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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 326 от 2010-04-23
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Вопрос: Возможно ли в клиенте Notes (7.x) из JS получить доступ к java классам lotus?
т.е. сделать примерно следующее:
var session;
session =  lotus.domino.getSession();

у меня ругается сразу на lotus, что неопределен (lotus is not defined)...
хотя другой код не с классами лотусов работает
alert("Screen Dimension\n" +
  "  width:" +
  java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width +
  " height:" +

может кто сталкивался\разбирался и подскажет что да как?
В отделении стоят клиенты лотус 7.0, 8.5 (ещё не успели полностью обновить весь парк машин).
Пользователи, как кузнечики скочат с места на место. У всех работают перемещаемые профиля.
Т.к. настроечные файлы хранятся в Local Settings - и пользователь садится за ПК, за которым сидел - приходится заново все настраивать.
Допустим приходит новый пользователь. Он будет сидеть за 3-5 разными ПК. Получается я 3-5 раз должен подойти и настроить ему почту. Как-то это неправильно. Или я стал такой ленивый?
Встала задача синхронизации контактов, почты и календаря с iPhone. Поднял Lotus Traveler (сервер Lotus Domino 8.5.1). Настроил клиент (учетку exchange) на айфоне. Календари синхронизируются. Но есть 2 проблемы с контактами и почтой:
1. Контакты хранятся локально у пользователя на машине (names.nsf). Как и где разместить контакты на сервере, чтобы они синхронизировались ? Или даже можно сформулировать по другому вопрос. Возможно ли разместить контакты не roaming пользователя на сервере.
2. Не читается шифрованная почта. Нужны либо id vaults, с ними пока не разбирался. Так же можно прикрепить id файл к почтовому файлу. Как это делается (прикрепление айдишки к мейл файлу) ?

Спасибо smile.gif
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Tips. Советы

While Eric Mack sounds excited about this change, others may miss the old (okay, very old) appearance.

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While the error Matt White describes here isn't "entirely" related to Notes, the logic behind his fix can be applied to a number of other applications.

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It's finally here! Now that Teamstudio Edition 25 has shipped, listen to our latest Tool Time audio program to find out what's changed. Updates to all your favorite Teamstudio tools will be discussed.

Plus, you'll get an introduction to Teamstudio Undo (formerly known as Teamstudio Snapper).

Tap here to get started!

Kathy Brown has a few development tools she likes. Then there are some she's looked at and not bought. She'd like to know if you have a favorite, indispensable, tool that is readily available to other developers.

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At first Phil Salm was dismayed that IBM would be offering an e-mail solution with fewer features than the standard Notes. Then he looked more closely at the target user for LotusLive iNotes and the price.

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By David Gewirtz

We lost a very good friend yesterday. I've known Steve Amontis since the early 1990s. Steve worked for us when we started ZATZ, so I know many of you probably remember him as well.

My wife Denise has known Steve even longer than I have. In fact, I met Steve through Denise, when we needed some extra help here at ZATZ. She's been friends with him since she was in her first year of high school, and he was a long-haired Jersey boy with a guitar, a kid driving a fast car with loud music. He initially intimidated her parents and eventually won them over. His reward has been helping them with their computer problems ever since.

Steve was born with a congenital heart defect, which he's been dealing with and managing his whole life. Over the past year or so, it's been getting progressively worse and he's been near the top of the transplant list, waiting for a new heart.

Unfortunately, he wasn't able to hold out long enough. He got sick Monday night and had to be taken to the local hospital. He was then airlifted to a hospital that specializes in heart problems. An infection had taken hold and my buddy Steve passed away around 2pm yesterday.

Tap here to read the rest of our memories of Steve.

Six years after writing about a way to use icons from Windows DLLs for Notes databases and I'm still in the same boat -- developing solely for the web but still needing an icon to represent the databases on the Notes Workspace.

The app I used to use (Multimedia Explorer) is no longer available, so I've been finding other ways to find icons. Then I saw an app twittered the other day which does exactly what it says on the tin -- IconExtract.

Here's what it found after I told it to scan the Notes program directory for icons:


From there you can now copy and paste an icon in to the icon editor, as discussed all that time ago.

Finding this app on Twitter couldn't have been more timely, as, last week I had a meeting with the company I alluded to in this post about the Workspace in Flex. In it I said of the workspace project:

A good customer of mine is moving away from Lotus Notes (client) on their desktops but keeping the Domino server and migrating the Notes apps to the web. One of the options I've suggested to them is using a Flex framework to ease the migration.

To ease the transition for the user I had the idea of providing some familiarity in the new environment. Whether they want a reminder of the Notes client or not I don't know, but it seemed like an interesting challenge and has been a fun learning experience so far.

Whether I'd actually suggest its use or not I don't know. I just thought it might make a nice portal.

Turns out I didn't need to suggest it, as said customer still reads this site (I'd assumed they'd stopped) and had seen and liked the Workspace. With a bit of corporate branding they can see it being useful. Maybe I'll get chance to finish off the app after all and being able to use nice icons will only make it look even better. You've got to love Twitter!

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Marc Champoux discovered he needed to be able to crash his Domino server on demand. While not a common need, there is an application in the Sandbox that allows you to crash your server or client on cue. Marc even supplies the link.

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Erik Brooks was reading the Designer Help file and found an interesting entry that looks to have something to do with case-sensitivity, or maybe it doesn't.

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Ed Brill has posted a 5-minute video showing how the new Tungle.me plug-in for Notes works to simplify your scheduling.

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It's finally here! Now that Teamstudio Edition 25 has shipped, listen to our latest Tool Time audio program to find out what's changed. Updates to all your favorite Teamstudio tools will be discussed.

Plus, you'll get an introduction to Teamstudio Undo (formerly known as Teamstudio Snapper).

Tap here to get started!

Sebastian Mouras has posted some information on the Easy User Policy Manager plug-in for Notes. The plug-in is designed to help provide extra security and reduce the workload for your helpdesk. Sebastian includes a link to the Doctor API site with more information.

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In my never-ending quest to find my perfect desk setup I've "invested" in another monitor. Bringing the current total to three.


The right-most 24" monitor being connected to my laptop and the main work area. The other two 22" monitors are connected to the Mac Minis. One for messing about on/testing/iTunes and one to run servers inside Parallels. The two Minis used to share a monitor via a KVM switch but I got fed up with switching all the time just to see the Domino server console messages (am I the only one who still debugs web apps using Msgbox?!). Now they just share the keyboard and mouse.

As important as the time-saving aspect of not having to switch between monitors all the time is the fact it looks cool. If I could get away with it I'd have a whole bank of them. Stockbroker-styley. Ideally some of them would have line charts on them (maybe just pseudo-data, but it would look cool). Surely there's no such thing as too many monitors.

Is there such a thing as a perfect setup for a desk? What's mine missing?

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Tomorrow is St George's Day. The day of our (England's) patron saint, which is celebrated by about a dozen English people and one drinks company.

So, guess where I'm going to go tomorrow. Scotland! The one place I can almost guarantee there'll be no bunting or even a mention of St George. Why? Because the Scots hate the English.

Or do they? I've never met a Scot who made it clear they felt that way. Perhaps they've just do a good job of masking their true feelings, but I've always found all the people I've even met on our mountain biking trips to Scotland to be very, very welcoming and friendly. Same goes of the couple of trips we've made to our other neighbours who (apparently) hate us - the Welsh.

Perhaps the English just like to think everybody hates them? Feeling sorry for ourselves is, after all, a national pastime.

Another thing we like to do is stereotype other nations. Last week I went to London for the day on the train and mentioned to Karen I'd probably have a few cheeky Stellas on the way back. To which she said:

"Erghh, if I was on the train and saw a man on his own drinking Stella I'd think he was going all the way to Scotland!"

Obviously she was joking and doesn't really think all Scots are drunks. Or at least I think so.

For those unclear on the difference between England, Scotland and Wales, here's a bit from the Wikipedia article on Great Britain:

Great Britain is the largest island of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Politically, Great Britain also refers to England, Scotland and Wales in combination

Confusing, init.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: workspace
When dragging a Db icon from one Worspace tab to another, the user should be able to drop the icon in a specific place on the page.
Currently, When database icons are dragged from one workspace tab to another, the destination workspace page is not displayed.  It just drops the icon into the first available space on the page.  Then you have to click on the tab, find the icon in the morass of icons, and move it to where you really want it on the page.

Author: Palmi Lord
Tags: Word ODF attachments
Seprate tabs to filter out content. See Pitcure

Author: Andreas Imnitzer
Tags: calendar inotes
 I would like to see Preferences in a Mailfile to
[  ] Show Mail
[  ] show Calendar
[  ] show Todos
in iNotes web interface. 
That could allow to have a simple event calendar with all the beauty of iNotes on the web. 

Version 1.2 of the "LotusScript Gold Collection" is out. This includes a tool to read and manipulate inline images in a Notes document or form, and a nice (well-tested) class for maintaining a linked list of any type of object. The latter is ...
Author: Erwin Heeren
Tags: formula designer form hide-when

We have
Why can't we have @IsDocBeingPrinted

No problem to trade it for @IsDocBeingLoaded

Author: Elijah Lapson
Tags: xpages custom controls
Allow the ability to import a custom control on an Xpage from a different database. I am attempting to refactor a Domino based Intranet and I have been using subforms (for the shell header and footer). Subforms can be shared across databases. This currently means I can update the subform and the design changes propogate throughout the website.
The Xpages equivilent is a custom control which currently (as I undrestand it) can not be shared across databases.
For more information please see this thread on notes.net. Please note Erik Brooks' execellent workaround. Hopefully this idea is just a matter of time.
Thanks for listening,
Elijah Lapson

Author: Elijah Lapson
Tags: xpages
Currently from the Notes client there are the following link options options Edit => Copy As...
Anchor Link
Document Link
View Link
Application Link
Please add
Xpage Link
I want to show off my Xpages to co-workers but there is no easy way to link to them in the Lotus Notes Client. Unless of course you make the XPage the launch option which I do not wish to do always while in development.
Elijah Lapson

I'd like to publish this sample next week. The sample uses XPages and PhoneGap to take a picture via the camera of a smartphone and then it uploads the picture to a Domino ...
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Статьи и Документация

Server crash (PANIC: LookupHandle: handle out of range) on HTTP task when
Adobe 9.1 is the version of Adobe Acrobat Pro that is supported with Lotus
Duplicated emails are displaying at the bottom of the inbox. Customer can reproduce this issue even within the 8.5 Notes
Replication/Save conflicts get created when accepting a standard meeting invite
After upgrading to the mail85 template, meetings in the calendar view appear with numbers and not meeting subject and time information
The IBM Support Portal is a unified, centralized view of all technical support tools and information for all IBM systems, software, and services. You can tailor the portal pages to suit your requirements, focusing on the products you care about and organizing the pages to reflect the way you work. ...
"Max. concurrent" is missing when a "sh server" or "sh trans" is issued from the Domino 8.5 server console on Linux.
This document contains updated information and corrections for the Lotus Notes 8.5.x published Help documentation.
What is the difference between the group calendar feature and the federated calendar feature?
Error "Unable to obtain Internet host and domain names" is generated when the Router task is loaded
A series of DAOS (Domino Attachment and Object Service) issues have been identified and fixed by IBM. We recommend any customer running DAOS to apply this interim fix or release that addresses these issues. Domino 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2 Interim Fix 1 is available that addresses these DAOS issues.
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2 Interim Fix 1 (851FP2IF1) for Linux/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 22 April 2010. See 'More Information' link above for additional information.
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2 Interim Fix 1 (851FP2IF1) for IBM i V5/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 22 April 2010. See 'More Information' link above for additional information.
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2 Interim Fix 1 (851FP2IF1) for IBM i V6/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 22 April 2010. See 'More Information' link above for additional information.
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2 Interim Fix 1 (851FP2IF1) for zLinux64/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 22 April 2010. See 'More Information' link above for additional information.
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2 Interim Fix 1 (851FP2IF1) for AIX/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 22 April 2010. See 'More Information' link above for additional information.
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2 Interim Fix 1 (851FP2IF1) for AIX64/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 22 April 2010. See 'More Information' link above for additional information.
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