457D7B8A88F3862576CB0066F84C The UnicodeData.nsf database contains one document for each Unicode code point that is documented in the standard UnicodeData.txt file on the Unicode Consortium web site. Each document contains the decimal and hex values of a Unicode code point, and a text field populated with the actual LMBCS character that corresponds to that code point, along with the Unicode name for the code point and several other values. The database has a view containing all the separate code point documents that is conveniently sorted by the decimal Unicode code point. There is also another view containing several additional useful documents: a document with the original UnicodeData.txt file as an attachment, a document containing all the code points rendered 16 per line as LMBCS characters in a Notes rich text field, and a document containing all the code points rendered 1 per line as LMBCS code points. All scripts used in creation of the documents are included in the database.
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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

И еще дополнение. Как избавиться от такой ошибки?

И еще дополнение. Как избавиться от такой ошибки?

Удалили документ из БАЗЫ, заметили уже поздно, срок мягкого удаления прошел. И много еще документов в базе поменяли.
Удалили документ из БАЗЫ, заметили уже поздно, срок мягкого удаления прошел. И много еще документов в базе поменяли.
Невозможно отправить письма с одного Домино на другой, и репликация тоже не идет - ошибка:
10.03.2010 10:20:52 Server OTH/DOM/ORG reported the following problem causing authentication to fail: Your certificate has expired
10.03.2010 10:20:52 Error connecting to server OTH/DOM/ORG: Server error: Your certificate has expired
10.03.2010 10:20:52 Unable to replicate with server oth: Your certificate has expired on remote server
10.03.2010 10:22:59 Server SRV2/DOM/ORG reported the following problem causing authentication to fail: Your certificate has expired
10.03.2010 10:22:59 Error connecting to server SRV2/DOM/ORG: Server error: Your certificate has expired

В первом случае - это с филиальным сервером, во втором - с кластерным.
Для всех трех серверов выпустил серификаты, прописал соответствующие kyr в серверном документе на вкладках Ports-Internet ports-SSL keyfile name b Server tasks - Internet cluster Manager-ICM SSL keyfile, рестартанул по очереди все серверы, ошибка не пропадает. Как узнать какой именно сертификат просрочен? Вкладка Configuration-Security-Certificates-Certificates Expirations показывает только сертификаты юзеров

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Here's a simple tip that everyone should know about. You can change the background and text colors of the messages in your Inbox to add visibility to messages that need immediate attention. We all g
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Rob Novak has posted some information on what the March 11 webinar from Collaboration University will include. There are still a few spaces available.

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Paul Mooney would like to remind you - if you use Windows permissions to share a directory, Domino security is no longer active. If you want to keep Domino secure NSF files need to be accessed through Domino.

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The Lotus Information Development Center will host a "BlackBerry Jam" on Tuesday, March 30. BlackBerry users are invited to share tips, trick, and best practices for using Lotus products on BlackBerrys.

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Marc Champoux got a call from a user wanting the photo associated with his name removed. Marc discovered an interesting quirk in how Sametime finds those photos.

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Mary Beth Raven has posted step-by-step directions for changing default fonts - both as a designer in the template and as a user.

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Adding even more functionality to Flex "view" I've been building I've now added a "toggle column" to the list of available column types:


The idea is simple. You click the icon in the column to toggle a field value on the back end document. The icon in the view is either on or off and is dictated by the value stored in the field. It's an idea I've mentioned before which I've now made into a re-usable and customizable component.

In this example I'm using the idea of being able to mark certain contacts as favourites and you can see a working example in the Contact Manager app. The component itself can be re-used in almost any scenario though.

Adding a toggle column to a View is as simple as adding one line of XML to the View's configuration, which is specified in the backend Domino database, as discussed previously.

The XML looks like this:


As you can see it's fairly easy to configure and customize. You can easily change the icon, field name and what the "on"/"off" values should be for the field. You can also add a tooltip for the column.

The Column value of "starred" refers to the name of the XML node of each document which holds the field value we're interested. When the grid is first loaded it will show the icon as on or off depending on the value in the "starred" node.

Clicking on the toggle column on sets the value of the field called "Favourite" to "1". Clicking it again sets the value to "".

To see the XML used in the demo open the Contacts view as XML. This is the XML format that defines the structure and data of the View component. Simple, no?

Taking It Further

If you want to go further than simply modifying a single field at a time and want to perform a more involved action then you can do what I tend to always do and add a self-referencing "computed for display" field to the backend Domino form called something like "Action". In the WQS agent you can then check the value of this field. If the value is something like "Approve" then you can run a set of actions against the document.

In this scenario the XML data for each row just needs to define a true/false value to let Flex know whether to show the icon as on or off depending on whether it's approved or not. The value for the fieldValueOn would be "Approve" and for fieldValueOff it would be "Unapprove". The actual XML data for approved documents would be "Unapproved" and for unapproved documents the column value would be "Approve". If that makes sense.


It's the simple little components like this that show how powerful Flex can be once you get going with it. With the View component and the components I'm adding to it I feel like this is getting to the point where it's a viable product that can be re-used in live applications. In fact I already am using it in live applications for paying customers.

In the next couple of days I'll update the downloadable version of the app with updated Flex source code. Before I do I want to blog about another addition to the code -- the ability to store a user's choice of columns across sessions using the Flash/Flex equivalent of cookies - the SharedObject. Give me a day or three.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Karen Keeter
Tags: views
Right now, I can easily find ideas which are in progress, completed, rejected etc, but not ones which are just Open. So if I want to quickly see all ideas which have not moved from the original Open status, I have to go to Advance search and filter by all Open ideas. It would be helpful to  be able to just click on a link like you can do for the other status and see the list of all "Open".

OpenNTF Steering Committee Meeting February 23rd, 2010 In attendance: John Head ,Justin Hill, Ludwig Nastansky, Bruce Elgort, Niklas Heidloff, Mike Wetherbee (for Scott Johnsen), Corey Davis Niklas Heidloff, Steve Castledine Not in ...
Author: Bruce Lill
Tags: ACL
If you edit a database acl, your have to enter manually or select all the groups and set the type, lefevl etc.
Add a acl profile to the Domino directory, the profile has a name and a list of users/groups with the type and acl level for each one. In the database acl dialog you then can select the profile to apply.
From the admin client s file view, select a group of fiiles and the profile to use for them.
It would add the names in the profile to the acls of the selected dtabases.

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