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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 375 от 2010-08-16
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Необходимы команды для запуска LOTUS, компания которая нас обслуживает и их админы ничего не знают и помочь не могут. Или подскажите как автоматизировать установку LOTUS-а в домене, пользователи ставить программы не могут "запрещено"! Надо выполнить...
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Tips. Советы

This is a new white paper in the developerWorks library. Jeff Johnson and Michael Poole cover migrating Quickr 8.1.x for WebSphere Portal to Lotus Quickr 8.5 for WebSphere Portal. They also provide some troubleshooting tips.

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Ulrich Krause has been having some problems using photos in business cards on his Sametime 8.5.1 installation. He finally found a reason for the problem, but he's still concerned with the issue.

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Bruce Elgort has posted the next installment in the Taking Notes series. This half-hour podcast is titled: LotusLive Notes and Notes/Domino 8.5.2 Announcements with IBM's Ed Brill.

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Bilal Jaffery has posted a 5-minute video of comedian David Grady's impression of a conference call. Sadly, I expect we've all experienced such calls.

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By Mick Moignard

Last week, I talked about all the little problems Notes could solve. These things exist in your environment too. Just look at all the instant database applications that you have that are hosted in spreadsheets stored on shared drives. Every one of those is a Notes collaboration application waiting to happen.

"They might not be the prettiest of applications, but they are often ready tomorrow -- and that sort of ROI is hard to beat."

This is especially true when the Notes client is sitting there waiting to run the application, because even with the advent of XPages, it's hard to beat the development time of these sorts of applications when done in the old-fashioned way with forms, views and form-based dialog boxes aimed at the Notes client. They might not be the prettiest of applications, but they are often ready tomorrow -- and that sort of ROI is hard to beat. For a second, let's go back to Ray Ozzie's point about Notes becoming the preserve of specialist professional developers. In Notes 3 days, programming was @functions, which anyone who had used 1-2-3 or Excel would be familiar with, conceptually, if not in detail.

I'm about to discuss LotusScript. Tap here and read the rest of this article.

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Author: Gavin Bollard
Tags: copy as table
The "Copy As Table" function is absolutely brilliant when it works and very embarrassing (dangerous) when it doesn't.  There are obviously specific instances where it doesn't work - for instance when you've got a categorised view with at least one mulit-value column.
I'd love to suggest that it just be fixed but 2.5 major versions after its introduction, I don't think it's going to happen.  Instead, please just "grey it out" when the wrong conditions are present.
Having users frustrated at a greyed out function is much better than having them copy data and use it without realising that only part of it is there.

I have contributed a new release of Source Sniffer. The new version supports multiple application search. It was the most frequently asked feature, so I've added it. You can manually add one or applications to Source Sniffer or add an entire working set ...
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Статьи и Документация

HTTP crash occurs with the error "PANIC: LookupHandle: handle not allocated" when executing a specific web agent.
@NewLine cannot use as the new-line code in a text field.
HTTP crash with PANIC: OSVBlockAddr: Bad VBlock handle (0\0) below
Install IBM Support Assistant Lite for Lotus Notes/Domino to quickly collect diagnostic files so your problem can be solved faster.
In a customized Lotus Notes multi-user installation, Lotus Notes XTAF language dictionaries are installed in a single user-based directory structure rather than the expected shared directory structure.
You are trying to upgrade an existing Lotus Notes install to Notes 8.5.1, and you would like to add features using the ADDLOCAL parameter, but you are not able to install the client. The installation fails with an error stating "Lotus Notes 8.5.1 Setup Failed". The installation does not complete, and the client is not upgraded to Notes 8.5.1.
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