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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 322 от 2010-04-14
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Существует ли возможность доступа к файлу .nsf вне папки data.
Ситуация такая я программно с помощью консольной команды (CL COPY mail\someOne e:\Terminations\mail\someOne.nsf) копирую некую базу в папку на другой диск (e:\Terminations\). Сама папка data находится на D:\Lotus\data. Теперь я хочу программно проверить скопировалась ли дааня база в нужную папку. Можно ли это как-нибудь проверить.
если напишу Set db = new NotesDatabse("ServerName", "e:\Terminations\mail\someOne.nsf")
Предполагаю, что не сработает. Я так предполагяю, что вообще доступ к таким файлам, вне папки data, отсутсвует в целях безопастности.
Кто-нибудь может помочь?
Доброго времени суток!

Столкнулся с проблемой, с которой, наверное, когда-то сталкиваются все.

LotusScript-ом создал документ и записал в текстовое поле данные из БД. Теперь не могу ни открыть документ, ни удалить, в общем, ничего с этим документом сделать не получается. Выдает ошибку : Field is too large (32k) or view's column and selection formulas too large.

В интернете про это много информации, но решения проблемы так и не нашел.
Можно ли устранить данную проблему программным способом?
Можно ли в Lotus-именах пользователей использовать такой символ: " ' " ?

Например "Leonid V Afanas'ev"
"Vladislav S Bril'kov"
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Tips. Советы

Stuart McIntyre has posted IBM's announcement about the new LinkedIn widget that's available through GreenHouse.Lotus.com. He's also provided links to help you get a copy.

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Chris Toohey offers a quick review of best practices when using NotesUIDocument in "traditional" application development and under XPages.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower85.

Now that e-mail is only one of many ways to contact people, Stephan H Wissel thinks the notification process used in workflow applications needs to be updated. He proposes an application to keep track of the notification possibilities.

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I think I've uncovered a serious security vulnerability in IE:


It keeps showing my password in plain text before I've even entered it. While this is a useful reminder I can't help thinking it might be a security hole if somebody happened to be looking over my shoulder.

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Ben Poole was testing his code when he got one of those annoying errors. In a fit of pique he changed the code only to discover it actually worked!

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Stuart McIntyre provides screenshots of a gallery of templates available on the Symphony website. He's included a link to the website.

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Peter Presnell thinks the Notes client has been neglected since Version 6, leading companies to think about dropping Lotus. He suggests dropping the client in favor of the web interface.

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Have you ever wanted to get rid of old Lotus Notes groups that were cluttering up your address book, but you weren't sure if they were used? Find Unused Groups can help.

Find Unused Groups will check your ACL, mail, multi purpose and server groups to help you determine if they are used, and who uses them.

Learn how to easily clean up your address book.

Luis Suarez says "best practices" lists may have a place in the world, just not in knowledge management. He feels codifying a process, turning it into an unchallengeable law, is counterproductive.

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As part of my foray in to the world of ASP.NET it's inevitable that I'd need to find a host. Until now I've been developing locally but the app is getting to the point where I need to demo it to the customer and so I need some hosting.

First thing I did was a Google for "ASP.NET hosting" but soon got over-whelmed by the choice and options. Then I remembered that the guy who gave me one-to-one training had mentioned using Amazon Web Services, so I thought I'd give that a shot.

No more than two hours in to my day and I'd set up an "instance" (server) with an elastic IP that I'd bound to my own DNS and can be reached at cloud.jakehowlett.com. To manage the server I just connect via the Remote Desktop Connection client.


Strange as it might seem I've signed up to (and provided card details for) a service without knowing how much it will cost. Although they have a calculator to let you try and work this out I've just gone for the "suck it and see" approach for now. If the costs escalate higher than traditional hosting I'll consider moving.

Most importantly, as I understand it, I can just cancel the account and there's no minimum term. Or if I'm not using it I can shut the server down and pay some nominal figure for them to store the disk image.

Initial Impressions

Although I'm impressed so far with how easy it's been to get going, it's too early to say if I'll stick with it or if it will prove too expensive.

As it progresses I'll let you know what happens and anything else I learn. Anybody else had any good/bad experiences with it?

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Sean Burgess
Tags: ideajam page content
I would like to see a new form added to IdeaJam just for administrators to use.  A Static Page form would allow admins to add content, like Terms of Participation, to the site without modifying the design and still use the same UI.  The form would simply have title and body fields and would work similar to the way that the Help works today, but it wouldn't be stored in the control panel document.  Admins could then add links to the menu or sidebar to access these pages.

Six releases have been cleared for the Apache catalog: XPages API Inspector - Tommy Valand XPages Dynamic View Control - John Mackey Reference Validation - Yi Guo Media Galleries Template for Quickr - Feargal McKenna 3D History Thumbnail ...
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Статьи и Документация

From Ram:
Is there a way to tell if a user has a Notes 8x Standard or Basic Configuration by looking at the Person Document or through the Admin Client?
Error Message = PANIC: LookupHandle: null handle
Domino LDAP servers mishandle search requests for users with special characters in their names when receiving searches for LDAP clients using v2.
Lotus Support Engineers hosted an Open Mic conference call on April 8, 2010 to discuss "Domino Best Practices for Backup & Restore, Policies and Upgrades". This document contains questions and answers and the slide presentation from the call.
How do I prepare to install or upgrade to Lotus Domino 8.5 on i 5.4, i 6.1 or i 7.1?
Users are printing their Calendar Entries in Lotus Notes 8.0x and 8.5x and notice slight problems with the print output in both the print and print preview: 1: The AM or PM in the Date/Time wraps to the next line 2: The 'attendance is required for' show the required as slightly raised above the rest of the line. 3: The line '(chairperson) has invited you to a meeting. You have not yet responded" is not all lined up.
Why doesn't the Server Health Monitoring (SHM) tool generate reports in your local dommon.nsf (Server Components) database in Lotus Domino 8.0.1?
When one user tries to open an unread message in a particular database, the user receives the following error: "Server Error: This database cannot be read due to an invalid on disk structure" Once the user clicks on "Ok," they can open the message and read it with no problems. The error only occurs when the user tries to open any unread message for the first time. The error does not occur for any other users that access the same database.
Wrong value stored in the Out Of Office profile document results in malfunction for iNotes users.
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